Disable reindex-from-old tests in windows

In windows we can't reliable git the pid so we skip the
reindex-from-remote tests from old versions of elasticsearch. This
is OK because we aren't really testing windows here anyway. It isn't
great, but should be safe.
This commit is contained in:
Nik Everett 2017-05-11 17:36:03 -04:00
parent a40c3a99c9
commit 4d86679f5a

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ should be able to use the standard launching mechanism which
is more flexible and reliable.
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-rest-test'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-test'
@ -49,9 +51,9 @@ dependencies {
es090 'org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:0.90.13@zip'
if (project.javaVersion == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
if (project.javaVersion == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9 || Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
/* We can't run the dependencies with Java 9 so for now we'll skip the whole
* thing. */
* thing. We can't get the pid files in windows so we skip that as well.... */
integTest.enabled = false
} else {
/* Set up tasks to unzip and run the old versions of ES before running the