2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
2018-08-31 16:01:54 +03:00
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin
2018-08-31 16:01:54 +03:00
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
2017-08-24 22:46:30 -07:00
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BuildPlugin
2017-05-18 01:14:24 -07:00
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version
2019-03-07 13:54:20 +02:00
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BwcVersions
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.plugin.PluginBuildPlugin
2019-01-07 09:21:25 +01:00
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
import org.gradle.util.DistributionLocator
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder
2018-01-04 16:36:13 -05:00
2018-05-22 07:21:16 +03:00
plugins {
2019-04-02 20:16:54 -07:00
id 'com.gradle.build-scan' version '2.2.1'
2018-11-14 14:14:03 +02:00
id 'base'
2018-05-22 07:21:16 +03:00
if (properties.get("org.elasticsearch.acceptScanTOS", "false") == "true") {
buildScan {
termsOfServiceUrl = 'https://gradle.com/terms-of-service'
termsOfServiceAgree = 'yes'
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
// common maven publishing configuration
2018-11-14 11:22:00 +02:00
allprojects {
2016-03-17 12:21:31 -07:00
group = 'org.elasticsearch'
2018-11-02 05:27:40 +02:00
version = VersionProperties.elasticsearch
2016-05-13 16:32:35 -07:00
description = "Elasticsearch subproject ${project.path}"
2016-11-24 00:03:43 -08:00
2019-03-07 17:48:49 +02:00
2018-06-14 16:22:00 -04:00
apply plugin: 'nebula.info-scm'
String licenseCommit
if (VersionProperties.elasticsearch.toString().endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
licenseCommit = scminfo.change ?: "master" // leniency for non git builds
} else {
licenseCommit = "v${version}"
String elasticLicenseUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch/${licenseCommit}/licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt"
2018-04-10 13:58:49 -07:00
subprojects {
2018-06-14 16:22:00 -04:00
// Default to the apache license
2018-04-10 13:58:49 -07:00
project.ext.licenseName = 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
project.ext.licenseUrl = 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
2018-06-14 16:22:00 -04:00
// But stick the Elastic license url in project.ext so we can get it if we need to switch to it
project.ext.elasticLicenseUrl = elasticLicenseUrl
2016-05-05 17:53:01 -07:00
// we only use maven publish to add tasks for pom generation
plugins.withType(MavenPublishPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
publishing {
publications {
// add license information to generated poms
all {
pom.withXml { XmlProvider xml ->
Node node = xml.asNode()
node.appendNode('inceptionYear', '2009')
Node license = node.appendNode('licenses').appendNode('license')
2018-04-10 13:58:49 -07:00
license.appendNode('name', project.licenseName)
license.appendNode('url', project.licenseUrl)
2016-05-05 17:53:01 -07:00
license.appendNode('distribution', 'repo')
2016-05-13 13:57:08 -07:00
Node developer = node.appendNode('developers').appendNode('developer')
developer.appendNode('name', 'Elastic')
developer.appendNode('url', 'http://www.elastic.co')
2016-05-05 17:53:01 -07:00
2018-08-17 09:41:39 +03:00
repositories {
maven {
2019-05-07 06:34:51 -04:00
name = 'test'
2018-08-17 09:41:39 +03:00
url = "${rootProject.buildDir}/local-test-repo"
2016-05-05 17:53:01 -07:00
2018-08-17 09:41:39 +03:00
2017-08-24 22:46:30 -07:00
plugins.withType(BuildPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
2018-04-10 13:58:49 -07:00
project.licenseFile = project.rootProject.file('licenses/APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt')
2017-08-24 22:46:30 -07:00
project.noticeFile = project.rootProject.file('NOTICE.txt')
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
/* Introspect all versions of ES that may be tested against for backwards
2017-05-26 18:36:32 -04:00
* compatibility. It is *super* important that this logic is the same as the
2017-08-10 14:30:00 -04:00
* logic in VersionUtils.java, throwing out alphas because they don't have any
* backwards compatibility guarantees and only keeping the latest beta or rc
* in a branch if there are only betas and rcs in the branch so we have
* *something* to test against. */
2019-03-07 13:54:20 +02:00
BwcVersions versions = new BwcVersions(file('server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/Version.java').readLines('UTF-8'))
2017-03-29 12:11:38 -07:00
2017-08-28 14:10:06 -07:00
// build metadata from previous build, contains eg hashes for bwc builds
String buildMetadataValue = System.getenv('BUILD_METADATA')
if (buildMetadataValue == null) {
buildMetadataValue = ''
Map<String, String> buildMetadataMap = buildMetadataValue.tokenize(';').collectEntries {
def (String key, String value) = it.split('=')
return [key, value]
2017-03-29 12:11:38 -07:00
// injecting groovy property variables into all projects
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
allprojects {
project.ext {
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
// for ide hacks...
