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synced 2025-03-24 17:09:48 +00:00
SQL: Improve JDBC communication (elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch#2660)
* Improve JDBC communication Jdbc HTTP client uses only one url for messages and relies on / for ping Fixed ES prefix being discarded (missing /) Add HEAD handler for JDBC endpoint Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@389f82262e
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public abstract class ProtoHttpServer {
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 10, 250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());
server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), port), 0);
server.createContext("/", new RootHandler());
server.createContext(protoSuffix, handler);
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
package org.elasticsearch.xpack.qa.sql.embed;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpExchange;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpHandler;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLoggerFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.rest.RestStatus;
import java.io.IOException;
class RootHandler implements HttpHandler {
private static final Logger log = ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(RootHandler.class.getName());
public void handle(HttpExchange http) throws IOException {
log.debug("Received query call...");
if ("HEAD".equals(http.getRequestMethod())) {
http.sendResponseHeaders(RestStatus.OK.getStatus(), 0);
fail(http, new UnsupportedOperationException("only HEAD allowed"));
protected void fail(HttpExchange http, Exception ex) {
log.error("Caught error while transmitting response", ex);
try {
// the error conversion has failed, halt
if (http.getResponseHeaders().isEmpty()) {
http.sendResponseHeaders(RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getStatus(), -1);
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
log.error("Caught error while trying to catch error", ex);
} finally {
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
public final class Debug {
// cache for streams created by ourselves
@ -40,6 +43,18 @@ public final class Debug {
private static volatile DebugLog ERR = null, OUT = null;
private static volatile PrintStream SYS_ERR = null, SYS_OUT = null;
* Create a proxied Connection which performs logging of all methods being invoked.
* Typically Debug will read its configuration from the configuration and act accordingly however
* there are two cases where the output is specified programmatically, namely through
* {@link DriverManager#setLogWriter(PrintWriter)} and {@link DataSource#setLogWriter(PrintWriter)}.
* The former is the 'legacy' way, having a global impact on all drivers while the latter allows per
* instance configuration.
* As both approaches are not widely used, Debug will take the principle of least surprise and pick its
* own configuration first; if that does not exist it will fallback to the managed approaches (assuming they
* are specified, otherwise logging is simply disabled).
public static Connection proxy(JdbcConfiguration info, Connection connection, PrintWriter managedPrinter) {
return createProxy(Connection.class, new ConnectionProxy(logger(info, managedPrinter), connection));
@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ import java.util.TimeZone;
public class JdbcConfiguration extends ConnectionConfiguration {
static final String URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:es:";
static final String USER = "user";
static final String PASSWORD = "password";
static final String DEBUG = "debug";
static final String DEBUG_DEFAULT = "false";
@ -124,6 +120,9 @@ public class JdbcConfiguration extends ConnectionConfiguration {
index = urlFile.indexOf("?");
if (index > 0) {
urlFile = urlFile.substring(0, index);
if (!urlFile.endsWith("/")) {
urlFile = urlFile + "/";
@ -184,12 +183,12 @@ public class JdbcConfiguration extends ConnectionConfiguration {
public String userName() {
return settings().getProperty(USER);
return settings().getProperty(AUTH_USER);
public String password() {
// NOCOMMIT make sure we're doing right by the password. Compare with other jdbc drivers and our security code.
