Fixed vault URL for ci build

Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@c9cb05bf0e
This commit is contained in:
Colin Goodheart-Smithe 2017-02-07 12:32:38 +00:00
parent 9ed50211d1
commit 0c64c22883

View File

@ -28,23 +28,24 @@ buildscript {
// first need to get an authentication token with vault
File githubToken = project.file('github.token')
final String VAULT_URL = ''
final String VAULT_ROLE_ID = "8e90dd88-5a8e-9c12-0da9-5439f293ff97"
final String VAULT_SECRET_ID = System.env.VAULT_SECRET_ID
String authBody = null
URL vaultUrl = null
if (githubToken.exists()) {
Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(githubToken.toPath())
if (perms.equals(PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------")) == false) {
throw new GradleException('github.token must have 600 permissions')
vaultUrl = new URL(VAULT_URL + '/v1/auth/github/login')
authBody = "{\"token\": \"${githubToken.getText('UTF-8').trim()}\"}"
} else if (VAULT_SECRET_ID != null) {
vaultUrl = new URL(VAULT_URL + '/v1/auth/approle/login')
authBody = "{\"role_id\": \"${VAULT_ROLE_ID}\", \"secret_id\": \"${VAULT_SECRET_ID}\"}"
} else {
throw new GradleException('Missing github.token file or SECRET_ID environment variable, needed to authenticate with vault for secrets')
throw new GradleException('Missing github.token file or VAULT_SECRET_ID environment variable, needed to authenticate with vault for secrets')
final String VAULT_URL = ''
URL vaultUrl = new URL(VAULT_URL + '/v1/auth/github/login')
HttpURLConnection vaultConn = (HttpURLConnection) vaultUrl.openConnection()
vaultConn.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')