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synced 2025-03-28 02:48:38 +00:00
Use a single method to update shard state
This commit refactors index shard to provide a single method for updating the shard state on an incoming cluster state update. Relates #25431
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.index.shard;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
searcherWrapper = indexSearcherWrapper;
primaryTerm = indexSettings.getIndexMetaData().primaryTerm(shardId.id());
refreshListeners = buildRefreshListeners();
persistMetadata(shardRouting, null);
persistMetadata(path, indexSettings, shardRouting, null, logger);
public Store store() {
@ -342,86 +343,6 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
return this.primaryTerm;
* Notifies the shard of an increase in the primary term.
* @param newPrimaryTerm the new primary term
* @param primaryReplicaSyncer the primary-replica resync action to trigger when a term is increased on a primary
public void updatePrimaryTerm(final long newPrimaryTerm,
CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer) {
assert shardRouting.primary() : "primary term can only be explicitly updated on a primary shard";
synchronized (mutex) {
if (newPrimaryTerm != primaryTerm) {
// Note that due to cluster state batching an initializing primary shard term can failed and re-assigned
// in one state causing it's term to be incremented. Note that if both current shard state and new
// shard state are initializing, we could replace the current shard and reinitialize it. It is however
// possible that this shard is being started. This can happen if:
// 1) Shard is post recovery and sends shard started to the master
// 2) Node gets disconnected and rejoins
// 3) Master assigns the shard back to the node
// 4) Master processes the shard started and starts the shard
// 5) The node process the cluster state where the shard is both started and primary term is incremented.
// We could fail the shard in that case, but this will cause it to be removed from the insync allocations list
// potentially preventing re-allocation.
assert shardRouting.initializing() == false :
"a started primary shard should never update its term; "
+ "shard " + shardRouting + ", "
+ "current term [" + primaryTerm + "], "
+ "new term [" + newPrimaryTerm + "]";
assert newPrimaryTerm > primaryTerm :
"primary terms can only go up; current term [" + primaryTerm + "], new term [" + newPrimaryTerm + "]";
* Before this call returns, we are guaranteed that all future operations are delayed and so this happens before we
* increment the primary term. The latch is needed to ensure that we do not unblock operations before the primary term is
* incremented.
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// to prevent primary relocation handoff while resync is not completed
boolean resyncStarted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true);
if (resyncStarted == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot start resync while it's already in progress");
() -> {
try {
primaryReplicaSyncer.accept(IndexShard.this, new ActionListener<ResyncTask>() {
public void onResponse(ResyncTask resyncTask) {
logger.info("primary-replica resync completed with {} operations",
boolean resyncCompleted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(true, false);
assert resyncCompleted : "primary-replica resync finished but was not started";
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
boolean resyncCompleted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(true, false);
assert resyncCompleted : "primary-replica resync finished but was not started";
if (state == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// ignore, shutting down
} else {
failShard("exception during primary-replica resync", e);
} catch (final AlreadyClosedException e) {
// okay, the index was deleted
e -> failShard("exception during primary term transition", e));
primaryTerm = newPrimaryTerm;
* Returns the latest cluster routing entry received with this shard.
@ -434,50 +355,29 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
return cachingPolicy;
* Updates the shards routing entry. This mutate the shards internal state depending
* on the changes that get introduced by the new routing value. This method will persist shard level metadata.
