Plan A Update...

New Features:

Exceptions (throw, try/catch)
Infinite Loop Checking
Iterators added to the API


Improved loop path analysis
Fixed set/add issue with shortcuts in lists
Fixed minor promotion issue with incorrect type
Fixed score issue related to score extending Number


Added JavaDocs for some files
This commit is contained in:
Jack Conradson 2016-01-19 08:37:22 -08:00
parent da699ceae2
commit 2249a640bb
25 changed files with 3317 additions and 1985 deletions

@ -34,18 +34,23 @@ statement
| RETURN expression SEMICOLON? # return
| TRY block ( CATCH LP ( TYPE ID ) RP block )+ # try
| TRY block trap+ # try
| THROW expression SEMICOLON? # throw
| expression SEMICOLON? # expr
: LBRACK statement* RBRACK # multiple
: LBRACK statement+ RBRACK # multiple
| statement # single
: emptyscope
@ -69,6 +74,10 @@ declvar
: ID ( ASSIGN expression )?
: CATCH LP ( TYPE ID ) RP ( block | emptyscope )
: LP expression RP # precedence
| ( OCTAL | HEX | INTEGER | DECIMAL ) # numeric

@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Cast;
import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Type;
import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExpressionContext;
import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.PrecedenceContext;
class Adapter {
static class StatementMetadata {
final ParserRuleContext source;
boolean last;
boolean allExit;
boolean allReturn;
boolean anyReturn;
boolean allBreak;
boolean anyBreak;
boolean allContinue;
boolean anyContinue;
private StatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
last = false;
allExit = false;
allReturn = false;
anyReturn = false;
allBreak = false;
anyBreak = false;
allContinue = false;
anyContinue = false;
static class ExpressionMetadata {
final ParserRuleContext source;
boolean read;
boolean statement;
Object preConst;
Object postConst;
boolean isNull;
Type to;
Type from;
boolean explicit;
boolean typesafe;
Cast cast;
private ExpressionMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
read = true;
statement = false;
preConst = null;
postConst = null;
isNull = false;
to = null;
from = null;
explicit = false;
typesafe = true;
cast = null;
static class ExternalMetadata {
final ParserRuleContext source;
boolean read;
ParserRuleContext storeExpr;
int token;
boolean pre;
boolean post;
int scope;
Type current;
boolean statik;
boolean statement;
Object constant;
private ExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
read = false;
storeExpr = null;
token = 0;
pre = false;
post = false;
scope = 0;
current = null;
statik = false;
statement = false;
constant = null;
static class ExtNodeMetadata {
final ParserRuleContext parent;
final ParserRuleContext source;
Object target;
boolean last;
Type type;
Type promote;
Cast castFrom;
Cast castTo;
private ExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext parent, final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.parent = parent;
this.source = source;
target = null;
last = false;
type = null;
promote = null;
castFrom = null;
castTo = null;
static String error(final ParserRuleContext ctx) {
return "Error [" + ctx.getStart().getLine() + ":" + ctx.getStart().getCharPositionInLine() + "]: ";
final Definition definition;
final String source;
final ParserRuleContext root;
final CompilerSettings settings;
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, StatementMetadata> statementMetadata;
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExpressionMetadata> expressionMetadata;
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExternalMetadata> externalMetadata;
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExtNodeMetadata> extNodeMetadata;
Adapter(final Definition definition, final String source, final ParserRuleContext root, final CompilerSettings settings) {
this.definition = definition;
this.source = source;
this.root = root;
this.settings = settings;
statementMetadata = new HashMap<>();
expressionMetadata = new HashMap<>();
externalMetadata = new HashMap<>();
extNodeMetadata = new HashMap<>();
StatementMetadata createStatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = new StatementMetadata(source);
statementMetadata.put(source, sourcesmd);
return sourcesmd;
StatementMetadata getStatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = statementMetadata.get(source);
if (sourcesmd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Statement metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourcesmd;
ExpressionContext updateExpressionTree(ExpressionContext source) {
if (source instanceof PrecedenceContext) {
final ParserRuleContext parent = source.getParent();
int index = 0;
for (final ParseTree child : parent.children) {
if (child == source) {
while (source instanceof PrecedenceContext) {
source = ((PrecedenceContext)source).expression();
parent.children.set(index, source);
return source;
ExpressionMetadata createExpressionMetadata(ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExpressionMetadata sourceemd = new ExpressionMetadata(source);
expressionMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
ExpressionMetadata getExpressionMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExpressionMetadata sourceemd = expressionMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Expression metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;
ExternalMetadata createExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExternalMetadata sourceemd = new ExternalMetadata(source);
externalMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
ExternalMetadata getExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExternalMetadata sourceemd = externalMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "External metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;
ExtNodeMetadata createExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext parent, final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = new ExtNodeMetadata(parent, source);
extNodeMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
ExtNodeMetadata getExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = extNodeMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "External metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;

