# frozen_string_literal: true # name: discourse-data-explorer # about: Interface for running analysis SQL queries on the live database # version: 0.2 # authors: Riking # url: https://github.com/discourse/discourse-data-explorer enabled_site_setting :data_explorer_enabled require File.expand_path('../lib/discourse_data_explorer/engine.rb', __FILE__) register_asset 'stylesheets/explorer.scss' if respond_to?(:register_svg_icon) register_svg_icon "caret-down" register_svg_icon "caret-right" register_svg_icon "chevron-left" register_svg_icon "exclamation-circle" register_svg_icon "info" register_svg_icon "pencil-alt" register_svg_icon "upload" end # route: /admin/plugins/explorer add_admin_route 'explorer.title', 'explorer' module ::DataExplorer QUERY_RESULT_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1000 QUERY_RESULT_MAX_LIMIT = 10000 def self.plugin_name 'discourse-data-explorer'.freeze end end after_initialize do load File.expand_path('../app/models/data_explorer/query.rb', __FILE__) load File.expand_path('../app/controllers/data_explorer/query_controller.rb', __FILE__) load File.expand_path('../app/serializers/data_explorer/query_serializer.rb', __FILE__) load File.expand_path('../app/serializers/data_explorer/small_badge_serializer.rb', __FILE__) load File.expand_path('../app/serializers/data_explorer/small_post_with_excerpt_serializer.rb', __FILE__) add_to_class(:guardian, :user_is_a_member_of_group?) do |group| return false if !current_user return true if current_user.admin? return current_user.group_ids.include?(group.id) end add_to_class(:guardian, :user_can_access_query?) do |query| return false if !current_user return true if current_user.admin? query.groups.blank? || query.groups.any? do |group| user_is_a_member_of_group?(group) end end add_to_class(:guardian, :group_and_user_can_access_query?) do |group, query| return false if !current_user return true if current_user.admin? return user_is_a_member_of_group?(group) && query.groups.exists?(id: group.id) end module ::DataExplorer class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name "data_explorer" isolate_namespace DataExplorer end class ValidationError < StandardError end # Run a data explorer query on the currently connected database. # # @param [DataExplorer::Query] query the Query object to run # @param [Hash] params the colon-style query parameters to pass to AR # @param [Hash] opts hash of options # explain - include a query plan in the result # @return [Hash] # error - any exception that was raised in the execution. Check this # first before looking at any other fields. # pg_result - the PG::Result object # duration_nanos - the query duration, in nanoseconds # explain - the query def self.run_query(query, req_params = {}, opts = {}) # Safety checks # see test 'doesn't allow you to modify the database #2' if query.sql =~ /;/ err = DataExplorer::ValidationError.new(I18n.t('js.errors.explorer.no_semicolons')) return { error: err, duration_nanos: 0 } end query_args = {} begin query_args = query.cast_params req_params rescue DataExplorer::ValidationError => e return { error: e, duration_nanos: 0 } end time_start, time_end, explain, err, result = nil begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction do # Setting transaction to read only prevents shoot-in-foot actions like SELECT FOR UPDATE # see test 'doesn't allow you to modify the database #1' DB.exec "SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY" # Set a statement timeout so we can't tie up the server DB.exec "SET LOCAL statement_timeout = 10000" # SQL comments are for the benefits of the slow queries log sql = <<-SQL /* * DataExplorer Query * Query: /admin/plugins/explorer?id=#{query.id} * Started by: #{opts[:current_user]} */ WITH query AS ( #{query.sql} ) SELECT * FROM query LIMIT #{opts[:limit] || DataExplorer::QUERY_RESULT_DEFAULT_LIMIT} SQL time_start = Time.now # we probably want to rewrite this ... but for now reuse the working # code we have sql = DB.param_encoder.encode(sql, query_args) result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.async_exec(sql) result.check # make sure it's done time_end = Time.now if opts[:explain] explain = DB.query_hash("EXPLAIN #{query.sql}", query_args) .map { |row| row["QUERY PLAN"] }.join "\n" end # All done. Issue a rollback anyways, just in case # see test 'doesn't allow you to modify the database #1' raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end rescue Exception => ex err = ex time_end = Time.now end { error: err, pg_result: result, duration_secs: time_end - time_start, explain: explain, params_full: query_args } end def self.extra_data_pluck_fields @extra_data_pluck_fields ||= { user: { class: User, fields: [:id, :username, :uploaded_avatar_id], serializer: BasicUserSerializer }, badge: { class: Badge, fields: [:id, :name, :badge_type_id, :description, :icon], include: [:badge_type], serializer: SmallBadgeSerializer }, post: { class: Post, fields: [:id, :topic_id, :post_number, :cooked, :user_id], include: [:user], serializer: SmallPostWithExcerptSerializer }, topic: { class: Topic, fields: [:id, :title, :slug, :posts_count], serializer: BasicTopicSerializer }, group: { class: Group, ignore: true }, category: { class: Category, ignore: true }, reltime: { ignore: true }, html: { ignore: true }, } end def self.column_regexes @column_regexes ||= extra_data_pluck_fields.map do |key, val| if val[:class] /(#{val[:class].to_s.downcase})_id$/ end end.compact end def self.add_extra_data(pg_result) needed_classes = {} ret = {} col_map = {} pg_result.fields.each_with_index do |col, idx| rgx = column_regexes.find { |r| r.match col } if rgx cls = (rgx.match col)[1].to_sym needed_classes[cls] ||= [] needed_classes[cls] << idx elsif col =~ /^(\w+)\$/ cls = $1.to_sym needed_classes[cls] ||= [] needed_classes[cls] << idx elsif col =~ /^\w+_url$/ col_map[idx] = "url" end end needed_classes.each do |cls, column_nums| next unless column_nums.present? support_info = extra_data_pluck_fields[cls] next unless support_info column_nums.each do |col_n| col_map[col_n] = cls end if support_info[:ignore] ret[cls] = [] next end ids = Set.new column_nums.each do |col_n| ids.merge(pg_result.column_values(col_n)) end ids.delete nil ids.map! &:to_i object_class = support_info[:class] all_objs = object_class all_objs = all_objs.with_deleted if all_objs.respond_to? :with_deleted all_objs = all_objs .select(support_info[:fields]) .where(id: ids.to_a.sort) .includes(support_info[:include]) .order(:id) ret[cls] = ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(all_objs, each_serializer: support_info[:serializer]) end [ret, col_map] end def self.sensitive_column_names %w( #_IP_Addresses topic_views.ip_address users.ip_address users.registration_ip_address incoming_links.ip_address topic_link_clicks.ip_address user_histories.ip_address #_Emails email_tokens.email users.email invites.email user_histories.email email_logs.to_address posts.raw_email badge_posts.raw_email #_Secret_Tokens email_tokens.token email_logs.reply_key api_keys.key site_settings.value users.auth_token users.password_hash users.salt #_Authentication_Info user_open_ids.email oauth2_user_infos.uid oauth2_user_infos.email facebook_user_infos.facebook_user_id facebook_user_infos.email twitter_user_infos.twitter_user_id github_user_infos.github_user_id single_sign_on_records.external_email single_sign_on_records.external_id google_user_infos.google_user_id google_user_infos.email ) end def self.schema # No need to expire this, because the server processes get restarted on upgrade # refer user to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/datatype.html @schema ||= begin results = DB.query_hash <<~SQL select c.column_name column_name, c.data_type data_type, c.character_maximum_length character_maximum_length, c.is_nullable is_nullable, c.column_default column_default, c.table_name table_name, pgd.description column_desc from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c inner join pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables st on (c.table_schema = st.schemaname and c.table_name = st.relname) left outer join pg_catalog.pg_description pgd on (pgd.objoid = st.relid and pgd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position) where c.table_schema = 'public' ORDER BY c.table_name, c.ordinal_position SQL by_table = {} # Massage the results into a nicer form results.each do |hash| full_col_name = "#{hash['table_name']}.