mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 21:05:23 +00:00
Make restoring shard snapshots run in parallel on the `SNAPSHOT` thread-pool.
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.flush.FlushRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.forcemerge.ForceMergeRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.upgrade.post.UpgradeRequest;
@ -1850,12 +1851,16 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
return storeRecovery.recoverFromStore(this);
public boolean restoreFromRepository(Repository repository) {
assert shardRouting.primary() : "recover from store only makes sense if the shard is a primary shard";
assert recoveryState.getRecoverySource().getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT : "invalid recovery type: " +
StoreRecovery storeRecovery = new StoreRecovery(shardId, logger);
return storeRecovery.recoverFromRepository(this, repository);
public void restoreFromRepository(Repository repository, ActionListener<Boolean> listener) {
try {
assert shardRouting.primary() : "recover from store only makes sense if the shard is a primary shard";
assert recoveryState.getRecoverySource().getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT : "invalid recovery type: " +
StoreRecovery storeRecovery = new StoreRecovery(shardId, logger);
storeRecovery.recoverFromRepository(this, repository, listener);
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -2540,17 +2545,15 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
markAsRecovering("from snapshot", recoveryState); // mark the shard as recovering on the cluster state thread
SnapshotRecoverySource recoverySource = (SnapshotRecoverySource) recoveryState.getRecoverySource();
threadPool.generic().execute(() -> {
try {
final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(recoverySource.snapshot().getRepository());
if (restoreFromRepository(repository)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
new RecoveryFailedException(recoveryState, null, e), true);
ActionRunnable.<Boolean>wrap(ActionListener.wrap(r -> {
if (r) {
e -> recoveryListener.onRecoveryFailure(recoveryState, new RecoveryFailedException(recoveryState, null, e), true)),
restoreListener -> restoreFromRepository(
repositoriesService.repository(recoverySource.snapshot().getRepository()), restoreListener)));
final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = indexSettings().getIndexMetaData();
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.PlainActionFuture;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RecoverySource;
@ -90,10 +92,16 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
RecoverySource.Type recoveryType = indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource().getType();
assert recoveryType == RecoverySource.Type.EMPTY_STORE || recoveryType == RecoverySource.Type.EXISTING_STORE :
"expected store recovery type but was: " + recoveryType;
return executeRecovery(indexShard, () -> {
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
final ActionListener<Boolean> recoveryListener = recoveryListener(indexShard, future);
try {
logger.debug("starting recovery from store ...");
} catch (Exception e) {
return future.actionGet();
return false;
@ -121,14 +129,15 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
final boolean isSplit = sourceMetaData.getNumberOfShards() < indexShard.indexSettings().getNumberOfShards();
assert isSplit == false || sourceMetaData.getCreationVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_alpha1) : "for split we require a " +
"single type but the index is created before 6.0.0";
return executeRecovery(indexShard, () -> {
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
ActionListener.completeWith(recoveryListener(indexShard, future), () -> {
logger.debug("starting recovery from local shards {}", shards);
try {
final Directory directory = indexShard.store().directory(); // don't close this directory!!
final Directory[] sources = shards.stream().map(LocalShardSnapshot::getSnapshotDirectory).toArray(Directory[]::new);
final long maxSeqNo = shards.stream().mapToLong(LocalShardSnapshot::maxSeqNo).max().getAsLong();
final long maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp =
addIndices(indexShard.recoveryState().getIndex(), directory, indexSort, sources, maxSeqNo, maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp,
indexShard.indexSettings().getIndexMetaData(), indexShard.shardId().id(), isSplit, hasNested);
@ -136,11 +145,13 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
// copied segments - we will also see them in stats etc.
indexShard.getEngine().forceMerge(false, -1, false,
false, false);
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new IndexShardRecoveryException(indexShard.shardId(), "failed to recover from local shards", ex);
assert future.isDone();
return future.actionGet();
return false;
@ -272,21 +283,22 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
* previously created index snapshot into an existing initializing shard.
* @param indexShard the index shard instance to recovery the snapshot from
* @param repository the repository holding the physical files the shard should be recovered from
* @return <code>true</code> if the shard has been recovered successfully, <code>false</code> if the recovery
* has been ignored due to a concurrent modification of if the clusters state has changed due to async updates.