* @throws IndexShardRelocatedException if shard is marked as relocated and relocation aborted
* @throws IOException if shard state could not be persisted
public void updateRoutingEntry(ShardRouting newRouting) throws IOException {
public void updateShardState(final ShardRouting newRouting,
final long newPrimaryTerm,
final CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer,
final long applyingClusterStateVersion,
final Set<String> activeAllocationIds,
final Set<String> initializingAllocationIds) throws IOException {
final ShardRouting currentRouting;
synchronized (mutex) {
currentRouting = this.shardRouting;
if (!newRouting.shardId().equals(shardId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set a routing entry with shardId " + newRouting.shardId() + " on a shard with shardId " + shardId());
if ((currentRouting == null || newRouting.isSameAllocation(currentRouting)) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set a routing entry with a different allocation. Current " + currentRouting + ", new " + newRouting);
if (currentRouting != null && currentRouting.primary() && newRouting.primary() == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal state: trying to move shard from primary mode to replica mode. Current "
+ currentRouting + ", new " + newRouting);
if (shardRouting.primary()) {
updatePrimaryTerm(newPrimaryTerm, primaryReplicaSyncer);
if (state == IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY && newRouting.active()) {
assert currentRouting.active() == false : "we are in POST_RECOVERY, but our shard routing is active " + currentRouting;
// we want to refresh *before* we move to internal STARTED state
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("failed to refresh due to move to cluster wide started", e);
final Engine engine = getEngineOrNull();
// if the engine is not yet started, we are not ready yet and can just ignore this
if (engine != null) {
applyingClusterStateVersion, activeAllocationIds, initializingAllocationIds);
changeState(IndexShardState.STARTED, "global state is [" + newRouting.state() + "]");
} else if (state == IndexShardState.RELOCATED &&
(newRouting.relocating() == false || newRouting.equalsIgnoringMetaData(currentRouting) == false)) {
// if the shard is marked as RELOCATED we have to fail when any changes in shard routing occur (e.g. due to recovery
// failure / cancellation). The reason is that at the moment we cannot safely move back to STARTED without risking two
// active primaries.
throw new IndexShardRelocatedException(shardId(), "Shard is marked as relocated, cannot safely move to state " + newRouting.state());
assert newRouting.active() == false || state == IndexShardState.STARTED || state == IndexShardState.RELOCATED ||
state == IndexShardState.CLOSED :
"routing is active, but local shard state isn't. routing: " + newRouting + ", local state: " + state;
this.shardRouting = newRouting;
persistMetadata(newRouting, currentRouting);
if (currentRouting != null && currentRouting.active() == false && newRouting.active()) {
@ -487,6 +387,117 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
private void updateRoutingEntry(ShardRouting newRouting) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mutex);
final ShardRouting currentRouting = this.shardRouting;
if (!newRouting.shardId().equals(shardId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set a routing entry with shardId " + newRouting.shardId() + " on a shard with shardId " + shardId());
if ((currentRouting == null || newRouting.isSameAllocation(currentRouting)) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set a routing entry with a different allocation. Current " + currentRouting + ", new " + newRouting);
if (currentRouting != null && currentRouting.primary() && newRouting.primary() == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal state: trying to move shard from primary mode to replica mode. Current "
+ currentRouting + ", new " + newRouting);
if (state == IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY && newRouting.active()) {
assert currentRouting.active() == false : "we are in POST_RECOVERY, but our shard routing is active " + currentRouting;
// we want to refresh *before* we move to internal STARTED state
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("failed to refresh due to move to cluster wide started", e);
changeState(IndexShardState.STARTED, "global state is [" + newRouting.state() + "]");
} else if (state == IndexShardState.RELOCATED &&
(newRouting.relocating() == false || newRouting.equalsIgnoringMetaData(currentRouting) == false)) {
// if the shard is marked as RELOCATED we have to fail when any changes in shard routing occur (e.g. due to recovery
// failure / cancellation). The reason is that at the moment we cannot safely move back to STARTED without risking two
// active primaries.