2018-07-06 12:48:00 -04:00
isEclipse = System.getProperty("eclipse.launcher") != null || // Detects gradle launched from Eclipse's IDE
System.getProperty("eclipse.application") != null || // Detects gradle launched from the Eclipse compiler server
gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains('eclipse') || // Detects gradle launched from the command line to do eclipse stuff
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
isIdea = System.getProperty("idea.active") != null || gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains('idea') || gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains('cleanIdea')
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
// for BWC testing
2018-02-09 14:55:10 -06:00
bwcVersions = versions
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
2017-08-28 14:10:06 -07:00
buildMetadata = buildMetadataMap
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2017-06-01 10:29:51 -07:00
task verifyVersions {
2017-05-26 18:36:32 -04:00
doLast {
2017-06-01 10:29:51 -07:00
if (gradle.startParameter.isOffline()) {
throw new GradleException("Must run in online mode to verify versions")
2018-11-01 17:43:57 +02:00
// Read the list from maven central.
// Fetch the metadata an parse the xml into Version instances because it's more straight forward here
// rather than bwcVersion ( VersionCollection ).
2017-05-26 18:36:32 -04:00
new URL('https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/maven-metadata.xml').openStream().withStream { s ->
2018-11-01 17:43:57 +02:00
new XmlParser().parse(s)
.collect { it.text() }.findAll { it ==~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ }
.collect { Version.fromString(it) }
2017-05-26 18:36:32 -04:00
2017-06-01 10:29:51 -07:00
2017-06-14 22:01:49 -07:00
* When adding backcompat behavior that spans major versions, temporarily
* disabling the backcompat tests is necessary. This flag controls
* the enabled state of every bwc task. It should be set back to true
* after the backport of the backcompat code is complete.
2019-03-15 17:16:25 -04:00
2019-03-19 23:27:49 +01:00
boolean bwc_tests_enabled = true
final String bwc_tests_disabled_issue = "" /* place a PR link here when committing bwc changes */
2018-02-09 11:26:22 -08:00
if (bwc_tests_enabled == false) {
if (bwc_tests_disabled_issue.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("bwc_tests_disabled_issue must be set when bwc_tests_enabled == false")
println "========================= WARNING ========================="
println " Backwards compatibility tests are disabled!"
println "See ${bwc_tests_disabled_issue}"
println "==========================================================="
2019-02-14 17:19:28 +02:00
if (project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.find { it.startsWith("checkPart") } != null) {
// Disable BWC tests for checkPart* tasks as it's expected that this will run un it's own check
bwc_tests_enabled = false
2018-02-09 11:26:22 -08:00
subprojects {
ext.bwc_tests_enabled = bwc_tests_enabled
2017-06-14 22:01:49 -07:00
task verifyBwcTestsEnabled {
doLast {
2018-02-09 11:26:22 -08:00
if (bwc_tests_enabled == false) {
2017-06-14 22:01:49 -07:00
throw new GradleException('Bwc tests are disabled. They must be re-enabled after completing backcompat behavior backporting.')
