243 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

=== Slack Action
Use the `slack` action to send messages to a https://slack.com/[Slack]
team's channels or users. To send Slack messages, you need to
<<configuring-slack, configure at least one Slack account>> in
==== Configuring Slack Actions
You configure Slack actions in the `actions` array. Action-specific attributes
are specified using the `slack` keyword.
The following snippet shows a simple slack action definition:
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"transform" : { ... },
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"slack" : {
"message" : {
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ], <1>
"text" : "Encountered {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} errors in the last 5 minutes (facepalm)" <2>
<1> The channels and users you want to send the message to.
<2> The content of the message.
==== Using Attachments to Format Slack Messages
In addition to sending simple text-based messages, you can use the Slack
https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments[attachment] mechanism to send formatted
messages. {watcher} leverages Slack attachments to enable you to dynamically
populate templated messages from the execution context payload.
The following snippet shows a standard message attachment:
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"slack" : {
"account" : "team1",
"message" : {
"from" : "watcher",
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ],
"text" : "System X Monitoring",
"attachments" : [
"title" : "Errors Found",
"text" : "Encountered {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} errors in the last 5 minutes (facepalm)",
"color" : "danger"
To define an attachment template that is dynamically populated from the payload,
you specify `dynamic_attachments` in the watch action. For example, a dynamic
attachment could reference histogram buckets in the payload and build an
attachment per bucket.
In the following example, the watch input executes a search with a date histogram
aggregation and the Slack action:
. Transforms the payload to a list where each item in the list holds the month,
the user count for that month, and the color that represents the sentiment
associated with that count (danger or bad).
. Defines an attachment template that references items in the list generated by
the transform.
"input" : {
"search" : {
"request" : {
"body" : {
"aggs" : {
"users_per_month" : {
"date_histogram" : {
"field" : "@timestamp",
"interval" : "month"
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"transform" : {
"script" : {
"source" : "['items': ctx.payload.aggregations.users_per_month.buckets.collect(bucket -> ['count': bucket.doc_count, 'name': bucket.key_as_string, 'color': bucket.doc_count < 100 ? 'danger' : 'good'])]",
"lang" : "painless"
"slack" : {
"account" : "team1",
"message" : {
"from" : "watcher",
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ],
"text" : "System X Monitoring",
"dynamic_attachments" : {
"list_path" : "ctx.payload.items" <1>
"attachment_template" : {
"title" : "{{month}}", <2>
"text" : "Users Count: {{count}}",
"color" : "{{color}}"
<1> The list generated by the action's transform.
<2> The parameter placeholders refer to attributes in each item of the list
generated by the transform.
==== Slack Action Attributes
[cols=",^,", options="header"]
| Name |Required | Description
| `message.from` | no | The sender name to display in the Slack message.
Overrides the incoming webhook's configured name.
| `message.to` | yes | The channels and users you want to send the message
to. Channel names must start with `#` and user names
must start with `@`. Accepts a string value or an
array of string values.
| `message.icon` | no | The icon to display in the Slack messages. Overrides
the incoming webhook's configured icon. Accepts a
public URL to an image.
| `message.text` | yes | The message content.
| `message.attachments` | no | Slack message attachments. Message attachments enable
you to create more richly-formatted messages. Specified
array as defined in the
https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments[Slack attachments documentation].
| `message.dynamic_attachments` | no | Slack message attachments that can be populated
dynamically based on the current watch payload. For
more information, see
<<slack-dynamic-attachment, Using Attachments to Format Slack Messages>>.
| `proxy.host` | no | The proxy host to use (only in combination with `proxy.port`)
| `proxy.port` | no | The proxy port to use (only in combination with `proxy.host`)
==== Configuring Slack Accounts
You configure the accounts {watcher} can use to communicate with Slack in the
`xpack.notification.slack` namespace in `elasticsearch.yml`.
You need a https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks[Slack webhook URL] to
configure a Slack account. To create a webhook
URL, set up an an _Incoming Webhook Integration_ through the Slack console:
. Log in to http://slack.com[slack.com] as a team administrator.
. Go to https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook.
. Select a default channel for the integration.
. Click *Add Incoming Webhook Integration*.
. Copy the generated webhook URL so you can paste it into your Slack account
configuration in `elasticsearch.yml`.
To configure a Slack account, at a minimum you need to specify the account
name and webhook URL in the elasticsearch keystore (se {ref}/secure-settings.html[secure settings]):
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add xpack.notification.slack.account.monitoring.secure_url
deprecated[You can also configure this via settings in the `elasticsearch.yml` file, using the keystore is the preferred and secure way of doing this]
You can also specify defaults for the {ref}/notification-settings.html#slack-account-attributes[Slack
notification attributes]:
from: x-pack
to: notifications
icon: http://example.com/images/watcher-icon.jpg
fallback: "X-Pack Notification"
color: "#36a64f"
title: "X-Pack Notification"
title_link: "https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/current/index.html"
text: "One of your watches generated this notification."
mrkdwn_in: "pretext, text"
If you configure multiple Slack accounts, you either need to configure a default
account or specify which account the notification should be sent with in the
<<actions-slack, slack>> action.
default_account: team1