throw new IndexShardRelocatedException(shardId(), "Shard is marked as relocated, cannot safely move to state " + newRouting.state());
assert newRouting.active() == false || state == IndexShardState.STARTED || state == IndexShardState.RELOCATED ||
state == IndexShardState.CLOSED :
"routing is active, but local shard state isn't. routing: " + newRouting + ", local state: " + state;
this.shardRouting = newRouting;
persistMetadata(path, indexSettings, newRouting, currentRouting, logger);
private void updatePrimaryTerm(
final long newPrimaryTerm, final CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mutex);
assert shardRouting.primary() : "primary term can only be explicitly updated on a primary shard";
if (newPrimaryTerm != primaryTerm) {
/* Note that due to cluster state batching an initializing primary shard term can failed and re-assigned
* in one state causing it's term to be incremented. Note that if both current shard state and new
* shard state are initializing, we could replace the current shard and reinitialize it. It is however
* possible that this shard is being started. This can happen if:
* 1) Shard is post recovery and sends shard started to the master
* 2) Node gets disconnected and rejoins
* 3) Master assigns the shard back to the node
* 4) Master processes the shard started and starts the shard
* 5) The node process the cluster state where the shard is both started and primary term is incremented.
* We could fail the shard in that case, but this will cause it to be removed from the insync allocations list
* potentially preventing re-allocation.
assert shardRouting.initializing() == false :
"a started primary shard should never update its term; "
+ "shard " + shardRouting + ", "
+ "current term [" + primaryTerm + "], "
+ "new term [" + newPrimaryTerm + "]";
assert newPrimaryTerm > primaryTerm :
"primary terms can only go up; current term [" + primaryTerm + "], new term [" + newPrimaryTerm + "]";
* Before this call returns, we are guaranteed that all future operations are delayed and so this happens before we
* increment the primary term. The latch is needed to ensure that we do not unblock operations before the primary term is
* incremented.
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// to prevent primary relocation handoff while resync is not completed
boolean resyncStarted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true);
if (resyncStarted == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot start resync while it's already in progress");
() -> {
try {
primaryReplicaSyncer.accept(IndexShard.this, new ActionListener<ResyncTask>() {
public void onResponse(ResyncTask resyncTask) {
logger.info("primary-replica resync completed with {} operations",
boolean resyncCompleted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(true, false);
assert resyncCompleted : "primary-replica resync finished but was not started";
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
boolean resyncCompleted = primaryReplicaResyncInProgress.compareAndSet(true, false);
assert resyncCompleted : "primary-replica resync finished but was not started";
if (state == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// ignore, shutting down
} else {
failShard("exception during primary-replica resync", e);
} catch (final AlreadyClosedException e) {
// okay, the index was deleted
e -> failShard("exception during primary term transition", e));
primaryTerm = newPrimaryTerm;
* Marks the shard as recovering based on a recovery state, fails with exception is recovering is not allowed to be set.
@ -1683,25 +1694,6 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
* Notifies the service of the current allocation IDs in the cluster state. See
* {@link org.elasticsearch.index.seqno.GlobalCheckpointTracker#updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(long, Set, Set)}
* for details.
* @param applyingClusterStateVersion the cluster state version being applied when updating the allocation IDs from the master
* @param activeAllocationIds the allocation IDs of the currently active shard copies
* @param initializingAllocationIds the allocation IDs of the currently initializing shard copies
public void updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(
final long applyingClusterStateVersion, final Set<String> activeAllocationIds, final Set<String> initializingAllocationIds) {
final Engine engine = getEngineOrNull();
// if the engine is not yet started, we are not ready yet and can just ignore this
if (engine != null) {
engine.seqNoService().updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(applyingClusterStateVersion, activeAllocationIds, initializingAllocationIds);
* Updates the known allocation IDs and the local checkpoints for the corresponding allocations from a primary relocation source.