2017-06-01 10:29:51 -07:00
task branchConsistency {
description 'Ensures this branch is internally consistent. For example, that versions constants match released versions.'
group 'Verification'
2017-06-14 22:01:49 -07:00
dependsOn verifyVersions, verifyBwcTestsEnabled
2017-05-26 18:36:32 -04:00
2018-11-14 11:22:00 +02:00
allprojects {
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
// ignore missing javadocs
tasks.withType(Javadoc) { Javadoc javadoc ->
// the -quiet here is because of a bug in gradle, in that adding a string option
// by itself is not added to the options. By adding quiet, both this option and
// the "value" -quiet is added, separated by a space. This is ok since the javadoc
// command already adds -quiet, so we are just duplicating it
// see https://discuss.gradle.org/t/add-custom-javadoc-option-that-does-not-take-an-argument/5959
javadoc.options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:all,-missing', '-quiet')
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2015-11-25 19:21:38 -05:00
/* Sets up the dependencies that we build as part of this project but
2019-01-31 18:06:05 +11:00
register as though they were external to resolve internally. We register
2015-11-25 19:21:38 -05:00
them as external dependencies so the build plugin that we use can be used
to build elasticsearch plugins outside of the elasticsearch source tree. */
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
ext.projectSubstitutions = [
2016-06-03 12:48:45 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch.gradle:build-tools:${version}": ':build-tools',
2015-11-20 11:58:50 -08:00
"org.elasticsearch:rest-api-spec:${version}": ':rest-api-spec',
2018-01-11 11:30:43 -07:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:${version}": ':server',
2018-07-19 06:46:58 +00:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-cli:${version}": ':libs:elasticsearch-cli',
2018-06-07 16:50:21 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-core:${version}": ':libs:core',
2018-06-07 17:00:00 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-nio:${version}": ':libs:nio',
2018-04-02 15:58:31 -06:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-x-content:${version}": ':libs:x-content',
2019-01-25 11:37:27 -05:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-geo:${version}": ':libs:elasticsearch-geo',
2018-01-31 18:16:59 -05:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-secure-sm:${version}": ':libs:secure-sm',
2019-01-31 18:06:05 +11:00
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-ssl-config:${version}": ':libs:elasticsearch-ssl-config',
2017-07-13 09:44:25 +02:00
"org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-client:${version}": ':client:rest',
"org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer:${version}": ':client:sniffer',
"org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:${version}": ':client:rest-high-level',
2016-06-22 13:40:01 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch.client:test:${version}": ':client:test',
2016-07-26 17:54:46 +02:00
"org.elasticsearch.client:transport:${version}": ':client:transport',
2018-08-17 09:41:39 +03:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:elasticsearch-scripting-painless-spi:${version}": ':modules:lang-painless:spi',
2015-12-17 16:57:39 -08:00
"org.elasticsearch.test:framework:${version}": ':test:framework',
2016-02-17 00:32:21 +01:00
"org.elasticsearch.test:logger-usage:${version}": ':test:logger-usage',
2018-06-05 19:56:22 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch.xpack.test:feature-aware:${version}": ':x-pack:test:feature-aware',
2016-07-15 14:34:21 -07:00
// for transport client
2016-07-22 22:26:35 -04:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:transport-netty4-client:${version}": ':modules:transport-netty4',
2016-07-15 14:34:21 -07:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:reindex-client:${version}": ':modules:reindex',
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:lang-mustache-client:${version}": ':modules:lang-mustache',
2017-05-12 15:58:06 +02:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:parent-join-client:${version}": ':modules:parent-join',
2017-05-23 13:33:54 +02:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:aggs-matrix-stats-client:${version}": ':modules:aggs-matrix-stats',
2016-07-15 14:34:21 -07:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:percolator-client:${version}": ':modules:percolator',
2017-12-13 16:26:47 +01:00
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:rank-eval-client:${version}": ':modules:rank-eval',
2019-02-05 13:39:29 -07:00
// for security example plugins
"org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-core:${version}": ':x-pack:plugin:core',
2019-03-04 08:37:43 +02:00
"org.elasticsearch.client:x-pack-transport:${version}": ':x-pack:transport-client'
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
2017-11-21 08:26:45 +00:00
2018-04-16 11:49:27 -04:00
* Gradle only resolve project substitutions during dependency resolution but
* we sometimes want to do the resolution at other times. This creates a
* convenient method we can call to do it.