* @param listener resolves to <code>true</code> if the shard has been recovered successfully, <code>false</code> if the recovery
* has been ignored due to a concurrent modification of if the clusters state has changed due to async updates.
boolean recoverFromRepository(final IndexShard indexShard, Repository repository) {
if (canRecover(indexShard)) {
RecoverySource.Type recoveryType = indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource().getType();
assert recoveryType == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT : "expected snapshot recovery type: " + recoveryType;
SnapshotRecoverySource recoverySource = (SnapshotRecoverySource) indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource();
return executeRecovery(indexShard, () -> {
logger.debug("restoring from {} ...", indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource());
restore(indexShard, repository, recoverySource);
void recoverFromRepository(final IndexShard indexShard, Repository repository, ActionListener<Boolean> listener) {
try {
if (canRecover(indexShard)) {
RecoverySource.Type recoveryType = indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource().getType();
assert recoveryType == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT : "expected snapshot recovery type: " + recoveryType;
SnapshotRecoverySource recoverySource = (SnapshotRecoverySource) indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource();
restore(indexShard, repository, recoverySource, recoveryListener(indexShard, listener));
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
private boolean canRecover(IndexShard indexShard) {
@ -300,59 +312,62 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
return true;
* Recovers the state of the shard from the store.
private boolean executeRecovery(final IndexShard indexShard, Runnable recoveryRunnable) throws IndexShardRecoveryException {
try {
// Check that the gateway didn't leave the shard in init or recovering stage. it is up to the gateway
// to call post recovery.
final IndexShardState shardState = indexShard.state();
final RecoveryState recoveryState = indexShard.recoveryState();
assert shardState != IndexShardState.CREATED && shardState != IndexShardState.RECOVERING :
"recovery process of " + shardId + " didn't get to post_recovery. shardState [" + shardState + "]";
private ActionListener<Boolean> recoveryListener(IndexShard indexShard, ActionListener<Boolean> listener) {
return ActionListener.wrap(res -> {
if (res) {
// Check that the gateway didn't leave the shard in init or recovering stage. it is up to the gateway
// to call post recovery.
final IndexShardState shardState = indexShard.state();
final RecoveryState recoveryState = indexShard.recoveryState();
assert shardState != IndexShardState.CREATED && shardState != IndexShardState.RECOVERING :
"recovery process of " + shardId + " didn't get to post_recovery. shardState [" + shardState + "]";
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
RecoveryState.Index index = recoveryState.getIndex();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" index : files [").append(index.totalFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
RecoveryState.Index index = recoveryState.getIndex();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" index : files [").append(index.totalFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
.append(new ByteSizeValue(index.totalBytes())).append("], took[")
sb.append(" : recovered_files [").append(index.recoveredFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
sb.append(" : recovered_files [").append(index.recoveredFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
.append(new ByteSizeValue(index.recoveredBytes())).append("]\n");
sb.append(" : reusing_files [").append(index.reusedFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
sb.append(" : reusing_files [").append(index.reusedFileCount()).append("] with total_size [")
.append(new ByteSizeValue(index.reusedBytes())).append("]\n");
sb.append(" verify_index : took [")
.append(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getVerifyIndex().time())).append("], check_index [")
sb.append(" translog : number_of_operations [").append(recoveryState.getTranslog().recoveredOperations())
sb.append(" verify_index : took [")
.append(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getVerifyIndex().time())).append("], check_index [")
sb.append(" translog : number_of_operations [").append(recoveryState.getTranslog().recoveredOperations())
.append("], took [").append(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getTranslog().time())).append("]");
logger.trace("recovery completed from [shard_store], took [{}]\n{}",
timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getTimer().time()), sb);
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("recovery completed from [shard_store], took [{}]", timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getTimer().time()));
logger.trace("recovery completed from [shard_store], took [{}]\n{}",
timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getTimer().time()), sb);
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("recovery completed from [shard_store], took [{}]", timeValueMillis(recoveryState.getTimer().time()));
return true;
} catch (IndexShardRecoveryException e) {
if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
return false;
}, ex -> {
if (ex instanceof IndexShardRecoveryException) {
if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
