
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@4d8e9b2a7a
This commit is contained in:
Nik Everett 2017-06-30 16:53:42 -04:00
parent 6de905c2e8
commit 1a2cbea747
8 changed files with 270 additions and 272 deletions

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@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends RuleExecutor<LogicalPlan> {
static abstract class AnalyzeRule<SubPlan extends LogicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, LogicalPlan> {
abstract static class AnalyzeRule<SubPlan extends LogicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, LogicalPlan> {
// transformUp (post-order) - that is first children and then the node
// but with a twist; only if the tree is not resolved or analyzed

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@ -87,273 +87,274 @@ public class Scroller {
ScrollerActionListener l = new SessionScrollActionListener(listener, previous.client, previous.keepAlive, previous.schema, ext, previous.limit, previous.docsRead);
previous.client.searchScroll(new SearchScrollRequest(scrollId).scroll(previous.keepAlive), l);
// dedicated scroll used for aggs-only/group-by results
class AggsScrollActionListener extends ScrollerActionListener {
private final QueryContainer query;
// dedicated scroll used for aggs-only/group-by results
static class AggsScrollActionListener extends ScrollerActionListener {
AggsScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, QueryContainer query) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema);
this.query = query;
private final QueryContainer query;
AggsScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, QueryContainer query) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema);
this.query = query;
protected RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response) {
Aggregations aggs = response.getAggregations();
List<Object[]> columns = new ArrayList<>();
// this method assumes the nested aggregation are all part of the same tree (the SQL group-by)
int maxDepth = -1;
for (Reference ref : query.refs()) {
Object[] arr = null;
ColumnProcessor processor = null;
if (ref instanceof ProcessingRef) {
ProcessingRef pRef = (ProcessingRef) ref;
processor = pRef.processor();
ref = pRef.ref();
if (ref == TotalCountRef.INSTANCE) {
arr = new Object[] { processIfNeeded(processor, Long.valueOf(response.getHits().getTotalHits())) };
else if (ref instanceof AggRef) {
// workaround for elastic/elasticsearch/issues/23056
String path = ((AggRef) ref).path();
boolean formattedKey = AggPath.isBucketValueFormatted(path);
if (formattedKey) {
path = AggPath.bucketValueWithoutFormat(path);
Object value = getAggProperty(aggs, path);
// // FIXME: this can be tabular in nature
// if (ref instanceof MappedAggRef) {
// Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) value;
// Object extractedValue = map.get(((MappedAggRef) ref).fieldName());
// }
if (formattedKey) {
List<? extends Bucket> buckets = ((MultiBucketsAggregation) value).getBuckets();
arr = new Object[buckets.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.size(); i++) {
arr[i] = buckets.get(i).getKeyAsString();
else {
arr = value instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) value : new Object[] { value };
// process if needed
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = processIfNeeded(processor, arr[i]);
// aggs without any grouping
else {
throw new SqlIllegalArgumentException("Unexpected non-agg/grouped column specified; %s", ref.getClass());
if (ref.depth() > maxDepth) {
maxDepth = ref.depth();
return new AggsRowSetCursor(schema, columns, maxDepth, query.limit());
private static Object getAggProperty(Aggregations aggs, String path) {
List<String> list = AggregationPath.parse(path).getPathElementsAsStringList();
String aggName = list.get(0);
InternalAggregation agg = aggs.get(aggName);
if (agg == null) {
throw new ExecutionException("Cannot find an aggregation named %s", aggName);
return agg.getProperty(list.subList(1, list.size()));
private Object processIfNeeded(ColumnProcessor processor, Object value) {
return processor != null ? processor.apply(value) : value;
protected RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response) {
Aggregations aggs = response.getAggregations();
// initial scroll used for parsing search hits (handles possible aggs)
class HandshakeScrollActionListener extends SearchHitsActionListener {
List<Object[]> columns = new ArrayList<>();
private final QueryContainer query;
// this method assumes the nested aggregation are all part of the same tree (the SQL group-by)
int maxDepth = -1;
HandshakeScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, QueryContainer query) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema, query.limit(), 0);
this.query = query;
for (Reference ref : query.refs()) {
Object[] arr = null;
public void onResponse(SearchResponse response) {
ColumnProcessor processor = null;
protected List<HitExtractor> getExtractors() {
// create response extractors for the first time
List<Reference> refs = query.refs();
List<HitExtractor> exts = new ArrayList<>(refs.size());
for (Reference ref : refs) {
return exts;