ext.dependencyToProject = { Dependency dep ->
if (dep instanceof ProjectDependency) {
return dep.dependencyProject
} else {
String substitution = projectSubstitutions.get("${dep.group}:${dep.name}:${dep.version}")
if (substitution != null) {
return findProject(substitution)
return null
2017-03-23 22:32:13 -07:00
project.afterEvaluate {
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { DependencySubstitutions subs ->
projectSubstitutions.each { k,v ->
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
// Handle javadoc dependencies across projects. Order matters: the linksOffline for
// org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch must be the last one or all the links for the
2018-01-11 11:30:43 -07:00
// other packages (e.g org.elasticsearch.client) will point to server rather than
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
// their own artifacts.
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin(BuildPlugin) || project.plugins.hasPlugin(PluginBuildPlugin)) {
2018-11-02 05:27:40 +02:00
String artifactsHost = VersionProperties.elasticsearch.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") ? "https://snapshots.elastic.co" : "https://artifacts.elastic.co"
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
Closure sortClosure = { a, b -> b.group <=> a.group }
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
Closure depJavadocClosure = { shadowed, dep ->
if (dep.group == null || false == dep.group.startsWith('org.elasticsearch')) {
2018-11-14 11:22:00 +02:00
Project upstreamProject = project.ext.dependencyToProject(dep)
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
if (upstreamProject == null) {
if (shadowed) {
* Include the source of shadowed upstream projects so we don't
* have to publish their javadoc.
project.javadoc.source += upstreamProject.javadoc.source
* Instead we need the upstream project's javadoc classpath so
* we don't barf on the classes that it references.
project.javadoc.classpath += upstreamProject.javadoc.classpath
} else {
// Link to non-shadowed dependant projects
project.javadoc.dependsOn "${upstreamProject.path}:javadoc"
String artifactPath = dep.group.replaceAll('\\.', '/') + '/' + dep.name.replaceAll('\\.', '/') + '/' + dep.version
project.javadoc.options.linksOffline artifactsHost + "/javadoc/" + artifactPath, "${upstreamProject.buildDir}/docs/javadoc/"
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
boolean hasShadow = project.plugins.hasPlugin(ShadowPlugin)
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(false, c) })
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(false, c) })
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
if (hasShadow) {
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(true, c) })
2018-07-17 14:20:41 -04:00
2017-09-11 15:43:34 -07:00
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
// Ensure similar tasks in dependent projects run first. The projectsEvaluated here is
// important because, while dependencies.all will pickup future dependencies,
// it is not necessarily true that the task exists in both projects at the time
// the dependency is added.
