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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
painless: Array load/store and length with invokedynamic
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,9 +26,12 @@ import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* Support for dynamic type (def).
@ -36,18 +39,13 @@ import java.util.Map;
* Dynamic types can invoke methods, load/store fields, and be passed as parameters to operators without
* compile-time type information.
* <p>
* Dynamic methods, loads, and stores involve locating the appropriate field or method depending
* on the receiver's class. For these, we emit an {@code invokedynamic} instruction that, for each new
* type encountered will query a corresponding {@code lookupXXX} method to retrieve the appropriate method.
* In most cases, the {@code lookupXXX} methods here will only be called once for a given call site, because
* Dynamic methods, loads, stores, and array/list/map load/stores involve locating the appropriate field
* or method depending on the receiver's class. For these, we emit an {@code invokedynamic} instruction that,
* for each new type encountered will query a corresponding {@code lookupXXX} method to retrieve the appropriate
* method. In most cases, the {@code lookupXXX} methods here will only be called once for a given call site, because
* caching ({@link DynamicCallSite}) generally works: usually all objects at any call site will be consistently
* the same type (or just a few types). In extreme cases, if there is type explosion, they may be called every
* single time, but simplicity is still more valuable than performance in this code.
* <p>
* Dynamic array loads and stores and operator functions (e.g. {@code +}) are called directly
* with {@code invokestatic}. Because these features cannot be overloaded in painless, they are hardcoded
* decision trees based on the only types that are possible. This keeps overhead low, and seems to be as fast
* on average as the more adaptive methodhandle caching.
public class Def {
@ -96,8 +94,6 @@ public class Def {
"for class [" + receiverClass.getCanonicalName() + "].");
/** pointer to Array.getLength(Object) */
private static final MethodHandle ARRAY_LENGTH;
/** pointer to Map.get(Object) */
private static final MethodHandle MAP_GET;
/** pointer to Map.put(Object,Object) */
@ -109,9 +105,6 @@ public class Def {
static {
Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup();
try {
// TODO: maybe specialize handles for different array types. this may be slower, but simple :)
ARRAY_LENGTH = lookup.findStatic(Array.class, "getLength",
MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class));
MAP_GET = lookup.findVirtual(Map.class, "get",
MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class));
MAP_PUT = lookup.findVirtual(Map.class, "put",
@ -125,6 +118,54 @@ public class Def {
// TODO: Once Java has a factory for those in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles, use it:
/** Helper class for isolating MethodHandles and methods to get the length of arrays
* (to emulate a "arraystore" byteoode using MethodHandles).
* This should really be a method in {@link MethodHandles} class!
private static final class ArrayLengthHelper {
private ArrayLengthHelper() {}
private static final Lookup PRIV_LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup();
private static final Map<Class<?>,MethodHandle> ARRAY_TYPE_MH_MAPPING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(
Stream.of(boolean[].class, byte[].class, short[].class, int[].class, long[].class,
char[].class, float[].class, double[].class, Object[].class)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), type -> {
try {
return PRIV_LOOKUP.findStatic(PRIV_LOOKUP.lookupClass(), "getArrayLength", MethodType.methodType(int.class, type));
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_ARRAY_MH = ARRAY_TYPE_MH_MAPPING.get(Object[].class);
static int getArrayLength(boolean[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(byte[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(short[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(int[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(long[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(char[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(float[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(double[] array) { return array.length; }
static int getArrayLength(Object[] array) { return array.length; }
public static MethodHandle arrayLengthGetter(Class<?> arrayType) {
if (!arrayType.isArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("type must be an array");
return (ARRAY_TYPE_MH_MAPPING.containsKey(arrayType)) ?
ARRAY_TYPE_MH_MAPPING.get(arrayType) :
OBJECT_ARRAY_MH.asType(OBJECT_ARRAY_MH.type().changeParameterType(0, arrayType));
/** Returns an array length getter MethodHandle for the given array type */
public static MethodHandle arrayLengthGetter(Class<?> arrayType) {
return ArrayLengthHelper.arrayLengthGetter(arrayType);
* Looks up handle for a dynamic field getter (field load)
* <p>
@ -177,7 +218,7 @@ public class Def {
// special case: arrays, maps, and lists
if (receiverClass.isArray() && "length".equals(name)) {
// arrays expose .length as a read-only getter
return arrayLengthGetter(receiverClass);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) {
// maps allow access like mymap.key
// wire 'key' as a parameter, its a constant in painless
@ -266,56 +307,45 @@ public class Def {
"for class [" + receiverClass.getCanonicalName() + "].");
// NOTE: below methods are not cached, instead invoked directly because they are performant.