@ -30,88 +30,87 @@ import;
* The Compiler is the entry point for generating a Plan A script. The compiler will generate an ANTLR
* parse tree based on the source code that is passed in. Two passes will then be run over the parse tree,
* one for analysis using the {@link Analyzer} and another to generate the actual byte code using ASM in
* the {@link Writer}.
final class Compiler {
* The default language API to be used with Plan A. The second construction is used
* to finalize all the variables, so there is no mistake of modification afterwards.
private static Definition DEFAULT_DEFINITION = new Definition(new Definition());
/** we define the class with lowest privileges */
* Define the class with lowest privileges.
private static final CodeSource CODESOURCE;
* Setup the code privileges.
static {
try {
// Setup the code privileges.
CODESOURCE = new CodeSource(new URL("file:" + BootstrapInfo.UNTRUSTED_CODEBASE), (Certificate[]) null);
} catch (MalformedURLException impossible) {
throw new RuntimeException(impossible);
* A secure class loader used to define Plan A scripts.
static class Loader extends SecureClassLoader {
Loader(ClassLoader parent) {
* @param parent The parent ClassLoader.
Loader(final ClassLoader parent) {
Class<? extends Executable> define(String name, byte[] bytes) {
* Generates a Class object from the generated byte code.
* @param name The name of the class.
* @param bytes The generated byte code.
* @return A Class object extending {@link Executable}.
Class<? extends Executable> define(final String name, final byte[] bytes) {
return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length, CODESOURCE).asSubclass(Executable.class);
static Executable compile(Loader loader, final String name, final String source, final Definition custom, CompilerSettings settings) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Definition definition = custom == null ? DEFAULT_DEFINITION : new Definition(custom);
//long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//System.out.println("types: " + end);
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//final ParserRuleContext root = createParseTree(source, types);
final ANTLRInputStream stream = new ANTLRInputStream(source);
final ErrorHandlingLexer lexer = new ErrorHandlingLexer(stream);
final PlanAParser parser = new PlanAParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
final ParserErrorStrategy strategy = new ParserErrorStrategy();
//List<? extends Token> tokens = lexer.getAllTokens();
//for (final Token token : tokens) {
// System.out.println(token.getType() + " " + token.getText());
ParserRuleContext root = parser.source();
//end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//System.out.println("tree: " + end);
final Adapter adapter = new Adapter(definition, source, root, settings);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//System.out.println("analyze: " + end);
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final byte[] bytes = Writer.write(adapter);
//end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//System.out.println("write: " + end);
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Runs the two-pass compiler to generate a Plan A script.
* @param loader The ClassLoader used to define the script.
* @param name The name of the script.
* @param source The source code for the script.
* @param settings The CompilerSettings to be used during the compilation.
* @return An {@link Executable} Plan A script.
static Executable compile(final Loader loader, final String name, final String source,
final Definition custom, final CompilerSettings settings) {
final Definition definition = custom != null ? new Definition(custom) : DEFAULT_DEFINITION;
final ParserRuleContext root = createParseTree(source, definition);
final Metadata metadata = new Metadata(definition, source, root, settings);
final byte[] bytes = Writer.write(metadata);
final Executable executable = createExecutable(loader, definition, name, source, bytes);
//end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//System.out.println("create: " + end);
return executable;
private static ParserRuleContext createParseTree(String source, Definition definition) {
* Generates the ANTLR tree from the given source code. Several methods below, are used
* to ensure that the first error generated by ANTLR will cause the compilation to fail rather than
* use ANTLR's recovery strategies that may be potentially dangerous.
* @param source The source code for the script.
* @param definition The Plan A API.
* @return The root node for the ANTLR parse tree.
private static ParserRuleContext createParseTree(final String source, final Definition definition) {
final ANTLRInputStream stream = new ANTLRInputStream(source);
final ErrorHandlingLexer lexer = new ErrorHandlingLexer(stream);
final PlanAParser parser = new PlanAParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
@ -119,36 +118,50 @@ final class Compiler {
ParserRuleContext root = parser.source();
// System.out.println(root.toStringTree(parser));
return root;
private static Executable createExecutable(Loader loader, Definition definition, String name, String source, byte[] bytes) {
* Generates an {@link Executable} that can run a Plan A script.
* @param loader The {@link Loader} to define the script's class file.
* @param definition The Plan A API.
* @param name The name of the script.
* @param source The source text of the script.
* @param bytes The ASM generated byte code to define the class with.
* @return A Plan A {@link Executable} script.
private static Executable createExecutable(final Loader loader, final Definition definition,
final String name, final String source, final byte[] bytes) {
try {
// for debugging:
//try {
// FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(new File("/Users/jdconrad/lang/generated/out.class"), false);
// f.write(bytes);
// f.close();
//} catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Used for debugging. Uncomment this code and add when running to save
// the generated Java class files. The javap tool can then be used to inspect the generated byte code.
// try {
// FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(new File("<path>"), false);
// f.write(bytes);
// f.close();
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
final Class<? extends Executable> clazz = loader.define(Writer.CLASS_NAME, bytes);
final java.lang.reflect.Constructor<? extends Executable> constructor =
clazz.getConstructor(Definition.class, String.class, String.class);
return constructor.newInstance(definition, name, source);
} catch (Exception exception) {
} catch (final Exception exception) { // Catch everything to let the user know this is something caused internally.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"An internal error occurred attempting to define the script [" + name + "].", exception);
* All methods in the compiler should be static.
private Compiler() {}

@ -19,13 +19,30 @@
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* Settings to use when compiling a script
* Settings to use when compiling a script.
final class CompilerSettings {
* Constant to be used when specifying numeric overflow when compiling a script.
public static final String NUMERIC_OVERFLOW = "numeric_overflow";
* Constant to be used when specifying the maximum loop counter when compiling a script.
public static final String MAX_LOOP_COUNTER = "max_loop_counter";
* Whether or not to allow numeric values to overflow without exception.
private boolean numericOverflow = true;
* The maximum number of statements allowed to be run in a loop.
private int maxLoopCounter = 10000;
* Returns {@code true} if numeric operations should overflow, {@code false}
* if they should signal an exception.
@ -46,4 +63,20 @@ final class CompilerSettings {
public void setNumericOverflow(boolean allow) {
this.numericOverflow = allow;
* Returns the value for the cumulative total number of statements that can be made in all loops
* in a script before an exception is thrown. This attempts to prevent infinite loops.
public int getMaxLoopCounter() {
return maxLoopCounter;
* Set the cumulative total number of statements that can be made in all loops.
* @see #getMaxLoopCounter
public void setMaxLoopCounter(int max) {
this.maxLoopCounter = max;

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class Def {
} else if (owner instanceof List) {
try {
final int index = Integer.parseInt(name);
((List)owner).add(index, value);
((List)owner).set(index, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal list shortcut value [" + name + "].");
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ public class Def {
"in array class [" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "].", throwable);
} else if (array instanceof List) {
((List)array).add((int)index, value);
((List)array).set((int)index, value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to address a non-array type " +
"[" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] as an array.");

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -19,6 +17,8 @@ package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.LexerNoViableAltException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval;

