2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
== Integrations
2015-09-09 17:57:23 -07:00
Integrations are not plugins, but are external tools or modules that make it easier to work with Elasticsearch.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== CMS integrations
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://drupal.org/project/search_api_elasticsearch[Drupal]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Drupal Elasticsearch integration via Search API.
* https://drupal.org/project/elasticsearch_connector[Drupal]:
Drupal Elasticsearch integration.
2018-08-16 14:54:04 +03:00
* https://wordpress.org/plugins/elasticpress/[ElasticPress]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Elasticsearch WordPress Plugin
2018-08-16 14:54:04 +03:00
* https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpsolr-search-engine/[WPSOLR]:
Elasticsearch (and Apache Solr) WordPress Plugin
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
* https://doc.tiki.org/Elasticsearch[Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware]:
Tiki has native support for Elasticsearch. This provides faster & better
search (facets, etc), along with some Natural Language Processing features
(ex.: More like this)
2017-02-04 12:05:03 +01:00
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Elastic+Search+Macro/[XWiki Next Generation Wiki]:
2016-11-19 16:51:05 +01:00
XWiki has an Elasticsearch and Kibana macro allowing to run Elasticsearch queries and display the results in XWiki pages using XWiki's scripting language as well as include Kibana Widgets in XWiki pages
2017-02-04 12:05:03 +01:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Data import/export and validation
2015-10-26 13:45:47 +01:00
NOTE: Rivers were used to import data from external systems into Elasticsearch prior to the 2.0 release. Elasticsearch
2015-09-09 17:57:23 -07:00
releases 2.0 and later do not support rivers.
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2020-10-16 11:40:09 -04:00
==== Supported by Elastic:
2015-09-09 17:57:23 -07:00
2017-06-27 08:33:28 -07:00
* {logstash-ref}/plugins-outputs-elasticsearch.html[Logstash output to Elasticsearch]:
2015-09-09 17:57:23 -07:00
The Logstash `elasticsearch` output plugin.
2017-06-27 08:33:28 -07:00
* {logstash-ref}/plugins-inputs-elasticsearch.html[Elasticsearch input to Logstash]
2015-09-09 17:57:23 -07:00
The Logstash `elasticsearch` input plugin.
2017-06-27 08:33:28 -07:00
* {logstash-ref}/plugins-filters-elasticsearch.html[Elasticsearch event filtering in Logstash]
2016-02-09 02:07:32 -08:00
The Logstash `elasticsearch` filter plugin.
2017-06-27 08:33:28 -07:00
* {logstash-ref}/plugins-codecs-es_bulk.html[Elasticsearch bulk codec]
2015-10-26 13:45:47 +01:00
The Logstash `es_bulk` plugin decodes the Elasticsearch bulk format into individual events.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
* https://github.com/jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc[JDBC importer]:
The Java Database Connection (JDBC) importer allows to fetch data from JDBC sources for indexing into Elasticsearch (by Jörg Prante)
2020-10-05 12:02:23 -04:00
* https://github.com/BigDataDevs/kafka-elasticsearch-consumer[Kafka Standalone Consumer (Indexer)]:
2018-10-02 18:45:30 +03:00
Kafka Standalone Consumer [Indexer] will read messages from Kafka in batches, processes(as implemented) and bulk-indexes them into Elasticsearch. Flexible and scalable. More documentation in above GitHub repo's Wiki.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
* https://github.com/ozlerhakan/mongolastic[Mongolastic]:
2017-11-29 09:44:25 +01:00
A tool that clones data from Elasticsearch to MongoDB and vice versa
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
* https://github.com/Aconex/scrutineer[Scrutineer]:
A high performance consistency checker to compare what you've indexed
2015-10-26 13:45:47 +01:00
with your source of truth content (e.g. DB)
* https://github.com/salyh/elasticsearch-imap[IMAP/POP3/Mail importer]:
The Mail importer allows to fetch data from IMAP and POP3 servers for indexing into Elasticsearch (by Hendrik Saly)
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2015-10-30 17:15:39 +01:00
* https://github.com/dadoonet/fscrawler[FS Crawler]:
The File System (FS) crawler allows to index documents (PDF, Open Office...) from your local file system and over SSH. (by David Pilato)
2019-04-26 08:56:34 +02:00
* https://github.com/senacor/elasticsearch-evolution[Elasticsearch Evolution]:
A library to migrate elasticsearch mappings.
2020-10-05 12:02:23 -04:00
* https://pgsync.com[PGSync]:
A tool for syncing data from Postgres to Elasticsearch.