if ((ex.getCause() instanceof IndexShardClosedException) || (ex.getCause() instanceof IndexShardNotStartedException)) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
} else if (ex instanceof IndexShardClosedException || ex instanceof IndexShardNotStartedException) {
} else {
if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
} else {
listener.onFailure(new IndexShardRecoveryException(shardId, "failed recovery", ex));
if ((e.getCause() instanceof IndexShardClosedException) || (e.getCause() instanceof IndexShardNotStartedException)) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
return false;
throw e;
} catch (IndexShardClosedException | IndexShardNotStartedException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// got closed on us, just ignore this recovery
return false;
throw new IndexShardRecoveryException(shardId, "failed recovery", e);
return false;
@ -447,14 +462,30 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
* Restores shard from {@link SnapshotRecoverySource} associated with this shard in routing table
private void restore(final IndexShard indexShard, final Repository repository, final SnapshotRecoverySource restoreSource) {
private void restore(IndexShard indexShard, Repository repository, SnapshotRecoverySource restoreSource,
ActionListener<Boolean> listener) {
logger.debug("restoring from {} ...", indexShard.recoveryState().getRecoverySource());
final RecoveryState.Translog translogState = indexShard.recoveryState().getTranslog();
if (restoreSource == null) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "empty restore source");
listener.onFailure(new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "empty restore source"));
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[{}] restoring shard [{}]", restoreSource.snapshot(), shardId);
final ActionListener<Void> restoreListener = ActionListener.wrap(
v -> {
final Store store = indexShard.store();
bootstrap(indexShard, store);
assert indexShard.shardRouting.primary() : "only primary shards can recover from store";
indexShard.postRecovery("restore done");
}, e -> listener.onFailure(new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "restore failed", e))
try {
@ -467,17 +498,9 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
final IndexId indexId = repository.getRepositoryData().resolveIndexId(indexName);
assert indexShard.getEngineOrNull() == null;
repository.restoreShard(indexShard.store(), restoreSource.snapshot().getSnapshotId(), indexId, snapshotShardId,
final Store store = indexShard.store();
bootstrap(indexShard, store);
assert indexShard.shardRouting.primary() : "only primary shards can recover from store";
indexShard.postRecovery("restore done");
indexShard.recoveryState(), restoreListener);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "restore failed", e);
@ -128,8 +128,9 @@ public class FilterRepository implements Repository {
in.snapshotShard(store, mapperService, snapshotId, indexId, snapshotIndexCommit, snapshotStatus, writeShardGens, listener);
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState) {
in.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, snapshotShardId, recoveryState);
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState,
ActionListener<Void> listener) {
in.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, snapshotShardId, recoveryState, listener);
@ -224,9 +224,10 @@ public interface Repository extends LifecycleComponent {
* @param indexId id of the index in the repository from which the restore is occurring
* @param snapshotShardId shard id (in the snapshot)
* @param recoveryState recovery state
* @param listener listener to invoke once done
void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState);
void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState,
ActionListener<Void> listener);
* Retrieve shard snapshot status for the stored snapshot
@ -1214,11 +1214,7 @@ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imp
final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT);
// Start as many workers as fit into the snapshot pool at once at the most
final int workers = Math.min(threadPool.info(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).getMax(), indexIncrementalFileCount);
final ActionListener<Void> filesListener = ActionListener.delegateResponse(
new GroupedActionListener<>(allFilesUploadedListener, workers), (l, e) -> {
filesToSnapshot.clear(); // Stop uploading the remaining files if we run into any exception
final ActionListener<Void> filesListener = fileQueueListener(filesToSnapshot, workers, allFilesUploadedListener);
for (int i = 0; i < workers; ++i) {
executor.execute(ActionRunnable.run(filesListener, () -> {
BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo snapshotFileInfo = filesToSnapshot.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
@ -1242,19 +1238,42 @@ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imp
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId,
RecoveryState recoveryState) {
ShardId shardId = store.shardId();
try {
final BlobContainer container = shardContainer(indexId, snapshotShardId);
BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(container, snapshotId);
SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles = new SnapshotFiles(snapshot.snapshot(), snapshot.indexFiles());
RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
final ShardId shardId = store.shardId();
final ActionListener<Void> restoreListener = ActionListener.delegateResponse(listener,
(l, e) -> l.onFailure(new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e)));
