Before deleting a topic that has a high number of views (default of 5000), the user will be prompted with a confirmation popup. This works for all delete buttons on the topic located in: topic-timeline, topic-admin-menu, topic-footer-buttons, and post-menu if the post's ID is 1.
The delete button will be disabled while deletion is in progress, to prevent any unwanted behavior.
A site setting is also available to change the minimum amount of views required to display the confirmation popup.
All kudos are going to @RickyC0626. I only rebased with master and added few qunit tests to ensure that this feature works as expected.
Original PR: #10459
There is a site setting reply_by_email_enabled which when combined with reply_by_email_address creates a Reply-To header in emails in the format "test+%{reply_key}" along with a PostReplyKey record, so when replying Discourse knows where to route the reply.
However this conflicts with the IMAP implementation. Since we are sending the email for a group via SMTP and from their actual email account, we want all replys to go to that email account as well so the IMAP sync job can pick them up and put them in the correct place. So if the group has IMAP enabled and configured, then the reply-to header will be correct.
This PR also makes a further fix to 64b0b50 by using the correct recipient user for the PostReplyKey record. If the post user is used we encounter this error:
if destination.user_id != && !forwarded_reply_key?(destination, user)
raise ReplyUserNotMatchingError, "post_reply_key.user_id => #{destination.user_id.inspect}, => #{}"
This is because the user above is found from the from_address, but the destination which is the PostReplyKey is made by the post.user, which will be different people.
More seriously: discobot wasn't reacting properly if users used their
emoji keyboard to insert a real herb emoji, which works just as well
in a real post.
While we're here, use String#include? instead of constructing a new regexp.
* PERF: we don't need to use a huge image to test thumbnails
Generating images with 5000x5000 dimensions is an expensive operation.
Using smaller images reduce the time of model spec from 11s to 3s and integration spec from 6s to 2s.
When plugin spec is evaluated for the first time, it took 30 seconds to run:
rm -rf tmp/* && LOAD_PLUGINS=1 be rspec ./plugins/discourse-solved/spec/requests/topics_controller_spec.rb
Applying sprocket patch in test environment solves that issue
New version of Thunderbird email client reimplemented PGP support. Now the following attachments are added by default, if email signatures are enabled:
* OpenPGP_0x(pgp key id).asc
* OpenPGP_signature(.asc)
The last one has `name="OpenPGP_signature.asc"` in `Content-Type` but `filename="OpenPGP_signature"` (without extension) in `Content-Disposition: attachment`.
Since both the key and the signature have proper MIME types, filter them by default.
Documenting a few more endpoints so that our api docs can be
automatically generated. Made a couple other minor changes, like
including the "OK" example for our default success response.
Resending an invite moved the expire date in the future, but did not
invalidate it. For example, if an invite was sent to an email,
invalidated and then resent, it would still be left invalidated.
On forums with a large amount of posts when a user had a bookmark in the topic, PostgreSQL was using an inefficient query plan to fetch the first post of the topic. When running this ActiveRecord query:
topic.posts.with_deleted.where(post_number: 1).first
The following query plan was produced:
Limit (cost=0.43..583.49 rows=1 width=891) (actual time=3850.515..3850.515 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using posts_pkey on posts (cost=0.43..391231.51 rows=671 width=891) (actual time=3850.514..3850.514
rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: ((topic_id = 160918) AND (post_number = 1))
Rows Removed by Filter: 2274520
Planning time: 0.200 ms
Execution time: 3850.559 ms
(6 rows)
The issue here is the combination of ORDER BY and LIMIT causing the ineficcient Index Scan using posts_pkey on posts to be used. When we correct the AR call to this:
topic.posts.with_deleted.find_by(post_number: 1)
We end up with a query that still has a LIMIT but no ORDER BY, which in turn creates a much more efficient query plan:
Limit (cost=0.43..1.44 rows=1 width=891) (actual time=0.033..0.034 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number on posts (cost=0.43..678.82 rows=671 width=891) (actua
l time=0.033..0.033 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((topic_id = 160918) AND (post_number = 1))
Planning time: 0.167 ms
Execution time: 0.072 ms
(5 rows)
This query plan uses the correct index, `Index Scan using index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number on posts`. Note that this is only a problem on forums with a larger amount of posts; tiny forums would not notice the difference. On large forums a query for a topic that takes 1s without a bookmark can take 8-30 seconds, and even end up with 502 errors from nginx.
* Move new/edit category modals to its own page
* Fix JS tests
* Minor fixes to new-category UI
* Add mobile toggle
* Use global pretender endpoint so plugins can benefit too
* Alignment fix
* Minor review fixes
* Styling refactor
* Move some SCSS out of the modal
* FEATURE - Add SiteSettings to control JPEG image quality
`recompress_original_jpg_quality` - the maximum quality of a newly
uploaded file.
`image_preview_jpg_quality` - the maximum quality of OptimizedImages
* FEATURE: allow category group moderators to edit posts
If the `enable_category_group_moderation` SiteSetting is enabled, posts should be editable by those belonging to the appropraite groups.