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synced 2025-03-24 17:09:48 +00:00
Simplify expiry callback code
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@56e8e19048
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ package org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.LoggerMessageFormat;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.license.core.License;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.scheduler.SchedulerEngine;
import java.util.UUID;
@ -30,22 +29,6 @@ public abstract class ExpirationCallback {
public Pre(TimeValue min, TimeValue max, TimeValue frequency) {
super(Orientation.PRE, min, max, frequency);
public boolean matches(long expirationDate, long now) {
long expiryDuration = expirationDate - now;
if (expiryDuration > 0L) {
if (expiryDuration <= max.getMillis()) {
return expiryDuration >= min.getMillis();
return false;
public TimeValue delay(long expirationDate, long now) {
return TimeValue.timeValueMillis((expirationDate - now) - max.getMillis());
public abstract static class Post extends ExpirationCallback {
@ -60,97 +43,114 @@ public abstract class ExpirationCallback {
public Post(TimeValue min, TimeValue max, TimeValue frequency) {
super(Orientation.POST, min, max, frequency);
public boolean matches(long expirationDate, long now) {
long postExpiryDuration = now - expirationDate;
if (postExpiryDuration > 0L) {
if (postExpiryDuration <= max.getMillis()) {
return postExpiryDuration >= min.getMillis();
return false;
public TimeValue delay(long expirationDate, long now) {
long expiryDuration = expirationDate - now;
final long delay;
if (expiryDuration >= 0L) {
delay = expiryDuration + min.getMillis();
} else {
delay = (-1L * expiryDuration) - min.getMillis();
if (delay > 0L) {
return TimeValue.timeValueMillis(delay);
} else {
return null;
private final String id;
protected final Orientation orientation;
protected final TimeValue min;
protected final TimeValue max;
private final TimeValue frequency;
private final Orientation orientation;
private final long min;
private final long max;
private final long frequency;
private ExpirationCallback(Orientation orientation, TimeValue min, TimeValue max, TimeValue frequency) {
this.orientation = orientation;
this.min = (min == null) ? TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0) : min;
this.max = (max == null) ? TimeValue.timeValueMillis(Long.MAX_VALUE) : max;
this.frequency = frequency;
this.min = (min == null) ? 0 : min.getMillis();
this.max = (max == null) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : max.getMillis();
this.frequency = frequency.getMillis();
this.id = String.join("", EXPIRATION_JOB_PREFIX, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
public String getId() {
public final String getId() {
return id;
public TimeValue frequency() {
public final long getFrequency() {
return frequency;
public abstract TimeValue delay(long expirationDate, long now);
public abstract boolean matches(long expirationDate, long now);
public abstract void on(License license);
public SchedulerEngine.Schedule schedule(long expiryDate) {
return new ExpirySchedule(expiryDate);
public String toString() {
return LoggerMessageFormat.format(null, "ExpirationCallback:(orientation [{}], min [{}], max [{}], freq [{}])",
orientation.name(), min, max, frequency);
private class ExpirySchedule implements SchedulerEngine.Schedule {
private final long expiryDate;
private ExpirySchedule(long expiryDate) {
this.expiryDate = expiryDate;
public long nextScheduledTimeAfter(long startTime, long time) {
if (matches(expiryDate, time)) {
if (startTime == time) {
return time;
* The delay for the first notification, when the current time
* is not in the valid time bracket for this callback
* @param expirationDate license expiry date in milliseconds
* @param now current time in milliseconds
* @return time delay for the first notification
final TimeValue delay(long expirationDate, long now) {
final TimeValue delay;
switch (orientation) {
case PRE:
if (expirationDate >= now) {
// license not yet expired
long preExpiryDuration = expirationDate - now;
if (preExpiryDuration > max) {
// license duration is longer than maximum duration, delay it to the first match time
delay = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(preExpiryDuration - max);
} else if (preExpiryDuration <= max && preExpiryDuration >= min) {
// no delay in valid time bracket
delay = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0);
} else {
// passed last match time
delay = null;
} else {
return time + frequency().getMillis();
// invalid after license expiry
delay = null;
} else {
if (startTime == time) {
final TimeValue delay = delay(expiryDate, time);
if (delay != null) {
return time + delay.getMillis();
case POST:
if (expirationDate >= now) {
// license not yet expired, delay it to the first match time
delay = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(expirationDate - now + min);
} else {
// license has expired
long expiredDuration = now - expirationDate;
if (expiredDuration < min) {
// license expiry duration is shorter than minimum duration, delay it to the first match time
delay = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(min - expiredDuration);
} else if (expiredDuration >= min && expiredDuration <= max) {
// no delay in valid time bracket
delay = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0);
} else {
// passed last match time
delay = null;
return -1;
throw new IllegalStateException("orientation [" + orientation + "] unknown");
return delay;
public final long nextScheduledTimeForExpiry(long expiryDate, long startTime, long time) {
TimeValue delay = delay(expiryDate, time);
if (delay != null) {
long delayInMillis = delay.getMillis();
if (delayInMillis == 0L) {
if (startTime == time) {
// initial trigger and in time bracket, schedule immediately
return time;
} else {
// in time bracket, add frequency
return time + frequency;
} else {
// not in time bracket
return time + delayInMillis;
return -1;
* Code to execute when the expiry callback is triggered in a valid
* time bracket
* @param license license to operate on
public abstract void on(License license);
public final String toString() {
return LoggerMessageFormat.format(null, "ExpirationCallback:(orientation [{}], min [{}], max [{}], freq [{}])",
orientation.name(), TimeValue.timeValueMillis(min), TimeValue.timeValueMillis(max),
@ -8,23 +8,41 @@ package org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.license.core.License;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.scheduler.SchedulerEngine;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue.timeValueMillis;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;