final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT);
final BlobContainer container = shardContainer(indexId, snapshotShardId);
executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(restoreListener, l -> {
final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(container, snapshotId);
final SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles = new SnapshotFiles(snapshot.snapshot(), snapshot.indexFiles());
new FileRestoreContext(metadata.name(), shardId, snapshotId, recoveryState) {
protected void restoreFiles(List<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store) throws IOException {
// restore the files from the snapshot to the Lucene store
for (final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileToRecover : filesToRecover) {
logger.trace("[{}] [{}] restoring file [{}]", shardId, snapshotId, fileToRecover.name());
restoreFile(fileToRecover, store);
protected void restoreFiles(List<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store,
ActionListener<Void> listener) {
if (filesToRecover.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// Start as many workers as fit into the snapshot pool at once at the most
final int workers =
Math.min(threadPool.info(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).getMax(), snapshotFiles.indexFiles().size());
final BlockingQueue<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> files = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(filesToRecover);
final ActionListener<Void> allFilesListener =
fileQueueListener(files, workers, ActionListener.map(listener, v -> null));
// restore the files from the snapshot to the Lucene store
for (int i = 0; i < workers; ++i) {
executor.execute(ActionRunnable.run(allFilesListener, () -> {
try {
BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileToRecover;
while ((fileToRecover = files.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) != null) {
restoreFile(fileToRecover, store);
} finally {
@ -1294,10 +1313,16 @@ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imp
}.restore(snapshotFiles, store);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e);
}.restore(snapshotFiles, store, l);
private static ActionListener<Void> fileQueueListener(BlockingQueue<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> files, int workers,
ActionListener<Collection<Void>> listener) {
return ActionListener.delegateResponse(new GroupedActionListener<>(listener, workers), (l, e) -> {
files.clear(); // Stop uploading the remaining files if we run into any exception
private static InputStream maybeRateLimit(InputStream stream, @Nullable RateLimiter rateLimiter, CounterMetric metric) {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.iterable.Iterables;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ public abstract class FileRestoreContext {
* Performs restore operation
public void restore(SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles, Store store) {
public void restore(SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles, Store store, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
try {
logger.debug("[{}] [{}] restoring to [{}] ...", snapshotId, repositoryName, shardId);
@ -150,46 +151,60 @@ public abstract class FileRestoreContext {
restoreFiles(filesToRecover, store);
restoreFiles(filesToRecover, store, ActionListener.wrap(
v -> {
try {
afterRestore(snapshotFiles, store, restoredSegmentsFile);
} finally {
}, listener::onFailure));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "Failed to recover index", ex);
// read the snapshot data persisted
try {
Lucene.pruneUnreferencedFiles(restoredSegmentsFile.name(), store.directory());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "Failed to fetch index version after copying it over", e);
/// now, go over and clean files that are in the store, but were not in the snapshot
try {
for (String storeFile : store.directory().listAll()) {
if (Store.isAutogenerated(storeFile) || snapshotFiles.containPhysicalIndexFile(storeFile)) {
continue; //skip write.lock, checksum files and files that exist in the snapshot
try {
store.deleteQuiet("restore", storeFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to delete file [{}] during snapshot cleanup", shardId, snapshotId, storeFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to list directory - some of files might not be deleted", shardId, snapshotId);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
private void afterRestore(SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles, Store store, StoreFileMetaData restoredSegmentsFile) {
// read the snapshot data persisted
try {
Lucene.pruneUnreferencedFiles(restoredSegmentsFile.name(), store.directory());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "Failed to fetch index version after copying it over", e);
/// now, go over and clean files that are in the store, but were not in the snapshot
try {
for (String storeFile : store.directory().listAll()) {
if (Store.isAutogenerated(storeFile) || snapshotFiles.containPhysicalIndexFile(storeFile)) {
continue; //skip write.lock, checksum files and files that exist in the snapshot
try {
store.deleteQuiet("restore", storeFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to delete file [{}] during snapshot cleanup", shardId, snapshotId, storeFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to list directory - some of files might not be deleted", shardId, snapshotId);
* Restores given list of {@link BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo} to the given {@link Store}.