@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Cast;
import org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Type;
import org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExpressionContext;
import org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.PrecedenceContext;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Metadata is a wrapper for all the data that is collected by the {@link Analyzer}. Each node in the ANTLR parse tree
* will have one of the types of metadata to store information used either in a different node by the analyzer
* or by the {@link Writer} during byte code generation. Metadata also contains several objects passed into the
* {@link Analyzer} and {@link Writer} used during compilation including the {@link Definition}, the source code,
* the root of the ANTLR parse tree, and the {@link CompilerSettings}.
class Metadata {
* StatementMetadata is used to store metadata mostly about
* control flow for ANTLR nodes related to if/else, do, while, for, etc.
static class StatementMetadata {
* The source variable is the ANTLR node used to generate this metadata.
final ParserRuleContext source;
* The lastSource variable will be set to true when the final statement from the root ANTLR node is about
* to be visited. This is used to determine whether or not the auto-return feature is allowed to be used,
* and if a null return value needs to be generated automatically since a return value is always required.
boolean lastSource = false;
* The beginLoop variable will be set to true whenever a loop node is initially visited including inner
* loops. This will not be propagated down the parse tree afterwards, though. This is used to determine
* whether or not inLoop should be set further down the tree. Note that inLoop alone is not enough
* information to determine whether we are in the last statement of a loop because we may inside of
* multiple loops, so this variable is necessary.
boolean beginLoop = false;
* The inLoop variable is set to true when inside a loop. This will be propagated down the parse tree. This
* is used to determine whether or not continue and break statements are legal.
boolean inLoop = false;
* The lastLoop variable is set to true when the final statement of a loop is reached. This will be
* propagated down the parse tree until another loop is reached and then will not be propagated further for
* the current loop. This is used to determine whether or not a continue statement is superfluous.
boolean lastLoop = false;
* The methodEscape variable is set to true when a statement would cause the method to potentially exit. This
* includes return, throw, and continuous loop statements. Note that a catch statement may possibly
* reset this to false after a throw statement. This will be propagated up the tree as far as necessary.
* This is used by the {@link Writer} to ensure that superfluous statements aren't unnecessarily written
* into generated bytecode.
boolean methodEscape = false;
* The loopEscape variable is set to true when a loop is going to be exited. This may be caused by a number of
* different statements including continue, break, return, etc. This will only be propagated as far as the
* loop node. This is used to ensure that in certain case an infinite loop will be caught at
* compile-time rather than run-time.
boolean loopEscape = false;
* The allLast variable is set whenever a final statement in a block is reached. This includes the end of loop,
* if, else, etc. This will be only propagated to the top of the block statement ANTLR node.
* This is used to ensure that there are no unreachable statements within the script.
boolean allLast = false;
* The anyContinue will be set to true when a continue statement is visited. This will be propagated to the
* loop node it's within. This is used to ensure that in certain case an infinite loop will be caught at
* compile-time rather than run-time.
boolean anyContinue = false;
* The anyBreak will be set to true when a break statement is visited. This will be propagated to the
* loop node it's within. This is used to in conjunction with methodEscape to ensure there are no unreachable
* statements within the script.
boolean anyBreak = false;
* The count variable is used as a rudimentary count of statements within a loop. This will be used in
* the {@link Writer} to keep a count of statements that have been executed at run-time to ensure that a loop
* will exit if it runs too long.
int count = 0;
* The exception variable is used to store the exception type when a throw node is visited. This is used by
* the {@link Writer} to write the correct type of exception in the generated byte code.
Type exception = null;
* The slot variable is used to store the place on the stack of where a thrown exception will be stored to.
* This is used by the {@link Writer}.
int slot = -1;
* Constructor.
* @param source The associated ANTLR node.
private StatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
* ExpressionMetadata is used to store metadata mostly about constants and casting
* for ANTLR nodes related to mathematical operations.
static class ExpressionMetadata {
* The source variable is the ANTLR node used to generate this metadata.
final ParserRuleContext source;
* The read variable is used to determine whether or not the value of an expression will be read from.
* This is set to false when the expression is the left-hand side of an assignment that is not chained or
* when a method call is made alone. This will propagate down the tree as far as necessary.
* The {@link Writer} uses this to determine when a value may need to be popped from the stack
* such as when a method call returns a value that is never read.
boolean read = true;
* The statement variable is set true when an expression is a complete meaning that there is some sort
* of effect on a variable or a method call is made. This will propagate up the tree as far as necessary.
* This prevents statements that have no effect on the output of a script from being executed.
boolean statement = false;
* The preConst variable is set to a non-null value when a constant statement is made in a script. This is
* used to track the constant value prior to any casts being made on an ANTLR node.
Object preConst = null;
* The postConst variable is set to a non-null value when a cast is made on a node where a preConst variable
* has already been set when the cast would leave the constant as a non-object value except in the case of a
* String. This will be propagated up the tree and used to simplify constants when possible such as making
* the value of 2*2 be 4 in the * node, so that the {@link Writer} only has to push a 4 onto the stack.
Object postConst = null;
* The isNull variable is set to true when a null constant statement is made in the script. This allows the
* {@link Writer} to potentially shortcut certain comparison operations.
boolean isNull = false;
* The to variable is used to track what an ANTLR node's value should be cast to. This is set on every ANTLR
* node in the tree, and used by the {@link Writer} to make a run-time cast if necessary in the byte code.
* This is also used by the {@link Analyzer} to determine if a cast is legal.
Type to = null;
* The from variable is used to track what an ANTLR node's value should be cast from. This is set on every
* ANTLR node in the tree independent of other nodes. This is used by the {@link Analyzer} to determine if a
* cast is legal.
Type from = null;
* The explicit variable is set to true when a cast is explicitly made in the script. This tracks whether
* or not a cast is a legal up cast.
boolean explicit = false;
* The typesafe variable is set to true when a dynamic type is used as part of an expression. This propagates
* up the tree to the top of the expression. This allows for implicit up casts throughout the expression and
* is used by the {@link Analyzer}.
boolean typesafe = true;
* This is set to the combination of the to and from variables at the end of each node visit in the
* {@link Analyzer}. This is set on every ANTLR node in the tree independent of other nodes, and is
* used by {@link Writer} to make a run-time cast if necessary in the byte code.
Cast cast = null;
* Constructor.
* @param source The associated ANTLR node.
private ExpressionMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
* ExternalMetadata is used to store metadata about the overall state of a variable/method chain such as
* '(int)x.get(3)' where each piece of that chain is broken into it's indiviual pieces and stored in
* {@link ExtNodeMetadata}.
static class ExternalMetadata {
* The source variable is the ANTLR node used to generate this metadata.
final ParserRuleContext source;
* The read variable is set to true when the value of a variable/method chain is going to be read from.
* This is used by the {@link Analyzer} to determine if this variable/method chain will be in a standalone
* statement.
boolean read = false;
* The storeExpr variable is set to the right-hand side of an assignment in the variable/method chain if
* necessary. This is used by the {@link Analyzer} to set the proper metadata for a read versus a write,
* and is used by the {@link Writer} to determine if a bytecode operation should be a load or a store.
ParserRuleContext storeExpr = null;
* The token variable is set to a constant value of the operator type (+, -, etc.) when a compound assignment
* is being visited. This is also used by the increment and decrement operators. This is used by both the
* {@link Analyzer} and {@link Writer} to correctly handle the compound assignment.
int token = 0;
* The pre variable is set to true when pre-increment or pre-decrement is visited. This is used by both the
* {@link Analyzer} and {@link Writer} to correctly handle any reads of the variable/method chain that are
* necessary.
boolean pre = false;
* The post variable is set to true when post-increment or post-decrement is visited. This is used by both the
* {@link Analyzer} and {@link Writer} to correctly handle any reads of the variable/method chain that are
* necessary.
boolean post = false;
* The scope variable is incremented and decremented when a precedence node is visited as part of a
* variable/method chain. This is used by the {@link Analyzer} to determine when the final piece of the
* variable/method chain has been reached.
int scope = 0;
* The current variable is set to whatever the current type is within the visited node of the variable/method
* chain. This changes as the nodes for the variable/method are walked through. This is used by the
* {@link Analyzer} to make decisions about whether or not a cast is legal, and what methods are available
* for that specific type.
Type current = null;
* The statik variable is set to true when a variable/method chain begins with static type. This is used by
* the {@link Analyzer} to determine what methods/members are available for that specific type.
boolean statik = false;
* The statement variable is set to true when a variable/method chain can be standalone statement. This is
* used by the {@link Analyzer} to error out if there a variable/method chain that is not a statement.
boolean statement = false;
* The constant variable is set when a String constant is part of the variable/method chain. String is a
* special case because methods/members need to be able to be called on a String constant, so this can't be
* only as part of {@link ExpressionMetadata}. This is used by the {@link Writer} to write out the String
* constant in the byte code.
Object constant = null;
* Constructor.
* @param source The associated ANTLR node.
private ExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.source = source;
static class ExtNodeMetadata {
* The parent variable is top-level ANTLR node of the variable/method chain. This is used to retrieve the
* ExternalMetadata for the variable/method chain this ExtNodeMetadata is a piece of.
final ParserRuleContext parent;
* The source variable is the ANTLR node used to generate this metadata.
final ParserRuleContext source;
* The target variable is set to a value based on the type of ANTLR node that is visited. This is used by
* {@link Writer} to determine whether a cast, store, load, or method call should be written in byte code
* depending on what the target variable is.
Object target = null;
* The last variable is set to true when the last ANTLR node of the variable/method chain is visted. This is
* used by the {@link Writer} in conjuction with the storeExpr variable to determine whether or not a store
* needs to be written as opposed to a load.
boolean last = false;
* The type variable is set to the type that a visited node ends with. This is used by both the
* {@link Analyzer} and {@link Writer} to make decisions about compound assignments, String constants, and
* shortcuts.
Type type = null;
* The promote variable is set to the type of a promotion within a compound assignment. Compound assignments
* may require promotion between the left-hand side variable and right-hand side value. This is used by the
* {@link Writer} to make the correct decision about the byte code operation.
Type promote = null;
* The castFrom variable is set during a compound assignment. This is used by the {@link Writer} to
* cast the values to the promoted type during a compound assignment.
Cast castFrom = null;
* The castTo variable is set during an explicit cast in a variable/method chain or during a compound
* assignment. This is used by the {@link Writer} to either do an explicit cast, or cast the values
* from the promoted type back to the original type during a compound assignment.
Cast castTo = null;
* Constructor.
* @param parent The top-level ANTLR node for the variable/method chain.
* @param source The associated ANTLR node.
private ExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext parent, final ParserRuleContext source) {
this.parent = parent;
this.source = source;
* A utility method to output consistent error messages.
* @param ctx The ANTLR node the error occurred in.
* @return The error message with tacked on line number and character position.
static String error(final ParserRuleContext ctx) {
return "Error [" + ctx.getStart().getLine() + ":" + ctx.getStart().getCharPositionInLine() + "]: ";
* Acts as both the Plan A API and white-list for what types and methods are allowed.
final Definition definition;
* The original text of the input script. This is used to write out the source code into
* the byte code file for debugging purposes.
final String source;
* Toot node of the ANTLR tree for the Plan A script.
final ParserRuleContext root;
* Used to determine certain compile-time constraints such as whether or not numeric overflow is allowed
* and how many statements are allowed before a loop will throw an exception.
final CompilerSettings settings;
* Used to determine what slot the input variable is stored in. This is used in the {@link Writer} whenever
* the input variable is accessed.
int inputValueSlot = -1;
* Used to determine what slot the score variable is stored in. This is used in the {@link Writer} whenever
* the score variable is accessed.
int scoreValueSlot = -1;
* Used to determine what slot the loopCounter variable is stored in. This is used n the {@link Writer} whenever
* the loop variable is accessed.
int loopCounterSlot = -1;
* Maps the relevant ANTLR node to its metadata.
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, StatementMetadata> statementMetadata = new HashMap<>();
* Maps the relevant ANTLR node to its metadata.
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExpressionMetadata> expressionMetadata = new HashMap<>();
* Maps the relevant ANTLR node to its metadata.
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExternalMetadata> externalMetadata = new HashMap<>();
* Maps the relevant ANTLR node to its metadata.
private final Map<ParserRuleContext, ExtNodeMetadata> extNodeMetadata = new HashMap<>();
* Constructor.
* @param definition The Plan A definition.
* @param source The source text for the script.
* @param root The root ANTLR node.
* @param settings The compile-time settings.
Metadata(final Definition definition, final String source, final ParserRuleContext root, final CompilerSettings settings) {
this.definition = definition;
this.source = source;
this.root = root;
this.settings = settings;
* Creates a new StatementMetadata and stores it in the statementMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The new StatementMetadata.
StatementMetadata createStatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = new StatementMetadata(source);
statementMetadata.put(source, sourcesmd);
return sourcesmd;
* Retrieves StatementMetadata from the statementMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The retrieved StatementMetadata.
StatementMetadata getStatementMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = statementMetadata.get(source);
if (sourcesmd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Statement metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourcesmd;
* The ANTLR parse tree is modified in one single case; a parent node needs to check a child node to see if it's
* a precedence node, and if so, it must be removed from the tree permanently. Once the ANTLR tree is built,
* precedence nodes are no longer necessary to maintain the correct ordering of the tree, so they only
* add a level of indirection where complicated decisions about metadata passing would have to be made. This
* method removes the need for those decisions.
* @param source The child ANTLR node to check for precedence.
* @return The updated child ANTLR node.
ExpressionContext updateExpressionTree(ExpressionContext source) {
// Check to see if the ANTLR node is a precedence node.
if (source instanceof PrecedenceContext) {
final ParserRuleContext parent = source.getParent();
int index = 0;
// Mark the index of the source node within the list of child nodes from the parent.
for (final ParseTree child : parent.children) {
if (child == source) {
// If there are multiple precedence nodes in a row, remove them all.
while (source instanceof PrecedenceContext) {
source = ((PrecedenceContext)source).expression();
// Update the parent node with the child of the precedence node.
parent.children.set(index, source);
return source;
* Creates a new ExpressionMetadata and stores it in the expressionMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The new ExpressionMetadata.
ExpressionMetadata createExpressionMetadata(ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExpressionMetadata sourceemd = new ExpressionMetadata(source);
expressionMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
* Retrieves ExpressionMetadata from the expressionMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The retrieved ExpressionMetadata.
ExpressionMetadata getExpressionMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExpressionMetadata sourceemd = expressionMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Expression metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;
* Creates a new ExternalMetadata and stores it in the externalMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The new ExternalMetadata.
ExternalMetadata createExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExternalMetadata sourceemd = new ExternalMetadata(source);
externalMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
* Retrieves ExternalMetadata from the externalMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The retrieved ExternalMetadata.
ExternalMetadata getExternalMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExternalMetadata sourceemd = externalMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "External metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;
* Creates a new ExtNodeMetadata and stores it in the extNodeMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The new ExtNodeMetadata.
ExtNodeMetadata createExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext parent, final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = new ExtNodeMetadata(parent, source);
extNodeMetadata.put(source, sourceemd);
return sourceemd;
* Retrieves ExtNodeMetadata from the extNodeMetadata map.
* @param source The ANTLR node for this metadata.
* @return The retrieved ExtNodeMetadata.
ExtNodeMetadata getExtNodeMetadata(final ParserRuleContext source) {
final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = extNodeMetadata.get(source);
if (sourceemd == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "External metadata does not exist at" +
" the parse node with text [" + source.getText() + "].");
return sourceemd;