public class ExpirationCallbackTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testPostExpiration() throws Exception {
int postExpirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue postExpiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(postExpirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(postExpirySeconds - randomIntBetween(1, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(postExpirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Post post = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
public void testPostExpirationDelay() throws Exception {
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(randomIntBetween(5, 10));
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(4);
TimeValue frequency = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
NoopPostExpirationCallback post = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, max, frequency);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertThat(post.matches(now - postExpiryDuration.millis(), now), equalTo(true));
assertThat(post.matches(now + postExpiryDuration.getMillis(), now), equalTo(false));
long expiryDate = now + expiryDuration.getMillis();
assertThat(post.delay(expiryDate, now),
equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(expiryDuration.getMillis() + min.getMillis()))); // before license expiry
assertThat(post.delay(expiryDate, expiryDate), equalTo(min)); // on license expiry
int latestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() + max.getMillis());
int earliestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() + min.getMillis());
assertExpirationCallbackDelay(post, expiryDuration.millis(), latestValidTriggerDelay, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
public void testPreExpirationDelay() throws Exception {
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(randomIntBetween(5, 10));
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(4);
TimeValue frequency = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
NoopPreExpirationCallback pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(min, max, frequency);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expiryDate = now + expiryDuration.getMillis();
assertThat(pre.delay(expiryDate, expiryDate), nullValue()); // on license expiry
int latestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() - min.getMillis());
int earliestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() - max.getMillis());
assertExpirationCallbackDelay(pre, expiryDuration.millis(), latestValidTriggerDelay, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
public void testPostExpirationWithNullMax() throws Exception {
@ -34,7 +52,7 @@ public class ExpirationCallbackTests extends ESTestCase {
final ExpirationCallback.Post post = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, null, timeValueMillis(10));
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertThat(post.matches(now - postExpiryDuration.millis(), now), equalTo(true));
assertThat(post.delay(now - postExpiryDuration.millis(), now), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0)));
public void testPreExpirationWithNullMin() throws Exception {
@ -44,73 +62,75 @@ public class ExpirationCallbackTests extends ESTestCase {
final ExpirationCallback.Pre pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(null, max, timeValueMillis(10));
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertThat(pre.matches(expiryDuration.millis() + now, now), equalTo(true));
assertThat(pre.delay(expiryDuration.millis() + now, now), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0)));
public void testPreExpiration() throws Exception {
int expirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds - randomIntBetween(0, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Pre pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
public void testPreExpirationScheduleTime() throws Exception {
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(randomIntBetween(5, 10));
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(4);
TimeValue frequency = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
NoopPreExpirationCallback pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(min, max, frequency);
int latestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() - min.getMillis());
int earliestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() - max.getMillis());
assertExpirationCallbackScheduleTime(pre, expiryDuration.millis(), latestValidTriggerDelay, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
public void testPostExpirationScheduleTime() throws Exception {
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(randomIntBetween(5, 10));
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(4);
TimeValue frequency = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1);
NoopPostExpirationCallback pre = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, max, frequency);
int latestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() + max.getMillis());
int earliestValidTriggerDelay = (int) (expiryDuration.getMillis() + min.getMillis());
assertExpirationCallbackScheduleTime(pre, expiryDuration.millis(), latestValidTriggerDelay, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
private void assertExpirationCallbackDelay(ExpirationCallback expirationCallback, long expiryDuration,
int latestValidTriggerDelay, int earliestValidTriggerDelay) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertThat(pre.matches(expiryDuration.millis() + now, now), equalTo(true));
assertThat(pre.matches(now - expiryDuration.getMillis(), now), equalTo(false));
long expiryDate = now + expiryDuration;
// bounds
assertThat(expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, now + earliestValidTriggerDelay), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0)));
assertThat(expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, now + latestValidTriggerDelay), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0)));
// in match
now + randomIntBetween(earliestValidTriggerDelay, latestValidTriggerDelay)),
// out of bounds
int deltaBeforeEarliestMatch = between(1, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
assertThat(expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch),
equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(earliestValidTriggerDelay - deltaBeforeEarliestMatch)));
int deltaAfterLatestMatch = between(latestValidTriggerDelay + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // after expiry and after max
assertThat(expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, expiryDate + deltaAfterLatestMatch), nullValue());