private HitExtractor createExtractor(Reference ref) {
if (ref instanceof SearchHitFieldRef) {
SearchHitFieldRef f = (SearchHitFieldRef) ref;
return f.useDocValue() ? new DocValueExtractor( : new SourceExtractor(;
if (ref instanceof NestedFieldRef) {
NestedFieldRef f = (NestedFieldRef) ref;
return new InnerHitExtractor(f.parent(),, f.useDocValue());
if (ref instanceof ScriptFieldRef) {
ScriptFieldRef f = (ScriptFieldRef) ref;
return new DocValueExtractor(;
if (ref instanceof ProcessingRef) {
ProcessingRef pRef = (ProcessingRef) ref;
processor = pRef.processor();
ref = pRef.ref();
return new ProcessingHitExtractor(createExtractor(pRef.ref()), pRef.processor());
if (ref == TotalCountRef.INSTANCE) {
arr = new Object[] { processIfNeeded(processor, Long.valueOf(response.getHits().getTotalHits())) };
else if (ref instanceof AggRef) {
// workaround for elastic/elasticsearch/issues/23056
String path = ((AggRef) ref).path();
boolean formattedKey = AggPath.isBucketValueFormatted(path);
if (formattedKey) {
path = AggPath.bucketValueWithoutFormat(path);
Object value = getAggProperty(aggs, path);
// // FIXME: this can be tabular in nature
// if (ref instanceof MappedAggRef) {
// Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) value;
// Object extractedValue = map.get(((MappedAggRef) ref).fieldName());
// }
if (formattedKey) {
List<? extends Bucket> buckets = ((MultiBucketsAggregation) value).getBuckets();
arr = new Object[buckets.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.size(); i++) {
arr[i] = buckets.get(i).getKeyAsString();
throw new SqlIllegalArgumentException("Unexpected ValueReference %s", ref.getClass());
// listener used for streaming the rest of the results after the handshake has been used
static class SessionScrollActionListener extends SearchHitsActionListener {
private List<HitExtractor> exts;
SessionScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, List<HitExtractor> ext, int limit, int docCount) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema, limit, docCount);
this.exts = ext;
protected List<HitExtractor> getExtractors() {
return exts;
abstract static class SearchHitsActionListener extends ScrollerActionListener {
final int limit;
int docsRead;
SearchHitsActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, int limit, int docsRead) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema);
this.limit = limit;
this.docsRead = docsRead;
protected RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response) {
SearchHit[] hits = response.getHits().getHits();
List<HitExtractor> exts = getExtractors();
// there are some results
if (hits.length > 0) {
String scrollId = response.getScrollId();
Consumer<ActionListener<RowSetCursor>> next = null;
docsRead += hits.length;
// if there's an id, try to setup next scroll
if (scrollId != null) {
// is all the content already retrieved?
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(response.isTerminatedEarly()) || response.getHits().getTotalHits() == hits.length
// or maybe the limit has been reached
|| docsRead >= limit) {
// if so, clear the scroll
// and remove it to indicate no more data is expected
scrollId = null;
else {
next = l -> Scroller.from(l, this, response.getScrollId(), exts);
else {
arr = value instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) value : new Object[] { value };
// process if needed
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = processIfNeeded(processor, arr[i]);
int limitHits = limit > 0 && docsRead >= limit ? limit : -1;
return new SearchHitRowSetCursor(schema, exts, hits, limitHits, scrollId, next);
// aggs without any grouping
// no hits
else {
throw new SqlIllegalArgumentException("Unexpected non-agg/grouped column specified; %s", ref.getClass());
if (ref.depth() > maxDepth) {
maxDepth = ref.depth();
// typically means last page but might be an aggs only query
return needsHit(exts) ? Rows.empty(schema) : new SearchHitRowSetCursor(schema, exts);
return new AggsRowSetCursor(schema, columns, maxDepth, query.limit());
private static Object getAggProperty(Aggregations aggs, String path) {
List<String> list = AggregationPath.parse(path).getPathElementsAsStringList();
String aggName = list.get(0);
InternalAggregation agg = aggs.get(aggName);
if (agg == null) {
throw new ExecutionException("Cannot find an aggregation named %s", aggName);
return agg.getProperty(list.subList(1, list.size()));
private Object processIfNeeded(ColumnProcessor processor, Object value) {
return processor != null ? processor.apply(value) : value;
// initial scroll used for parsing search hits (handles possible aggs)
class HandshakeScrollActionListener extends SearchHitsActionListener {
private final QueryContainer query;
HandshakeScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, QueryContainer query) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema, query.limit(), 0);
this.query = query;
public void onResponse(SearchResponse response) {
protected List<HitExtractor> getExtractors() {
// create response extractors for the first time
List<Reference> refs = query.refs();
List<HitExtractor> exts = new ArrayList<>(refs.size());
for (Reference ref : refs) {
return exts;