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
allprojects {
2017-08-25 14:13:12 -05:00
if (project.path == ':test:framework') {
2018-01-11 11:30:43 -07:00
// :test:framework:test cannot run before and after :server:test
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
2018-06-28 08:13:21 +03:00
if (tasks.findByPath('test') != null && tasks.findByPath('integTest') != null) {
integTest.mustRunAfter test
2018-06-05 19:56:22 -04:00
configurations.all { Configuration configuration ->
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
dependencies.all { Dependency dep ->
2018-04-16 11:49:27 -04:00
Project upstreamProject = dependencyToProject(dep)
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
if (upstreamProject != null) {
if (project.path == upstreamProject.path) {
// TODO: distribution integ tests depend on themselves (!), fix that
for (String taskName : ['test', 'integTest']) {
Task task = project.tasks.findByName(taskName)
Task upstreamTask = upstreamProject.tasks.findByName(taskName)
if (task != null && upstreamTask != null) {
2019-04-08 07:05:12 -07:00
2015-11-22 01:12:17 -08:00
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2015-10-30 21:32:16 -07:00
// intellij configuration
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'idea'
2015-12-15 17:32:21 +01:00
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
if (isIdea) {
project.buildDir = file('build-idea')
2015-12-15 17:32:21 +01:00
idea {
module {
inheritOutputDirs = false
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
outputDir = file('build-idea/classes/main')
testOutputDir = file('build-idea/classes/test')
2015-12-15 17:32:21 +01:00
2016-04-14 14:54:52 -07:00
// also ignore other possible build dirs
excludeDirs += file('build')
excludeDirs += file('build-eclipse')
2015-12-15 17:32:21 +01:00
2016-12-22 11:24:13 -06:00
task cleanIdeaBuildDir(type: Delete) {
delete 'build-idea'
cleanIdeaBuildDir.setDescription("Deletes the IDEA build directory.")
2015-10-30 21:32:16 -07:00
2015-11-20 11:58:50 -08:00
idea {
project {
vcs = 'Git'
2015-10-30 21:32:16 -07:00
2015-10-31 02:39:35 -04:00
// eclipse configuration
2015-10-30 21:32:16 -07:00
allprojects {
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
2016-01-28 17:40:29 -05:00
// Name all the non-root projects after their path so that paths get grouped together when imported into eclipse.
if (path != ':') {
eclipse.project.name = path
2016-04-28 11:08:21 -03:00
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
2016-04-28 11:02:11 -03:00
eclipse.project.name = eclipse.project.name.replace(':', '_')
2016-01-28 17:40:29 -05:00
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2015-10-31 02:39:35 -04:00
plugins.withType(JavaBasePlugin) {
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
File eclipseBuild = project.file('build-eclipse')
eclipse.classpath.defaultOutputDir = eclipseBuild
if (isEclipse) {
// set this so generated dirs will be relative to eclipse build
project.buildDir = eclipseBuild
2018-07-12 08:55:31 +00:00
// Work around https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_gradle_plugin.html confusing Eclipse by the metadata
// it adds to the classpath
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
2015-10-31 02:39:35 -04:00
eclipse.classpath.file.whenMerged { classpath ->
// give each source folder a unique corresponding output folder
int i = 0;
classpath.entries.findAll { it instanceof SourceFolder }.each { folder ->
// this is *NOT* a path or a file.
2016-02-04 15:44:30 -08:00
folder.output = "build-eclipse/" + i
2015-10-31 02:39:35 -04:00
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2018-05-03 08:48:49 +01:00
File licenseHeaderFile;
2018-07-05 12:28:40 +03:00
String prefix = ':x-pack';
2018-07-06 12:48:00 -04:00
2018-07-05 12:28:40 +03:00
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
prefix = prefix.replace(':', '_')
if (eclipse.project.name.startsWith(prefix)) {
2018-05-03 08:48:49 +01:00
licenseHeaderFile = new File(project.rootDir, 'buildSrc/src/main/resources/license-headers/elastic-license-header.txt')
} else {
licenseHeaderFile = new File(project.rootDir, 'buildSrc/src/main/resources/license-headers/oss-license-header.txt')
2018-07-06 12:48:00 -04:00