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* The PlanAError class is used to throw internal errors caused by Plan A scripts that cannot be
* caught using a standard {@link Exception}. This prevents the user from catching this specific error
* (as Exceptions are available in the Plan A API, but Errors are not,) and possibly continuing to do
* something hazardous. The alternative was extending {@link Throwable}, but that seemed worse than using
* an {@link Error} in this case.
public class PlanAError extends Error {
* Constructor.
* @param message The error message.
public PlanAError(final String message) {

@ -116,6 +116,13 @@ class PlanAParserBaseVisitor<T> extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<T> implements P
* {@link #visitChildren} on {@code ctx}.</p>
@Override public T visitEmpty(PlanAParser.EmptyContext ctx) { return visitChildren(ctx); }
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The default implementation returns the result of calling
* {@link #visitChildren} on {@code ctx}.</p>
@Override public T visitEmptyscope(PlanAParser.EmptyscopeContext ctx) { return visitChildren(ctx); }
* {@inheritDoc}
@ -151,6 +158,13 @@ class PlanAParserBaseVisitor<T> extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<T> implements P
* {@link #visitChildren} on {@code ctx}.</p>
@Override public T visitDeclvar(PlanAParser.DeclvarContext ctx) { return visitChildren(ctx); }
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The default implementation returns the result of calling
* {@link #visitChildren} on {@code ctx}.</p>
@Override public T visitTrap(PlanAParser.TrapContext ctx) { return visitChildren(ctx); }
* {@inheritDoc}

@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ interface PlanAParserVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
* @return the visitor result
T visitEmpty(PlanAParser.EmptyContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link PlanAParser#emptyscope}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitEmptyscope(PlanAParser.EmptyscopeContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link PlanAParser#initializer}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
@ -143,6 +149,12 @@ interface PlanAParserVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
* @return the visitor result
T visitDeclvar(PlanAParser.DeclvarContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link PlanAParser#trap}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitTrap(PlanAParser.TrapContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code comp}
* labeled alternative in {@link PlanAParser#expression}.