* @param filesToRecover List of files to restore
* @param store Store to restore into
protected abstract void restoreFiles(List<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store) throws IOException;
protected abstract void restoreFiles(List<BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store,
ActionListener<Void> listener);
private static Iterable<StoreFileMetaData> concat(Store.RecoveryDiff diff) {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotUtils.filterIndices;
* {@link RoutingTable.Builder#addAsRestore(IndexMetaData, SnapshotRecoverySource)} method.
* <p>
* Individual shards are getting restored as part of normal recovery process in
* {@link IndexShard#restoreFromRepository(Repository)} )}
* {@link IndexShard#restoreFromRepository} )}
* method, which detects that shard should be restored from snapshot rather than recovered from gateway by looking
* at the {@link ShardRouting#recoverySource()} property.
* <p>
@ -2348,11 +2348,12 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
DiscoveryNode localNode = new DiscoveryNode("foo", buildNewFakeTransportAddress(), emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT);
target.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null));
assertTrue(target.restoreFromRepository(new RestoreOnlyRepository("test") {
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
target.restoreFromRepository(new RestoreOnlyRepository("test") {
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId,
RecoveryState recoveryState) {
try {
RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
for (String file : sourceStore.directory().listAll()) {
if (file.equals("write.lock") || file.startsWith("extra")) {
@ -2360,11 +2361,11 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
targetStore.directory().copyFrom(sourceStore.directory(), file, file, IOContext.DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return null;
}, future);
assertThat(target.getLocalCheckpoint(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(target.seqNoStats().getMaxSeqNo(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(target.seqNoStats().getGlobalCheckpoint(), equalTo(0L));
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class RepositoriesServiceTests extends ESTestCase {
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId,
RecoveryState recoveryState) {
RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
@ -117,8 +117,9 @@ public class FsRepositoryTests extends ESTestCase {
new UnassignedInfo(UnassignedInfo.Reason.EXISTING_INDEX_RESTORED, ""));
routing = ShardRoutingHelper.initialize(routing, localNode.getId(), 0);
RecoveryState state = new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null);
runGeneric(threadPool, () ->
repository.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, shardId, state));
final PlainActionFuture<Void> futureA = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
runGeneric(threadPool, () -> repository.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, shardId, state, futureA));
assertTrue(state.getIndex().recoveredBytes() > 0);
assertEquals(0, state.getIndex().reusedFileCount());
assertEquals(indexCommit.getFileNames().size(), state.getIndex().recoveredFileCount());
@ -139,14 +140,16 @@ public class FsRepositoryTests extends ESTestCase {
// roll back to the first snap and then incrementally restore
RecoveryState firstState = new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null);
runGeneric(threadPool, () ->
repository.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, shardId, firstState));
final PlainActionFuture<Void> futureB = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
runGeneric(threadPool, () -> repository.restoreShard(store, snapshotId, indexId, shardId, firstState, futureB));
assertEquals("should reuse everything except of .liv and .si",
commitFileNames.size()-2, firstState.getIndex().reusedFileCount());
RecoveryState secondState = new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null);
runGeneric(threadPool, () ->
repository.restoreShard(store, incSnapshotId, indexId, shardId, secondState));
final PlainActionFuture<Void> futureC = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
runGeneric(threadPool, () -> repository.restoreShard(store, incSnapshotId, indexId, shardId, secondState, futureC));
assertEquals(secondState.getIndex().reusedFileCount(), commitFileNames.size()-2);
assertEquals(secondState.getIndex().recoveredFileCount(), 2);
List<RecoveryState.File> recoveredFiles =
@ -805,11 +805,14 @@ public abstract class IndexShardTestCase extends ESTestCase {
new RecoverySource.SnapshotRecoverySource(UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(), snapshot, version, index);
final ShardRouting shardRouting = newShardRouting(shardId, node.getId(), true, ShardRoutingState.INITIALIZING, recoverySource);
shard.markAsRecovering("from snapshot", new RecoveryState(shardRouting, node, null));
final PlainActionFuture<Void> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
@ -299,26 +299,29 @@ public class CcrRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Reposit
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState) {
// TODO: Add timeouts to network calls / the restore process.
