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== Configuring monitoring in {es}
<titleabbrev>Configuring monitoring</titleabbrev>
If you enable the collection of monitoring data in your cluster, you can
optionally collect metrics about {es}. By default, {monitoring} is enabled but
data collection is disabled.
The following method involves sending the metrics to the monitoring cluster by
using exporters. For an alternative method, see <<configuring-metricbeat>>.
Advanced monitoring settings enable you to control how frequently data is
collected, configure timeouts, and set the retention period for locally-stored
monitoring indices. You can also adjust how monitoring data is displayed.
To learn about monitoring in general, see
{stack-ov}/xpack-monitoring.html[Monitoring the {stack}].
. To collect monitoring data about your {es} cluster:
.. Verify that the `xpack.monitoring.enabled`,
`xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled`, and
`xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection.enabled` settings are `true` on each
node in the cluster. By default `xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled` is disabled
(`false`), and that overrides `xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection.enabled`,
which defaults to being enabled (`true`). Both settings can be set dynamically
at runtime. For more information, see <<monitoring-settings>>.
.. Optional: Specify which indices you want to monitor.
By default, the monitoring agent collects data from all {es} indices.
To collect data from particular indices, configure the
`xpack.monitoring.collection.indices` setting. You can specify multiple indices
as a comma-separated list or use an index pattern to match multiple indices. For
xpack.monitoring.collection.indices: logstash-*, index1, test2
You can prepend `+` or `-` to explicitly include or exclude index names or
patterns. For example, to include all indices that start with `test` except
`test3`, you could specify `+test*,-test3`.
.. Optional: Specify how often to collect monitoring data. The default value for
the `xpack.monitoring.collection.interval` setting 10 seconds. See
. Optional: Configure your cluster to route monitoring data from sources such
as {kib}, Beats, and Logstash to a monitoring cluster:
.. Verify that `xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled` settings are `true` on each
node in the cluster.
.. {stack-ov}/xpack-monitoring.html[Configure {monitoring} across the Elastic Stack].
. Identify where to store monitoring data.
By default, {monitoring} uses a `local` exporter that indexes monitoring data
on the same cluster. See <<es-monitoring-default-exporter>> and <<local-exporter>>.
Alternatively, you can use an `http` exporter to send data to a separate
monitoring cluster. See <<http-exporter>>.
For more information about typical monitoring architectures,
see {stack-ov}/how-monitoring-works.html[How Monitoring Works].
. If {security} is enabled and you are using an `http` exporter to send data to
a dedicated monitoring cluster:
.. Create a user on the monitoring cluster that has the
{stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html#built-in-roles-remote-monitoring-agent[`remote_monitoring_agent` built-in role].
For example, the following request creates a `remote_monitor` user that has the
`remote_monitoring_agent` role:
[source, sh]
POST /_xpack/security/user/remote_monitor
"password" : "changeme",
"roles" : [ "remote_monitoring_agent"],
"full_name" : "Internal Agent For Remote Monitoring"
// TEST[skip:needs-gold+-license]
.. On each node in the cluster that is being monitored, configure the `http`
exporter to use the appropriate credentials when data is shipped to the
monitoring cluster.
If SSL/TLS is enabled on the monitoring cluster, you must use the HTTPS protocol
in the `host` setting. You must also include the CA certificate in each node's
trusted certificates in order to verify the identities of the nodes in the
monitoring cluster.
The following example specifies the location of the PEM encoded certificate with
the `certificate_authorities` setting:
type: http
host: ["https://es-mon1:9200", "https://es-mon2:9200"]
username: remote_monitor <1>
password: changeme
certificate_authorities: [ "/path/to/ca.crt" ]
type: local
<1> The `username` and `password` parameters provide the user credentials.
Alternatively, you can configure trusted certificates using a truststore
(a Java Keystore file that contains the certificates):
type: http
host: ["https://es-mon1:9200", "https://es-mon2:9200"]
username: remote_monitor
password: changeme
truststore.path: /path/to/file
truststore.password: password
type: local
. If {security} is enabled and you want to visualize monitoring data in {kib},
you must create users that have access to the {kib} indices and permission to
read from the monitoring indices.
You set up {monitoring} UI users on the cluster where the monitoring data is
stored, that is to say the monitoring cluster. To grant all of the necessary permissions, assign users the
`monitoring_user` and `kibana_user` roles. For more information, see
{stack-ov}/mapping-roles.html[Mapping users and groups to roles].
. Optional:
<<config-monitoring-indices,Configure the indices that store the monitoring data>>.
. {kibana-ref}/monitoring-data.html[View the monitoring data in {kib}].