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public final class PlanAPlugin extends Plugin {
return "Plan A scripting language for Elasticsearch";
public void onModule(ScriptModule module) {
public void onModule(final ScriptModule module) {

@ -40,117 +40,199 @@ import;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Implementation of a ScriptEngine for the Plan A language.
public class PlanAScriptEngineService extends AbstractComponent implements ScriptEngineService {
* Standard name of the Plan A language.
public static final String NAME = "plan-a";
// default settings, used unless otherwise specified
* Default compiler settings to be used.
private static final CompilerSettings DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS = new CompilerSettings();
public static final String NUMERIC_OVERFLOW = "numeric_overflow";
* Permissions context used during compilation.
private static final AccessControlContext COMPILATION_CONTEXT;
// TODO: how should custom definitions be specified?
* Setup the allowed permissions.
static {
final Permissions none = new Permissions();
COMPILATION_CONTEXT = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] {
new ProtectionDomain(null, none)
* Used only for testing.
private Definition definition = null;
* Used only for testing.
void setDefinition(final Definition definition) {
this.definition = definition;
* Constructor.
* @param settings The settings to initialize the engine with.
public PlanAScriptEngineService(Settings settings) {
public PlanAScriptEngineService(final Settings settings) {
public void setDefinition(final Definition definition) {
this.definition = new Definition(definition);
* Get the type name(s) for the language.
* @return Always contains only the single name of the language.
public String[] types() {
return new String[] { NAME };
* Get the extension(s) for the language.
* @return Always contains only the single extension of the language.
public String[] extensions() {
return new String[] { NAME };
* Whether or not the engine is secure.
* @return Always true as the engine should be secure at runtime.
public boolean sandboxed() {
return true;
// context used during compilation
private static final AccessControlContext COMPILATION_CONTEXT;
static {
Permissions none = new Permissions();
COMPILATION_CONTEXT = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] {
new ProtectionDomain(null, none)
* Compiles a Plan A script with the specified parameters.
* @param script The code to be compiled.
* @param params The params used to modify the compiler settings on a per script basis.
* @return Compiled script object represented by an {@link Executable}.
public Object compile(String script, Map<String, String> params) {
public Object compile(final String script, final Map<String, String> params) {
final CompilerSettings compilerSettings;
if (params.isEmpty()) {
// Use the default settings.
} else {
// custom settings
// Use custom settings specified by params.
compilerSettings = new CompilerSettings();
Map<String,String> clone = new HashMap<>(params);
String value = clone.remove(NUMERIC_OVERFLOW);
Map<String, String> copy = new HashMap<>(params);
String value = copy.remove(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW);
if (value != null) {
// TODO: can we get a real boolean parser in here?
if (!clone.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized compile-time parameter(s): " + clone);
value = copy.remove(CompilerSettings.MAX_LOOP_COUNTER);
if (value != null) {
if (!copy.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized compile-time parameter(s): " + copy);
// check we ourselves are not being called by unprivileged code
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
// Check we ourselves are not being called by unprivileged code.
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new SpecialPermission());
// create our loader (which loads compiled code with no permissions)
Compiler.Loader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Compiler.Loader>() {
// Create our loader (which loads compiled code with no permissions).
final Compiler.Loader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Compiler.Loader>() {
public Compiler.Loader run() {
return new Compiler.Loader(getClass().getClassLoader());
// drop all permissions to actually compile the code itself
// Drop all permissions to actually compile the code itself.
return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Executable>() {
public Executable run() {
return Compiler.compile(loader, "something", script, definition, compilerSettings);
return Compiler.compile(loader, "unknown", script, definition, compilerSettings);
* Retrieve an {@link ExecutableScript} for later use.
* @param compiledScript A previously compiled script.
* @param vars The variables to be used in the script.
* @return An {@link ExecutableScript} with the currently specified variables.
public ExecutableScript executable(CompiledScript compiledScript, Map<String,Object> vars) {
return new ScriptImpl((Executable) compiledScript.compiled(), vars, null);
public ExecutableScript executable(final CompiledScript compiledScript, final Map<String, Object> vars) {
return new ScriptImpl((Executable)compiledScript.compiled(), vars, null);
* Retrieve a {@link SearchScript} for later use.
* @param compiledScript A previously compiled script.
* @param lookup The object that ultimately allows access to search fields.
* @param vars The variables to be used in the script.
* @return An {@link SearchScript} with the currently specified variables.
public SearchScript search(CompiledScript compiledScript, SearchLookup lookup, Map<String,Object> vars) {
public SearchScript search(final CompiledScript compiledScript, final SearchLookup lookup, final Map<String, Object> vars) {
return new SearchScript() {
* Get the search script that will have access to search field values.
* @param context The LeafReaderContext to be used.
* @return A script that will have the search fields from the current context available for use.
public LeafSearchScript getLeafSearchScript(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ScriptImpl((Executable) compiledScript.compiled(), vars, lookup.getLeafSearchLookup(context));
public LeafSearchScript getLeafSearchScript(final LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ScriptImpl((Executable)compiledScript.compiled(), vars, lookup.getLeafSearchLookup(context));
* Whether or not the score is needed.
* @return Always true as it's assumed score is needed.
public boolean needsScores() {
return true; // TODO: maybe even do these different and more like expressions.
return true;
* Action taken when a script is removed from the cache.
* @param script The removed script.
public void scriptRemoved(CompiledScript script) {
// nothing to do
public void scriptRemoved(final CompiledScript script) {
// Nothing to do.
* Action taken when the engine is closed.
public void close() throws IOException {
// nothing to do
// Nothing to do.

