Make PUT and DELETE consistent for _mapping, _alias and _warmer
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.
2014-01-08 04:34:48 -05:00
- do:
index: test_index1
- do:
index: test_index2
- do:
index: foo
- do:
index: "test_index1,test_index2,foo"
name: test_warmer1
match_all: {}
- do:
index: "test_index1,test_index2,foo"
name: test_warmer2
match_all: {}
"Check setup":
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: '*' }
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check delete with _all index":
- do:
index: _all
name: test_warmer1
- do:
2014-01-14 16:31:42 -05:00
indices.get_warmer: {}
Make PUT and DELETE consistent for _mapping, _alias and _warmer
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.
2014-01-08 04:34:48 -05:00
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check delete with * index":
- do:
index: "*"
name: test_warmer1
- do:
2014-01-14 16:31:42 -05:00
indices.get_warmer: {}
Make PUT and DELETE consistent for _mapping, _alias and _warmer
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.
2014-01-08 04:34:48 -05:00
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check delete with index list":
- do:
index: "test_index1,test_index2"
name: test_warmer1
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer1' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer2' }
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check delete with prefix* index":
- do:
index: "test_*"
name: test_warmer1
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer1' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer2' }
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check delete with index list and * warmers":
- do:
index: "test_index1,test_index2"
name: "*"
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer1' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer2' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
"check delete with index list and _all warmers":
- do:
2014-01-14 16:31:42 -05:00
Make PUT and DELETE consistent for _mapping, _alias and _warmer
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.
2014-01-08 04:34:48 -05:00
index: "test_index1,test_index2"
name: _all
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer1' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer2' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
"check delete with index list and wildcard warmers":
- do:
index: "test_index1,test_index2"
name: "*1"
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer1' }
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer1.source.query.match_all: {}}
- is_false: test_index1
- is_false: test_index2
- do:
indices.get_warmer: { index: _all, name: 'test_warmer2' }
- match: {test_index1.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {test_index2.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
- match: {foo.warmers.test_warmer2.source.query.match_all: {}}
"check 404 on no matching test_warmer":
- do:
catch: missing
index: "*"
name: "non_existent"
- do:
catch: missing
index: "non_existent"
name: "test_warmer1"
"check delete with blank index and blank test_warmer":
- do:
catch: param
name: "test_warmer1"
- do:
catch: param
index: "test_index1"