#{hash['column_name']}" if hash['is_nullable'] == "YES" hash['is_nullable'] = true else hash.delete('is_nullable') end clen = hash.delete 'character_maximum_length' dt = hash['data_type'] if hash['column_name'] == 'id' hash['data_type'] = 'serial' hash['primary'] = true elsif dt == 'character varying' hash['data_type'] = "varchar(#{clen.to_i})" elsif dt == 'timestamp without time zone' hash['data_type'] = 'timestamp' elsif dt == 'double precision' hash['data_type'] = 'double' end default = hash['column_default'] if default.nil? || default =~ /^nextval\(/ hash.delete 'column_default' elsif default =~ /^'(.*)'::(character varying|text)/ hash['column_default'] = $1 end hash.delete('column_desc') unless hash['column_desc'] if sensitive_column_names.include? full_col_name hash['sensitive'] = true end if enum_info.include? full_col_name hash['enum'] = enum_info[full_col_name] end if denormalized_columns.include? full_col_name hash['denormal'] = denormalized_columns[full_col_name] end fkey = fkey_info(hash['table_name'], hash['column_name']) if fkey hash['fkey_info'] = fkey end table_name = hash.delete('table_name') by_table[table_name] ||= [] by_table[table_name] << hash end # this works for now, but no big loss if the tables aren't quite sorted favored_order = %w(posts topics users categories badges groups notifications post_actions site_settings) sorted_by_table = {} favored_order.each do |tbl| sorted_by_table[tbl] = by_table[tbl] end by_table.keys.sort.each do |tbl| next if favored_order.include? tbl sorted_by_table[tbl] = by_table[tbl] end sorted_by_table end end def self.enums return @enums if @enums @enums = { 'application_requests.req_type': ApplicationRequest.req_types, 'badges.badge_type_id': Enum.new(:gold, :silver, :bronze, start: 1), 'category_groups.permission_type': CategoryGroup.permission_types, 'category_users.notification_level': CategoryUser.notification_levels, 'directory_items.period_type': DirectoryItem.period_types, 'groups.id': Group::AUTO_GROUPS, 'groups.mentionable_level': Group::ALIAS_LEVELS, 'groups.messageable_level': Group::ALIAS_LEVELS, 'groups.members_visibility_level': Group.visibility_levels, 'groups.visibility_level': Group.visibility_levels, 'groups.default_notification_level': GroupUser.notification_levels, 'group_users.notification_level': GroupUser.notification_levels, 'notifications.notification_type': Notification.types, 'polls.results': Poll.results, 'polls.status': Poll.statuses, 'polls.type': Poll.types, 'polls.visibility': Poll.visibilities, 'post_action_types.id': PostActionType.types, 'post_actions.post_action_type_id': PostActionType.types, 'posts.cook_method': Post.cook_methods, 'posts.hidden_reason_id': Post.hidden_reasons, 'posts.post_type': Post.types, 'reviewable_histories.reviewable_history_type': ReviewableHistory.types, 'reviewable_scores.status': ReviewableScore.statuses, 'screened_emails.action_type': ScreenedEmail.actions, 'screened_ip_addresses.action_type': ScreenedIpAddress.actions, 'screened_urls.action_type': ScreenedUrl.actions, 'search_logs.search_result_type': SearchLog.search_result_types, 'search_logs.search_type': SearchLog.search_types, 'site_settings.data_type': SiteSetting.types, 'skipped_email_logs.reason_type': SkippedEmailLog.reason_types, 'tag_group_permissions.permission_type': TagGroupPermission.permission_types, 'theme_settings.data_type': ThemeSetting.types, 'topic_timers.status_type': TopicTimer.types, 'topic_users.notification_level': TopicUser.notification_levels, 'topic_users.notifications_reason_id': TopicUser.notification_reasons, 'user_histories.action': UserHistory.actions, 'user_security_keys.factor_type': UserSecurityKey.factor_types, 'users.trust_level': TrustLevel.levels, 'web_hooks.content_type': WebHook.content_types, 'web_hooks.last_delivery_status': WebHook.last_delivery_statuses, }.with_indifferent_access # QueuedPost is removed in recent Discourse releases @enums['queued_posts.state'] = QueuedPost.states if defined?(QueuedPost) @enums['reviewables.status'] = Reviewable.statuses if defined?(Reviewable) @enums end def self.enum_info @enum_info ||= begin enum_info = {} enums.map do |key, enum| # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10874356/reverse-a-hash-in-ruby enum_info[key] = Hash[enum.to_a.map(&:reverse)] end enum_info end end def self.fkey_info(table, column) full_name = "#{table}.