@ -1972,11 +1964,16 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
return engineFactory.newReadWriteEngine(config);
// pkg private for testing
void persistMetadata(ShardRouting newRouting, @Nullable ShardRouting currentRouting) throws IOException {
private static void persistMetadata(
final ShardPath shardPath,
final IndexSettings indexSettings,
final ShardRouting newRouting,
final @Nullable ShardRouting currentRouting,
final Logger logger) throws IOException {
assert newRouting != null : "newRouting must not be null";
// only persist metadata if routing information that is persisted in shard state metadata actually changed
final ShardId shardId = newRouting.shardId();
if (currentRouting == null
|| currentRouting.primary() != newRouting.primary()
|| currentRouting.allocationId().equals(newRouting.allocationId()) == false) {
@ -1988,17 +1985,14 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
writeReason = "routing changed from " + currentRouting + " to " + newRouting;
logger.trace("{} writing shard state, reason [{}]", shardId, writeReason);
final ShardStateMetaData newShardStateMetadata = new ShardStateMetaData(newRouting.primary(), getIndexUUID(), newRouting.allocationId());
ShardStateMetaData.FORMAT.write(newShardStateMetadata, shardPath().getShardStatePath());
final ShardStateMetaData newShardStateMetadata =
new ShardStateMetaData(newRouting.primary(), indexSettings.getUUID(), newRouting.allocationId());
ShardStateMetaData.FORMAT.write(newShardStateMetadata, shardPath.getShardStatePath());
} else {
logger.trace("{} skip writing shard state, has been written before", shardId);
private String getIndexUUID() {
return indexSettings.getUUID();
private DocumentMapperForType docMapper(String type) {
return mapperService.documentMapperWithAutoCreate(type);
@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@ -558,21 +557,17 @@ public class IndicesClusterStateService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imple
+ "cluster state: " + shardRouting + " local: " + currentRoutingEntry;
try {
if (shardRouting.primary()) {
final IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable = routingTable.shardRoutingTable(shardRouting.shardId());
* Filter to shards that track sequence numbers and should be taken into consideration for checkpoint tracking. Shards on
* old nodes will go through a file-based recovery which will also transfer sequence number information.
final Set<String> activeIds =
allocationIdsForShardsOnNodesThatUnderstandSeqNos(indexShardRoutingTable.activeShards(), nodes);
final Set<String> initializingIds =
allocationIdsForShardsOnNodesThatUnderstandSeqNos(indexShardRoutingTable.getAllInitializingShards(), nodes);
shard.updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(clusterState.version(), activeIds, initializingIds);
final long primaryTerm = clusterState.metaData().index(shard.shardId().getIndex()).primaryTerm(shard.shardId().id());
final IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable = routingTable.shardRoutingTable(shardRouting.shardId());
* Filter to shards that track sequence numbers and should be taken into consideration for checkpoint tracking. Shards on old
* nodes will go through a file-based recovery which will also transfer sequence number information.
final Set<String> activeIds = allocationIdsForShardsOnNodesThatUnderstandSeqNos(indexShardRoutingTable.activeShards(), nodes);
final Set<String> initializingIds =
allocationIdsForShardsOnNodesThatUnderstandSeqNos(indexShardRoutingTable.getAllInitializingShards(), nodes);
shardRouting, primaryTerm, primaryReplicaSyncer::resync, clusterState.version(), activeIds, initializingIds);
} catch (Exception e) {
failAndRemoveShard(shardRouting, true, "failed updating shard routing entry", e, clusterState);
@ -739,33 +734,27 @@ public class IndicesClusterStateService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imple
RecoveryState recoveryState();
* Updates the shards routing entry. This mutate the shards internal state depending
* on the changes that get introduced by the new routing value. This method will persist shard level metadata.
* @throws IndexShardRelocatedException if shard is marked as relocated and relocation aborted
* @throws IOException if shard state could not be persisted
void updateRoutingEntry(ShardRouting shardRouting) throws IOException;
* Update the primary term. This method should only be invoked on primary shards.
* @param primaryTerm the new primary term
* @param primaryReplicaSyncer the primary-replica resync action to trigger when a term is increased on a primary
void updatePrimaryTerm(long primaryTerm,
CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer);
* Notifies the service of the current allocation ids in the cluster state.
* Updates the shard state based on an incoming cluster state:
* - Updates and persists the new routing value.
* - Updates the primary term if this shard is a primary.