private HitExtractor createExtractor(Reference ref) {
if (ref instanceof SearchHitFieldRef) {
SearchHitFieldRef f = (SearchHitFieldRef) ref;
return f.useDocValue() ? new DocValueExtractor( : new SourceExtractor(;
private static boolean needsHit(List<HitExtractor> exts) {
for (HitExtractor ext : exts) {
if (ext instanceof DocValueExtractor || ext instanceof ProcessingHitExtractor) {
return true;
return false;
if (ref instanceof NestedFieldRef) {
NestedFieldRef f = (NestedFieldRef) ref;
return new InnerHitExtractor(f.parent(),, f.useDocValue());
protected abstract List<HitExtractor> getExtractors();
abstract static class ScrollerActionListener implements ActionListener<SearchResponse> {
final ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener;
final Client client;
final TimeValue keepAlive;
final Schema schema;
ScrollerActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema) {
this.listener = listener;
this.client = client;
this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
this.schema = schema;
if (ref instanceof ScriptFieldRef) {
ScriptFieldRef f = (ScriptFieldRef) ref;
return new DocValueExtractor(;
// TODO: need to handle rejections plus check failures (shard size, etc...)
public void onResponse(final SearchResponse response) {
try {
ShardSearchFailure[] failure = response.getShardFailures();
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(failure)) {
onFailure(new ExecutionException(failure[0].reason(), failure[0].getCause()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ref instanceof ProcessingRef) {
ProcessingRef pRef = (ProcessingRef) ref;
return new ProcessingHitExtractor(createExtractor(pRef.ref()), pRef.processor());
protected abstract RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response);
throw new SqlIllegalArgumentException("Unexpected ValueReference %s", ref.getClass());
// listener used for streaming the rest of the results after the handshake has been used
class SessionScrollActionListener extends SearchHitsActionListener {
private List<HitExtractor> exts;
SessionScrollActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, List<HitExtractor> ext, int limit, int docCount) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema, limit, docCount);
this.exts = ext;
protected List<HitExtractor> getExtractors() {
return exts;
abstract class SearchHitsActionListener extends ScrollerActionListener {
final int limit;
int docsRead;
SearchHitsActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema, int limit, int docsRead) {
super(listener, client, keepAlive, schema);
this.limit = limit;
this.docsRead = docsRead;
protected RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response) {
SearchHit[] hits = response.getHits().getHits();
List<HitExtractor> exts = getExtractors();
// there are some results
if (hits.length > 0) {
String scrollId = response.getScrollId();
Consumer<ActionListener<RowSetCursor>> next = null;
docsRead += hits.length;
// if there's an id, try to setup next scroll
protected final void clearScroll(String scrollId) {
if (scrollId != null) {
// is all the content already retrieved?
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(response.isTerminatedEarly()) || response.getHits().getTotalHits() == hits.length
// or maybe the limit has been reached
|| docsRead >= limit) {
// if so, clear the scroll
// and remove it to indicate no more data is expected
scrollId = null;
else {
next = l -> Scroller.from(l, this, response.getScrollId(), exts);
int limitHits = limit > 0 && docsRead >= limit ? limit : -1;
return new SearchHitRowSetCursor(schema, exts, hits, limitHits, scrollId, next);
// no hits
else {
// typically means last page but might be an aggs only query
return needsHit(exts) ? Rows.empty(schema) : new SearchHitRowSetCursor(schema, exts);
private static boolean needsHit(List<HitExtractor> exts) {
for (HitExtractor ext : exts) {
if (ext instanceof DocValueExtractor || ext instanceof ProcessingHitExtractor) {
return true;
// fire and forget
return false;
protected abstract List<HitExtractor> getExtractors();
public final void onFailure(Exception ex) {
abstract class ScrollerActionListener implements ActionListener<SearchResponse> {
final ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener;
final Client client;
final TimeValue keepAlive;
final Schema schema;
ScrollerActionListener(ActionListener<RowSetCursor> listener, Client client, TimeValue keepAlive, Schema schema) {
this.listener = listener;
this.client = client;
this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
this.schema = schema;
// TODO: need to handle rejections plus check failures (shard size, etc...)
public void onResponse(final SearchResponse response) {
try {
ShardSearchFailure[] failure = response.getShardFailures();
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(failure)) {
onFailure(new ExecutionException(failure[0].reason(), failure[0].getCause()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
protected abstract RowSetCursor handleResponse(SearchResponse response);
protected final void clearScroll(String scrollId) {
if (scrollId != null) {
// fire and forget
public final void onFailure(Exception ex) {

