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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Simplify analysis of bool
queries. (#29430)
This change tries to simplify the extraction logic of boolean queries by concentrating the logic into two methods: one that merges results for conjunctions, and another one for disjunctions. Other concerns, like the impact of prohibited clauses or how an `UnsupportedQueryException` should be treated are applied on top of those two methods. This is mostly a code reorganization, it doesn't change the result of query extraction except in the case that a query both has required clauses and a minimum number of `SHOULD` clauses that is greater than 1, which we now rewrite into a pure conjunction. For instance `(+A B C)~1` is rewritten into `(+A +(B C))` prior to extraction.
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ final class QueryAnalyzer {
* @param indexVersion The create version of the index containing the percolator queries.
static Result analyze(Query query, Version indexVersion) {
Class queryClass = query.getClass();
Class<?> queryClass = query.getClass();
if (queryClass.isAnonymousClass()) {
// Sometimes queries have anonymous classes in that case we need the direct super class.
// (for example blended term query)
@ -311,165 +311,71 @@ final class QueryAnalyzer {
private static BiFunction<Query, Version, Result> booleanQuery() {
return (query, version) -> {
BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery) query;
List<BooleanClause> clauses = bq.clauses();
int minimumShouldMatch = bq.getMinimumNumberShouldMatch();
int numRequiredClauses = 0;
int numOptionalClauses = 0;
int numProhibitedClauses = 0;
for (BooleanClause clause : clauses) {
List<Query> requiredClauses = new ArrayList<>();
List<Query> optionalClauses = new ArrayList<>();
boolean hasProhibitedClauses = false;
for (BooleanClause clause : bq.clauses()) {
if (clause.isRequired()) {
if (clause.isProhibited()) {
if (clause.getOccur() == BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD) {
} else if (clause.isProhibited()) {
hasProhibitedClauses = true;
} else {
assert clause.getOccur() == Occur.SHOULD;
if (minimumShouldMatch > numOptionalClauses) {
if (minimumShouldMatch > optionalClauses.size()
|| (requiredClauses.isEmpty() && optionalClauses.isEmpty())) {
return new Result(false, Collections.emptySet(), 0);
if (numRequiredClauses > 0) {
if (version.onOrAfter(Version.V_6_1_0)) {
UnsupportedQueryException uqe = null;
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>(numRequiredClauses);
for (BooleanClause clause : clauses) {
if (clause.isRequired()) {
// skip must_not clauses, we don't need to remember the things that do *not* match...
// skip should clauses, this bq has must clauses, so we don't need to remember should clauses,
// since they are completely optional.
try {
Result subResult = analyze(clause.getQuery(), version);
if (subResult.matchAllDocs == false && subResult.extractions.isEmpty()) {
// doesn't match anything
return subResult;
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
uqe = e;
if (results.isEmpty()) {
if (uqe != null) {
// we're unable to select the best clause and an exception occurred, so we bail
throw uqe;
} else {
// We didn't find a clause and no exception occurred, so this bq only contained MatchNoDocsQueries,
return new Result(true, Collections.emptySet(), 1);
} else {
int msm = 0;
boolean requiredShouldClauses = minimumShouldMatch > 0 && numOptionalClauses > 0;
boolean verified = uqe == null && numProhibitedClauses == 0 && requiredShouldClauses == false;
boolean matchAllDocs = true;
Set<QueryExtraction> extractions = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> seenRangeFields = new HashSet<>();
for (Result result : results) {
// In case that there are duplicate query extractions we need to be careful with incrementing msm,
// because that could lead to valid matches not becoming candidate matches:
// query: (field:val1 AND field:val2) AND (field:val2 AND field:val3)
// doc: field: val1 val2 val3
// So lets be protective and decrease the msm:
int resultMsm = result.minimumShouldMatch;
for (QueryExtraction queryExtraction : result.extractions) {
if (queryExtraction.range != null) {
// In case of range queries each extraction does not simply increment the minimum_should_match
// for that percolator query like for a term based extraction, so that can lead to more false
// positives for percolator queries with range queries than term based queries.
// The is because the way number fields are extracted from the document to be percolated.
// Per field a single range is extracted and if a percolator query has two or more range queries
// on the same field, then the minimum should match can be higher than clauses in the CoveringQuery.