* - Updates the allocation ids that are tracked by the shard if it is a primary.
* See {@link GlobalCheckpointTracker#updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(long, Set, Set)} for details.
* @param shardRouting the new routing entry
* @param primaryTerm the new primary term
* @param primaryReplicaSyncer the primary-replica resync action to trigger when a term is increased on a primary
* @param applyingClusterStateVersion the cluster state version being applied when updating the allocation IDs from the master
* @param activeAllocationIds the allocation ids of the currently active shard copies
* @param initializingAllocationIds the allocation ids of the currently initializing shard copies
* @throws IndexShardRelocatedException if shard is marked as relocated and relocation aborted
* @throws IOException if shard state could not be persisted
void updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(
long applyingClusterStateVersion, Set<String> activeAllocationIds, Set<String> initializingAllocationIds);
void updateShardState(ShardRouting shardRouting,
long primaryTerm,
CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer,
long applyingClusterStateVersion,
Set<String> activeAllocationIds,
Set<String> initializingAllocationIds) throws IOException;
public interface AllocatedIndex<T extends Shard> extends Iterable<T>, IndexComponent {
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.action.support.replication.TransportWriteActionTestHelp
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.AllocationId;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RecoverySource;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRoutingHelper;
@ -223,9 +224,14 @@ public abstract class ESIndexLevelReplicationTestCase extends IndexShardTestCase
final DiscoveryNode pNode = getDiscoveryNode(primary.routingEntry().currentNodeId());
primary.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(primary.routingEntry(), pNode, null));
HashSet<String> activeIds = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> initializingIds = new HashSet<>();
primary.updateShardState(ShardRoutingHelper.moveToStarted(primary.routingEntry()), primary.getPrimaryTerm(), null,
++clusterStateVersion, activeIds, initializingIds);
for (final IndexShard replica : replicas) {
@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ public abstract class ESIndexLevelReplicationTestCase extends IndexShardTestCase
return replica;
public synchronized void addReplica(IndexShard replica) {
public synchronized void addReplica(IndexShard replica) throws IOException {
assert shardRoutings().stream()
.filter(shardRouting -> shardRouting.isSameAllocation(replica.routingEntry())).findFirst().isPresent() == false :
"replica with aId [" + replica.routingEntry().allocationId() + "] already exists";
@ -278,29 +284,43 @@ public abstract class ESIndexLevelReplicationTestCase extends IndexShardTestCase
primary = replica;
PlainActionFuture<PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask> fut = new PlainActionFuture<>();
primary.updatePrimaryTerm(newTerm, (shard, listener) -> primaryReplicaSyncer.resync(shard,
new ActionListener<PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask>() {
public void onResponse(PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask resyncTask) {
HashSet<String> activeIds = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> initializingIds = new HashSet<>();
newTerm, (shard, listener) -> primaryReplicaSyncer.resync(shard,
new ActionListener<PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask>() {
public void onResponse(PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask resyncTask) {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
}), ++clusterStateVersion, activeIds, initializingIds);
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
return fut;
synchronized boolean removeReplica(IndexShard replica) {
private synchronized Set<String> activeIds() {
return shardRoutings().stream()
private synchronized Set<String> initializingIds() {
return shardRoutings().stream()
synchronized boolean removeReplica(IndexShard replica) throws IOException {
final boolean removed = replicas.remove(replica);
if (removed) {
@ -401,17 +421,9 @@ public abstract class ESIndexLevelReplicationTestCase extends IndexShardTestCase
private void updateAllocationIDsOnPrimary() {
Set<String> active = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> initializing = new HashSet<>();
for (ShardRouting shard: shardRoutings()) {
if (shard.active()) {
} else {
primary.updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(clusterStateVersion, active, initializing);
private void updateAllocationIDsOnPrimary() throws IOException {
primary.updateShardState(primary.routingEntry(), primary.getPrimaryTerm(), null, clusterStateVersion,
activeIds(), initializingIds());
@ -525,16 +525,16 @@ public class IndexShardIT extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
public static final IndexShard recoverShard(IndexShard newShard) throws IOException {
