# encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ bs_BA: js: notifications: alt: solved: accepted_notification: "prihvaćeno" solved: title: "Riješeno" allow_accepted_answers: "Dopustite vlasniku teme i osoblju da označe odgovor kao rješenje" accept_answer: "Odaberite ako ovaj odgovor rješava problem" accepted_description: "Ovo je prihvaćeno rješenje za ovu temu" has_no_accepted_answer: "Ova tema nema rešenje" unaccept_answer: "Poništite odabir ako ovaj odgovor više ne rješava problem" accepted_answer: "Rešenje" solution: "Rešenje" solution_summary: one: "riješenje" few: "riješenja" other: "riješenja" accepted_html: "{{icon}} Riješio {{username}} uodgovoru #{{post_number}}" accepted_notification: "
" topic_status_filter: all: "sve" solved: "riješeno" unsolved: "nije riješeno" topic_statuses: solved: help: "Ova tema ima riješenje"