// Therefore right now the minimum should match is incremented once per number field when processing
// the percolator query at index time.
if (seenRangeFields.add(queryExtraction.range.fieldName)) {
resultMsm = 1;
} else {
resultMsm = 0;
if (extractions.contains(queryExtraction)) {
// To protect against negative msm:
// (sub results could consist out of disjunction and conjunction and
// then we do not know which extraction contributed to msm)
resultMsm = Math.max(0, resultMsm - 1);
msm += resultMsm;
if (result.verified == false
// If some inner extractions are optional, the result can't be verified
|| result.minimumShouldMatch < result.extractions.size()) {
verified = false;
matchAllDocs &= result.matchAllDocs;
if (matchAllDocs) {
return new Result(matchAllDocs, verified);
} else {
return new Result(verified, extractions, msm);
if (requiredClauses.size() > 0) {
if (minimumShouldMatch > 0) {
// mix of required clauses and required optional clauses, we turn it into
// a pure conjunction by moving the optional clauses to a sub query to
// simplify logic
BooleanQuery.Builder minShouldMatchQuery = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
for (Query q : optionalClauses) {
minShouldMatchQuery.add(q, Occur.SHOULD);
minimumShouldMatch = 0;
} else {
Result bestClause = null;
UnsupportedQueryException uqe = null;
boolean hasProhibitedClauses = false;
for (BooleanClause clause : clauses) {
if (clause.isProhibited()) {
hasProhibitedClauses = true;
if (clause.isRequired() == false) {
// skip must_not clauses, we don't need to remember the things that do *not* match...
// skip should clauses, this bq has must clauses, so we don't need to remember should clauses,
// since they are completely optional.
Result temp;
try {
temp = analyze(clause.getQuery(), version);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
uqe = e;
bestClause = selectBestResult(temp, bestClause);
if (bestClause != null) {
if (hasProhibitedClauses || minimumShouldMatch > 0) {
bestClause = bestClause.unverify();
return bestClause;
} else {
if (uqe != null) {
// we're unable to select the best clause and an exception occurred, so we bail
throw uqe;
} else {
// We didn't find a clause and no exception occurred, so this bq only contained MatchNoDocsQueries,
return new Result(true, Collections.emptySet(), 0);
optionalClauses.clear(); // only matter for scoring, not matching
} else {
List<Query> disjunctions = new ArrayList<>(numOptionalClauses);
for (BooleanClause clause : clauses) {
if (clause.getOccur() == BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD) {
return handleDisjunction(disjunctions, minimumShouldMatch, numProhibitedClauses > 0, version);
// Now we now have either a pure conjunction or a pure disjunction, with at least one clause
Result result;
if (requiredClauses.size() > 0) {
assert optionalClauses.isEmpty();
assert minimumShouldMatch == 0;
result = handleConjunctionQuery(requiredClauses, version);
} else {
assert requiredClauses.isEmpty();
if (minimumShouldMatch == 0) {
// Lucene always requires one matching clause for disjunctions
minimumShouldMatch = 1;
result = handleDisjunctionQuery(optionalClauses, minimumShouldMatch, version);
if (hasProhibitedClauses) {
result = result.unverify();
return result;
private static BiFunction<Query, Version, Result> disjunctionMaxQuery() {
return (query, version) -> {
List<Query> disjuncts = ((DisjunctionMaxQuery) query).getDisjuncts();
return handleDisjunction(disjuncts, 1, false, version);
return handleDisjunctionQuery(disjuncts, 1, version);
@ -536,19 +442,134 @@ final class QueryAnalyzer {
private static Result handleDisjunction(List<Query> disjunctions, int requiredShouldClauses, boolean otherClauses,
Version version) {
private static Result handleConjunctionQuery(List<Query> conjunctions, Version version) {
UnsupportedQueryException uqe = null;
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>(conjunctions.size());
boolean success = false;
for (Query query : conjunctions) {
try {
Result subResult = analyze(query, version);
if (subResult.isMatchNoDocs()) {
return subResult;
success = true;
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
uqe = e;
if (success == false) {
// No clauses could be extracted
if (uqe != null) {
throw uqe;
} else {
// Empty conjunction
return new Result(true, Collections.emptySet(), 0);
Result result = handleConjunction(results, version);
if (uqe != null) {
result = result.unverify();
return result;
private static Result handleConjunction(List<Result> conjunctions, Version version) {
if (conjunctions.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have at least on conjunction sub result");
if (version.onOrAfter(Version.V_6_1_0)) {
for (Result subResult : conjunctions) {
if (subResult.isMatchNoDocs()) {
return subResult;
int msm = 0;
boolean verified = true;
boolean matchAllDocs = true;
Set<QueryExtraction> extractions = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> seenRangeFields = new HashSet<>();
for (Result result : conjunctions) {
// In case that there are duplicate query extractions we need to be careful with incrementing msm,
// because that could lead to valid matches not becoming candidate matches:
// query: (field:val1 AND field:val2) AND (field:val2 AND field:val3)
// doc: field: val1 val2 val3
// So lets be protective and decrease the msm:
int resultMsm = result.minimumShouldMatch;
for (QueryExtraction queryExtraction : result.extractions) {
if (queryExtraction.range != null) {
// In case of range queries each extraction does not simply increment the minimum_should_match
// for that percolator query like for a term based extraction, so that can lead to more false
// positives for percolator queries with range queries than term based queries.
