type: list
default: "Design, magic, Get inspired!, vdm|Code, keyboard-o, Learn new things!, vdm|Business, money, Start a new career!, vdm|Shop, shopping-cart, Buy cool stuff!, vdo|More, none, Even more cool things!, vdo"
en: 'Add menu items. One item per line in this order: Text, icon, title, view.
Text: what appears on the menu.
Icon: the icon displayed next to the item. If you do not want to use an icon, use `none`
Title: the text that appears when the item is hovered.
View: Choose what devices the item appears on. `vdm` appears on both desktop and mobile, `vdo` appears on desktops only, `vmo` appears on mobiles only. Due to lack of space, it is reccomended to not add more than 3-4 items on mobile.'
type: list
default: "Design, Galleries, th, #, blank, Cool galleries for you to look at.|Design, Design process, lightbulb-o, #, blank, Learn the basics.|Design, Blog design, columns, #, blank, What makes for a great blog?|Design, divider|Design, Freebies, gift, #, blank, Everyone likes freebies!|Design, Photoshop tutorials, book, #, blank, Photoshop for beginners.|Design, Design trends, bar-chart, #, blank, Stay on top of the current trends! |Code, Wordpress, wordpress, #, blank, Wordpress code examples|Code, Tools, wrench, #, blank, Tools that will make your life easier!|Code, Tutorials, leanpub, #, blank, Just starting out? We'll guide you through the basics|Business, Blogging, none, #, blank, Why not start a blog?|Business, Social media, none, #, blank, Learn how to leverage Social media and make it work for your business |Business, Make money, none, #, blank, Everyone like to be paid!|Business, Marketing, none, #, blank, No business will survive without customers...Here's how to get'em!|Shop, Vectors, none, #, blank,|Shop, Textures, none, #, blank,|Shop, Brushes, none, #, blank,|Shop, divider|Shop, UI kits, none, #, blank,|Shop, Templates , none, #, blank,|Shop, PSDs, none, #, blank,|More, About us, none, /about, self, Meet the gang!|More, Contact us, none, #, blank, Let's get in touch|More, Terms of Service, none, /tos, self, |More, Privacy policy, none, /privacy, self"
en: 'Add submenu items. One item per line in this order: Parent, text, icon, URL, target, title.
Parent: the name of the parent menu item which this submenu item show under. Use the `text` value from the list above
Text: the text that shows for this submenu item.
Icon: the icon for this submenu item, use `none` if no icon is needed
URL: the path this menu item links to. You can use relative paths as well.
Target: Choose whether this item will open in a new tab or in the same tab. Use `blank` to open the link in a new tab, or use `self` to open it in the same tab.
Title: the text that shows when the item is hovered.
Dividers: You can also add dividers between submenu items. To add a divider user `parent, divider`'
default: false
en: 'Show caret icon next to menu items'
default: false
en: 'Display menu items on the opposite side of the screen'
default: false
en: 'Enable RTL support'