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# Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on
# either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import argparse
import glob
import logging
import os
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print('%s must use python 3.x (for the ES python client)' % sys.argv[0])
from datetime import datetime
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.exceptions import ConnectionError
from elasticsearch.exceptions import TransportError
except ImportError as e:
print('Can\'t import elasticsearch please install `sudo pip3 install elasticsearch`')
# sometimes returns True
def rarely():
return random.randint(0, 10) == 0
# usually returns True
def frequently():
return not rarely()
# asserts the correctness of the given hits given they are sorted asc
def assert_sort(hits):
values = [hit['sort'] for hit in hits['hits']['hits']]
assert len(values) > 0, 'expected non emtpy result'
val = min(values)
for x in values:
assert x >= val, '%s >= %s' % (x, val)
val = x
# Indexes the given number of document into the given index
# and randomly runs refresh, optimize and flush commands
def index_documents(es, index_name, type, num_docs):'Indexing %s docs' % num_docs)
for id in range(0, num_docs):
es.index(index=index_name, doc_type=type, id=id, body={'string': str(random.randint(0, 100)),
'long_sort': random.randint(0, 100),
'double_sort' : float(random.randint(0, 100)),
'bool' : random.choice([True, False])})
if rarely():
if rarely():
es.indices.flush(index=index_name, force=frequently())'Flushing index')
def delete_by_query(es, version, index_name, doc_type):'Deleting long_sort:[10..20] docs')
query = {'query':
{'gte': 10,
'lte': 20}}}}
if version.startswith('0.') or version in ('1.0.0.Beta1', '1.0.0.Beta2'):
# TODO #10262: we can't write DBQ into the translog for these old versions until we fix this back-compat bug:
# #4074: these versions don't expect to see the top-level 'query' to count/delete_by_query:
query = query['query']
deleted_count = es.count(index=index_name, doc_type=doc_type, body=query)['count']
result = es.delete_by_query(index=index_name,
# make sure no shards failed:
assert result['_indices'][index_name]['_shards']['failed'] == 0, 'delete by query failed: %s' % result'Deleted %d docs' % deleted_count)
def run_basic_asserts(es, index_name, type, num_docs):
count = es.count(index=index_name)['count']
assert count == num_docs, 'Expected %r but got %r documents' % (num_docs, count)
for _ in range(0, num_docs):
random_doc_id = random.randint(0, num_docs-1)
doc = es.get(index=index_name, doc_type=type, id=random_doc_id)
assert doc, 'Expected document for id %s but got %s' % (random_doc_id, doc)
'sort': [
{'double_sort': {'order': 'asc'}}
'sort': [
{'long_sort': {'order': 'asc'}}
def build_version(version_tuple):
return '.'.join([str(x) for x in version_tuple])
def build_tuple(version_string):
return [int(x) for x in version_string.split('.')]
def start_node(version, release_dir, data_dir, repo_dir, tcp_port=DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT, http_port=DEFAULT_HTTP_TCP_PORT, cluster_name=None):'Starting node from %s on port %s/%s, data_dir %s' % (release_dir, tcp_port, http_port, data_dir))
if cluster_name is None:
cluster_name = 'bwc_index_' + version
cmd = [
os.path.join(release_dir, 'bin/elasticsearch'),
'' % data_dir,
'' % cluster_name,
'-Des.transport.tcp.port=%s' % tcp_port,
'-Des.http.port=%s' % http_port,
'-Des.path.repo=%s' % repo_dir
if version.startswith('0.') or version.startswith('1.0.0.Beta') :
cmd.append('-f') # version before 1.0 start in background automatically
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def create_client(http_port=DEFAULT_HTTP_TCP_PORT, timeout=30):'Waiting for node to startup')
for _ in range(0, timeout):