#{column}" if fkey_defaults[column] fkey_defaults[column] elsif column =~ /_by_id$/ || column =~ /_user_id$/ :users elsif foreign_keys[full_name] foreign_keys[full_name] else nil end end def self.foreign_keys @fkey_columns ||= { 'posts.last_editor_id': :users, 'posts.version': :'post_revisions.number', 'topics.featured_user1_id': :users, 'topics.featured_user2_id': :users, 'topics.featured_user3_id': :users, 'topics.featured_user4_id': :users, 'topics.featured_user5_id': :users, 'users.seen_notification_id': :notifications, 'users.uploaded_avatar_id': :uploads, 'users.primary_group_id': :groups, 'categories.latest_post_id': :posts, 'categories.latest_topic_id': :topics, 'categories.parent_category_id': :categories, 'badges.badge_grouping_id': :badge_groupings, 'post_actions.related_post_id': :posts, 'color_scheme_colors.color_scheme_id': :color_schemes, 'color_schemes.versioned_id': :color_schemes, 'incoming_links.incoming_referer_id': :incoming_referers, 'incoming_referers.incoming_domain_id': :incoming_domains, 'post_replies.reply_id': :posts, 'quoted_posts.quoted_post_id': :posts, 'topic_link_clicks.topic_link_id': :topic_links, 'topic_link_clicks.link_topic_id': :topics, 'topic_link_clicks.link_post_id': :posts, 'user_actions.target_topic_id': :topics, 'user_actions.target_post_id': :posts, 'user_avatars.custom_upload_id': :uploads, 'user_avatars.gravatar_upload_id': :uploads, 'user_badges.notification_id': :notifications, 'user_profiles.card_image_badge_id': :badges, }.with_indifferent_access end def self.fkey_defaults @fkey_defaults ||= { user_id: :users, # :*_by_id => :users, # :*_user_id => :users, category_id: :categories, group_id: :groups, post_id: :posts, post_action_id: :post_actions, topic_id: :topics, upload_id: :uploads, }.with_indifferent_access end def self.denormalized_columns { 'posts.reply_count': :post_replies, 'posts.quote_count': :quoted_posts, 'posts.incoming_link_count': :topic_links, 'posts.word_count': :posts, 'posts.avg_time': :post_timings, 'posts.reads': :post_timings, 'posts.like_score': :post_actions, 'posts.like_count': :post_actions, 'posts.bookmark_count': :post_actions, 'posts.vote_count': :post_actions, 'posts.off_topic_count': :post_actions, 'posts.notify_moderators_count': :post_actions, 'posts.spam_count': :post_actions, 'posts.illegal_count': :post_actions, 'posts.inappropriate_count': :post_actions, 'posts.notify_user_count': :post_actions, 'topics.views': :topic_views, 'topics.posts_count': :posts, 'topics.reply_count': :posts, 'topics.incoming_link_count': :topic_links, 'topics.moderator_posts_count': :posts, 'topics.participant_count': :posts, 'topics.word_count': :posts, 'topics.last_posted_at': :posts, 'topics.last_post_user_idt': :posts, 'topics.avg_time': :post_timings, 'topics.highest_post_number': :posts, 'topics.image_url': :posts, 'topics.excerpt': :posts, 'topics.like_count': :post_actions, 'topics.bookmark_count': :post_actions, 'topics.vote_count': :post_actions, 'topics.off_topic_count': :post_actions, 'topics.notify_moderators_count': :post_actions, 'topics.spam_count': :post_actions, 'topics.illegal_count': :post_actions, 'topics.inappropriate_count': :post_actions, 'topics.notify_user_count': :post_actions, 'categories.topic_count': :topics, 'categories.post_count': :posts, 'categories.latest_post_id': :posts, 'categories.latest_topic_id': :topics, 'categories.description': :posts, 'categories.read_restricted': :category_groups, 'categories.topics_year': :topics, 'categories.topics_month': :topics, 'categories.topics_week': :topics, 'categories.topics_day': :topics, 'categories.posts_year': :posts, 'categories.posts_month': :posts, 'categories.posts_week': :posts, 'categories.posts_day': :posts, 'badges.grant_count': :user_badges, 'groups.user_count': :group_users, 'directory_items.likes_received': :post_actions, 'directory_items.likes_given': :post_actions, 'directory_items.topics_entered': :user_stats, 'directory_items.days_visited': :user_stats, 'directory_items.posts_read': :user_stats, 'directory_items.topic_count': :topics, 'directory_items.post_count': :posts, 