| `request.path` | no | - | The URL path. The path can be static text or include Mustache <<templates, templates>>. URL query string parameters must be specified via the `request.params` attribute.
| `request.method` | no | get | The HTTP method. Valid values are: `head`, `get`, `post`, `put` and `delete`.
| `request.headers` | no | - | The HTTP request headers. The header values can be static text or include Mustache <<templates, templates>>.
| `request.params` | no | - | The URL query string parameters. The parameter values can be static text or include Mustache <<templates, templates>>.
| `request.auth` | no | - | Authentication related HTTP headers. Currently, only basic authentication is supported.
| `request.body` | no | - | The HTTP request body. The body can be static text or include Mustache <<templates, templates>>. When not specified, an empty body is sent.
| `request.connection_timeout` | no | 10s | The timeout for setting up the http connection. If the connection could not be set up within this time, the action will timeout and fail. It is
also possible to <<configuring-default-http-timeouts, configure>> the default connection timeout for all http connection timeouts.
| `request.read_timeout` | no | 10s | The timeout for reading data from http connection. If no response was received within this time, the action will timeout and fail. It is
also possible to <<configuring-default-http-timeouts, configure>> the default read timeout for all http connection timeouts.