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synced 2025-03-09 14:31:38 +00:00
This version sets the new asciimath parsing to be an option. It also deals with the old zoom_on_hover and enable_accessibility options a bit better.
113 lines
3.1 KiB
113 lines
3.1 KiB
import { withPluginApi } from 'discourse/lib/plugin-api';
import loadScript from 'discourse/lib/load-script';
let initializedMathJax = false;
function initMathJax(opts) {
if (initializedMathJax) { return; }
var extensions = ["toMathML.js", "Safe.js"];
if (opts.enable_accessibility) {
var settings = {
jax: ['input/TeX', 'input/AsciiMath', 'input/MathML', 'output/CommonHTML'],
TeX: {extensions: ["AMSmath.js", "AMSsymbols.js", "autoload-all.js"]},
extensions: extensions,
showProcessingMessages: false,
root: '/plugins/discourse-math/mathjax'
if(opts.zoom_on_hover) {
settings.menuSettings = {zoom: "Hover"};
settings.MathEvents = {hover: 750};
window.MathJax = settings;
initializedMathJax = true;
function ensureMathJax(opts){
return loadScript('/plugins/discourse-math/mathjax/MathJax.1.7.1.js');
function decorate(elem, isPreview){
const $elem= $(elem);
if ($elem.data('applied-mathjax')){
$elem.data('applied-mathjax', true);
if($elem.hasClass('math')) {
const tag = elem.tagName === "DIV" ? "div" : "span";
const display = tag === "div" ? "; mode=display" : "";
var $mathWrapper = $(`<${tag} style="display: none;"><script type="math/tex${display}"></script></${tag}>`);
var $math = $mathWrapper.children();
else if($elem.hasClass('asciimath')) {
var $mathWrapper = $(`<span style="display: none;"><script type="math/asciimath"></script></span>`);
var $math = $mathWrapper.children();
Em.run.later(this, ()=> {
window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(() => {
// don't bother processing previews removed from DOM
if (elem.parentElement && elem.parentElement.offsetParent !== null) {
window.MathJax.Hub.Typeset($math[0], ()=> {
}, isPreview ? 200 : 0);
function mathjax($elem, opts) {
if (!$elem || !$elem.find) {
let mathElems;
if(opts.enable_asciimath) {
mathElems = $elem.find('.math, .asciimath');
else {
mathElems = $elem.find('.math');
if (mathElems.length > 0) {
const isPreview = $elem.hasClass('d-editor-preview');
mathElems.each((idx,elem) => decorate(elem, isPreview));
function initializeMath(api, discourse_math_opts) {
api.decorateCooked(function(elem) {mathjax(elem,discourse_math_opts)});
export default {
name: "apply-math",
initialize(container) {
const siteSettings = container.lookup('site-settings:main');
let discourse_math_opts = {
zoom_on_hover: siteSettings.discourse_math_zoom_on_hover,
enable_accessibility: siteSettings.discourse_math_enable_accessibility,
enable_asciimath: siteSettings.discourse_math_enable_asciimath
if (siteSettings.discourse_math_enabled) {
withPluginApi('0.5', function(api) {initializeMath(api,discourse_math_opts)});