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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Build: Improve output when integ test fails
This outputs a lot more info when integ tests fail to start, as well as (should) fix windows (at least in my VM run) integ tests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,49 +315,27 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
/** Adds a task to start an elasticsearch node with the given configuration */
static Task configureStartTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
String executable
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
executable = 'cmd'
} else {
executable = 'sh'
// this closure is converted into ant nodes by groovy's AntBuilder
Closure antRunner = { AntBuilder ant ->
ant.exec(executable: node.executable, spawn: node.config.daemonize, dir: node.cwd, taskname: 'elasticsearch') {
node.env.each { key, value -> env(key: key, value: value) }
node.args.each { arg(value: it) }
// this closure is the actual code to run elasticsearch
Closure elasticsearchRunner = {
// Due to how ant exec works with the spawn option, we lose all stdout/stderr from the
// process executed. To work around this, when spawning, we wrap the elasticsearch start
// command inside another shell script, which simply internally redirects the output
// of the real elasticsearch script. This allows ant to keep the streams open with the
// dummy process, but us to have the output available if there is an error in the
// elasticsearch start script
String script = node.esScript
if (node.config.daemonize) {
String scriptName = 'run'
String argsPasser = '"$@"'
String exitMarker = "; if [ \$? != 0 ]; then touch run.failed; fi"
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
scriptName += '.bat'
argsPasser = '%*'
exitMarker = "\r\n if \"%errorlevel%\" neq \"0\" ( type nul >> run.failed )"
File wrapperScript = new File(node.cwd, scriptName)
wrapperScript.setText("\"${script}\" ${argsPasser} > run.log 2>&1 ${exitMarker}", 'UTF-8')
script = wrapperScript.toString()
ant.exec(executable: executable, spawn: node.config.daemonize, dir: node.cwd, taskname: 'elasticsearch') {
node.env.each { key, value -> env(key: key, value: value) }
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
arg(value: '/C')
arg(value: script)
node.args.each { arg(value: it) }
// this closure is the actual code to run elasticsearch
Closure elasticsearchRunner = {
// we must add debug options inside the closure so the config is read at execution time, as
// gradle task options are not processed until the end of the configuration phase
if (node.config.debug) {
@ -436,14 +414,19 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
// We already log the command at info level. No need to do it twice.
node.getCommandString().eachLine { line -> logger.error(line) }
// the waitfor failed, so dump any output we got (may be empty if info logging, but that is ok)
logger.error("Node ${node.nodeNum} ant output:")
node.buffer.toString('UTF-8').eachLine { line -> logger.error(line) }
logger.error("Node ${node.nodeNum} output:")
logger.error("| failure marker exists: ${node.failedMarker.exists()}")
logger.error("| pid file exists: ${node.pidFile.exists()}")
// the waitfor failed, so dump any output we got (if info logging this goes directly to stdout)
logger.error("|\n| [ant output]")
node.buffer.toString('UTF-8').eachLine { line -> logger.error("| ${line}") }
// also dump the log file for the startup script (which will include ES logging output to stdout)
if (node.startLog.exists()) {
logger.error("Node ${node.nodeNum} log:")
node.startLog.eachLine { line -> logger.error(line) }
logger.error("|\n| [log]")
node.startLog.eachLine { line -> logger.error("| ${line}") }
throw new GradleException(msg)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.test
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.api.Project
@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ class NodeInfo {
/** config directory */
File confDir
/** THE config file */
File configFile
/** working directory for the node process */
File cwd
@ -66,8 +70,14 @@ class NodeInfo {
/** arguments to start the node with */
List<String> args
/** Executable to run the bin/elasticsearch with, either cmd or sh */
String executable
/** Path to the elasticsearch start script */
String esScript
File esScript
/** script to run when running in the background */
File wrapperScript
/** buffer for ant output when starting this node */
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
@ -81,35 +91,74 @@ class NodeInfo {
pidFile = new File(baseDir, 'es.pid')
homeDir = homeDir(baseDir, config.distribution)
confDir = confDir(baseDir, config.distribution)
configFile = new File(confDir, 'elasticsearch.yml')
cwd = new File(baseDir, "cwd")
failedMarker = new File(cwd, 'run.failed')
startLog = new File(cwd, 'run.log')
pluginsTmpDir = new File(baseDir, "plugins tmp")
args = []
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
executable = 'cmd'
args.add('"') // quote the entire command
wrapperScript = new File(cwd, "run.bat")
esScript = new File(homeDir, 'bin/elasticsearch.bat')
} else {
executable = 'sh'
wrapperScript = new File(cwd, "run")
esScript = new File(homeDir, 'bin/elasticsearch')
if (config.daemonize) {
} else {
env = [
'JAVA_HOME' : project.javaHome,
'ES_GC_OPTS': config.jvmArgs // we pass these with the undocumented gc opts so the argline can set gc, etc
args = config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" }
args.addAll(config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" })
for (Map.Entry<String, String> property : System.properties.entrySet()) {
if (property.getKey().startsWith('es.')) {
// running with cmd on windows will look for this with the .bat extension
esScript = new File(homeDir, 'bin/elasticsearch').toString()
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
args.add('"') // end the entire command, quoted
/** Returns debug string for the command that started this node. */
String getCommandString() {
String esCommandString = "Elasticsearch node ${nodeNum} command: ${esScript} "
esCommandString += args.join(' ')
esCommandString += '\nenvironment:'
env.each { k, v -> esCommandString += "\n ${k}: ${v}" }
String esCommandString = "\nNode ${nodeNum} configuration:\n"
esCommandString += "|-----------------------------------------\n"
esCommandString += "| cwd: ${cwd}\n"
esCommandString += "| command: ${executable} ${args.join(' ')}\n"
esCommandString += '| environment:\n'
env.each { k, v -> esCommandString += "| ${k}: ${v}\n" }
if (config.daemonize) {
esCommandString += "|\n| [${wrapperScript.name}]\n"
wrapperScript.eachLine('UTF-8', { line -> esCommandString += " ${line}\n"})
esCommandString += '|\n| [elasticsearch.yml]\n'
configFile.eachLine('UTF-8', { line -> esCommandString += "| ${line}\n" })
esCommandString += "|-----------------------------------------"
return esCommandString
void writeWrapperScript() {
String argsPasser = '"$@"'
String exitMarker = "; if [ \$? != 0 ]; then touch run.failed; fi"
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
argsPasser = '%*'
exitMarker = "\r\n if \"%errorlevel%\" neq \"0\" ( type nul >> run.failed )"
wrapperScript.setText("\"${esScript}\" ${argsPasser} > run.log 2>&1 ${exitMarker}", 'UTF-8')
/** Returns the http port for this node */
int httpPort() {
return config.baseHttpPort + nodeNum
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ final class Bootstrap {
BootstrapCLIParser bootstrapCLIParser = new BootstrapCLIParser();
CliTool.ExitStatus status = bootstrapCLIParser.execute(args);
if (CliTool.ExitStatus.OK != status) {
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.Constants;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterName;
import org.elasticsearch.common.SuppressForbidden;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.PathUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLoggerFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -99,10 +101,13 @@ public class Environment {
throw new IllegalStateException("path.home is not configured");
ESLogger logger = ESLoggerFactory.getLogger("env");
if (settings.get("path.conf") != null) {
configFile = PathUtils.get(cleanPath(settings.get("path.conf")));
logger.info("Using path.conf: " + configFile);
} else {
configFile = homeFile.resolve("config");
logger.info("Using default path.conf: " + configFile);
if (settings.get("path.scripts") != null) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user