If you need help building patterns to match your logs, you will find the {kibana-ref}/xpack-grokdebugger.html[Grok Debugger] tool quite useful! The Grok Debugger is an {xpack} feature under the Basic License and is therefore *free to use*. The Grok Constructor at <http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/> is also a useful tool.
==== Grok Basics
Grok sits on top of regular expressions, so any regular expressions are valid in grok as well.
The regular expression library is Oniguruma, and you can see the full supported regexp syntax
https://github.com/kkos/oniguruma/blob/master/doc/RE[on the Onigiruma site].
Grok works by leveraging this regular expression language to allow naming existing patterns and combining them into more
complex patterns that match your fields.
The syntax for reusing a grok pattern comes in three forms: `%{SYNTAX:SEMANTIC}`, `%{SYNTAX}`, `%{SYNTAX:SEMANTIC:TYPE}`.
The `SYNTAX` is the name of the pattern that will match your text. For example, `3.44` will be matched by the `NUMBER`
pattern and `` will be matched by the `IP` pattern. The syntax is how you match. `NUMBER` and `IP` are both
patterns that are provided within the default patterns set.
The `SEMANTIC` is the identifier you give to the piece of text being matched. For example, `3.44` could be the
duration of an event, so you could call it simply `duration`. Further, a string `` might identify
the `client` making a request.
The `TYPE` is the type you wish to cast your named field. `int`, `long`, `double`, `float` and `boolean` are supported types for coercion.
For example, you might want to match the following text:
| `field` | yes | - | The field to use for grok expression parsing
| `patterns` | yes | - | An ordered list of grok expression to match and extract named captures with. Returns on the first expression in the list that matches.
| `pattern_definitions` | no | - | A map of pattern-name and pattern tuples defining custom patterns to be used by the current processor. Patterns matching existing names will override the pre-existing definition.
| `trace_match` | no | false | when true, `_ingest._grok_match_index` will be inserted into your matched document's metadata with the index into the pattern found in `patterns` that matched.
| `ignore_missing` | no | false | If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document
Here is an example of using the provided patterns to extract out and name structured fields from a string field in
This can be useful to reference as the built-in patterns change across versions.
==== Grok watchdog
Grok expressions that take too long to execute are interrupted and
the grok processor then fails with an exception. The grok
processor has a watchdog thread that determines when evaluation of
a grok expression takes too long and is controlled by the following
.Grok watchdog settings
| Name | Default | Description
| `ingest.grok.watchdog.interval` | 1s | How often to check whether there are grok evaluations that take longer than the maximum allowed execution time.
| `ingest.grok.watchdog.max_execution_time` | 1s | The maximum allowed execution of a grok expression evaluation.