@ -28,67 +28,128 @@ import;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* ScriptImpl can be used as either an {@link ExecutableScript} or a {@link LeafSearchScript}
* to run a previously compiled Plan A script.
final class ScriptImpl implements ExecutableScript, LeafSearchScript {
final Executable executable;
final Map<String,Object> variables;
final LeafSearchLookup lookup;
ScriptImpl(Executable executable, Map<String,Object> vars, LeafSearchLookup lookup) {
* The Plan A Executable script that can be run.
private final Executable executable;
* A map that can be used to access input parameters at run-time.
private final Map<String, Object> variables;
* The lookup is used to access search field values at run-time.
private final LeafSearchLookup lookup;
* Creates a ScriptImpl for the a previously compiled Plan A script.
* @param executable The previously compiled Plan A script.
* @param vars The initial variables to run the script with.
* @param lookup The lookup to allow search fields to be available if this is run as a search script.
ScriptImpl(final Executable executable, final Map<String, Object> vars, final LeafSearchLookup lookup) {
this.executable = executable;
this.lookup = lookup;
this.variables = new HashMap<>();
if (vars != null) {
if (lookup != null) {
* Set a variable for the script to be run against.
* @param name The variable name.
* @param value The variable value.
public void setNextVar(String name, Object value) {
public void setNextVar(final String name, final Object value) {
variables.put(name, value);
* Run the script.
* @return The script result.
public Object run() {
return executable.execute(variables);
public float runAsFloat() {
return ((Number) run()).floatValue();
public long runAsLong() {
return ((Number) run()).longValue();
* Run the script.
* @return The script result as a double.
public double runAsDouble() {
return ((Number) run()).doubleValue();
return ((Number)run()).doubleValue();
* Run the script.
* @return The script result as a float.
public Object unwrap(Object value) {
public float runAsFloat() {
return ((Number)run()).floatValue();
* Run the script.
* @return The script result as a long.
public long runAsLong() {
return ((Number)run()).longValue();
* This method has no effect in Plan A.
* @param value The value to unwrap.
* @return The value passed in.
public Object unwrap(final Object value) {
return value;
* Sets the scorer to be accessible within a script.
* @param scorer The scorer used for a search.
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
variables.put("_score", new ScoreAccessor(scorer));
public void setScorer(final Scorer scorer) {
variables.put("#score", new ScoreAccessor(scorer));
* Sets the current document.
* @param doc The current document.
public void setDocument(int doc) {
public void setDocument(final int doc) {
if (lookup != null) {
* Sets the current source.
* @param source The current source.
public void setSource(Map<String,Object> source) {
public void setSource(final Map<String, Object> source) {
if (lookup != null) {

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -19,6 +17,8 @@ package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
public class Utility {
public static boolean NumberToboolean(final Number value) {
return value.longValue() != 0;

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
public class BasicAPITests extends ScriptTestCase {
public void testListIterator() {
assertEquals(3, exec("List x = new ArrayList(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); Iterator y = x.iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total +=; return total;"));
assertEquals(3, exec("List<Object> x = new ArrayList(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); Iterator<Object> y = x.iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total += (int); return total;"));
assertEquals("abc", exec("List<String> x = new ArrayList(); x.add(\"a\"); x.add(\"b\"); x.add(\"c\"); " +
"Iterator<String> y = x.iterator(); String total = \"\"; while (y.hasNext()) total +=; return total;"));
assertEquals(3, exec("def x = new ArrayList(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); def y = x.iterator(); " +
"def total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total +=; return total;"));
public void testSetIterator() {
assertEquals(3, exec("Set x = new HashSet(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); Iterator y = x.iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total +=; return total;"));
assertEquals(3, exec("Set<Object> x = new HashSet(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); Iterator<Object> y = x.iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total += (int); return total;"));
assertEquals("abc", exec("Set<String> x = new HashSet(); x.add(\"a\"); x.add(\"b\"); x.add(\"c\"); " +
"Iterator<String> y = x.iterator(); String total = \"\"; while (y.hasNext()) total +=; return total;"));
assertEquals(3, exec("def x = new HashSet(); x.add(2); x.add(3); x.add(-2); def y = x.iterator(); " +
"def total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total += (int); return total;"));
public void testMapIterator() {
assertEquals(3, exec("Map x = new HashMap(); x.put(2, 2); x.put(3, 3); x.put(-2, -2); Iterator y = x.keySet().iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total += (int); return total;"));
assertEquals(3, exec("Map x = new HashMap(); x.put(2, 2); x.put(3, 3); x.put(-2, -2); Iterator y = x.values().iterator(); " +
"int total = 0; while (y.hasNext()) total += (int); return total;"));

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import java.util.Map;
/** Tests floating point overflow with numeric overflow disabled */
public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
/** wire overflow to false for all tests */
public Object exec(String script, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(PlanAScriptEngineService.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "false"));
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "false"));
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
// float
try {
exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x += 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;");
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; x += -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double
try {
exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x += 1.7976931348623157E308; return x;");
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
// float
try {
exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x -= -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;");
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; x -= 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double
try {
exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x -= -1.7976931348623157E308; return x;");
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentMultiplicationOverflow() {
// float
try {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x *= -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double
try {
exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x *= 1.7976931348623157E308; return x;");
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentDivisionOverflow() {
// float
try {
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = 1.0f; x /= 0.0f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double
try {
exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x /= 4.9E-324; return x;");
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAdditionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f + 3.4028234663852886E38f;");
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testSubtraction() throws Exception {
try {
exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x - y;");
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testSubtractionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return -3.4028234663852886E38f - 3.4028234663852886E38f;");
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testMultiplication() throws Exception {
try {
exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x * y;");
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testMultiplicationConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f * 3.4028234663852886E38f;");
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testDivisionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f / 1.401298464324817E-45f;");
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testDivisionNaN() throws Exception {
// float division, constant division, and assignment
try {
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = 0f; x /= 0f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double division, constant division, and assignment
try {
exec("double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; return x / y;");
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testRemainderNaN() throws Exception {
// float division, constant division, and assignment
try {
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public class FloatOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("float x = 1f; x %= 0f; return x;");
fail("didn't hit expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// double division, constant division, and assignment
try {
exec("double x = 1.0; double y = 0.0; return x % y;");

@ -24,49 +24,49 @@ import java.util.Map;
/** Tests floating point overflow with numeric overflow enabled */
public class FloatOverflowEnabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
/** wire overflow to true for all tests */
public Object exec(String script, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(PlanAScriptEngineService.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "true"));
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "true"));
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
// float
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x += 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; x += -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
// double
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x += 1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = -1.7976931348623157E308; x += -1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
// float
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x -= -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; x -= 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
// double
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x -= -1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = -1.7976931348623157E308; x -= 1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentMultiplicationOverflow() {
// float
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x *= 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x *= -3.4028234663852886E38f; return x;"));
// double
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x *= 1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x *= -1.7976931348623157E308; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentDivisionOverflow() {
// float
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x /= 1.401298464324817E-45f; return x;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; x /= -1.401298464324817E-45f; return x;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 1.0f; x /= 0.0f; return x;"));
// double
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x /= 4.9E-324; return x;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; x /= -4.9E-324; return x;"));
@ -74,32 +74,32 @@ public class FloatOverflowEnabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
public void testAddition() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x + y;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x + y;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; double y = 1.7976931348623157E308; return x + y;"));
public void testAdditionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f + 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f + 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 1.7976931348623157E308 + 1.7976931348623157E308;"));
public void testSubtraction() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x - y;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = -3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x - y;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = -1.7976931348623157E308; double y = 1.7976931348623157E308; return x - y;"));
public void testSubtractionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("return -3.4028234663852886E38f - 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("return -3.4028234663852886E38f - 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, exec("return -1.7976931348623157E308 - 1.7976931348623157E308;"));
public void testMultiplication() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x * y;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("float x = 3.4028234663852886E38f; float y = 3.4028234663852886E38f; return x * y;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; double y = 1.7976931348623157E308; return x * y;"));
public void testMultiplicationConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f * 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f * 3.4028234663852886E38f;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 1.7976931348623157E308 * 1.7976931348623157E308;"));
@ -109,32 +109,32 @@ public class FloatOverflowEnabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.7976931348623157E308; double y = 4.9E-324; return x / y;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("double x = 1.0; double y = 0.0; return x / y;"));
public void testDivisionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 3.4028234663852886E38f / 1.401298464324817E-45f;"));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 1.0f / 0.0f;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 1.7976931348623157E308 / 4.9E-324;"));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, exec("return 1.0 / 0.0;"));
public void testDivisionNaN() throws Exception {
// float division, constant division, and assignment
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("float x = 0f; float y = 0f; return x / y;")));
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("return 0f / 0f;")));
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("float x = 0f; x /= 0f; return x;")));
// double division, constant division, and assignment
assertTrue(Double.isNaN((Double) exec("double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; return x / y;")));
assertTrue(Double.isNaN((Double) exec("return 0.0 / 0.0;")));
assertTrue(Double.isNaN((Double) exec("double x = 0.0; x /= 0.0; return x;")));
public void testRemainderNaN() throws Exception {
// float division, constant division, and assignment
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("float x = 1f; float y = 0f; return x % y;")));
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("return 1f % 0f;")));
assertTrue(Float.isNaN((Float) exec("float x = 1f; x %= 0f; return x;")));
// double division, constant division, and assignment
assertTrue(Double.isNaN((Double) exec("double x = 1.0; double y = 0.0; return x % y;")));
assertTrue(Double.isNaN((Double) exec("return 1.0 % 0.0;")));