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.type.DataType;
abstract class UnresolvedNamedExpression extends NamedExpression implements Unresolvable {
public UnresolvedNamedExpression(Location location, List<Expression> children) {
UnresolvedNamedExpression(Location location, List<Expression> children) {
super(location, "<unresolved>", children, ExpressionIdGenerator.EMPTY);

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public enum FunctionType {
private final Class<? extends Function> baseClass;
private FunctionType(Class<? extends Function> base) {
FunctionType(Class<? extends Function> base) {
this.baseClass = base;

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.type.DataTypes;
public class FullTextPredicate extends Expression {
public static enum Operator {
public enum Operator {

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@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ public class Optimizer extends RuleExecutor<LogicalPlan> {
static abstract class OptimizerRule<SubPlan extends LogicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, LogicalPlan> {
abstract static class OptimizerRule<SubPlan extends LogicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, LogicalPlan> {
private final boolean transformDown;
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ public class Optimizer extends RuleExecutor<LogicalPlan> {
protected abstract LogicalPlan rule(SubPlan plan);
static abstract class OptimizerExpressionUpRule extends Rule<LogicalPlan, LogicalPlan> {
abstract static class OptimizerExpressionUpRule extends Rule<LogicalPlan, LogicalPlan> {
private final boolean transformDown;

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@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.planner.QueryTranslator.toQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.util.CollectionUtils.combine;
class QueryFolder extends RuleExecutor<PhysicalPlan> {
PhysicalPlan fold(PhysicalPlan plan) {
return execute(plan);
@ -501,16 +499,16 @@ class QueryFolder extends RuleExecutor<PhysicalPlan> {
return exec.with(qContainer);
// rule for folding physical plans together
abstract class FoldingRule<SubPlan extends PhysicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, PhysicalPlan> {
// rule for folding physical plans together
abstract static class FoldingRule<SubPlan extends PhysicalPlan> extends Rule<SubPlan, PhysicalPlan> {
public final PhysicalPlan apply(PhysicalPlan plan) {
return plan.transformUp(this::rule, typeToken());
public final PhysicalPlan apply(PhysicalPlan plan) {
return plan.transformUp(this::rule, typeToken());
protected abstract PhysicalPlan rule(SubPlan plan);
protected abstract PhysicalPlan rule(SubPlan plan);

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@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
// Agg translators
static class DistinctCounts extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Count> {
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new CardinalityAgg(id, path, field(c));
static class Sums extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Sum> {
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new SumAgg(id, path, field(s));
static class Avgs extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Avg> {
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new AvgAgg(id, path, field(a));
static class Maxes extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Max> {
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new MaxAgg(id, path, field(m));
static class Mins extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Min> {
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new MinAgg(id, path, field(m));
static class StatsAggs extends CompoundAggTranslator<Stats> {
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new StatsAgg(id, path, field(s));
static class ExtendedStatsAggs extends CompoundAggTranslator<ExtendedStats> {
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new ExtendedStatsAgg(id, path, field(e));
static class MatrixStatsAggs extends CompoundAggTranslator<MatrixStats> {
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new MatrixStatsAgg(id, path, singletonList(field(m)));
static class DateTimes extends SingleValueAggTranslator<Min> {
@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
return new MinAgg(id, path, field(m));
static abstract class AggTranslator<F extends Function> {
abstract static class AggTranslator<F extends Function> {
private final Class<F> typeToken = ReflectionUtils.detectSuperTypeForRuleLike(getClass());
@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
protected abstract LeafAgg asAgg(String id, String parent, F f);
static abstract class SingleValueAggTranslator<F extends Function> extends AggTranslator<F> {
abstract static class SingleValueAggTranslator<F extends Function> extends AggTranslator<F> {
protected final LeafAgg asAgg(String id, String parent, F function) {
@ -795,8 +795,8 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
protected abstract LeafAgg toAgg(String id, String path, F f);
static abstract class CompoundAggTranslator<C extends CompoundAggregate> extends AggTranslator<C> {
abstract static class CompoundAggTranslator<C extends CompoundAggregate> extends AggTranslator<C> {
protected final LeafAgg asAgg(String id, String parent, C function) {
@ -806,9 +806,8 @@ abstract class QueryTranslator {
protected abstract LeafAgg toAgg(String id, String path, C f);
static abstract class ExppressionTranslator<E extends Expression> {
abstract static class ExppressionTranslator<E extends Expression> {
private final Class<E> typeToken = ReflectionUtils.detectSuperTypeForRuleLike(getClass());