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2016-03-13 21:17:48 +01:00
=== Java API changes
==== Count api has been removed
The deprecated count api has been removed from the Java api, use the search api instead and set size to 0.
The following call
can be replaced with
client.prepareSearch(indices).setSource(new SearchSourceBuilder().size(0).query(query)).get();
==== Elasticsearch will no longer detect logging implementations
Elasticsearch now logs only to log4j 1.2. Previously if log4j wasn't on the
classpath it made some effort to degrade to slf4j or java.util.logging. Now it
will fail to work without the log4j 1.2 api. The log4j-over-slf4j bridge ought
to work when using the java client, as should log4j 2's log4j-1.2-api. The
Elasticsearch server now only supports log4j as configured by `logging.yml`
and will fail if log4j isn't present.
==== Groovy dependencies
In previous versions of Elasticsearch, the Groovy scripting capabilities
depended on the `org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all` artifact. In addition
to pulling in the Groovy language, this pulls in a very large set of
functionality, none of which is needed for scripting within
Elasticsearch. Aside from the inherent difficulties in managing such a
large set of dependencies, this also increases the surface area for
security issues. This dependency has been reduced to the core Groovy
language `org.codehaus.groovy:groovy` artifact.
==== DocumentAlreadyExistsException removed
`DocumentAlreadyExistsException` is removed and a `VersionConflictException` is thrown instead (with a better
error description). This will influence code that use the `IndexRequest.opType()` or `IndexRequest.create()`
to index a document only if it doesn't already exist.
==== Changes to Query Builders
===== BoostingQueryBuilder
Removed setters for mandatory positive/negative query. Both arguments now have
to be supplied at construction time already and have to be non-null.
===== SpanContainingQueryBuilder
Removed setters for mandatory big/little inner span queries. Both arguments now have
to be supplied at construction time already and have to be non-null. Updated
static factory methods in QueryBuilders accordingly.
===== SpanOrQueryBuilder
Making sure that query contains at least one clause by making initial clause mandatory
in constructor.
===== SpanNearQueryBuilder
Removed setter for mandatory slop parameter, needs to be set in constructor now. Also
making sure that query contains at least one clause by making initial clause mandatory
in constructor. Updated the static factory methods in QueryBuilders accordingly.
===== SpanNotQueryBuilder
Removed setter for mandatory include/exclude span query clause, needs to be set in constructor now.
Updated the static factory methods in QueryBuilders and tests accordingly.
===== SpanWithinQueryBuilder
Removed setters for mandatory big/little inner span queries. Both arguments now have
to be supplied at construction time already and have to be non-null. Updated
static factory methods in QueryBuilders accordingly.
===== QueryFilterBuilder
Removed the setter `queryName(String queryName)` since this field is not supported
in this type of query. Use `FQueryFilterBuilder.queryName(String queryName)` instead
when in need to wrap a named query as a filter.
===== WrapperQueryBuilder
Removed `wrapperQueryBuilder(byte[] source, int offset, int length)`. Instead simply
use `wrapperQueryBuilder(byte[] source)`. Updated the static factory methods in
QueryBuilders accordingly.
===== QueryStringQueryBuilder
Removed ability to pass in boost value using `field(String field)` method in form e.g. `field^2`.
Use the `field(String, float)` method instead.
===== Operator
Removed the enums called `Operator` from `MatchQueryBuilder`, `QueryStringQueryBuilder`,
`SimpleQueryStringBuilder`, and `CommonTermsQueryBuilder` in favour of using the enum
defined in `org.elasticsearch.index.query.Operator` in an effort to consolidate the
codebase and avoid duplication.
===== queryName and boost support
Support for `queryName` and `boost` has been streamlined to all of the queries. That is
a breaking change till queries get sent over the network as serialized json rather
than in `Streamable` format. In fact whenever additional fields are added to the json
representation of the query, older nodes might throw error when they find unknown fields.
===== InnerHitsBuilder
InnerHitsBuilder now has a dedicated addParentChildInnerHits and addNestedInnerHits methods
to differentiate between inner hits for nested vs. parent / child documents. This change
makes the type / path parameter mandatory.