public static final IndexShard recoverShard(IndexShard newShard) throws IOException {
DiscoveryNode localNode = new DiscoveryNode("foo", buildNewFakeTransportAddress(), emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT);
newShard.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(newShard.routingEntry(), localNode, null));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
return newShard;
public static final IndexShard newIndexShard(IndexService indexService, IndexShard shard, IndexSearcherWrapper wrapper,
IndexingOperationListener... listeners) throws IOException {
public static final IndexShard newIndexShard(IndexService indexService, IndexShard shard, IndexSearcherWrapper wrapper,
IndexingOperationListener... listeners) throws IOException {
ShardRouting initializingShardRouting = getInitializingShardRouting(shard.routingEntry());
IndexShard newShard = new IndexShard(initializingShardRouting, indexService.getIndexSettings(), shard.shardPath(),
shard.store(), indexService.getIndexSortSupplier(), indexService.cache(), indexService.mapperService(), indexService.similarityService(),
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
ShardStateMetaData shardStateMetaData = load(logger, shardStatePath);
assertEquals(getShardStateMetadata(shard), shardStateMetaData);
ShardRouting routing = shard.shardRouting;
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, routing);
shardStateMetaData = load(logger, shardStatePath);
assertEquals(shardStateMetaData, getShardStateMetadata(shard));
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
new ShardStateMetaData(routing.primary(), shard.indexSettings().getUUID(), routing.allocationId()));
routing = TestShardRouting.relocate(shard.shardRouting, "some node", 42L);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, routing);
shardStateMetaData = load(logger, shardStatePath);
assertEquals(shardStateMetaData, getShardStateMetadata(shard));
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
indexShard.updatePrimaryTerm(indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {});
indexShard.updateShardState(primaryRouting, indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {},
0L, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
final int delayedOperations = scaledRandomIntBetween(1, 64);
final CyclicBarrier delayedOperationsBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(1 + delayedOperations);
@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
indexShard.updatePrimaryTerm(indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {});
indexShard.updateShardState(primaryRouting, indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {},
0L, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
* This operation completing means that the delay operation executed as part of increasing the primary term has completed and the
@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
ShardRouting replicaRouting = indexShard.routingEntry();
ShardRouting primaryRouting = TestShardRouting.newShardRouting(replicaRouting.shardId(), replicaRouting.currentNodeId(), null,
true, ShardRoutingState.STARTED, replicaRouting.allocationId());
indexShard.updatePrimaryTerm(indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {});
indexShard.updateShardState(primaryRouting, indexShard.getPrimaryTerm() + 1, (shard, listener) -> {},
0L, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
} else {
indexShard = newStartedShard(true);
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
ShardRouting routing = indexShard.routingEntry();
routing = TestShardRouting.newShardRouting(routing.shardId(), routing.currentNodeId(), "otherNode",
true, ShardRoutingState.RELOCATING, AllocationId.newRelocation(routing.allocationId()));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(indexShard, routing);
indexShard.relocated("test", primaryContext -> {});
engineClosed = false;
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
snapshot = newShard.snapshotStoreMetadata();
assertThat(snapshot.getSegmentsFile().name(), equalTo("segments_2"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
snapshot = newShard.snapshotStoreMetadata();
assertThat(snapshot.getSegmentsFile().name(), equalTo("segments_2"));
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testLockingBeforeAndAfterRelocated() throws Exception {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread recoveryThread = new Thread(() -> {
@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testDelayedOperationsBeforeAndAfterRelocated() throws Exception {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
Thread recoveryThread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
shard.relocated("simulated recovery", primaryContext -> {});
@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testStressRelocated() throws Exception {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(shard.routingEntry(), "other_node"));
final int numThreads = randomIntBetween(2, 4);
