NOTE: {xpack}/index.html[X-Pack] is preinstalled in this image.
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with {xpack}/security-getting-started.html[X-Pack Security] and how to change default passwords. The default password for the `elastic` user is `changeme`.
NOTE: X-Pack includes a trial license for 30 days. After that, you can obtain one of the[available subscriptions] or {xpack}/security-settings.html[disable Security]. The Basic license is free and includes the[Monitoring] extension.
Then configure the `sysctl` setting as you would for Linux:
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
* OSX with[Docker Toolbox]
The `vm_max_map_count` setting must be set via docker-machine:
docker-machine ssh
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
The following example brings up a cluster comprising two Elasticsearch nodes.
To bring up the cluster, use the <<docker-prod-cluster-composefile,`docker-compose.yml`>> and just type:
WARNING: Version {version} of the Elasticsearch Docker image has not yet been released, so a `docker-compose.yml` is not available for this version.
docker-compose up
`docker-compose` is not pre-installed with Docker on Linux.
Instructions for installing it can be found on the[docker-compose webpage].
The node `elasticsearch1` listens on `localhost:9200` while `elasticsearch2` talks to `elasticsearch1` over a Docker network.
This example also uses[Docker named volumes], called `esdata1` and `esdata2` which will be created if not already present.
WARNING: Version {version} of the Elasticsearch Docker image has not yet been released, so a `docker-compose.yml` is not available for this version.
To stop the cluster, type `docker-compose down`. Data volumes will persist, so it's possible to start the cluster again with the same data using `docker-compose up`.
To destroy the cluster **and the data volumes** just type `docker-compose down -v`.
Elasticsearch loads its configuration from files under `/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/`. These configuration files are documented in <<settings>> and <<jvm-options>>.
The image offers several methods for configuring Elasticsearch settings with the conventional approach being to provide customized files, i.e. `elasticsearch.yml`, but it's also possible to use environment variables to set options:
===== A. Present the parameters via Docker environment variables
For example, to define the cluster name with `docker run` you can pass `-e ""`. Double quotes are required.
===== B. Bind-mounted configuration
Create your custom config file and mount this over the image's corresponding file.
For example, bind-mounting a `custom_elasticsearch.yml` with `docker run` can be accomplished with the parameter:
IMPORTANT: The container **runs Elasticsearch as user `elasticsearch` using uid:gid `1000:1000`**. Bind mounted host directories and files, such as `custom_elasticsearch.yml` above, **need to be accessible by this user**. For the[data and log dirs], such as `/usr/share/elasticsearch/data`, write access is required as well.
In some environments, it may make more sense to prepare a custom image containing your configuration. A `Dockerfile` to achieve this may be as simple as:
. Elasticsearch inside the container runs as user `elasticsearch` using uid:gid `1000:1000`. If you are bind mounting a local directory or file, ensure it is readable by this user while the[data and log dirs] additionally require write access.
. It is important to correctly set capabilities and ulimits via the Docker CLI. As seen earlier in the example <<docker-prod-cluster-composefile,docker-compose.yml>>, the following options are required:
. Ensure `bootstrap.memory_lock` is set to `true` as explained in "<<setup-configuration-memory,Disable swapping>>".
This can be achieved through any of the <<docker-configuration-methods,configuration methods>>, e.g. by setting the appropriate environments variable with `-e "bootstrap.memory_lock=true"`.
. The image[exposes] TCP ports 9200 and 9300. For clusters it is recommended to randomize the published ports with `--publish-all`, unless you are pinning one container per host.
. Use the `ES_JAVA_OPTS` environment variable to set heap size, e.g. to use 16GB use `-e ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms16g -Xmx16g"` with `docker run`. It is also recommended to set a[memory limit] for the container.
. Pin your deployments to a specific version of the Elasticsearch Docker image, e.g.{version}+.
. Always use a volume bound on `/usr/share/elasticsearch/data`, as shown in the <<docker-cli-run-prod-mode,production example>>, for the following reasons:
.. The data of your elasticsearch node won't be lost if the container is killed
.. Elasticsearch is I/O sensitive and the Docker storage driver is not ideal for fast I/O
.. It allows the use of advanced[Docker volume plugins]
. If you are using the devicemapper storage driver (default on at least RedHat (rpm) based distributions) make sure you are not using the default `loop-lvm` mode. Configure docker-engine to use[direct-lvm] instead.
. Consider centralizing your logs by using a different[logging driver]. Also note that the default json-file logging driver is not ideally suited for production use.