return settings().getProperty(PASSWORD);
return settings().getProperty(AUTH_PASS);
private int port() {
@ -68,13 +68,15 @@ public class JdbcDriver implements java.sql.Driver, Closeable {
return null;
JdbcConfiguration info = initInfo(url, props);
JdbcConnection con = new JdbcConnection(info);
return info.debug() ? Debug.proxy(info, con, DriverManager.getLogWriter()) : con;
JdbcConfiguration cfg = initCfg(url, props);
JdbcConnection con = new JdbcConnection(cfg);
return cfg.debug() ? Debug.proxy(cfg, con, DriverManager.getLogWriter()) : con;
private static JdbcConfiguration initInfo(String url, Properties props) {
private static JdbcConfiguration initCfg(String url, Properties props) {
JdbcConfiguration ci = new JdbcConfiguration(url, props);
// if there's a timeout set on the DriverManager, make sure to use it
if (DriverManager.getLoginTimeout() > 0) {
@ -212,8 +212,14 @@ class JdbcStatement implements Statement, JdbcWrapper {
public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException {
// NOCOMMIT this will return a bad value because we use -1 to mean "default" but default is something defined in connection string
return requestMeta.fetchSize();
int fetchSize = requestMeta.fetchSize();
// the spec is somewhat unclear. It looks like there are 3 states:
// unset (in this case -1 which the user cannot set) - in this case, the default fetch size is returned
// 0 meaning the hint is disabled (the user has called setFetch)
// >0 means actual hint
// tl;dr - if invalid, it means it was not set so return default - otherwise return the set value
return fetchSize < 0 ? cfg.pageSize() : fetchSize;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.jdbcx;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.debug.Debug;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.jdbc.JdbcConfiguration;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.jdbc.JdbcConnection;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.net.client.ConnectionConfiguration;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
@ -20,13 +21,12 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
public class JdbcDataSource implements DataSource, Wrapper, Closeable {
private String url;
private PrintWriter writer;
private int loginTimeout;
private Properties info;
private Properties props;
public JdbcDataSource() {}
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ public class JdbcDataSource implements DataSource, Wrapper, Closeable {
public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException {
if (seconds < 0) {
throw new SQLException("Negative timeout specified " + seconds);
loginTimeout = seconds;
@ -63,32 +66,40 @@ public class JdbcDataSource implements DataSource, Wrapper, Closeable {
this.url = url;
public Properties getInfo() {
return info;
public Properties getProperties() {
return props;
public void setInfo(Properties props) {
this.info = props;
public void setProperties(Properties props) {
this.props = props;
private Properties createConfig() {
Properties p = props != null ? new Properties(props) : new Properties();
return p;
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
return doGetConnection(info);
return doGetConnection(props);
public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
// TODO: set user/pass props
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//return doGetConnection(null);
Properties p = createConfig();
p.setProperty(ConnectionConfiguration.AUTH_USER, username);
p.setProperty(ConnectionConfiguration.AUTH_PASS, password);
return doGetConnection(p);
private Connection doGetConnection(Properties p) {
JdbcConfiguration ci = new JdbcConfiguration(url, p);
JdbcConfiguration cfg = new JdbcConfiguration(url, p);
if (loginTimeout > 0) {
return new JdbcConnection(ci);
JdbcConnection con = new JdbcConnection(cfg);
// enable logging if needed
return Debug.proxy(cfg, con, writer);
@ -25,11 +25,18 @@ import java.sql.SQLException;
class HttpClient {
private final JdbcConfiguration cfg;
private final URL baseUrl;
private final URL url;
HttpClient(JdbcConfiguration connectionInfo) {
this.cfg = connectionInfo;
baseUrl = connectionInfo.asUrl();
URL baseUrl = connectionInfo.asUrl();
try {
// the baseUrl ends up / so the suffix can be directly appended
// NOCOMMIT Do something with the error trace. Useful for filing bugs and debugging.
this.url = new URL(baseUrl, "_sql/jdbc?error_trace=true");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new JdbcException(ex, "Cannot connect to JDBC endpoint [" + baseUrl.toString() + "_sql/jdbc]");
void setNetworkTimeout(long millis) {
@ -40,32 +47,23 @@ class HttpClient {
return cfg.networkTimeout();
private URL url(String subPath) {
try {
return new URL(baseUrl, subPath);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new JdbcException(ex, "Invalid subpath [" + subPath + "]");
boolean head(String path) { // NOCOMMIT remove path?
boolean head() {
try {
URL root = new URL(url, "/");
return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> {
return JreHttpUrlConnection.http(url(path), cfg, JreHttpUrlConnection::head);
return JreHttpUrlConnection.http(root, cfg, JreHttpUrlConnection::head);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new JdbcException(ex, "Cannot ping server");
} catch (ClientException ex) {
throw new JdbcException(ex, "Transport failure");
BytesArray put(CheckedConsumer<DataOutput, IOException> os) throws SQLException {
return put("_sql/jdbc?error_trace=true", os); // NOCOMMIT Do something with the error trace. Useful for filing bugs and debugging.
