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=== KV Processor
This processor helps automatically parse messages (or specific event fields) which are of the `foo=bar` variety.
For example, if you have a log message which contains `ip= error=REFUSED`, you can parse those fields automatically by configuring:
"kv": {
"field": "message",
"field_split": " ",
"value_split": "="
TIP: Using the KV Processor can result in field names that you cannot control. Consider using the <<flattened>> data type instead, which maps an entire object as a single field and allows for simple searches over its contents.
.KV Options
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `field` | yes | - | The field to be parsed
| `field_split` | yes | - | Regex pattern to use for splitting key-value pairs
| `value_split` | yes | - | Regex pattern to use for splitting the key from the value within a key-value pair
| `target_field` | no | `null` | The field to insert the extracted keys into. Defaults to the root of the document
| `include_keys` | no | `null` | List of keys to filter and insert into document. Defaults to including all keys
| `exclude_keys` | no | `null` | List of keys to exclude from document
| `ignore_missing` | no | `false` | If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document
| `prefix` | no | `null` | Prefix to be added to extracted keys
| `trim_key` | no | `null` | String of characters to trim from extracted keys
| `trim_value` | no | `null` | String of characters to trim from extracted values
| `strip_brackets` | no | `false` | If `true` strip brackets `()`, `<>`, `[]` as well as quotes `'` and `"` from extracted values