Martin Brennan 9a45b59fb5
FEATURE: Automatically create chat threads in background (#20206)
Whenever we create a chat message that is `in_reply_to` another
message, we want to lazily populate the thread record for the
message chain.

If there is no thread yet for the root message in the reply chain,
we create a new thread with the appropriate details, and use that
thread ID for every message in the chain that does not yet have
a thread ID.

* Root message (ID 1) - no thread ID
    * Message (ID 2, in_reply_to 1) - no thread ID
    * When I as a user create a message in reply to ID 2, we create a thread and apply it to ID 1, ID 2, and the new message

If there is a thread for the root message in the reply chain, we
do not create one, and use the thread ID for the newly created chat

* Root message (ID 1) - thread ID 700
    * Message (ID 2, in_reply_to 1) - thread ID 700
    * When I as a user create a message in reply to ID 2, we use the existing thread ID 700 for the new message

We also support passing in the `thread_id` to `ChatMessageCreator`,
which will be used when replying to a message that is already part of
a thread, and we validate whether that `thread_id` is okay in the context
of the channel and also the reply chain.

This work is always done, regardless of channel `thread_enabled` settings
or the `enable_experimental_chat_threaded_discussions` site setting.

This commit does not include a large data migration to backfill threads for
all existing reply chains, its unnecessary to do this so early in the project,
we can do this later if necessary.

This commit also includes thread considerations in the `MessageMover` class:

* If the original message and N other messages of a thread is moved,
   the remaining messages in the thread have a new thread created in
   the old channel and are moved to it.
* The reply chain is not preserved for moved messages, so new threads are
   not created in the destination channel.

In addition to this, I added a fix to also clear the `in_reply_to_id` of messages
in the old channel which are moved out of that channel for data cleanliness.
2023-02-08 10:22:07 +10:00

⚠️ This plugin is still in active development and may change frequently


The Discourse Chat plugin adds chat functionality to your Discourse so it can natively support both long-form and short-form communication needs of your online community.

For documentation, see Discourse Chat

Plugin API



api.registerChatComposerButton({ id: "foo", ... });


Every option accepts a value or a function, when passing a function this will be the chat-composer component instance. Example of an option using a function:

  id: "foo",
  displayed() {
    return && this.canAttachUploads;
  • id unique, used to identify your button, eg: "gifs"
  • action callback when the button is pressed, can be an action name or an anonymous function, eg: "onFooClicked" or () => { console.log("clicked") }

A button requires at least an icon or a label:

  • icon, eg: "times"
  • label, text displayed on the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedLabel, text displayed on the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • position, can be "inline" or "dropdown", defaults to "inline"
  • title, title attribute of the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedTitle, title attribute of the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • ariaLabel, aria-label attribute of the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedAriaLabel, aria-label attribute of the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • classNames, additional names to add to the buttons class attribute, eg: ["foo", "bar"]
  • displayed, hide/or show the button, expects a boolean
  • disabled, sets the disabled attribute on the button, expects a boolean
  • priority, an integer defining the order of the buttons, higher comes first, eg: 700
  • dependentKeys, list of property names which should trigger a refresh of the buttons when changed, eg: ["", "bar.baz"]