| `type` | yes | Indicates the realm type and must be set to `pki`
| `order` | no | Indicates the priority of this realm within the realm chain. Realms with lower order will be consulted first. Although not required, it is highly recommended to explicitly set this value when multiple realms are configured. Defaults to `Integer.MAX_VALUE`.
| `enabled` | no | Indicates whether this realm is enabled/disabled. Provides an easy way to disable realms in the chain without removing their configuration. Defaults to `true`.
| `username_pattern` | no | The regular expression pattern used to extract the username from the certificate DN. The first match group is used as the username. Default is `CN=(.*?)(?:,\|$)`
| `truststore.path` | no | The path of a truststore to use. The default truststore is the one defined by <<ref-ssl-tls-settings,SSL/TLS settings>>
| `truststore.password` | no | The password to the truststore. Must be provided if `truststore.path` is set.
| `truststore.algorithm` | no | Algorithm for the trustsore. Default is `SunX509`
| `files.role_mapping` | no | Specifies the <<ref-shield-files-location,location>> for the <<pki-role-mapping, YAML role mapping configuration file>>. By default, it is `CONFIG_DIR/shield/role_mapping.yml`.