2018-07-05 12:28:40 +03:00
String lineSeparator = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) ? '\\\\r\\\\n' : '\\\\n'
String licenseHeader = licenseHeaderFile.getText('UTF-8').replace(System.lineSeparator(), lineSeparator)
2015-11-02 10:44:51 -05:00
task copyEclipseSettings(type: Copy) {
// TODO: "package this up" for external builds
from new File(project.rootDir, 'buildSrc/src/main/resources/eclipse.settings')
into '.settings'
2018-05-03 08:48:49 +01:00
filter{ it.replaceAll('@@LICENSE_HEADER_TEXT@@', licenseHeader)}
2015-11-02 10:44:51 -05:00
2015-11-02 09:39:14 -05:00
// otherwise .settings is not nuked entirely
2016-05-31 14:20:21 -07:00
task wipeEclipseSettings(type: Delete) {
2015-11-11 19:26:55 -08:00
delete '.settings'
2016-05-31 14:20:21 -07:00
2015-10-30 23:00:05 -04:00
// otherwise the eclipse merging is *super confusing*
2015-11-11 19:26:55 -08:00
tasks.eclipse.dependsOn(cleanEclipse, copyEclipseSettings)
2018-08-31 16:01:54 +03:00
// work arround https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/6582
tasks.eclipseProject.mustRunAfter tasks.cleanEclipseProject
tasks.matching { it.name == 'eclipseClasspath' }.all {
it.mustRunAfter { tasks.cleanEclipseClasspath }
tasks.matching { it.name == 'eclipseJdt' }.all {
it.mustRunAfter { tasks.cleanEclipseJdt }
tasks.copyEclipseSettings.mustRunAfter tasks.wipeEclipseSettings
2015-10-29 11:40:19 -07:00
2018-07-24 11:53:04 -04:00
allprojects {
* IntelliJ and Eclipse don't know about the shadow plugin so when we're
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
* in "IntelliJ mode" or "Eclipse mode" switch "bundle" dependencies into
* regular "compile" dependencies. This isn't needed for the project
2018-07-24 11:53:04 -04:00
* itself because the IDE configuration is done by SourceSets but it is
* *is* needed for projects that depends on the project doing the shadowing.
* Without this they won't properly depend on the shadowed project.
if (isEclipse || isIdea) {
2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
project.afterEvaluate {
project.configurations.compile.extendsFrom project.configurations.bundle
2018-07-24 11:53:04 -04:00
2015-11-17 15:37:26 -08:00
// we need to add the same --debug-jvm option as
// the real RunTask has, so we can pass it through
class Run extends DefaultTask {
boolean debug = false
2018-12-05 14:06:11 +02:00
2015-11-17 15:37:26 -08:00
option = "debug-jvm",
description = "Enable debugging configuration, to allow attaching a debugger to elasticsearch."
public void setDebug(boolean enabled) {
project.project(':distribution').run.clusterConfig.debug = enabled
2015-11-25 19:21:38 -05:00
2015-11-17 15:37:26 -08:00
task run(type: Run) {
2015-11-16 16:02:44 -08:00
dependsOn ':distribution:run'
description = 'Runs elasticsearch in the foreground'
group = 'Verification'
2015-11-18 22:22:47 -08:00
impliesSubProjects = true
2015-11-16 16:02:44 -08:00
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
2018-06-29 19:17:19 +00:00
wrapper {
2018-07-25 06:21:03 +00:00
distributionType = 'ALL'
2018-06-29 19:17:19 +00:00
doLast {
2018-05-01 16:46:06 -07:00
final DistributionLocator locator = new DistributionLocator()
final GradleVersion version = GradleVersion.version(wrapper.gradleVersion)
final URI distributionUri = locator.getDistributionFor(version, wrapper.distributionType.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))
final URI sha256Uri = new URI(distributionUri.toString() + ".sha256")
final String sha256Sum = new String(sha256Uri.toURL().bytes)
wrapper.getPropertiesFile() << "distributionSha256Sum=${sha256Sum}\n"
2018-06-29 19:17:19 +00:00
println "Added checksum to wrapper properties"
2018-07-25 06:21:03 +00:00
// Update build-tools to reflect the Gradle upgrade
// TODO: we can remove this once we have tests to make sure older versions work.
project(':build-tools').file('src/main/resources/minimumGradleVersion').text = gradleVersion
println "Updated minimum Gradle Version"
2018-05-01 16:46:06 -07:00
2018-01-04 16:36:13 -05:00
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
subprojects {
2018-11-05 16:16:00 -05:00
* Remove assemble/dependenciesInfo on all qa projects because we don't
* need to publish artifacts for them.