// The is because the way number fields are extracted from the document to be percolated.
// Per field a single range is extracted and if a percolator query has two or more range queries
// on the same field, then the minimum should match can be higher than clauses in the CoveringQuery.
// Therefore right now the minimum should match is incremented once per number field when processing
// the percolator query at index time.
if (seenRangeFields.add(queryExtraction.range.fieldName)) {
resultMsm = 1;
} else {
resultMsm = 0;
if (extractions.contains(queryExtraction)) {
// To protect against negative msm:
// (sub results could consist out of disjunction and conjunction and
// then we do not know which extraction contributed to msm)
resultMsm = Math.max(0, resultMsm - 1);
msm += resultMsm;
if (result.verified == false
// If some inner extractions are optional, the result can't be verified
|| result.minimumShouldMatch < result.extractions.size()) {
verified = false;
matchAllDocs &= result.matchAllDocs;
if (matchAllDocs) {
return new Result(matchAllDocs, verified);
} else {
return new Result(verified, extractions, msm);
} else {
Result bestClause = null;
for (Result result : conjunctions) {
bestClause = selectBestResult(result, bestClause);
return bestClause;
private static Result handleDisjunctionQuery(List<Query> disjunctions, int requiredShouldClauses, Version version) {
List<Result> subResults = new ArrayList<>();
for (Query query : disjunctions) {
// if either query fails extraction, we need to propagate as we could miss hits otherwise
Result subResult = analyze(query, version);
return handleDisjunction(subResults, requiredShouldClauses, version);
private static Result handleDisjunction(List<Result> disjunctions, int requiredShouldClauses, Version version) {
// Keep track of the msm for each clause:
List<DisjunctionClause> clauses = new ArrayList<>(disjunctions.size());
boolean verified = otherClauses == false;
boolean verified;
if (version.before(Version.V_6_1_0)) {
verified &= requiredShouldClauses <= 1;
verified = requiredShouldClauses <= 1;
} else {
verified = true;
int numMatchAllClauses = 0;
Set<QueryExtraction> terms = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < disjunctions.size(); i++) {
Query disjunct = disjunctions.get(i);
Result subResult = analyze(disjunct, version);
Result subResult = disjunctions.get(i);
if (subResult.verified == false
// one of the sub queries requires more than one term to match, we can't
// verify it with a single top-level min_should_match
@ -753,6 +774,10 @@ final class QueryAnalyzer {
return this;
boolean isMatchNoDocs() {
return matchAllDocs == false && extractions.isEmpty();
static class QueryExtraction {
@ -538,10 +538,8 @@ public class QueryAnalyzerTests extends ESTestCase {
result = analyze(builder.build(), Version.CURRENT);
assertThat("Must clause is exact, but m_s_m is 1 so one should clause must match too", result.verified, is(false));
assertThat(result.minimumShouldMatch, equalTo(1));
assertThat(result.extractions.size(), equalTo(1));
extractions = new ArrayList<>(result.extractions);
assertThat(extractions.get(0).term, equalTo(new Term("_field", "_term3")));
assertThat(result.minimumShouldMatch, equalTo(2));
assertTermsEqual(result.extractions, termQuery1.getTerm(), termQuery2.getTerm(), termQuery3.getTerm());
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
BooleanQuery.Builder innerBuilder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
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