# TODO: ask Honza if there is a better way to do this?
client = Elasticsearch([{'host': '', 'port': http_port}])
client.count() # can we actually search or do we get a 503? -- anyway retry
return client
except (ConnectionError, TransportError):
assert False, 'Timed out waiting for node for %s seconds' % timeout
def generate_index(client, version, index_name):
client.indices.delete(index=index_name, ignore=404)'Create single shard test index')
mappings = {}
if not version.startswith('2.'):
# TODO: we need better "before/onOr/after" logic in python
# backcompat test for legacy type level analyzer settings, see #8874
mappings['analyzer_type1'] = {
'analyzer': 'standard',
'properties': {
'string_with_index_analyzer': {
'type': 'string',
'index_analyzer': 'standard'
# completion type was added in 0.90.3
if not version.startswith('0.20') and version not in ['0.90.0.Beta1', '0.90.0.RC1', '0.90.0.RC2', '0.90.0', '0.90.1', '0.90.2']:
2015-03-23 08:04:05 -07:00
mappings['analyzer_type1']['properties']['completion_with_index_analyzer'] = {
'type': 'completion',
'index_analyzer': 'standard'
mappings['analyzer_type2'] = {
'index_analyzer': 'standard',
'search_analyzer': 'keyword',
'search_quote_analyzer': 'english',
mappings['index_name_and_path'] = {
'properties': {
'parent_multi_field': {
'type': 'string',
'path': 'just_name',
'fields': {
'raw': {'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed', 'index_name': 'raw_multi_field'}
'field_with_index_name': {
'type': 'string',
'index_name': 'custom_index_name_for_field'
mappings['meta_fields'] = {
'_id': {
'path': 'myid'
'_routing': {
'path': 'myrouting'
'_boost': {
'null_value': 2.0
mappings['custom_formats'] = {
'properties': {
'string_with_custom_postings': {
'type': 'string',
'postings_format': 'Lucene41'
'long_with_custom_doc_values': {
'type': 'long',
'doc_values_format': 'Lucene42'
Mappings: Same code path for dynamic mappings updates and updates coming from the API. We have two completely different code paths for mappings updates, depending on whether they come from the API or are guessed based on the parsed documents. This commit makes dynamic mappings updates execute like updates from the API. The only change in behaviour is that a document that fails parsing can not modify mappings anymore (useful to prevent issues such as #9851). Other than that, this change should be fairly transparent to users but working this way opens doors to other changes such as validating dynamic mappings updates on the master node (#8688). The way it works internally is that Mapper.parse now returns a Mapper instead of being void. The returned Mapper represents a mapping update that has been performed in order to parse the document. Mappings updates are propagated recursively back to the root mapper, and once parsing is finished, we check that the mappings update can be applied, and either fail the parsing if the update cannot be merged (eg. because of a concurrent mapping update from the API) or merge the update into the mappings. However not all mappings updates can be applied recursively, `copy_to` for instance can add mappings at totally different places in the tree. Because of it I added ParseContext.rootMapperUpdates which `copy_to` fills when the field to copy data to does not exist in the mappings yet. These mappings updates are merged from the ones generated by regular parsing. One particular mapping update was the `auto_boost` setting on the `all` root mapper. Being tricky to work on, I removed it in favour of search-time checks that payloads have been indexed. One interesting side-effect of the change is that concurrency on ObjectMapper is greatly simplified since we do not have to care anymore about having concurrent dynamic mappings and API updates.
