[DOCS] Links transforms in aggregation docs (#52563)

Co-authored-by: Lisa Cawley <lcawley@elastic.co>
This commit is contained in:
István Zoltán Szabó 2020-02-21 08:22:04 +01:00
parent c9b7bb282a
commit 1d895118dd

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@ -168,3 +168,12 @@ request. This is the case for Terms, Significant Terms and Percentiles aggregati
also contains information about the type of the targeted field: `lterms` (for a terms aggregation on a Long field),
`sigsterms` (for a significant terms aggregation on a String field), `tdigest_percentiles` (for a percentile
aggregation based on the TDigest algorithm).
== Indexing aggregation results with {transforms}
<<transforms,{transforms-cap}>> enable you to convert existing {es} indices
into summarized indices, which provide opportunities for new insights and
analytics. You can use {transforms} to persistently index your aggregation
results into entity-centric indices.