The <<getting-started, Getting Started Guide>> steps through a basic Shield installation. This section provides some additional information about the installation prerequisites, deployment options, and the installation process for RPM/DEB package installations.
IMPORTANT: The Shield plugin must be installed on every node in the cluster and every
node must be restarted after installation. Plan for a complete cluster restart before beginning the installation process.
=== Shield Installation Prerequisites
To install Shield 2.x, you need:
* Java 7 or later
* Elasticsearch 2.x
* Elasticsearch License plugin 2.x
For information about installing the latest Oracle JDK, see[Java SE Downloads]. For information about installing Elasticsearch, see[Installation] in the Elasticsearch Reference.
=== Installing Shield on a DEB/RPM Package Installation
Shield supports the {ref}/modules-tribe.html[Tribe Node], which acts as a federated client across multiple clusters. When using Tribe Nodes with Shield, you must have the same Shield configuration (users, roles, user-role mappings, SSL/TLS CA) on each cluster, and on the Tribe Node itself, where security checking is primarily done. This, of course, also means
. Configure the same privileges on all connected clusters. The Tribe Node has its own configuration and privileges, which need to grant access to actions and indices on all of the
connected clusters. Also, each cluster needs to grant access to indices belonging to other connected clusters as well.
Let's look at an example: assuming we have two clusters, `cluster1` and `cluster2`, each one holding an index, `index1`
and `index2`. A search request that targets multiple clusters, as follows
Also, the same privileges need to be granted on the connected clusters, meaning that `cluster1` has to grant access to
`index2` even though `index2` only exists on `cluster2`; the same requirement applies for `index1` on `cluster2`. This
applies to any indices action. As for cluster state read operations (e.g. cluster state api, get mapping api etc.),
they always get executed locally on the Tribe Node, to make sure that the merged cluster state gets returned; their
privileges are then required on the Tribe Node only.
. Use the same system key on all clusters. For <<enable-message-authentication,message authentication>> to properly work across multiple clusters, the Tribe Node
and all of the connected clusters need to share the same system key.
. Enable encryption globally. Encrypted communication via SSL/TLS can only be enabled globally, meaning that either all of the connected clusters and the Tribe Node have SSL enabled, or none of them have.
. Use the same certification authority on all clusters. When using encrypted communication, for simplicity, we recommend all of the connected clusters and the Tribe Node use
the same certification authority to generate their certificates.
==== Tribe Node Example
Let's see a complete example on how to use the Tribe Node with shield and the configuration required. First of all the
Shield and License plugins need to be installed and enabled on all clusters and on the Tribe Node.
The system key needs to be generated on one node, as described in <<enable-message-authentication, Enabling Message Authentication>>,
and then copied over to all of the other nodes in each cluster and the Tribe Node itself.
Each cluster can have its own users with `admin` privileges that don't need to be present in the Tribe Node too. In fact,
administration tasks (e.g. create index) cannot be performed through the Tribe Node but need to be sent directly to the
corresponding cluster. The users that need to be created on Tribe Node are those that allow to get back data merged from
the different clusters through the Tribe Node itself. Let's for instance create as follows a `tribe_user` user, with
role `user`, that has `read` privileges on any index.
Elasticsearch allows to list specific settings per cluster. We disable multicast discovery and configure the proper unicast discovery hosts for each cluster,
As for encrypted communication, the required settings are the same as described in <<securing-communications, Securing Communications with Encryption and IP Filtering>>,
but need to be specified per tribe as we did for discovery settings above.