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synced 2025-03-27 10:28:28 +00:00
Shield refactoring for 5.0 - phase 3
- Consolidated the `bin` and `config` directories of watcher, shield and marvel under a single `config/xpack` and `bin/xpack` directories. - updated docs accordingly Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@c2aa6132fa
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
<property name="home" location="${integ.scratch}/elasticsearch-${elasticsearch.version}"/>
<echo>Adding roles.yml</echo>
<copy file="shield-roles.yml" tofile="${home}/config/shield/roles.yml" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="shield-roles.yml" tofile="${home}/config/xpack/roles.yml" overwrite="true"/>
<echo>Adding shield users...</echo>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<run-script script="${home}/bin/xpack/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="test_admin"/>
@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
<property name="home" location="${integ.scratch}/elasticsearch-${elasticsearch.version}"/>
<echo>Adding roles.yml with watcher roles</echo>
<copy file="watcher-with-shield-roles.yml" tofile="${home}/config/shield/roles.yml" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="watcher-with-shield-roles.yml" tofile="${home}/config/xpack/roles.yml" overwrite="true"/>
<echo>Adding shield users...</echo>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<run-script script="${home}/bin/xpack/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="test_admin"/>
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<arg value="admin"/>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<run-script script="${home}/bin/xpack/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="watcher_manager"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<arg value="watcher_manager"/>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<run-script script="${home}/bin/xpack/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="powerless_user"/>
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="shield-overrides"
<!-- redefined to work with auth -->
<macrodef name="waitfor-elasticsearch">
<attribute name="port"/>
<attribute name="timeoutproperty"/>
<echo>Waiting for elasticsearch to become available on port @{port}...</echo>
<waitfor maxwait="30" maxwaitunit="second"
checkevery="500" checkeveryunit="millisecond"
<socket server="" port="@{port}"/>
<target name="start-external-cluster-with-plugins" depends="setup-workspace">
<ac:for list="${xplugins.list}" param="xplugin.name">
<fail message="Expected @{xplugin.name}-${version}.zip as a dependency, but could not be found in ${integ.deps}/plugins}">
<available file="${integ.deps}/plugins/@{xplugin.name}-${elasticsearch.version}.zip" />
<equals arg1="@{xplugin.name}" arg2="elasticsearch-marvel"/>
<property name="marvel.enabled">true</property>
<ac:for param="file">
<fileset dir="${integ.deps}/plugins"/>
<local name="plugin.name"/>
<convert-plugin-name file="@{file}" outputproperty="plugin.name"/>
<install-plugin name="${plugin.name}" file="@{file}"/>
<local name="home"/>
<property name="home" location="${integ.scratch}/elasticsearch-${elasticsearch.version}"/>
<echo>Setting up Shield auth</echo>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="test_user"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="changeme"/>
<arg value="-r"/>
<arg value="admin"/>
<equals arg1="${marvel.enabled}" arg2="true"/>
<run-script script="${home}/bin/shield/esusers">
<arg value="useradd"/>
<arg value="marvel_export"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="changeme"/>
<arg value="-r"/>
<arg value="marvel_agent"/>
<arg value="-Des.marvel.agent.exporter.es.hosts=http://marvel_export:changeme@localhost:${integ.http.port}"/>
<echo>Checking we can connect with basic auth on port ${integ.http.port}...</echo>
<local name="temp.file"/>
<tempfile property="temp.file" destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}"/>
<get src="${integ.http.port}" dest="${temp.file}"
username="test_user" password="changeme" verbose="true" retries="10"/>
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
[2014] Elasticsearch Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
the property of Elasticsearch Incorporated and its suppliers,
if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained
herein are proprietary to Elasticsearch Incorporated
and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents,
patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
from Elasticsearch Incorporated.
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beforeEachLine> * </beforeEachLine>
<endLine> */</endLine>
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ bundlePlugin {
include 'LICENSE.txt'
include 'NOTICE.txt'
from('shield/bin/shield') {
from('shield/bin/xpack') {
into 'bin'
from('shield/config/shield') {
from('shield/config/xpack') {
into 'config'
from('watcher/bin/watcher') {
from('watcher/bin/xpack') {
into 'bin'
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ if [ -e "$CONF_DIR" ]; then
case "$properties" in
*-Des.default.path.conf=*) ;;
if [ ! -d "$CONF_DIR/shield" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The configuration directory [$CONF_DIR/shield] does not exist. The esusers tool expects Shield configuration files in that location."
echo "The plugin may not have been installed with the correct configuration path. If [$ES_HOME/config/shield] exists, please copy the shield directory to [$CONF_DIR]"
if [ ! -d "$CONF_DIR/xpack" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The configuration directory [$CONF_DIR/xpack] does not exist. The esusers tool expects security configuration files in that location."
echo "The plugin may not have been installed with the correct configuration path. If [$ES_HOME/config/xpack] exists, please copy the 'xpack' directory to [$CONF_DIR]"
exit 1
properties="$properties -Des.default.path.conf=$CONF_DIR"
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ if [ -e "$CONF_DIR" ]; then
case "$properties" in
*-Des.default.path.conf=*) ;;
if [ ! -d "$CONF_DIR/shield" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The configuration directory [$CONF_DIR/shield] does not exist. The syskeygen tool expects Shield configuration files in that location."
echo "The plugin may not have been installed with the correct configuration path. If [$ES_HOME/config/shield] exists, please copy the shield directory to [$CONF_DIR]"
if [ ! -d "$CONF_DIR/xpack" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The configuration directory [$CONF_DIR/xpack] does not exist. The syskeygen tool expects security configuration files in that location."
echo "The plugin may not have been installed with the correct configuration path. If [$ES_HOME/config/xpack] exists, please copy the 'xpack' directory to [$CONF_DIR]"
exit 1
properties="$properties -Des.default.path.conf=$CONF_DIR"
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class FileUserPasswdStore {
if (users.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("no users found in users file [{}]. use bin/shield/esusers to add users and role mappings", path.toAbsolutePath());
logger.warn("no users found in users file [{}]. use bin/xpack/esusers to add users and role mappings", path.toAbsolutePath());
return unmodifiableMap(users);
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public class FileUserRolesStore {
if (usersRoles.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("no entries found in users_roles file [{}]. use bin/shield/esusers to add users and role mappings", path
logger.warn("no entries found in users_roles file [{}]. use bin/xpack/esusers to add users and role mappings", path
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
Generates the system key and stores in the system_key file. By default
it will be stored in 'config/shield/.system_key' file. If the file location
it will be stored in 'config/xpack/system_key' file. If the file location
is customized in the elasticsearch.yml (under the 'shield.system_key.file'
setting), the generated key will be stored in that custom location.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user