Fix line length

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Nik Everett 2016-12-19 14:19:09 -05:00
parent 2e1d152fc0
commit 40b80ae104

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@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ public class MultiFieldIncludeInAllMapperTests extends ESTestCase {
// first check that for newer versions we throw exception if include_in_all is found withing multi field
MapperService mapperService = MapperTestUtils.newMapperService(createTempDir(), Settings.EMPTY);
Exception e = expectThrows(MapperParsingException.class, () -> mapperService.parse("type", new CompressedXContent(mapping.string()), true));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), equalTo("include_in_all in multi fields is not allowed. Found the include_in_all in field [c] which is within a multi field."));
Exception e = expectThrows(MapperParsingException.class, () ->
mapperService.parse("type", new CompressedXContent(mapping.string()), true));
assertEquals("include_in_all in multi fields is not allowed. Found the include_in_all in field [c] which is within a multi field.",
private static XContentBuilder createMappingWithIncludeInAllInMultiField() throws IOException {