if (project.name.equals('qa') || project.path.contains(':qa:')) {
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
Task assemble = project.tasks.findByName('assemble')
if (assemble) {
2018-09-04 07:32:14 +03:00
assemble.enabled = false
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
2018-06-09 07:28:41 -04:00
Task dependenciesInfo = project.tasks.findByName('dependenciesInfo')
if (dependenciesInfo) {
2018-09-04 07:32:14 +03:00
dependenciesInfo.enabled = false
2018-06-09 07:28:41 -04:00
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
2018-07-19 06:46:58 +00:00
// Having the same group and name for distinct projects causes Gradle to consider them equal when resolving
// dependencies leading to hard to debug failures. Run a check across all project to prevent this from happening.
// see: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/847
Map coordsToProject = [:]
project.allprojects.forEach { p ->
String coords = "${p.group}:${p.name}"
if (false == coordsToProject.putIfAbsent(coords, p)) {
throw new GradleException(
"Detected that two projects: ${p.path} and ${coordsToProject[coords].path} " +
"have the same name and group: ${coords}. " +
"This doesn't currently work correctly in Gradle, see: " +
2017-06-16 11:46:34 -04:00
2018-06-28 08:13:21 +03:00
if (System.properties.get("build.compare") != null) {
apply plugin: 'compare-gradle-builds'
compareGradleBuilds {
ext.referenceProject = System.properties.get("build.compare")
doFirst {
if (file(referenceProject).exists() == false) {
throw new GradleException(
"Use git worktree to check out a version to compare against to ../elasticsearch_build_reference"
sourceBuild {
2018-07-17 11:41:31 +00:00
gradleVersion = gradle.getGradleVersion()
2018-06-28 08:13:21 +03:00
projectDir = referenceProject
tasks = ["clean", "assemble"]
arguments = ["-Dbuild.compare_friendly=true"]
targetBuild {
tasks = ["clean", "assemble"]
// use -Dorg.gradle.java.home= to alter jdk versions
arguments = ["-Dbuild.compare_friendly=true"]
2018-09-14 16:14:03 -04:00
allprojects {
task resolveAllDependencies {
2019-02-18 14:10:10 +02:00
dependsOn tasks.matching { it.name == "pullFixture"}
doLast {
configurations.findAll { it.isCanBeResolved() }.each { it.resolve() }
2018-09-14 16:14:03 -04:00
2018-11-20 20:35:53 +02:00
2019-04-19 09:49:36 -07:00
// helper task to print direct dependencies of a single task
project.tasks.addRule("Pattern: <taskName>Dependencies") { String taskName ->
if (taskName.endsWith("Dependencies") == false) {
if (project.tasks.findByName(taskName) != null) {
String realTaskName = taskName.substring(0, taskName.length() - "Dependencies".length())
Task realTask = project.tasks.findByName(realTaskName)
if (realTask == null) {
project.tasks.create(taskName) {
doLast {
println("${realTask.path} dependencies:")
for (Task dep : realTask.getTaskDependencies().getDependencies(realTask)) {
println(" - ${dep.path}")
2018-11-20 20:35:53 +02:00
task checkPart1
task checkPart2
tasks.matching { it.name == "check" }.all { check ->
if (check.path.startsWith(":x-pack:")) {
checkPart2.dependsOn check
} else {
checkPart1.dependsOn check
2019-04-19 09:46:21 +03:00
subprojects {
// Common config when running with a FIPS-140 runtime JVM
if (project.ext.has("inFipsJvm") && project.ext.inFipsJvm) {
tasks.withType(Test) {
systemProperty 'javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword', 'password'
systemProperty 'javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword', 'password'
project.pluginManager.withPlugin("elasticsearch.testclusters") {
project.testClusters.all {
systemProperty 'javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword', 'password'
systemProperty 'javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword', 'password'
2018-11-20 20:35:53 +02:00