import componentTest, { setupRenderingTest, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { discourseModule, exists, query, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { click } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import I18n from "I18n"; discourseModule( "Data Explorer Plugin | Integration | Component | query-result", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); componentTest("it renders query results", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: [], result_count: 2, columns: ["user_name", "like_count"], rows: [ ["user1", 10], ["user2", 20], ], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.ok( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(1) span").innerText === I18n.t("explorer.download_json"), "it renders the JSON button" ); assert.ok( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(2) span").innerText === I18n.t("explorer.download_csv"), "it renders the CSV button" ); assert.ok( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span").innerText === I18n.t("explorer.show_graph"), "it renders the chart button" ); assert.ok(exists("div.result-about"), "it renders a query summary"); assert.ok( query("table thead tr th:nth-child(1)").innerText === "user_name" && query("table thead tr th:nth-child(2)").innerText === "like_count" && query("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)").innerText === "user1" && query("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)").innerText === "10" && query("table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(1)").innerText === "user2" && query("table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)").innerText === "20", "it renders a table with data" ); }, }); componentTest("it renders badge names in query results", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: { 0: "badge" }, relations: { badge: [ { description: "description", icon: "fa-user", id: 1, name: "badge name", display_name: "badge display name", }, ], }, result_count: 1, columns: ["badge_id"], rows: [[1]], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.ok( query("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) span") .innerText === "badge display name" ); }, }); } ); discourseModule( "Data Explorer Plugin | Integration | Component | query-result | chart", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); componentTest("navigation between a table and a chart works", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: [], result_count: 2, columns: ["user_name", "like_count"], rows: [ ["user1", 10], ["user2", 20], ], }; this.set("content", results); }, async test(assert) { assert.equal( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span").innerText, I18n.t("explorer.show_graph"), "the chart button was rendered" ); assert.ok(exists("table"), "the table was rendered"); await click("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)"); assert.equal( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span").innerText, I18n.t("explorer.show_table"), "the chart button was changed to the table button" ); assert.ok(exists("canvas"), "the chart was rendered"); await click("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)"); assert.equal( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span").innerText, I18n.t("explorer.show_graph"), "the table button was changed to the chart button" ); assert.ok(exists("table"), "the table was rendered"); }, }); componentTest( "it renders a chart button when data has two columns and numbers in the second column", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: [], result_count: 2, columns: ["user_name", "like_count"], rows: [ ["user1", 10], ["user2", 20], ], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.equal( query("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span").innerText, I18n.t("explorer.show_graph") ); }, } ); componentTest( "it doesn't render a chart button when data contains identifiers in the second column", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: { 1: "user" }, relations: { user: [ { id: 1, username: "user1" }, { id: 2, username: "user2" }, ], }, result_count: 2, columns: ["topic_id", "user_id"], rows: [ [1, 10], [2, 20], ], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(!exists("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)")); }, } ); componentTest( "it doesn't render a chart button when data contains one column", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: [], result_count: 2, columns: ["user_name"], rows: [["user1"], ["user2"]], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(!exists("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)")); }, } ); componentTest( "it doesn't render a chart button when data contains more than two columns", { template: hbs`{{query-result content=content}}`, beforeEach() { const results = { colrender: [], result_count: 2, columns: ["user_name", "like_count", "post_count"], rows: [ ["user1", 10, 1], ["user2", 20, 2], ], }; this.set("content", results); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(!exists("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)")); }, } ); } );