Pass test JVM arguments to test nodes

This commit passes test JVM arguments (from the system property
tests.jvm.argline) through to the test nodes that are spun up for
integration tests.
This commit is contained in:
Jason Tedor 2016-04-13 20:48:41 -04:00
parent 666172284b
commit 6133214b27

@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ class NodeInfo {
env = [
'JAVA_HOME' : project.javaHome
env = [ 'JAVA_HOME' : project.javaHome ]
args.addAll("-E", "es.node.portsfile=true")
env.put('ES_JAVA_OPTS', config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" }.join(" "))
String collectedSystemProperties = config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" }.join(" ")
String esJavaOpts = config.jvmArgs.isEmpty() ? collectedSystemProperties : collectedSystemProperties + " " + config.jvmArgs
env.put('ES_JAVA_OPTS', esJavaOpts)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> property : {
if (property.getKey().startsWith('es.')) {