* Returns a method handle to do an array store.
* @param receiverClass Class of the array to store the value in
* @return a MethodHandle that accepts the receiver as first argument, the index as second argument,
* and the value to set as 3rd argument. Return value is undefined and should be ignored.
static MethodHandle lookupArrayStore(Class<?> receiverClass) {
if (receiverClass.isArray()) {
return MethodHandles.arrayElementSetter(receiverClass);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) {
// maps allow access like mymap[key]
return MAP_PUT;
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) {
return LIST_SET;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to address a non-array type " +
"[" + receiverClass.getCanonicalName() + "] as an array.");
* Returns a method handle to do an array load.
* @param receiverClass Class of the array to load the value from
* @return a MethodHandle that accepts the receiver as first argument, the index as second argument.
* It returns the loaded value.
static MethodHandle lookupArrayLoad(Class<?> receiverClass) {
if (receiverClass.isArray()) {
return MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter(receiverClass);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) {
// maps allow access like mymap[key]
return MAP_GET;
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) {
return LIST_GET;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to address a non-array type " +
"[" + receiverClass.getCanonicalName() + "] as an array.");
* Performs an actual array store.
* @param array array object
* @param index map key, array index (integer), or list index (integer)
* @param value value to store in the array.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static void arrayStore(final Object array, Object index, Object value) {
if (array instanceof Map) {
((Map)array).put(index, value);
} else if (array.getClass().isArray()) {
try {
Array.set(array, (int)index, value);
} catch (final Throwable throwable) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error storing value [" + value + "] " +
"in array class [" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "].", throwable);
} else if (array instanceof List) {
((List)array).set((int)index, value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to address a non-array type " +
"[" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] as an array.");
* Performs an actual array load.
* @param array array object
* @param index map key, array index (integer), or list index (integer)
public static Object arrayLoad(final Object array, Object index) {
if (array instanceof Map) {
return ((Map)array).get(index);
} else if (array.getClass().isArray()) {
try {
return Array.get(array, (int)index);
} catch (final Throwable throwable) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error loading value from " +
"array class [" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "].", throwable);
} else if (array instanceof List) {
return ((List)array).get((int)index);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to address a non-array type " +
"[" + array.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] as an array.");
// NOTE: below methods are not cached, instead invoked directly because they are performant.
public static Object not(final Object unary) {
if (unary instanceof Double || unary instanceof Float || unary instanceof Long) {
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ public final class DynamicCallSite {
static final int LOAD = 1;
/** static bootstrap parameter indicating a dynamic store (setter), e.g. foo.bar = baz */
static final int STORE = 2;
/** static bootstrap parameter indicating a dynamic array load, e.g. baz = foo[bar] */
static final int ARRAY_LOAD = 3;
/** static bootstrap parameter indicating a dynamic array store, e.g. foo[bar] = baz */
static final int ARRAY_STORE = 4;
static class InliningCacheCallSite extends MutableCallSite {
/** maximum number of types before we go megamorphic */
@ -104,6 +108,10 @@ public final class DynamicCallSite {
return Def.lookupGetter(clazz, name, Definition.INSTANCE);
case STORE:
return Def.lookupSetter(clazz, name, Definition.INSTANCE);
return Def.lookupArrayLoad(clazz);
return Def.lookupArrayStore(clazz);
default: throw new AssertionError();
@ -58,10 +58,14 @@ class WriterConstants {
final static Handle DEF_BOOTSTRAP_HANDLE = new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, Type.getInternalName(DynamicCallSite.class),
"bootstrap", WriterConstants.DEF_BOOTSTRAP_TYPE.toMethodDescriptorString());
final static Method DEF_ARRAY_STORE = getAsmMethod(
void.class, "arrayStore", Object.class, Object.class, Object.class);
final static Method DEF_ARRAY_LOAD = getAsmMethod(
Object.class, "arrayLoad", Object.class, Object.class);
