[test] Packaging tests use Java 8
To do this we: 1. All the rpm based distros we test support Java 8. We just ask to install it. 2. There is a ppa that works for the Ubuntus. We just add that for them. 3. Debian Jessie has Java 8 in its backports. We just add that repository. 4. Debian Wheezy doesn't have Java 8 easily accessible so we drop it. We could add it back with Orache Java 8 at a later date but that will take a few more backflips and won't support things like vagrant-cachier. This required a ton of rebuilding of vagrant boxes so it also fixes: 1. apt-get update is run too frequently 2. Lots of weird warning messages are spit out of apt-get 3. Switch from the chef provided based images to those provided by boxcutter. The chef images has left vagrant atlas! Closes #13366
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,25 +34,23 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/vivid64"
ubuntu_common config
config.vm.define "wheezy" do |config|
config.vm.box = "debian/wheezy64"
# Wheezy's backports don't contain Openjdk 8 and the backflips required to
# get the sun jdk on there just aren't worth it. We have jessie for testing
# debian and it works fine.
config.vm.define "jessie" do |config|
config.vm.box = "debian/jessie64"
deb_common config,
'echo deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list', 'backports'
config.vm.define "centos-6" do |config|
# TODO switch from chef to boxcutter to provide?
config.vm.box = "chef/centos-6.6"
config.vm.box = "boxcutter/centos67"
rpm_common config
config.vm.define "centos-7" do |config|
# There is a centos/7 box but it doesn't have rsync or virtualbox guest
# stuff on there so its slow to use. So chef it is....
# TODO switch from chef to boxcutter to provide?
config.vm.box = "chef/centos-7.0"
config.vm.box = "boxcutter/centos71"
rpm_common config
# This box hangs _forever_ on ```yum check-update```. I have no idea why.
# config.vm.define "oel-6", autostart: false do |config|
@ -61,14 +59,14 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# end
config.vm.define "oel-7" do |config|
config.vm.box = "boxcutter/oel70"
rpm_common config
config.vm.define "fedora-22" do |config|
# Fedora hosts their own 'cloud' images that aren't in Vagrant's Atlas but
# and are missing required stuff like rsync. It'd be nice if we could use
# them but they much slower to get up and running then the boxcutter image.
config.vm.box = "boxcutter/fedora22"
dnf_common config
# Switch the default share for the project root from /vagrant to
# /elasticsearch because /vagrant is confusing when there is a project inside
@ -105,28 +103,46 @@ SOURCE_PROMPT
def ubuntu_common(config)
# Ubuntu is noisy
deb_common config, 'apt-add-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa > /dev/null 2>&1', 'openjdk-r-*'
def deb_common(config, add_openjdk_repository_command, openjdk_list)
# http://foo-o-rama.com/vagrant--stdin-is-not-a-tty--fix.html
config.vm.provision "fix-no-tty", type: "shell" do |s|
s.privileged = false
s.inline = "sudo sed -i '/tty/!s/mesg n/tty -s \\&\\& mesg n/' /root/.profile"
def deb_common(config)
provision(config, "apt-get update", "/var/cache/apt/archives/last_update",
"apt-get install -y", "openjdk-7-jdk")
update_command: "apt-get update",
update_tracking_file: "/var/cache/apt/archives/last_update",
install_command: "apt-get install -y",
java_package: "openjdk-8-jdk",
extra: <<-SHELL
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/#{openjdk_list}.list > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
(echo "Importing java-8 ppa" &&
#{add_openjdk_repository_command} &&
apt-get update -o \
Dir::Etc::sourcelist="$(ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/#{openjdk_list}.list)" \
-o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0")
def rpm_common(config)
provision(config, "yum check-update", "/var/cache/yum/last_update",
"yum install -y", "java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel")
update_command: "yum check-update",
update_tracking_file: "/var/cache/yum/last_update",
install_command: "yum install -y",
java_package: "java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel")
def dnf_common(config)
provision(config, "dnf check-update", "/var/cache/dnf/last_update",
"dnf install -y", "java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel")
update_command: "dnf check-update",
update_tracking_file: "/var/cache/dnf/last_update",
install_command: "dnf install -y",
java_package: "java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel")
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier")
# Autodetect doesn't work....
config.cache.auto_detect = false
@ -134,24 +150,49 @@ def dnf_common(config)
def provision(config, update_command, update_tracking_file, install_command, java_package)
# Register the main box provisioning script.
# @param config Vagrant's config object. Required.
# @param update_command [String] The command used to update the package
# manager. Required. Think `apt-get update`.
# @param update_tracking_file [String] The location of the file tracking the
# last time the update command was run. Required. Should be in a place that
# is cached by vagrant-cachier.
# @param install_command [String] The command used to install a package.
# Required. Think `apt-get install #{package}`.
# @param java_package [String] The name of the java package. Required.
# @param extra [String] Extra provisioning commands run before anything else.
# Optional. Used for things like setting up the ppa for Java 8.
def provision(config,
update_command: 'required',
update_tracking_file: 'required',
install_command: 'required',
java_package: 'required',
extra: '')
# Vagrant run ruby 2.0.0 which doesn't have required named parameters....
raise ArgumentError.new('update_command is required') if update_command == 'required'
raise ArgumentError.new('update_tracking_file is required') if update_tracking_file == 'required'
raise ArgumentError.new('install_command is required') if install_command == 'required'
raise ArgumentError.new('java_package is required') if java_package == 'required'
config.vm.provision "bats dependencies", type: "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
set -e
set -o pipefail
installed() {
command -v $1 2>&1 >/dev/null
install() {
# Only apt-get update if we haven't in the last day
if [ ! -f /tmp/update ] || [ "x$(find /tmp/update -mtime +0)" == "x/tmp/update" ]; then
sudo #{update_command} || true
if [ ! -f #{update_tracking_file} ] || [ "x$(find #{update_tracking_file} -mtime +0)" == "x#{update_tracking_file}" ]; then
#{update_command} || true
touch #{update_tracking_file}
sudo #{install_command} $1
#{install_command} $1
ensure() {
installed $1 || install $1
installed java || install #{java_package}
ensure curl
ensure unzip
@ -161,8 +202,8 @@ def provision(config, update_command, update_tracking_file, install_command, jav
ensure git
git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/bats /tmp/bats
# Centos doesn't add /usr/local/bin to the path....
sudo /tmp/bats/install.sh /usr
sudo rm -rf /tmp/bats
/tmp/bats/install.sh /usr
rm -rf /tmp/bats
cat \<\<VARS > /etc/profile.d/elasticsearch_vars.sh
export ZIP=/elasticsearch/distribution/zip/target/releases
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<testCommand>sudo bats $BATS/${testScripts}</testCommand>
<allDebBoxes>precise, trusty, vivid, wheezy, jessie</allDebBoxes>
<allDebBoxes>precise, trusty, vivid, jessie</allDebBoxes>
<allRpmBoxes>centos-6, centos-7, fedora-22, oel-7</allRpmBoxes>
Reference in New Issue