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import java.util.Map;
/** Tests integer overflow with numeric overflow disabled */
public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
/** wire overflow to true for all tests */
public Object exec(String script, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(PlanAScriptEngineService.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "false"));
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "false"));
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("byte x = 0; x += -129; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// short
try {
exec("short x = 0; x += 32768; return x;");
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("byte x = 0; x += -32769; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// char
try {
exec("char x = 0; x += 65536; return x;");
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("char x = 0; x += -65536; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// int
try {
exec("int x = 1; x += 2147483647; return x;");
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("int x = -2; x += -2147483647; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// long
try {
exec("long x = 1; x += 9223372036854775807L; return x;");
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
// byte
try {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("byte x = 0; x -= 129; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// short
try {
exec("short x = 0; x -= -32768; return x;");
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("byte x = 0; x -= 32769; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// char
try {
exec("char x = 0; x -= -65536; return x;");
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("char x = 0; x -= 65536; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// int
try {
exec("int x = 1; x -= -2147483647; return x;");
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("int x = -2; x -= 2147483647; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// long
try {
exec("long x = 1; x -= -9223372036854775807L; return x;");
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentMultiplicationOverflow() {
// byte
try {
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("byte x = 2; x *= -128; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// char
try {
exec("char x = 2; x *= 65536; return x;");
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("char x = 2; x *= -65536; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// int
try {
exec("int x = 2; x *= 2147483647; return x;");
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("int x = 2; x *= -2147483647; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// long
try {
exec("long x = 2; x *= 9223372036854775807L; return x;");
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAssignmentDivisionOverflow() {
// byte
try {
@ -203,108 +203,108 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("short x = (short) -32768; x /= -1; return x;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// cannot happen for char: unsigned
// int
try {
exec("int x = -2147483647 - 1; x /= -1; return x;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// long
try {
exec("long x = -9223372036854775807L - 1L; x /=-1L; return x;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testIncrementOverFlow() throws Exception {
// byte
try {
exec("byte x = 127; ++x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("byte x = 127; x++; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("byte x = (byte) -128; --x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("byte x = (byte) -128; x--; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// short
try {
exec("short x = 32767; ++x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("short x = 32767; x++; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("short x = (short) -32768; --x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("short x = (short) -32768; x--; return x;");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// char
try {
exec("char x = 65535; ++x; return x;");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("char x = 65535; x++; return x;");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("char x = (char) 0; --x; return x;");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("char x = (char) 0; x--; return x;");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// int
try {
exec("int x = 2147483647; ++x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("int x = 2147483647; x++; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("int x = (int) -2147483648L; --x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("int x = (int) -2147483648L; x--; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
// long
try {
exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; ++x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; x++; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
@ -320,68 +320,68 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAddition() throws Exception {
try {
exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x + y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x + y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testAdditionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return 2147483647 + 2147483647;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("return 9223372036854775807L + 9223372036854775807L;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testSubtraction() throws Exception {
try {
exec("int x = -10; int y = 2147483647; return x - y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = -10L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x - y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testSubtractionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return -10 - 2147483647;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("return -10L - 9223372036854775807L;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testMultiplication() throws Exception {
try {
exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x * y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x * y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testMultiplicationConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return 2147483647 * 2147483647;");
@ -399,13 +399,13 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
exec("int x = -2147483647 - 1; int y = -1; return x / y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = -9223372036854775808L; long y = -1L; return x / y;");
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testDivisionConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("return (-2147483648) / -1;");
@ -417,25 +417,25 @@ public class IntegerOverflowDisabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("should have hit exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testNegationOverflow() throws Exception {
try {
exec("int x = -2147483648; x = -x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = -9223372036854775808L; x = -x; return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
public void testNegationOverflowConst() throws Exception {
try {
exec("int x = -(-2147483648); return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {}
try {
exec("long x = -(-9223372036854775808L); return x;");
fail("did not get expected exception");

