* Fixed: Upgraded Kibana3 to latest version, fixing a wrap around issue in Safari.
- Sense:
* Added: Cluster health's level url parameter.
* Added: _recovery API.
* Fixed: trailing space after URL broke request parsing.
* Added: _search_shards API.
==== 1.3.0
- Agent:
* Added: support for shipping over https.
* Removed: support for optional shard level stats due to an incompatible change in ES 1.4.
* Fixed: an issue causing a tribe node (ES 1.4.0) not to initialize when Marvel is installed.
* Improved: resiliency and error checking around the marvel index template (both checking for it and adding it).
* Improved: logging upon error, supressing repreated logs.
* Added: Automcally detect the local node's port when using not default Marvel settings (previously was always 9200)
* Improved: Change _bulk export command to set the index name in the url param. This is usefull when `rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index` is set to false.
- Monitoring UI
* Added: charts for new circuit breakers introduce with ES 1.4.0
* Added: a chart to plot circuit break limit.
* Added: a charts for query cache.
* Added: charts for index throttling.
* Added: charts to expose memory usage of the index writer and version map.
* Fixed: Network Transport Bytes Received chart actually shows bytes sent
* Fixed: Node Stats dashboard missed some thread pools.
- Sense:
* Added: a settings to allow disabling mappings and/or indices autocomplete. This is usefull for extremly large deployments where parsing by the browser is unrealistic.
* Added: Custer Reroute API.
* Added: Get Field Mappings API,
* Fixed: Url auto complete failed with completing fully qualified urls (i.e. with protocol and host).
* Added: Query Cache parmaters to the Search API.
* Added: Analyze API.
* Added: Validate Query API.
* Fixed: include_in_parent and include_in_root is missing for nested type mapping.
* Added: Put Percolator API.
* Fixed: Range filter template to use gt, gte, lt and lte.
* Added: cluster.routing.allocation.* settings
* Added: weight param to the Function Score query.
* Added: Flush API.
* Added: show_term_doc_count_error parameter to the Terms Aggregation.
* Added: Update API
* Added: _geo_distance as a sort option.
* Added: Updated the Significant Terms aggregation to 1.4.0 features.
* Added: metadata fields to the Mapping API.
* Added: Get Index API.
* Added: Scripted Metric Aggregation.
* Added: simple_query_string query.
* Added: Updated the More Like This query to 1.4.0 features.
* Added: min_childeren, max_children options to the has_child query and dilter.
* Added: Updated execution hint options in terms and significant terms aggs.
* Added: transform section of Mappings API.
* Added: indexed scripts and templates.
* Added: Geo Bounds aggregation.
* Added: Top Hits aggregation.
* Added: collect_mode option the Terms aggregation.
* Added: Percentiles Rank aggregation.
* Added: Disk Threshold Allocator settings.
* Fixed: Exists filter auto complete.
* Fixed: Snapshot and Restore API failed to autocomplete repository settings.
==== 1.2.1
- Fix a cluster state data shipping for cluster states larger than 16K (in `SMILE` format and without meta data).
==== 1.2.0
- New Shard Allocation Dashboard.
- Simplified navigation and dashboard customization.
- Sense:
* Update the KB to the ES 1.2.0 API, adding the following:
* `_cat/plugins`
* `_cat/segments`
* `_search/template`
* `_count`
* `_snapshot`
* Alias support for index creation.
* Significant terms aggregation.
* Percentiles aggregation.
* Cardinality aggregation.
* Time_zone keyword to date_histogram facet/aggregation.
* Removed deprecated `custom_score` & `custom_boost_factor` from the 1.0 API.
* Fixed a bug causing the query panel to loose focus after running a command.
- Charts and Dashboards changes:
* Added an information icon next to the status information of Cluster Summary panel. Hovering on it will show a
short explanation of current status.
* The indices stats table in the Overview dashboard now shows an information icon next to red and yellow indices.
Hovering on it will show a short shard level summary.
* Marvel's index template will now be automatically updated upon upgrade.
* Added field data & filter cache eviction charts to Node Stats dashboard and Index Stats dashboard.
* Added field data circuit breaker charts to Node Stats dashboard.
* Added a registration & purchasing form.
* Hidden indexes are now shown by default.
* Default cluster pulse default time span to 7 days.
* Fixed: Split brain detection algorithm didn't fire in some configurations.
- `marvel.agent.exporter.es.host` configuration option now defaults to port 9200.
==== 1.1.1
- Fixed: agent did not interpret timeout settings correctly, causing potential connectivity errors when shipping data.
==== 1.1.0
- Improved Sense's autocomplete suggestions:
* Added Snapshot & Restore
* Added Aggregations
* Added support for url query string parameters
* Updated for breaking changes in Elasticsearch 1.0
- Updated welcome splash screen.
- Sense now uses the last used server when opened (previously used the hostname used to access it).
- The agent's keep-alive thread is now stopped upon errors to reduce log noise. It will be restarted
upon successful connection.
- Improved error reporting for failures of items in the agent's bulk requests.
- Index Statistics Dashboard: Indexing Rate Primaries chart was based on the wrong field.
- Introduced `marvel.agent.shard_stats.enabled` to control exporting of shard level statistics. Defaults to `false`.
- Changed agent's default sampling rate to 10s (was 5s)
- Added a visual indication for the master node at the Nodes section of the Overview Dashboard
- Node and Indices tables visually indicate stale data
- Added error reporting to nodes and indices tables
- Made the following agent settings changeable via the Cluster Update Settings API:
* marvel.agent.interval (also supports setting to -1 to disable exporting)
* marvel.agent.exporter.es.hosts
* marvel.agent.exporter.es.timeout
* marvel.agent.shard_stats.enabled
==== 1.0.2
- Kibana uses `window.location.protocol` (http or https) to make ES calls.
- Added support for basic authentication when sending data from agent. See <<configuration>>.
- Reduced DEBUG logging verbosity.
==== 1.0.1
- fixed an issue with usage statistics report.
- improve logging message when running on old Elasticsearch versions.