Lucene's expressions compile a `javascript` expression to bytecode. They are
designed for high-performance custom ranking and sorting functions and are
enabled for `inline` and `stored` scripting by default.
=== Performance
Expressions were designed to have competitive performance with custom Lucene code.
This performance is due to having low per-document overhead as opposed to other
scripting engines: expressions do more "up-front".
This allows for very fast execution, even faster than if you had written a `native` script.
=== Syntax
Expressions support a subset of javascript syntax: a single expression.
See the link:[expressions module documentation]
for details on what operators and functions are available.
Variables in `expression` scripts are available to access:
* document fields, e.g. `doc['myfield'].value`
* variables and methods that the field supports, e.g. `doc['myfield'].empty`
* Parameters passed into the script, e.g. `mymodifier`
* The current document's score, `_score` (only available when used in a `script_score`)
You can use Expressions scripts for `script_score`, `script_fields`, sort scripts, and numeric aggregation
scripts, simply set the `lang` parameter to `expression`.