'post_search_data.search_data': :posts, 'top_topics.yearly_posts_count': :posts, 'top_topics.monthly_posts_count': :posts, 'top_topics.weekly_posts_count': :posts, 'top_topics.daily_posts_count': :posts, 'top_topics.yearly_views_count': :topic_views, 'top_topics.monthly_views_count': :topic_views, 'top_topics.weekly_views_count': :topic_views, 'top_topics.daily_views_count': :topic_views, 'top_topics.yearly_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.monthly_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.weekly_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.daily_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.yearly_op_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.monthly_op_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.weekly_op_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.daily_op_likes_count': :post_actions, 'top_topics.all_score': :posts, 'top_topics.yearly_score': :posts, 'top_topics.monthly_score': :posts, 'top_topics.weekly_score': :posts, 'top_topics.daily_score': :posts, 'topic_links.clicks': :topic_link_clicks, 'topic_search_data.search_data': :topics, 'topic_users.liked': :post_actions, 'topic_users.bookmarked': :post_actions, 'user_stats.posts_read_count': :post_timings, 'user_stats.topic_reply_count': :posts, 'user_stats.first_post_created_at': :posts, 'user_stats.post_count': :posts, 'user_stats.topic_count': :topics, 'user_stats.likes_given': :post_actions, 'user_stats.likes_received': :post_actions, 'user_search_data.search_data': :user_profiles, 'users.last_posted_at': :posts, 'users.previous_visit_at': :user_visits, }.with_indifferent_access end end class DataExplorer::Parameter attr_accessor :identifier, :type, :default, :nullable def initialize(identifier, type, default, nullable) raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new('Parameter declaration error - identifier is missing') unless identifier raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new('Parameter declaration error - type is missing') unless type # process aliases type = type.to_sym if DataExplorer::Parameter.type_aliases[type] type = DataExplorer::Parameter.type_aliases[type] end raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new("Parameter declaration error - unknown type #{type}") unless DataExplorer::Parameter.types[type] @identifier = identifier @type = type @default = default @nullable = nullable begin cast_to_ruby default unless default.blank? rescue DataExplorer::ValidationError raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new("Parameter declaration error - the default value is not a valid #{type}") end end def to_hash { identifier: @identifier, type: @type, default: @default, nullable: @nullable, } end def self.types @types ||= Enum.new( # Normal types :int, :bigint, :boolean, :string, :date, :time, :datetime, :double, # Selection help :user_id, :post_id, :topic_id, :category_id, :group_id, :badge_id, # Arrays :int_list, :string_list, :user_list ) end def self.type_aliases @type_aliases ||= { integer: :int, text: :string, timestamp: :datetime, } end def cast_to_ruby(string) string = @default unless string if string.blank? if @nullable return nil else raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new("Missing parameter #{identifier} of type #{type}") end end if string.downcase == '#null' return nil end def invalid_format(string, msg = nil) if msg raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new("'#{string}' is an invalid #{type} - #{msg}") else raise DataExplorer::ValidationError.new("'#{string}' is an invalid value for #{type}") end end value = nil case @type when :int invalid_format string, 'Not an integer' unless string =~ /^-?\d+$/ value = string.to_i invalid_format string, 'Too large' unless Integer === value when :bigint invalid_format string, 'Not an integer' unless string =~ /^-?\d+$/ value = string.to_i when :boolean value = !!(string =~ /t|true|y|yes|1/i) when :string value = string when :time begin value = Time.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :date begin value = Date.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :datetime begin value = DateTime.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :double if string =~ /-?\d*(\.