2015-04-13 16:52:16 +02:00
mappings['auto_boost'] = {
'_all': {
'auto_boost': True
client.indices.create(index=index_name, body={
'settings': {
'number_of_shards': 1,
'number_of_replicas': 0,
# Same as ES default (60 seconds), but missing the units to make sure they are inserted on upgrade:
"gc_deletes": '60000',
# Same as ES default (5 GB), but missing the units to make sure they are inserted on upgrade:
"merge.policy.max_merged_segment": '5368709120'
'mappings': mappings
health ='green', wait_for_relocating_shards=0)
assert health['timed_out'] == False, 'cluster health timed out %s' % health
2015-03-18 14:16:16 -04:00
num_docs = random.randint(2000, 3000)
if version == "1.1.0":
# 1.1.0 is buggy and creates lots and lots of segments, so we create a
# lighter index for it to keep bw tests reasonable
# see
num_docs = int(num_docs / 10)
index_documents(client, index_name, 'doc', num_docs)'Running basic asserts on the data added')
run_basic_asserts(client, index_name, 'doc', num_docs)
def snapshot_index(client, version, repo_dir):
# Add bogus persistent settings to make sure they can be restored
'persistent': {
'cluster.routing.allocation.exclude.version_attr': version,
# Same as ES default (30 seconds), but missing the units to make sure they are inserted on upgrade:
'discovery.zen.publish_timeout': '30000',
# Same as ES default (512 KB), but missing the units to make sure they are inserted on upgrade:
'indices.recovery.file_chunk_size': '524288',
client.indices.put_template(name='template_' + version.lower(), order=0, body={
"template": "te*",
"settings": {
"number_of_shards" : 1
"mappings": {
"type1": {
"_source": { "enabled" : False }
"aliases": {
"alias1": {},
"alias2": {
"filter": {
"term": {"version" : version }
"routing": "kimchy"
"{index}-alias": {}
client.snapshot.create_repository(repository='test_repo', body={
'type': 'fs',
'settings': {
'location': repo_dir
client.snapshot.create(repository='test_repo', snapshot='test_1', wait_for_completion=True)
def compress_index(version, tmp_dir, output_dir):
compress(tmp_dir, output_dir, '' % version, 'data')
def compress_repo(version, tmp_dir, output_dir):
compress(tmp_dir, output_dir, '' % version, 'repo')
def compress(tmp_dir, output_dir, zipfile, directory):
abs_output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir)
zipfile = os.path.join(abs_output_dir, zipfile)
if os.path.exists(zipfile):
os.remove(zipfile)'Compressing index into %s, tmpDir %s', zipfile, tmp_dir)
olddir = os.getcwd()
subprocess.check_call('zip -r %s %s' % (zipfile, directory), shell=True)
def parse_config():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Builds an elasticsearch index for backwards compatibility tests')
required = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
required.add_argument('versions', metavar='X.Y.Z', nargs='*', default=[],
help='The elasticsearch version to build an index for')
required.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Recreate all existing backwards compatibility indexes')
parser.add_argument('--releases-dir', '-d', default='backwards', metavar='DIR',
help='The directory containing elasticsearch releases')
parser.add_argument('--output-dir', '-o', default='core/src/test/resources/org/elasticsearch/bwcompat',
help='The directory to write the zipped index into')
parser.add_argument('--tcp-port', default=DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT, type=int,
help='The port to use as the minimum port for TCP communication')
parser.add_argument('--http-port', default=DEFAULT_HTTP_TCP_PORT, type=int,
help='The port to use as the minimum port for HTTP communication')
cfg = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(cfg.output_dir):
parser.error('Output directory does not exist: %s' % cfg.output_dir)
if not cfg.versions:
# --all
for bwc_index in glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, 'index-*.zip')):
version = os.path.basename(bwc_index)[len('index-'):-len('.zip')]
return cfg
def create_bwc_index(cfg, version):'--> Creating bwc index for %s' % version)
release_dir = os.path.join(cfg.releases_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % version)
if not os.path.exists(release_dir):
raise RuntimeError('ES version %s does not exist in %s' % (version, cfg.releases_dir))
snapshot_supported = not (version.startswith('0.') or version == '1.0.0.Beta1')
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
data_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data')
repo_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'repo')'Temp data dir: %s' % data_dir)'Temp repo dir: %s' % repo_dir)
node = None
node = start_node(version, release_dir, data_dir, repo_dir, cfg.tcp_port, cfg.http_port)
client = create_client(cfg.http_port)
index_name = 'index-%s' % version.lower()
generate_index(client, version, index_name)
if snapshot_supported:
snapshot_index(client, version, repo_dir)
# 10067: get a delete-by-query into the translog on upgrade. We must do
# this after the snapshot, because it calls flush. Otherwise the index
# will already have the deletions applied on upgrade.
delete_by_query(client, version, index_name, 'doc')
node = None
compress_index(version, tmp_dir, cfg.output_dir)
if snapshot_supported:
compress_repo(version, tmp_dir, cfg.output_dir)
if node is not None:
# This only happens if we've hit an exception:
def shutdown_node(node):'Shutting down node with pid %d',
def main():
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] [%(asctime)s] %(message)s', level=logging.INFO,
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p')
cfg = parse_config()
for version in cfg.versions:
create_bwc_index(cfg, version)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Caught keyboard interrupt, exiting...')