ShardId shardId = store.shardId();
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState,
ActionListener<Void> listener) {
// TODO: Instead of blocking in the restore logic and synchronously completing the listener we should just make below logic async
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
// TODO: Add timeouts to network calls / the restore process.
ShardId shardId = store.shardId();
final Map<String, String> ccrMetaData = store.indexSettings().getIndexMetaData().getCustomData(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_KEY);
final String leaderIndexName = ccrMetaData.get(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_LEADER_INDEX_NAME_KEY);
final String leaderUUID = ccrMetaData.get(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_LEADER_INDEX_UUID_KEY);
final Index leaderIndex = new Index(leaderIndexName, leaderUUID);
final ShardId leaderShardId = new ShardId(leaderIndex, shardId.getId());
final Map<String, String> ccrMetaData = store.indexSettings().getIndexMetaData().getCustomData(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_KEY);
final String leaderIndexName = ccrMetaData.get(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_LEADER_INDEX_NAME_KEY);
final String leaderUUID = ccrMetaData.get(Ccr.CCR_CUSTOM_METADATA_LEADER_INDEX_UUID_KEY);
final Index leaderIndex = new Index(leaderIndexName, leaderUUID);
final ShardId leaderShardId = new ShardId(leaderIndex, shardId.getId());
final Client remoteClient = getRemoteClusterClient();
final Client remoteClient = getRemoteClusterClient();
final String retentionLeaseId =
final String retentionLeaseId =
retentionLeaseId(localClusterName, shardId.getIndex(), remoteClusterAlias, leaderIndex);
acquireRetentionLeaseOnLeader(shardId, retentionLeaseId, leaderShardId, remoteClient);
acquireRetentionLeaseOnLeader(shardId, retentionLeaseId, leaderShardId, remoteClient);
// schedule renewals to run during the restore
final Scheduler.Cancellable renewable = threadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
// schedule renewals to run during the restore
final Scheduler.Cancellable renewable = threadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
() -> {
logger.trace("{} background renewal of retention lease [{}] during restore", shardId, retentionLeaseId);
final ThreadContext threadContext = threadPool.getThreadContext();
@ -326,38 +329,40 @@ public class CcrRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Reposit
// we have to execute under the system context so that if security is enabled the renewal is authorized
r -> {},
e -> {
final Throwable cause = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e);
assert cause instanceof ElasticsearchSecurityException == false : cause;
if (cause instanceof RetentionLeaseInvalidRetainingSeqNoException == false) {
logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage(
"{} background renewal of retention lease [{}] failed during restore", shardId,
retentionLeaseId), cause);
r -> {},
e -> {
final Throwable cause = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e);
assert cause instanceof ElasticsearchSecurityException == false : cause;
if (cause instanceof RetentionLeaseInvalidRetainingSeqNoException == false) {
logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage(
"{} background renewal of retention lease [{}] failed during restore", shardId,
retentionLeaseId), cause);
// TODO: There should be some local timeout. And if the remote cluster returns an unknown session
// response, we should be able to retry by creating a new session.
try (RestoreSession restoreSession = openSession(metadata.name(), remoteClient, leaderShardId, shardId, recoveryState)) {
updateMappings(remoteClient, leaderIndex, restoreSession.mappingVersion, client, shardId.getIndex());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e);
} finally {
logger.trace("{} canceling background renewal of retention lease [{}] at the end of restore", shardId,
// TODO: There should be some local timeout. And if the remote cluster returns an unknown session
// response, we should be able to retry by creating a new session.