public void testPreExpirationMatchSchedule() throws Exception {
long expirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds - randomIntBetween(0, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Pre pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
long expiryDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + expiryDuration.getMillis();
final SchedulerEngine.Schedule schedule = pre.schedule(expiryDate);
final long now = expiryDate - max.millis() + randomIntBetween(1, ((int) min.getMillis()));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(0, now), equalTo(now + pre.frequency().getMillis()));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(now, now), equalTo(now));
public void assertExpirationCallbackScheduleTime(ExpirationCallback expirationCallback, long expiryDuration,
int latestValidTriggerDelay, int earliestValidTriggerDelay) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expiryDate = now + expiryDuration;
int validTriggerInterval = between(earliestValidTriggerDelay, latestValidTriggerDelay);
now + validTriggerInterval, now + validTriggerInterval),
equalTo(now + validTriggerInterval));
assertThat(expirationCallback.nextScheduledTimeForExpiry(expiryDate, now, now + validTriggerInterval),
equalTo(now + validTriggerInterval + expirationCallback.getFrequency()));
public void testPreExpirationNotMatchSchedule() throws Exception {
long expirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds - randomIntBetween(0, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Pre pre = new NoopPreExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
long expiryDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + expiryDuration.getMillis();
final SchedulerEngine.Schedule schedule = pre.schedule(expiryDate);
int delta = randomIntBetween(1, 1000);
final long now = expiryDate - max.millis() - delta;
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(now, now), equalTo(now + delta));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(1, now), equalTo(-1L));
int deltaBeforeEarliestMatch = between(1, earliestValidTriggerDelay);
assertThat(expirationCallback.nextScheduledTimeForExpiry(expiryDate, now, now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch),
equalTo(now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch +
expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch).getMillis()));
now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch, now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch),
equalTo(now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch +
expirationCallback.delay(expiryDate, now + deltaBeforeEarliestMatch).getMillis()));
public void testPostExpirationMatchSchedule() throws Exception {
long expirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds - randomIntBetween(0, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Post post = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
long expiryDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + expiryDuration.getMillis();
final SchedulerEngine.Schedule schedule = post.schedule(expiryDate);
final long now = expiryDate + min.millis() + randomIntBetween(1, ((int) (max.getMillis() - min.getMillis())));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(0, now), equalTo(now + post.frequency().getMillis()));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(now, now), equalTo(now));
public void testPostExpirationNotMatchSchedule() throws Exception {
long expirySeconds = randomIntBetween(5, 10);
TimeValue expiryDuration = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds);
TimeValue min = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds - randomIntBetween(0, 3));
TimeValue max = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(expirySeconds + randomIntBetween(1, 10));
final ExpirationCallback.Post post = new NoopPostExpirationCallback(min, max, timeValueMillis(10));
long expiryDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + expiryDuration.getMillis();
final SchedulerEngine.Schedule schedule = post.schedule(expiryDate);
int delta = randomIntBetween(1, 1000);
final long now = expiryDate - delta;
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(expiryDate, expiryDate), equalTo(expiryDate + min.getMillis()));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(now, now), equalTo(expiryDate + min.getMillis()));
assertThat(schedule.nextScheduledTimeAfter(1, now), equalTo(-1L));
int deltaAfterLatestMatch = between(latestValidTriggerDelay + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // after expiry and after max
assertThat(expirationCallback.nextScheduledTimeForExpiry(expiryDate, now, now + deltaAfterLatestMatch), equalTo(-1L));
now + deltaAfterLatestMatch, now + deltaAfterLatestMatch),
private static class NoopPostExpirationCallback extends ExpirationCallback.Post {
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
package org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.license.core.License;
import org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.TestUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.scheduler.SchedulerEngine;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
public class LicenseSchedulingTests extends AbstractLicenseServiceTestCase {
public void testSchedulingOnRegistration() throws Exception {
final License license = TestUtils.generateSignedLicense(TimeValue.timeValueHours(48));
int nLicensee = randomIntBetween(1, 3);
TestUtils.AssertingLicensee[] assertingLicensees = new TestUtils.AssertingLicensee[nLicensee];
for (int i = 0; i < assertingLicensees.length; i++) {
assertingLicensees[i] = new TestUtils.AssertingLicensee("testLicenseNotification" + i, logger);
verify(schedulerEngine, times(0)).add(any(SchedulerEngine.Job.class));
public void testSchedulingSameLicense() throws Exception {
final License license = TestUtils.generateSignedLicense(TimeValue.timeValueHours(48));
final TestUtils.AssertingLicensee licensee = new TestUtils.AssertingLicensee("testLicenseNotification", logger);
licensesService.onUpdate(new LicensesMetaData(license));
verify(schedulerEngine, times(4)).add(any(SchedulerEngine.Job.class));
public void testSchedulingNewLicense() throws Exception {
final License license = TestUtils.generateSignedLicense(TimeValue.timeValueHours(2));
licensesService.onUpdate(new LicensesMetaData(license));
License newLicense = TestUtils.generateSignedLicense(TimeValue.timeValueHours(2));
licensesService.onUpdate(new LicensesMetaData(newLicense));
verify(schedulerEngine, times(8)).add(any(SchedulerEngine.Job.class));
Reference in New Issue
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