Thread[] indexThreads = new Thread[numThreads];
CountDownLatch allPrimaryOperationLocksAcquired = new CountDownLatch(numThreads);
@ -1208,17 +1208,17 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testRelocatedShardCanNotBeRevived() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
final ShardRouting originalRouting = shard.routingEntry();
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
shard.relocated("test", primaryContext -> {});
expectThrows(IllegalIndexShardStateException.class, () -> shard.updateRoutingEntry(originalRouting));
expectThrows(IllegalIndexShardStateException.class, () -> IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, originalRouting));
public void testShardCanNotBeMarkedAsRelocatedIfRelocationCancelled() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
final ShardRouting originalRouting = shard.routingEntry();
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, originalRouting);
expectThrows(IllegalIndexShardStateException.class, () -> shard.relocated("test", primaryContext -> {}));
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testRelocatedShardCanNotBeRevivedConcurrently() throws IOException, InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException {
final IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
final ShardRouting originalRouting = shard.routingEntry();
shard.updateRoutingEntry(ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(originalRouting, "other_node"));
CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(3);
AtomicReference<Exception> relocationException = new AtomicReference<>();
Thread relocationThread = new Thread(new AbstractRunnable() {
@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
protected void doRun() throws Exception {
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, originalRouting);
@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
assertEquals(translogOps, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().totalOperations());
assertEquals(translogOps, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().totalOperationsOnStart());
assertEquals(100.0f, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().recoveredPercent(), 0.01f);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
assertDocCount(newShard, 1);
@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
assertEquals(1, numNoops);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
assertDocCount(newShard, 1);
assertDocCount(shard, 2);
closeShards(newShard, shard);
@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
assertEquals(0, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().totalOperations());
assertEquals(0, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().totalOperationsOnStart());
assertEquals(100.0f, newShard.recoveryState().getTranslog().recoveredPercent(), 0.01f);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
assertDocCount(newShard, 0);
@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
newShard.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(newShard.routingEntry(), localNode, null));
assertTrue("recover even if there is nothing to recover", newShard.recoverFromStore());
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, newShard.routingEntry().moveToStarted());
assertDocCount(newShard, 0);
// we can't issue this request through a client because of the inconsistencies we created with the cluster state
// doing it directly instead
@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
ShardRouting origRouting = shard.routingEntry();
assertThat(shard.state(), equalTo(IndexShardState.STARTED));
ShardRouting inRecoveryRouting = ShardRoutingHelper.relocate(origRouting, "some_node");
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, inRecoveryRouting);
shard.relocated("simulate mark as relocated", primaryContext -> {});
assertThat(shard.state(), equalTo(IndexShardState.RELOCATED));
try {
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, origRouting);
fail("Expected IndexShardRelocatedException");
} catch (IndexShardRelocatedException expected) {
@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(target, routing.moveToStarted());
assertDocs(target, "0");
closeShards(source, target);
@ -1843,7 +1843,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
assertEquals(file.recovered(), file.length());
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(targetShard, ShardRoutingHelper.moveToStarted(targetShard.routingEntry()));
assertDocCount(targetShard, 2);
// now check that it's persistent ie. that the added shards are committed
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ public class PrimaryReplicaSyncerTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
boolean syncNeeded = numDocs > 0 && globalCheckPoint < numDocs - 1;
String allocationId = shard.routingEntry().allocationId().getId();
shard.updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(randomNonNegativeLong(), Collections.singleton(allocationId), Collections.emptySet());