try (RestoreSession restoreSession = openSession(metadata.name(), remoteClient, leaderShardId, shardId, recoveryState)) {
updateMappings(remoteClient, leaderIndex, restoreSession.mappingVersion, client, shardId.getIndex());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e);
} finally {
logger.trace("{} canceling background renewal of retention lease [{}] at the end of restore", shardId,
return null;
private void createEmptyStore(Store store) {
@ -473,86 +478,91 @@ public class CcrRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Reposit
fileInfos.add(new FileInfo(fileMetaData.name(), fileMetaData, fileSize));
SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles = new SnapshotFiles(LATEST, fileInfos);
restore(snapshotFiles, store);
final PlainActionFuture<Void> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
restore(snapshotFiles, store, future);
protected void restoreFiles(List<FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store) {
logger.trace("[{}] starting CCR restore of {} files", shardId, filesToRecover);
final PlainActionFuture<Void> restoreFilesFuture = new PlainActionFuture<>();
final List<StoreFileMetaData> mds = filesToRecover.stream().map(FileInfo::metadata).collect(Collectors.toList());
final MultiFileTransfer<FileChunk> multiFileTransfer = new MultiFileTransfer<FileChunk>(
logger, threadPool.getThreadContext(), restoreFilesFuture, ccrSettings.getMaxConcurrentFileChunks(), mds) {
protected void restoreFiles(List<FileInfo> filesToRecover, Store store, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
logger.trace("[{}] starting CCR restore of {} files", shardId, filesToRecover);
final PlainActionFuture<Void> restoreFilesFuture = new PlainActionFuture<>();
final List<StoreFileMetaData> mds = filesToRecover.stream().map(FileInfo::metadata).collect(Collectors.toList());
final MultiFileTransfer<FileChunk> multiFileTransfer = new MultiFileTransfer<FileChunk>(
logger, threadPool.getThreadContext(), restoreFilesFuture, ccrSettings.getMaxConcurrentFileChunks(), mds) {
final MultiFileWriter multiFileWriter = new MultiFileWriter(store, recoveryState.getIndex(), "", logger, () -> {});
long offset = 0;
final MultiFileWriter multiFileWriter = new MultiFileWriter(store, recoveryState.getIndex(), "", logger, () -> {});
long offset = 0;
protected void onNewFile(StoreFileMetaData md) {
offset = 0;
protected void onNewFile(StoreFileMetaData md) {
offset = 0;
protected FileChunk nextChunkRequest(StoreFileMetaData md) {
final int bytesRequested = Math.toIntExact(Math.min(ccrSettings.getChunkSize().getBytes(), md.length() - offset));
offset += bytesRequested;
return new FileChunk(md, bytesRequested, offset == md.length());
protected FileChunk nextChunkRequest(StoreFileMetaData md) {
final int bytesRequested = Math.toIntExact(Math.min(ccrSettings.getChunkSize().getBytes(), md.length() - offset));
offset += bytesRequested;
return new FileChunk(md, bytesRequested, offset == md.length());
protected void executeChunkRequest(FileChunk request, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
final ActionListener<GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.GetCcrRestoreFileChunkResponse> threadedListener
= new ThreadedActionListener<>(logger, threadPool, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, ActionListener.wrap(
protected void executeChunkRequest(FileChunk request, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
final ActionListener<GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.GetCcrRestoreFileChunkResponse> threadedListener
= new ThreadedActionListener<>(logger, threadPool, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, ActionListener.wrap(
r -> {
writeFileChunk(request.md, r);
}, listener::onFailure), false);
new GetCcrRestoreFileChunkRequest(node, sessionUUID, request.md.name(), request.bytesRequested),
ListenerTimeouts.wrapWithTimeout(threadPool, threadedListener, ccrSettings.getRecoveryActionTimeout(),
ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.NAME));
new GetCcrRestoreFileChunkRequest(node, sessionUUID, request.md.name(), request.bytesRequested),
ListenerTimeouts.wrapWithTimeout(threadPool, threadedListener, ccrSettings.getRecoveryActionTimeout(),
ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.NAME));
private void writeFileChunk(StoreFileMetaData md,
GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.GetCcrRestoreFileChunkResponse r) throws Exception {
final int actualChunkSize = r.getChunk().length();
logger.trace("[{}] [{}] got response for file [{}], offset: {}, length: {}",
shardId, snapshotId, md.name(), r.getOffset(), actualChunkSize);
final long nanosPaused = ccrSettings.getRateLimiter().maybePause(actualChunkSize);
try (Releasable ignored = multiFileWriter::decRef) {
final boolean lastChunk = r.getOffset() + actualChunkSize >= md.length();
multiFileWriter.writeFileChunk(md, r.getOffset(), r.getChunk(), lastChunk);
} catch (Exception e) {
handleError(md, e);
private void writeFileChunk(StoreFileMetaData md,