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Deployment
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2020-10-16 11:40:09 -04:00
==== Supported by the community:
* https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch[Ansible]:
Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch.
2018-03-29 00:18:42 +02:00
2016-03-03 12:03:05 -07:00
* https://github.com/elastic/puppet-elasticsearch[Puppet]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Elasticsearch puppet module.
2016-03-03 12:03:05 -07:00
* https://github.com/elastic/cookbook-elasticsearch[Chef]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Chef cookbook for Elasticsearch
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Framework integrations
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
2020-09-29 10:37:26 -04:00
* https://camel.apache.org/components/2.x/elasticsearch-component.html[Apache Camel Integration]:
2017-11-29 09:44:25 +01:00
An Apache camel component to integrate Elasticsearch
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2019-04-25 05:36:52 +02:00
* https://metacpan.org/pod/Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch[Catmandu]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
An Elasticsearch backend for the Catmandu framework.
* https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSElasticaBundle[FOSElasticaBundle]:
Symfony2 Bundle wrapping Elastica.
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://plugins.grails.org/plugin/puneetbehl/elasticsearch[Grails]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Elasticsearch Grails plugin.
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://haystacksearch.org/[Haystack]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Modular search for Django
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://hibernate.org/search/[Hibernate Search]
2017-06-09 11:01:08 +01:00
Integration with Hibernate ORM, from the Hibernate team. Automatic synchronization of write operations, yet exposes full Elasticsearch capabilities for queries. Can return either Elasticsearch native or re-map queries back into managed entities loaded within transaction from the reference database.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
* https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch[Spring Data Elasticsearch]:
Spring Data implementation for Elasticsearch
* https://github.com/dadoonet/spring-elasticsearch[Spring Elasticsearch]:
Spring Factory for Elasticsearch
* https://github.com/twitter/storehaus[Twitter Storehaus]:
Thin asynchronous Scala client for Storehaus.
2019-04-26 08:56:34 +02:00
* https://zeebe.io[Zeebe]:
An Elasticsearch exporter acts as a bridge between Zeebe and Elasticsearch
* https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/io-elasticsearch[Apache Pulsar]:
The Elasticsearch Sink Connector is used to pull messages from Pulsar topics
and persist the messages to a index.
* https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-elasticsearch/latest/guide/index.html[Micronaut Elasticsearch Integration]:
Integration of Micronaut with Elasticsearch
2020-03-09 16:05:49 +01:00
* https://streampipes.apache.org[Apache StreamPipes]:
2020-07-28 13:51:43 -04:00
StreamPipes is a framework that enables users to work with IoT data sources.
2019-04-26 08:56:34 +02:00
* https://metamodel.apache.org/[Apache MetaModel]:
Providing a common interface for discovery, exploration of metadata and querying of different types of data sources.
* https://jooby.org/doc/elasticsearch/[Jooby Framework]:
Scalable, fast and modular micro web framework for Java.
* https://micrometer.io[Micrometer]:
Vendor-neutral application metrics facade. Think SLF4j, but for metrics.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Hadoop integrations
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2020-10-16 11:40:09 -04:00
==== Supported by Elastic:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
* link:/guide/en/elasticsearch/hadoop/current/[es-hadoop]: Elasticsearch real-time
search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop. Supports Map/Reduce,
Cascading, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Apache Spark and Apache Storm.
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2019-04-26 08:56:34 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
* https://github.com/criteo/garmadon[Garmadon]:
Garmadon is a solution for Hadoop Cluster realtime introspection.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Health and Performance Monitoring
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
* https://github.com/radu-gheorghe/check-es[check-es]:
2017-11-29 09:44:25 +01:00
Nagios/Shinken plugins for checking on Elasticsearch
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-31 16:16:31 -04:00
* https://sematext.com/spm/index.html[SPM for Elasticsearch]:
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
Performance monitoring with live charts showing cluster and node stats, integrated
alerts, email reports, etc.
2020-04-29 10:14:49 -04:00
* https://www.zabbix.com/integrations/elasticsearch[Zabbix monitoring template]:
Monitor the performance and status of your {es} nodes and cluster with Zabbix
and receive events information.
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
=== Other integrations
2020-07-23 12:42:33 -04:00
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
==== Supported by the community:
* https://www.wireshark.org/[Wireshark]:
2019-03-04 15:51:17 +01:00
Protocol dissection for HTTP and the transport protocol
2015-08-15 18:00:55 +02:00
2016-06-17 16:19:04 +02:00
* https://www.itemsapi.com/[ItemsAPI]:
Search backend for mobile and web