2019-04-23 12:10:47 -04:00
// This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
=== Score API
The following specialized API is available in the Score context.
* See the <<painless-api-reference-shared, Shared API>> for further API available in all contexts.
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==== Static Methods
The following methods are directly callable without a class/instance qualifier. Note parameters denoted by a (*) are treated as read-only values.
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* double cosineSimilarity(List *, String)
* double cosineSimilaritySparse(Map *, String)
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* double decayDateExp(String *, String *, String *, double *, JodaCompatibleZonedDateTime)
* double decayDateGauss(String *, String *, String *, double *, JodaCompatibleZonedDateTime)
* double decayDateLinear(String *, String *, String *, double *, JodaCompatibleZonedDateTime)
* double decayGeoExp(String *, String *, String *, double *, GeoPoint)
* double decayGeoGauss(String *, String *, String *, double *, GeoPoint)
* double decayGeoLinear(String *, String *, String *, double *, GeoPoint)
* double decayNumericExp(double *, double *, double *, double *, double)
* double decayNumericGauss(double *, double *, double *, double *, double)
* double decayNumericLinear(double *, double *, double *, double *, double)
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* double dotProduct(List, String)
* double dotProductSparse(Map *, String)
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* double randomScore(int *)
* double randomScore(int *, String *)
* double saturation(double, double)
* double sigmoid(double, double, double)
==== Classes By Package
The following classes are available grouped by their respective packages. Click on a class to view details about the available methods and fields.
2019-04-23 12:10:47 -04:00
==== org.elasticsearch.index.query
<<painless-api-reference-score-org-elasticsearch-index-query, Expand details for org.elasticsearch.index.query>>
* <<painless-api-reference-score-VectorScriptDocValues, VectorScriptDocValues>>
* <<painless-api-reference-score-VectorScriptDocValues-DenseVectorScriptDocValues, VectorScriptDocValues.DenseVectorScriptDocValues>>
* <<painless-api-reference-score-VectorScriptDocValues-SparseVectorScriptDocValues, VectorScriptDocValues.SparseVectorScriptDocValues>>