GetCcrRestoreFileChunkAction.GetCcrRestoreFileChunkResponse r) throws Exception {
final int actualChunkSize = r.getChunk().length();
logger.trace("[{}] [{}] got response for file [{}], offset: {}, length: {}",
shardId, snapshotId, md.name(), r.getOffset(), actualChunkSize);
final long nanosPaused = ccrSettings.getRateLimiter().maybePause(actualChunkSize);
try (Releasable ignored = multiFileWriter::decRef) {
final boolean lastChunk = r.getOffset() + actualChunkSize >= md.length();
multiFileWriter.writeFileChunk(md, r.getOffset(), r.getChunk(), lastChunk);
} catch (Exception e) {
handleError(md, e);
throw e;
protected void handleError(StoreFileMetaData md, Exception e) throws Exception {
final IOException corruptIndexException;
if ((corruptIndexException = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCorruption(e)) != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", e);
throw corruptIndexException;
throw e;
protected void handleError(StoreFileMetaData md, Exception e) throws Exception {
final IOException corruptIndexException;
if ((corruptIndexException = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCorruption(e)) != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", e);
throw corruptIndexException;
public void close() {
throw e;
public void close() {
logger.trace("[{}] completed CCR restore", shardId);
logger.trace("[{}] completed CCR restore", shardId);
return null;
@ -451,11 +451,12 @@ public class ShardFollowTaskReplicationTests extends ESIndexLevelReplicationTest
ShardRouting routing = ShardRoutingHelper.newWithRestoreSource(primary.routingEntry(),
new RecoverySource.SnapshotRecoverySource(UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(), snapshot, Version.CURRENT, "test"));
primary.markAsRecovering("remote recovery from leader", new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null));
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
primary.restoreFromRepository(new RestoreOnlyRepository(index.getName()) {
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId,
RecoveryState recoveryState) {
try {
RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
IndexShard leader = leaderGroup.getPrimary();
try (Engine.IndexCommitRef sourceCommit = leader.acquireSafeIndexCommit()) {
@ -465,11 +466,15 @@ public class ShardFollowTaskReplicationTests extends ESIndexLevelReplicationTest
leader.store().directory(), md.name(), md.name(), IOContext.DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AssertionError(ex);
return null;
}, future);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AssertionError(ex);
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.PlainActionFuture;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexShardRoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RecoverySource;
@ -125,11 +126,12 @@ public class FollowEngineIndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
DiscoveryNode localNode = new DiscoveryNode("foo", buildNewFakeTransportAddress(), emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT);
target.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(routing, localNode, null));
assertTrue(target.restoreFromRepository(new RestoreOnlyRepository("test") {
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
target.restoreFromRepository(new RestoreOnlyRepository("test") {
public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId,
RecoveryState recoveryState) {
try {
RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
for (String file : sourceStore.directory().listAll()) {
if (file.equals("write.lock") || file.startsWith("extra")) {
@ -137,11 +139,11 @@ public class FollowEngineIndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
targetStore.directory().copyFrom(sourceStore.directory(), file, file, IOContext.DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return null;
}, future);
assertThat(target.getLocalCheckpoint(), equalTo(0L));
assertThat(target.seqNoStats().getMaxSeqNo(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(target.seqNoStats().getGlobalCheckpoint(), equalTo(0L));
@ -233,8 +233,11 @@ public class SourceOnlySnapshotShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
restoredShard.mapperService().merge(shard.indexSettings().getIndexMetaData(), MapperService.MergeReason.MAPPING_RECOVERY);
DiscoveryNode discoveryNode = new DiscoveryNode("node_g", buildNewFakeTransportAddress(), Version.CURRENT);
restoredShard.markAsRecovering("test from snap", new RecoveryState(restoredShard.routingEntry(), discoveryNode, null));
runAsSnapshot(shard.getThreadPool(), () ->
runAsSnapshot(shard.getThreadPool(), () -> {
final PlainActionFuture<Boolean> future = PlainActionFuture.newFuture();
restoredShard.restoreFromRepository(repository, future);
assertEquals(restoredShard.recoveryState().getStage(), RecoveryState.Stage.DONE);
assertEquals(restoredShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().recoveredOperations(), 0);
assertEquals(IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY, restoredShard.state());
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