final static String DEF_DYNAMIC_LOAD_FIELD_DESC = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class)
final static String DEF_DYNAMIC_STORE_FIELD_DESC = MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class, Object.class)
final static String DEF_DYNAMIC_ARRAY_LOAD_DESC = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Object.class)
final static String DEF_DYNAMIC_ARRAY_STORE_DESC = MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class, Object.class, Object.class)
final static Method DEF_NOT_CALL = getAsmMethod(Object.class, "not", Object.class);
final static Method DEF_NEG_CALL = getAsmMethod(Object.class, "neg", Object.class);
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.DIV;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.MUL;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.REM;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.SUB;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.DEF_ARRAY_LOAD;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.DEF_ARRAY_STORE;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.TOBYTEEXACT_INT;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.TOBYTEEXACT_LONG;
import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE;
@ -468,10 +466,10 @@ class WriterExternal {
private void writeLoadStoreField(final ParserRuleContext source, final boolean store, final String name) {
if (store) {
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name, "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V",
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name, WriterConstants.DEF_DYNAMIC_STORE_FIELD_DESC,
WriterConstants.DEF_BOOTSTRAP_HANDLE, new Object[] { DynamicCallSite.STORE });
} else {
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;",
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name, WriterConstants.DEF_DYNAMIC_LOAD_FIELD_DESC,
WriterConstants.DEF_BOOTSTRAP_HANDLE, new Object[] { DynamicCallSite.LOAD });
@ -483,9 +481,11 @@ class WriterExternal {
if (type.sort == Sort.DEF) {
if (store) {
execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_ARRAY_STORE);
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn("arrayStore", WriterConstants.DEF_DYNAMIC_ARRAY_STORE_DESC,
WriterConstants.DEF_BOOTSTRAP_HANDLE, new Object[] { DynamicCallSite.ARRAY_STORE });
} else {
execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_ARRAY_LOAD);
execute.visitInvokeDynamicInsn("arrayLoad", WriterConstants.DEF_DYNAMIC_ARRAY_LOAD_DESC,
WriterConstants.DEF_BOOTSTRAP_HANDLE, new Object[] { DynamicCallSite.ARRAY_LOAD });
} else {
if (store) {
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.painless;
/** Tests for or operator across all types */
public class ArrayTests extends ScriptTestCase {
public void testArrayLengthHelper() throws Throwable {
assertArrayLength(2, new int[2]);
assertArrayLength(3, new long[3]);
assertArrayLength(4, new byte[4]);
assertArrayLength(5, new float[5]);
assertArrayLength(6, new double[6]);
assertArrayLength(7, new char[7]);
assertArrayLength(8, new short[8]);
assertArrayLength(9, new Object[9]);
assertArrayLength(10, new Integer[10]);
assertArrayLength(11, new String[11][2]);
private void assertArrayLength(int length, Object array) throws Throwable {
assertEquals(length, (int) Def.arrayLengthGetter(array.getClass()).invoke(array));
public void testArrayLoadStoreInt() {
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new int[5]; return x.length"));
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new int[4]; x[0] = 5; return x[0];"));
public void testArrayLoadStoreString() {
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new String[5]; return x.length"));
assertEquals("foobar", exec("def x = new String[4]; x[0] = 'foobar'; return x[0];"));
public void testArrayLoadStoreDef() {
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new def[5]; return x.length"));
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new def[4]; x[0] = 5; return x[0];"));
public void testForLoop() {
assertEquals(999*1000/2, exec("def a = new int[1000]; for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++) { a[x] = x; } "+
"int total = 0; for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++) { total += a[x]; } return total;"));
@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ public class BasicAPITests extends ScriptTestCase {
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new ArrayList(); x.add(3); x[0] = 5; return x[0];"));
/** Test loads and stores with a list */
public void testArrayLoadStore() {
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new int[5]; return x.length"));
assertEquals(5, exec("def x = new int[4]; x[0] = 5; return x[0];"));
/** Test shortcut for getters with isXXXX */
public void testListEmpty() {
assertEquals(true, exec("def x = new ArrayList(); return x.empty;"));
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