2015-04-09 19:14:48 -04:00
== Field stats API
The field stats api allows one to find statistical properties of a field without executing a search, but
looking up measurements that are natively available in the Lucene index. This can be useful to explore a dataset which
you don't know much about. For example, this allows creating a histogram aggregation with meaningful intervals.
The field stats api by defaults executes on all indices, but can execute on specific indices too.
All indices:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_field_stats?fields=rating"
Specific indices:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/index1,index2/_field_stats?fields=rating"
Supported request options:
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A list of fields to compute stats for.
Defines if field stats should be returned on a per index level or on a cluster
wide level. Valid values are `indices` and `cluster`. Defaults to `cluster`.
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=== Field statistics
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The field stats api is supported on string based, number based and date based fields and can return the following statistics per field:
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The total number of documents.
The number of documents that have at least one term for this field, or -1 if
this measurement isn't available on one or more shards.
The percentage of documents that have at least one value for this field. This
is a derived statistic and is based on the `max_doc` and `doc_count`.
The sum of each term's document frequency in this field, or -1 if this
measurement isn't available on one or more shards. Document frequency is the
number of documents containing a particular term.
The sum of the term frequencies of all terms in this field across all
documents, or `-1` if this measurement isn't available on one or more shards.
Term frequency is the total number of occurrences of a term in a particular
document and field.
The lowest value in the field represented in a displayable form.
The highest value in the field represented in a displayable form.
NOTE: For all the mentioned statistics, documents marked as deleted aren't taken into account. The documents marked
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as deleted are are only taken into account when the segments these documents reside on are merged away.
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=== Example
2015-04-09 19:14:48 -04:00
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_field_stats?fields=rating,answer_count,creation_date,display_name"
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"indices": {
"_all": { <1>
"fields": {
"creation_date": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 564633,
"density": 42,
"sum_doc_freq": 2258532,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": "2008-08-01T16:37:51.513Z",
"max_value": "2013-06-02T03:23:11.593Z"
"display_name": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 126741,
"density": 9,
"sum_doc_freq": 166535,
"sum_total_term_freq": 166616,
"min_value": "0",
"max_value": "정혜선"
"answer_count": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 139885,
"density": 10,
"sum_doc_freq": 559540,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 160
"rating": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 437892,
"density": 33,
"sum_doc_freq": 1751568,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": -14,
"max_value": 1277
<1> The `_all` key indicates that it contains the field stats of all indices in the cluster.
With level set to `indices`:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_field_stats?fields=rating,answer_count,creation_date,display_name&level=indices"
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"indices": {
"stack": { <1>
"fields": {
"creation_date": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 564633,
"density": 42,
"sum_doc_freq": 2258532,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": "2008-08-01T16:37:51.513Z",
"max_value": "2013-06-02T03:23:11.593Z"
"display_name": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 126741,
"density": 9,
"sum_doc_freq": 166535,
"sum_total_term_freq": 166616,
"min_value": "0",
"max_value": "정혜선"
"answer_count": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 139885,
"density": 10,
"sum_doc_freq": 559540,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 160
"rating": {
"max_doc": 1326564,
"doc_count": 437892,
"density": 33,
"sum_doc_freq": 1751568,
"sum_total_term_freq": -1,
"min_value": -14,
"max_value": 1277
<1> The `stack` key means it contains all field stats for the `stack` index.