@ -24,148 +24,148 @@ import java.util.Map;
/** Tests integer overflow with numeric overflow enabled */
public class IntegerOverflowEnabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
/** wire overflow to true for all tests */
public Object exec(String script, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(PlanAScriptEngineService.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "true"));
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, "true"));
public void testAssignmentAdditionOverflow() {
// byte
assertEquals((byte)(0 + 128), exec("byte x = 0; x += 128; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte)(0 + -129), exec("byte x = 0; x += -129; return x;"));
// short
assertEquals((short)(0 + 32768), exec("short x = 0; x += 32768; return x;"));
assertEquals((short)(0 + -32769), exec("short x = 0; x += -32769; return x;"));
// char
assertEquals((char)(0 + 65536), exec("char x = 0; x += 65536; return x;"));
assertEquals((char)(0 + -65536), exec("char x = 0; x += -65536; return x;"));
// int
assertEquals(1 + 2147483647, exec("int x = 1; x += 2147483647; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2 + -2147483647, exec("int x = -2; x += -2147483647; return x;"));
// long
assertEquals(1L + 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 1; x += 9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2L + -9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = -2; x += -9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentSubtractionOverflow() {
// byte
assertEquals((byte)(0 - -128), exec("byte x = 0; x -= -128; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte)(0 - 129), exec("byte x = 0; x -= 129; return x;"));
// short
assertEquals((short)(0 - -32768), exec("short x = 0; x -= -32768; return x;"));
assertEquals((short)(0 - 32769), exec("short x = 0; x -= 32769; return x;"));
// char
assertEquals((char)(0 - -65536), exec("char x = 0; x -= -65536; return x;"));
assertEquals((char)(0 - 65536), exec("char x = 0; x -= 65536; return x;"));
// int
assertEquals(1 - -2147483647, exec("int x = 1; x -= -2147483647; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2 - 2147483647, exec("int x = -2; x -= 2147483647; return x;"));
// long
assertEquals(1L - -9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 1; x -= -9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2L - 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = -2; x -= 9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentMultiplicationOverflow() {
// byte
assertEquals((byte) (2 * 128), exec("byte x = 2; x *= 128; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte) (2 * -128), exec("byte x = 2; x *= -128; return x;"));
// char
assertEquals((char) (2 * 65536), exec("char x = 2; x *= 65536; return x;"));
assertEquals((char) (2 * -65536), exec("char x = 2; x *= -65536; return x;"));
// int
assertEquals(2 * 2147483647, exec("int x = 2; x *= 2147483647; return x;"));
assertEquals(2 * -2147483647, exec("int x = 2; x *= -2147483647; return x;"));
// long
assertEquals(2L * 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 2; x *= 9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
assertEquals(2L * -9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 2; x *= -9223372036854775807L; return x;"));
public void testAssignmentDivisionOverflow() {
// byte
assertEquals((byte) (-128 / -1), exec("byte x = (byte) -128; x /= -1; return x;"));
// short
assertEquals((short) (-32768 / -1), exec("short x = (short) -32768; x /= -1; return x;"));
// cannot happen for char: unsigned
// int
assertEquals((-2147483647 - 1) / -1, exec("int x = -2147483647 - 1; x /= -1; return x;"));
// long
assertEquals((-9223372036854775807L - 1L) / -1L, exec("long x = -9223372036854775807L - 1L; x /=-1L; return x;"));
public void testIncrementOverFlow() throws Exception {
// byte
assertEquals((byte) 128, exec("byte x = 127; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte) 128, exec("byte x = 127; x++; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte) -129, exec("byte x = (byte) -128; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals((byte) -129, exec("byte x = (byte) -128; x--; return x;"));
// short
assertEquals((short) 32768, exec("short x = 32767; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals((short) 32768, exec("short x = 32767; x++; return x;"));
assertEquals((short) -32769, exec("short x = (short) -32768; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals((short) -32769, exec("short x = (short) -32768; x--; return x;"));
// char
assertEquals((char) 65536, exec("char x = 65535; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals((char) 65536, exec("char x = 65535; x++; return x;"));
assertEquals((char) -1, exec("char x = (char) 0; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals((char) -1, exec("char x = (char) 0; x--; return x;"));
// int
assertEquals(2147483647 + 1, exec("int x = 2147483647; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals(2147483647 + 1, exec("int x = 2147483647; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals(2147483647 + 1, exec("int x = 2147483647; x++; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2147483648 - 1, exec("int x = (int) -2147483648L; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2147483648 - 1, exec("int x = (int) -2147483648L; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals(-2147483648 - 1, exec("int x = (int) -2147483648L; x--; return x;"));
// long
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L + 1L, exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L + 1L, exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; ++x; return x;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L + 1L, exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; x++; return x;"));
assertEquals(-9223372036854775807L - 1L - 1L, exec("long x = -9223372036854775807L - 1L; --x; return x;"));
assertEquals(-9223372036854775807L - 1L - 1L, exec("long x = -9223372036854775807L - 1L; x--; return x;"));
public void testAddition() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2147483647 + 2147483647, exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x + y;"));
assertEquals(2147483647 + 2147483647, exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x + y;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L + 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x + y;"));
public void testAdditionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2147483647 + 2147483647, exec("return 2147483647 + 2147483647;"));
assertEquals(2147483647 + 2147483647, exec("return 2147483647 + 2147483647;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L + 9223372036854775807L, exec("return 9223372036854775807L + 9223372036854775807L;"));
public void testSubtraction() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-10 - 2147483647, exec("int x = -10; int y = 2147483647; return x - y;"));
assertEquals(-10 - 2147483647, exec("int x = -10; int y = 2147483647; return x - y;"));
assertEquals(-10L - 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = -10L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x - y;"));
public void testSubtractionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-10 - 2147483647, exec("return -10 - 2147483647;"));
assertEquals(-10 - 2147483647, exec("return -10 - 2147483647;"));
assertEquals(-10L - 9223372036854775807L, exec("return -10L - 9223372036854775807L;"));
public void testMultiplication() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2147483647 * 2147483647, exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x * y;"));
assertEquals(2147483647 * 2147483647, exec("int x = 2147483647; int y = 2147483647; return x * y;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L * 9223372036854775807L, exec("long x = 9223372036854775807L; long y = 9223372036854775807L; return x * y;"));
public void testMultiplicationConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2147483647 * 2147483647, exec("return 2147483647 * 2147483647;"));
assertEquals(9223372036854775807L * 9223372036854775807L, exec("return 9223372036854775807L * 9223372036854775807L;"));
@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ public class IntegerOverflowEnabledTests extends ScriptTestCase {
assertEquals((-2147483647 - 1) / -1, exec("int x = -2147483648; int y = -1; return x / y;"));
assertEquals((-9223372036854775807L - 1L) / -1L, exec("long x = -9223372036854775808L; long y = -1L; return x / y;"));
public void testDivisionConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals((-2147483647 - 1) / -1, exec("return (-2147483648) / -1;"));
assertEquals((-9223372036854775807L - 1L) / -1L, exec("return (-9223372036854775808L) / -1L;"));
public void testNegationOverflow() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-(-2147483647 - 1), exec("int x = -2147483648; x = -x; return x;"));
assertEquals(-(-9223372036854775807L - 1L), exec("long x = -9223372036854775808L; x = -x; return x;"));
public void testNegationOverflowConst() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-(-2147483647 - 1), exec("int x = -(-2147483648); return x;"));
assertEquals(-(-9223372036854775807L - 1L), exec("long x = -(-9223372036854775808L); return x;"));

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public abstract class ScriptTestCase extends ESTestCase {
/** Compiles and returns the result of {@code script} with access to {@code vars} */
public Object exec(String script, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(PlanAScriptEngineService.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, Boolean.toString(random().nextBoolean())));
return exec(script, vars, Collections.singletonMap(CompilerSettings.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, Boolean.toString(random().nextBoolean())));
/** Compiles and returns the result of {@code script} with access to {@code vars} and compile-time parameters */

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.plan.a;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Collections;
public class WhenThingsGoWrongTests extends ScriptTestCase {
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ public class WhenThingsGoWrongTests extends ScriptTestCase {
fail("should have hit cce");
} catch (ClassCastException expected) {}
public void testBogusParameter() {
try {
exec("return 5;", null, Collections.singletonMap("bogusParameterKey", "bogusParameterValue"));
@ -49,4 +50,83 @@ public class WhenThingsGoWrongTests extends ScriptTestCase {
assertTrue(expected.getMessage().contains("Unrecognized compile-time parameter"));
public void testInfiniteLoops() {
try {
exec("boolean x = true; while (x) {}");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("while (true) {int y = 5}");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("while (true) { boolean x = true; while (x) {} }");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("while (true) { boolean x = false; while (x) {} }");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("boolean x = true; for (;x;) {}");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("for (;;) {int x = 5}");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("def x = true; do {int y = 5;} while (x)");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));
try {
exec("try { int x } catch (PlanAError error) {}");
fail("should have hit ParseException");
} catch (RuntimeException expected) {
"unexpected token ['PlanAError'] was expecting one of [TYPE]."));
public void testLoopLimits() {
exec("for (int x = 0; x < 9999; ++x) {}");
try {
exec("for (int x = 0; x < 10000; ++x) {}");
fail("should have hit PlanAError");
} catch (PlanAError expected) {
"The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."));