\d+)/ value = Float(string) elsif string =~ /^(-?)Inf(inity)?$/i if $1 value = -Float::INFINITY else value = Float::INFINITY end elsif string =~ /^(-?)NaN$/i if $1 value = -Float::NAN else value = Float::NAN end else invalid_format string end when :category_id if string =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ parent_name = $1 child_name = $2 parent = Category.query_parent_category(parent_name) invalid_format string, "Could not find category named #{parent_name}" unless parent object = Category.query_category(child_name, parent) invalid_format string, "Could not find subcategory of #{parent_name} named #{child_name}" unless object else object = Category.where(id: string.to_i).first || Category.where(slug: string).first || Category.where(name: string).first invalid_format string, "Could not find category named #{string}" unless object end value = object.id when :user_id, :post_id, :topic_id, :group_id, :badge_id if string.gsub(/[ _]/, '') =~ /^-?\d+$/ clazz_name = (/^(.*)_id$/.match(type.to_s)[1].classify.to_sym) begin object = Object.const_get(clazz_name).with_deleted.find(string.gsub(/[ _]/, '').to_i) value = object.id rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound invalid_format string, "The specified #{clazz_name} was not found" end elsif type == :user_id begin object = User.find_by_username_or_email(string) value = object.id rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound invalid_format string, "The user named #{string} was not found" end elsif type == :post_id if string =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)(\?u=.*)?$/ object = Post.with_deleted.find_by(topic_id: $1, post_number: $2) invalid_format string, "The post at topic:#{$1} post_number:#{$2} was not found" unless object value = object.id end elsif type == :topic_id if string =~ /\/t\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)/ begin object = Topic.with_deleted.find($1) value = object.id rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound invalid_format string, "The topic with id #{$1} was not found" end end elsif type == :group_id object = Group.where(name: string).first invalid_format string, "The group named #{string} was not found" unless object value = object.id else invalid_format string end when :int_list value = string.split(',').map { |s| s.downcase == '#null' ? nil : s.to_i } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 when :string_list value = string.split(',').map { |s| s.downcase == '#null' ? nil : s } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 when :user_list value = string.split(',').map { |s| User.find_by_username_or_email(s) } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 else raise TypeError.new('unknown parameter type??? should not get here') end value end def self.create_from_sql(sql, opts = {}) in_params = false ret_params = [] sql.lines.find do |line| line.chomp! if in_params # -- (ident) :(ident) (= (ident))? if line =~ /^\s*--\s*([a-zA-Z_ ]+)\s*:([a-z_]+)\s*(?:=\s+(.*)\s*)?$/ type = $1 ident = $2 default = $3 nullable = false if type =~ /^(null)?(.*?)(null)?$/i if $1 || $3 nullable = true end type = $2 end type = type.strip begin ret_params << DataExplorer::Parameter.new(ident, type, default, nullable) rescue if opts[:strict] raise end end false elsif line =~ /^\s+$/ false else true end else if line =~ /^\s*--\s*\[params\]\s*$/ in_params = true end false end end ret_params end end require_dependency 'application_controller' require_dependency File.expand_path('../lib/queries.rb', __FILE__) DataExplorer::Engine.routes.draw do root to: "query#index" get 'schema' => "query#schema" get 'queries' => "query#index" get 'groups' => "query#groups" post 'queries' => "query#create" get 'queries/:id' => "query#show" put 'queries/:id' => "query#update" delete 'queries/:id' => "query#destroy" post 'queries/:id/run' => "query#run" end Discourse::Application.routes.append do get '/g/:group_name/reports' => 'data_explorer/query#group_reports_index' get '/g/:group_name/reports/:id' => 'data_explorer/query#group_reports_show' post '/g/:group_name/reports/:id/run' => 'data_explorer/query#group_reports_run' mount ::DataExplorer::Engine, at: '/admin/plugins/explorer', constraints: AdminConstraint.new end end