shard.updateShardState(shard.routingEntry(), shard.getPrimaryTerm(), null, 1000L, Collections.singleton(allocationId),
shard.updateLocalCheckpointForShard(allocationId, globalCheckPoint);
assertEquals(globalCheckPoint, shard.getGlobalCheckpoint());
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexSearcherWrapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardIT;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoveryState;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESSingleNodeTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ public class IndexingMemoryControllerTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
assertEquals(1, imc.availableShards().size());
assertTrue("we should have flushed in IMC at least once but did: " + flushes.get(), flushes.get() >= 1);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(newShard, routing.moveToStarted());
} finally {
newShard.close("simon says", false);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexEventListener;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices.IndexRemovalReason;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoveryState;
@ -130,14 +131,14 @@ public class IndicesLifecycleListenerSingleNodeTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCas
.updateUnassigned(unassignedInfo, RecoverySource.StoreRecoverySource.EMPTY_STORE_INSTANCE);
newRouting = ShardRoutingHelper.initialize(newRouting, nodeId);
IndexShard shard = index.createShard(newRouting);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, newRouting);
assertEquals(5, counter.get());
final DiscoveryNode localNode = new DiscoveryNode("foo", buildNewFakeTransportAddress(),
emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT);
shard.markAsRecovering("store", new RecoveryState(newRouting, localNode, null));
newRouting = ShardRoutingHelper.moveToStarted(newRouting);
IndexShardTestCase.updateRoutingEntry(shard, newRouting);
assertEquals(6, counter.get());
} finally {
indicesService.removeIndex(idx, DELETED, "simon says");
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexEventListener;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardState;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.PrimaryReplicaSyncer;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.PrimaryReplicaSyncer.ResyncTask;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndicesService;
@ -345,17 +346,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractIndicesClusterStateServiceTestCase extends ESTestC
public ShardRouting routingEntry() {
return shardRouting;
public IndexShardState state() {
return null;
public void updateRoutingEntry(ShardRouting shardRouting) throws IOException {
public void updateShardState(ShardRouting shardRouting,
long newPrimaryTerm,
CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer,
long applyingClusterStateVersion,
Set<String> activeAllocationIds,
Set<String> initializingAllocationIds) throws IOException {
assertThat(this.shardId(), equalTo(shardRouting.shardId()));
assertTrue("current: " + this.shardRouting + ", got: " + shardRouting, this.shardRouting.isSameAllocation(shardRouting));
@ -364,20 +360,22 @@ public abstract class AbstractIndicesClusterStateServiceTestCase extends ESTestC
this.shardRouting = shardRouting;
if (shardRouting.primary()) {
term = newPrimaryTerm;
this.clusterStateVersion = applyingClusterStateVersion;
this.activeAllocationIds = activeAllocationIds;
this.initializingAllocationIds = initializingAllocationIds;
public void updatePrimaryTerm(final long newPrimaryTerm,
CheckedBiConsumer<IndexShard, ActionListener<ResyncTask>, IOException> primaryReplicaSyncer) {
term = newPrimaryTerm;
public ShardRouting routingEntry() {
return shardRouting;
public void updateAllocationIdsFromMaster(
long applyingClusterStateVersion, Set<String> activeAllocationIds, Set<String> initializingAllocationIds) {
this.clusterStateVersion = applyingClusterStateVersion;
this.activeAllocationIds = activeAllocationIds;
this.initializingAllocationIds = initializingAllocationIds;
public IndexShardState state() {
return null;
public void updateTerm(long newTerm) {
@ -355,7 +355,11 @@ public abstract class IndexShardTestCase extends ESTestCase {
updateRoutingEntry(primary, ShardRoutingHelper.moveToStarted(primary.routingEntry()));
public static void updateRoutingEntry(IndexShard shard, ShardRouting shardRouting) throws IOException {
shard.updateShardState(shardRouting, shard.getPrimaryTerm(), null, 0L, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
protected void recoveryEmptyReplica(IndexShard replica) throws IOException {
@ -424,7 +428,7 @@ public abstract class IndexShardTestCase extends ESTestCase {
Settings.builder().put(Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.getKey(), pNode.getName()).build());
updateRoutingEntry(replica, ShardRoutingHelper.moveToStarted(replica.routingEntry()));
private Store.MetadataSnapshot getMetadataSnapshotOrEmpty(IndexShard replica) throws IOException {
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