Discourse Donations

Build Status

Accept donations in Discourse! Integrates with Stripe.


Visit /admin/plugins and configure your private and public keys.


  • Add a plugin outlet for custom user fields.
  • Some tests
  • Handle fails from stripe
  • A button in the user's profile page.


  • To run the rails specs, install the plugin and run bundle exec rake plugin:spec[discourse-donations] in the discourse root directory.
  • To run qunit tests: MODULE='Acceptance: Discourse Donations' bundle exec rake qunit:test[20000].
  • To run Component tests: MODULE='component:stripe-card' bundle exec rake qunit:test[20000].


  • This fix is required to run qunit test modules.
  • If you're using a zsh shell, then you probably get this error: zsh: no matches found ... and you'll need to escape the square brackets with backslashes.
A Discourse plugin that allows payments and subscription management via Stripe.
Readme MIT 6.2 MiB
Ruby 49.5%
JavaScript 31.2%
Handlebars 14.1%
SCSS 5.2%