Improve jdk download tests (#42034)
This commit reworks the tests for jdk download to test the old and new url pattern from oracle. Additionally it limits to one repository created per version, based on the old or new pattern, and restricts other repositories from trying to resolve jdks. closes #41998
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.gradle.api.UnknownTaskException;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ConfigurationContainer;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.IvyArtifactRepository;
import org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec;
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree;
@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ import java.util.regex.Matcher;
public class JdkDownloadPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static final String REPO_NAME_PREFIX = "jdk_repo_";
public void apply(Project project) {
NamedDomainObjectContainer<Jdk> jdksContainer = project.container(Jdk.class, name ->
@ -69,6 +72,13 @@ public class JdkDownloadPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
setupRootJdkDownload(project.getRootProject(), platform, version);
// all other repos should ignore the special jdk artifacts
project.getRootProject().getRepositories().all(repo -> {
if (repo.getName().startsWith(REPO_NAME_PREFIX) == false) {
repo.content(content -> content.excludeGroup("jdk"));
private static void setupRootJdkDownload(Project rootProject, String platform, String version) {
@ -94,26 +104,30 @@ public class JdkDownloadPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
String hash =;
// add fake ivy repo for jdk url
String repoName = "jdk_repo_" + version;
String repoName = REPO_NAME_PREFIX + version;
RepositoryHandler repositories = rootProject.getRepositories();
if (rootProject.getRepositories().findByName(repoName) == null) {
// simpler legacy pattern from JDK 9 to JDK 12 that we are advocating to Oracle to bring back
rootProject.getRepositories().ivy(ivyRepo -> {
ivyRepo.patternLayout(layout ->
layout.artifact("java/GA/jdk" + jdkMajor + "/" + jdkBuild + "/GPL/openjdk-[revision]_[module]-x64_bin.[ext]"));
ivyRepo.content(content -> content.includeGroup("jdk"));
// current pattern since 12.0.1
rootProject.getRepositories().ivy(ivyRepo -> {
ivyRepo.setName(repoName + "_with_hash");
ivyRepo.patternLayout(layout -> layout.artifact(
"java/GA/jdk" + jdkVersion + "/" + hash + "/" + jdkBuild + "/GPL/openjdk-[revision]_[module]-x64_bin.[ext]"));
ivyRepo.content(content -> content.includeGroup("jdk"));
if (hash != null) {
// current pattern since 12.0.1
repositories.ivy(ivyRepo -> {
ivyRepo.patternLayout(layout -> layout.artifact(
"java/GA/jdk" + jdkVersion + "/" + hash + "/" + jdkBuild + "/GPL/openjdk-[revision]_[module]-x64_bin.[ext]"));
ivyRepo.content(content -> content.includeGroup("jdk"));
} else {
// simpler legacy pattern from JDK 9 to JDK 12 that we are advocating to Oracle to bring back
repositories.ivy(ivyRepo -> {
ivyRepo.patternLayout(layout ->
layout.artifact("java/GA/jdk" + jdkMajor + "/" + jdkBuild + "/GPL/openjdk-[revision]_[module]-x64_bin.[ext]"));
ivyRepo.content(content -> content.includeGroup("jdk"));
// add the jdk as a "dependency"
@ -41,20 +41,33 @@ import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
public class JdkDownloadPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
private static final String FAKE_JDK_VERSION = "1.0.2+99";
private static final String OLD_JDK_VERSION = "1+99";
private static final String JDK_VERSION = "12.0.1+99@123456789123456789123456789abcde";
private static final Pattern JDK_HOME_LOGLINE = Pattern.compile("JDK HOME: (.*)");
private static final Pattern NUM_CONFIGS_LOGLINE = Pattern.compile("NUM CONFIGS: (.*)");
public void testLinuxExtraction() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getLinuxJdk", "linux", "bin/java");
assertExtraction("getLinuxJdk", "linux", "bin/java", JDK_VERSION);
public void testDarwinExtraction() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getDarwinJdk", "osx", "Contents/Home/bin/java");
assertExtraction("getDarwinJdk", "osx", "Contents/Home/bin/java", JDK_VERSION);
public void testWindowsExtraction() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getWindowsJdk", "windows", "bin/java");
assertExtraction("getWindowsJdk", "windows", "bin/java", JDK_VERSION);
public void testLinuxExtractionOldVersion() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getLinuxJdk", "linux", "bin/java", OLD_JDK_VERSION);
public void testDarwinExtractionOldVersion() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getDarwinJdk", "osx", "Contents/Home/bin/java", OLD_JDK_VERSION);
public void testWindowsExtractionOldVersion() throws IOException {
assertExtraction("getWindowsJdk", "windows", "bin/java", OLD_JDK_VERSION);
public void testCrossProjectReuse() throws IOException {
@ -62,39 +75,41 @@ public class JdkDownloadPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
Matcher matcher = NUM_CONFIGS_LOGLINE.matcher(result.getOutput());
assertTrue("could not find num configs in output: " + result.getOutput(), matcher.find());
assertThat(Integer.parseInt(, equalTo(6)); // 3 import configs, 3 export configs
public void assertExtraction(String taskname, String platform, String javaBin) throws IOException {
public void assertExtraction(String taskname, String platform, String javaBin, String version) throws IOException {
runBuild(taskname, platform, result -> {
Matcher matcher = JDK_HOME_LOGLINE.matcher(result.getOutput());
assertTrue("could not find jdk home in output: " + result.getOutput(), matcher.find());
String jdkHome =;
Path javaPath = Paths.get(jdkHome, javaBin);
assertTrue(javaPath.toString(), Files.exists(javaPath));
}, version);
private void runBuild(String taskname, String platform, Consumer<BuildResult> assertions) throws IOException {
private void runBuild(String taskname, String platform, Consumer<BuildResult> assertions, String version) throws IOException {
WireMockServer wireMock = new WireMockServer(0);
try {
String extension = platform.equals("windows") ? "zip" : "tar.gz";
String filename = "openjdk-1.0.2_" + platform + "-x64_bin." + extension;
wireMock.stubFor(head(urlEqualTo("/java/GA/jdk1/99/GPL/" + filename))
boolean isOld = version.equals(OLD_JDK_VERSION);
String filename = "openjdk-" + (isOld ? "1" : "12.0.1") + "_" + platform + "-x64_bin." + extension;
final byte[] filebytes;
try (InputStream stream = JdkDownloadPluginIT.class.getResourceAsStream(filename)) {
try (InputStream stream = JdkDownloadPluginIT.class.getResourceAsStream("fake_openjdk_" + platform + "." + extension)) {
filebytes = stream.readAllBytes();
wireMock.stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/java/GA/jdk1/99/GPL/" + filename))
String versionPath = isOld ? "jdk1/99" : "jdk12.0.1/123456789123456789123456789abcde/99";
String urlPath = "/java/GA/" + versionPath + "/GPL/" + filename;
GradleRunner runner = GradleRunner.create().withProjectDir(getProjectDir("jdk-download"))
"-Dlocal.repo.path=" + getLocalTestRepoPath(),
"-Dtests.jdk_version=" + FAKE_JDK_VERSION,
"-Dtests.jdk_repo=" + wireMock.baseUrl())
"-Dtests.jdk_version=" + version,
"-Dtests.jdk_repo=" + wireMock.baseUrl(),
BuildResult result =;
Reference in New Issue