===== MatchQueryBuilder
Moving MatchQueryBuilder.Type and MatchQueryBuilder.ZeroTermsQuery enum to MatchQuery.Type.
Also reusing new Operator enum.
===== MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder
Removed `MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder.Item#id(String id)`, `Item#doc(BytesReference doc)`,
`Item#doc(XContentBuilder doc)`. Use provided constructors instead.
Removed `MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder#addLike` in favor of texts and/or items being provided
at construction time. Using arrays there instead of lists now.
Removed `MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder#addUnlike` in favor to using the `unlike` methods
which take arrays as arguments now rather than the lists used before.
The deprecated `docs(Item... docs)`, `ignoreLike(Item... docs)`,
`ignoreLike(String... likeText)`, `addItem(Item... likeItems)` have been removed.
===== GeoDistanceQueryBuilder
Removing individual setters for lon() and lat() values, both values should be set together
using point(lon, lat).
===== GeoDistanceRangeQueryBuilder
Removing setters for to(Object ...) and from(Object ...) in favour of the only two allowed input
arguments (String, Number). Removing setter for center point (point(), geohash()) because parameter
is mandatory and should already be set in constructor.
Also removing setters for lt(), lte(), gt(), gte() since they can all be replaced by equivalent
calls to to/from() and inludeLower()/includeUpper().
===== GeoPolygonQueryBuilder
Require shell of polygon already to be specified in constructor instead of adding it pointwise.
This enables validation, but makes it necessary to remove the addPoint() methods.
===== MultiMatchQueryBuilder
Moving MultiMatchQueryBuilder.ZeroTermsQuery enum to MatchQuery.ZeroTermsQuery.
Also reusing new Operator enum.
Removed ability to pass in boost value using `field(String field)` method in form e.g. `field^2`.
Use the `field(String, float)` method instead.
===== MissingQueryBuilder
The MissingQueryBuilder which was deprecated in 2.2.0 is removed. As a replacement use ExistsQueryBuilder
inside a mustNot() clause. So instead of using `new ExistsQueryBuilder(name)` now use
`new BoolQueryBuilder().mustNot(new ExistsQueryBuilder(name))`.
===== NotQueryBuilder
The NotQueryBuilder which was deprecated in 2.1.0 is removed. As a replacement use BoolQueryBuilder
with added mustNot() clause. So instead of using `new NotQueryBuilder(filter)` now use
`new BoolQueryBuilder().mustNot(filter)`.
===== TermsQueryBuilder
Remove the setter for `termsLookup()`, making it only possible to either use a TermsLookup object or
individual values at construction time. Also moving individual settings for the TermsLookup (lookupIndex,
lookupType, lookupId, lookupPath) to the separate TermsLookup class, using constructor only and moving
checks for validation there. Removed `TermsLookupQueryBuilder` in favour of `TermsQueryBuilder`.
===== FunctionScoreQueryBuilder
`add` methods have been removed, all filters and functions must be provided as constructor arguments by
creating an array of `FunctionScoreQueryBuilder.FilterFunctionBuilder` objects, containing one element
for each filter/function pair.
`scoreMode` and `boostMode` can only be provided using corresponding enum members instead
of string values: see `FilterFunctionScoreQuery.ScoreMode` and `CombineFunction`.
`CombineFunction.MULT` has been renamed to `MULTIPLY`.
===== IdsQueryBuilder
For simplicity, only one way of adding the ids to the existing list (empty by default) is left: `addIds(String...)`
===== ShapeBuilders
`InternalLineStringBuilder` is removed in favour of `LineStringBuilder`, `InternalPolygonBuilder` in favour of PolygonBuilder` and `Ring` has been replaced with `LineStringBuilder`. Also the abstract base classes `BaseLineStringBuilder` and `BasePolygonBuilder` haven been merged with their corresponding implementations.
===== RescoreBuilder
`RecoreBuilder.Rescorer` was merged with `RescoreBuilder`, which now is an abstract superclass. QueryRescoreBuilder currently is its only implementation.
===== PhraseSuggestionBuilder
The inner DirectCandidateGenerator class has been moved out to its own class called DirectCandidateGeneratorBuilder.