BytesArray put(String path, CheckedConsumer<DataOutput, IOException> os) throws SQLException { // NOCOMMIT remove path?
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<BytesArray>) () -> {
return JreHttpUrlConnection.http(url(path), cfg, con -> {
return JreHttpUrlConnection.http(url, cfg, con -> {
return new BytesArray(con.post(os));
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.net.protocol.QueryPageRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.net.protocol.QueryPageResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.util.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.jdbc.util.FastByteArrayInputStream;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.net.client.util.StringUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.protocol.shared.Request;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.protocol.shared.Response;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.protocol.shared.TimeoutInfo;
@ -55,17 +54,18 @@ public class JdbcHttpClient implements Closeable {
public boolean ping(long timeoutInMs) {
long oldTimeout = http.getNetworkTimeout();
// NOCOMMIT this seems race condition-y
try {
return http.head(StringUtils.EMPTY);
// this works since the connection is single-threaded and its configuration not shared
// with others connections
return http.head();
} finally {
public Cursor query(String sql, RequestMeta meta) throws SQLException {
int fetch = meta.fetchSize() >= 0 ? meta.fetchSize() : conCfg.pageSize();
int fetch = meta.fetchSize() > 0 ? meta.fetchSize() : conCfg.pageSize();
QueryInitRequest request = new QueryInitRequest(sql, fetch, conCfg.timeZone(), timeout(meta));
BytesArray ba = http.put(out -> Proto.INSTANCE.writeRequest(request, out));
QueryInitResponse response = doIO(ba, in -> (QueryInitResponse) readResponse(request, in));
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class JdbcConfigurationTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testMultiPathSuffix() throws Exception {
assertThat(ci("jdbc:es://a:1/foo/bar/tar").asUrl().toString(), is("http://a:1/foo/bar/tar"));
assertThat(ci("jdbc:es://a:1/foo/bar/tar/").asUrl().toString(), is("http://a:1/foo/bar/tar"));
public void testDebug() throws Exception {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class JdbcConfigurationTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testDebugOutWithSuffix() throws Exception {
JdbcConfiguration ci = ci("jdbc:es://a:1/foo/bar/tar?debug=true&debug.output=jdbc.out");
assertThat(ci.asUrl().toString(), is("http://a:1/foo/bar/tar"));
assertThat(ci.asUrl().toString(), is("http://a:1/foo/bar/tar/"));
assertThat(ci.debug(), is(true));
assertThat(ci.debugOut(), is("jdbc.out"));
@ -29,32 +29,31 @@ public class ConnectionConfiguration {
// Timeouts
// 30s
private static final String CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect.timeout";
public static final String CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect.timeout";
private static final String CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = String.valueOf(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(30));
// 1m
private static final String NETWORK_TIMEOUT = "network.timeout";
public static final String NETWORK_TIMEOUT = "network.timeout";
private static final String NETWORK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1));
// 1m
private static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT = "query.timeout";
public static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT = "query.timeout";
private static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1));
// 5m
private static final String PAGE_TIMEOUT = "page.timeout";
public static final String PAGE_TIMEOUT = "page.timeout";
private static final String PAGE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5));
private static final String PAGE_SIZE = "page.size";
public static final String PAGE_SIZE = "page.size";
private static final String PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT = "1000";
// Auth
private static final String AUTH_USER = "user";
private static final String AUTH_PASS = "pass";
public static final String AUTH_USER = "user";
public static final String AUTH_PASS = "pass";
// Proxy
@ -178,4 +178,4 @@ public class JreHttpUrlConnection implements Closeable {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user