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import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.http.WaitForHttpResource
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.testclusters'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-rest-test'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-test'
7.x - Create plugin for yamlTest task (#56841) (#59090) This commit creates a new Gradle plugin to provide a separate task name and source set for running YAML based REST tests. The only project converted to use the new plugin in this PR is distribution/archives/integ-test-zip. For which the testing has been moved to :rest-api-spec since it makes the most sense and it avoids a small but awkward change to the distribution plugin. The remaining cases in modules, plugins, and x-pack will be handled in followups. This plugin is distinctly different from the plugin introduced in #55896 since the YAML REST tests are intended to be black box tests over HTTP. As such they should not (by default) have access to the classpath for that which they are testing. The YAML based REST tests will be moved to separate source sets (yamlRestTest). The which source is the target for the test resources is dependent on if this new plugin is applied. If it is not applied, it will default to the test source set. Further, this introduces a breaking change for plugin developers that use the YAML testing framework. They will now need to either use the new source set and matching task, or configure the rest resources to use the old "test" source set that matches the old integTest task. (The former should be preferred). As part of this change (which is also breaking for plugin developers) the rest resources plugin has been removed from the build plugin and now requires either explicit application or application via the new YAML REST test plugin. Plugin developers should be able to fix the breaking changes to the YAML tests by adding apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.yaml-rest-test' and moving the YAML tests under a yamlRestTest folder (instead of test)
2020-07-06 14:16:26 -05:00
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-resources'
dependencies {
testImplementation project(':x-pack:plugin:core')
String outputDir = "${buildDir}/generated-resources/${project.name}"
def copyXPackPluginProps = tasks.register("copyXPackPluginProps", Copy) {
from project(xpackModule('core')).file('src/main/plugin-metadata')
from project(xpackModule('core')).tasks.pluginProperties
security: ssl by default on the transport layer This commit adds the necessary changes to make SSL work on the transport layer by default. A large portion of the SSL configuration/settings was re-worked with this change. Some notable highlights include support for PEM cert/keys, reloadable SSL configuration, separate HTTP ssl configuration, and separate LDAP configuration. The following is a list of specific items addressed: * `SSLSettings` renamed to `SSLConfiguration` * `KeyConfig` and `TrustConfig` abstractions created. These hide the details of how `KeyManager[]` and `TrustManager[]` are loaded. These are also responsible for settings validation (ie keystore password is not null) * Configuration fallback is changed. Previously any setting would fallback to the "global" value (`xpack.security.ssl.*`). Now a keystore path, key path, ca paths, or truststore path must be specified otherwise the configuration for that key/trust will fallback to the global configuration. In other words if you want to change part of a keystore or truststore in a profile you need to supply all the information. This could be considered breaking if a user relied on the old fallback * JDK trusted certificates (`cacerts`) are trusted by default (breaking change). This can be disabled via a setting. * We now monitor the SSL files for changes and enable dynamic reloading of the configuration. This will make it easier for users when they are getting set up with certificates so they do not need to restart every time. This can be disabled via a setting * LDAP realms can now have their own SSL configurations * HTTP can now have its own SSL configuration * SSL is enabled by default on the transport layer only. Hostname verification is enabled as well. On startup if no global SSL settings are present and SSL is configured to be used, we auto generate one based on the default CA that is shipped. This process includes a best effort attempt to generate the subject alternative names. * `xpack.security.ssl.hostname_verification` is deprecated in favor of `xpack.security.ssl.hostname_verification.enabled` * added Bouncy Castle info to NOTICE * consolidated NOTICE and LICENSE files Closes elastic/elasticsearch#14 Closes elastic/elasticsearch#34 Closes elastic/elasticsearch#1483 Closes elastic/elasticsearch#1933 Addresses security portion of elastic/elasticsearch#673 Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@7c359db90bbea93110f3824ede82c09eafcd2f79
2016-04-12 09:19:07 -04:00
into outputDir
project.sourceSets.test.output.dir(outputDir, builtBy: copyXPackPluginProps)
// location of generated keystores and certificates
File keystoreDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'keystore')
File nodeKeystore = file("$keystoreDir/testnode.jks")
File nodeKey = file("$keystoreDir/testnode.pem")
File nodeCert = file("$keystoreDir/testnode.crt")
File clientKeyStore = file("$keystoreDir/testclient.jks")
File clientKey = file("$keystoreDir/testclient.pem")
File clientCert = file("$keystoreDir/testclient.crt")
// Add keystores to test classpath: it expects it there
def copyKeyCerts = tasks.register("copyKeyCerts", Copy) {
from('./') {
include '*.crt', '*.pem', '*.jks'
into keystoreDir
// Add keystores to test classpath: it expects it there
def pluginsCount = 0
testClusters.integTest {
testDistribution = 'DEFAULT'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.collection.interval', '1s'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.http.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.http.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
setting 'xpack.security.http.ssl.certificate_authorities', 'testnode.crt'
keystore 'xpack.security.http.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
setting 'xpack.ml.enabled', 'false'
// copy keystores, keys and certificates into config/
extraConfigFile nodeKeystore.name, nodeKeystore
extraConfigFile nodeKey.name, nodeKey
extraConfigFile nodeCert.name, nodeCert
extraConfigFile clientKeyStore.name, clientKeyStore
extraConfigFile clientKey.name, clientKey
extraConfigFile clientCert.name, clientCert
user username: "test_user", password: "x-pack-test-password"
user username: "monitoring_agent", password: "x-pack-test-password", role: "remote_monitoring_agent"
project(':plugins').getChildProjects().each { pluginName, pluginProject ->
plugin pluginProject.path
pluginsCount += 1
ext.expansions = [
'expected.plugins.count': pluginsCount
tasks.named("processTestResources").configure {
from(sourceSets.test.resources.srcDirs) {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE
include '**/*.yml'
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions)