From 64d49dae5c6ac06e01866cf98081a316816d219e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martijn van Groningen
+ * Cron expressions are comprised of 6 required fields and one optional field
+ * separated by white space. The fields respectively are described as follows:
+ *
+ *
+ * The '*' character is used to specify all values. For example, "*"
+ * in the minute field means "every minute".
+ *
+ * The '?' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. It
+ * is used to specify 'no specific value'. This is useful when you need to
+ * specify something in one of the two fields, but not the other.
+ *
+ * The '-' character is used to specify ranges For example "10-12" in
+ * the hour field means "the hours 10, 11 and 12".
+ *
+ * The ',' character is used to specify additional values. For example
+ * "MON,WED,FRI" in the day-of-week field means "the days Monday,
+ * Wednesday, and Friday".
+ *
+ * The '/' character is used to specify increments. For example "0/15"
+ * in the seconds field means "the seconds 0, 15, 30, and 45". And
+ * "5/15" in the seconds field means "the seconds 5, 20, 35, and
+ * 50". Specifying '*' before the '/' is equivalent to specifying 0 is
+ * the value to start with. Essentially, for each field in the expression, there
+ * is a set of numbers that can be turned on or off. For seconds and minutes,
+ * the numbers range from 0 to 59. For hours 0 to 23, for days of the month 0 to
+ * 31, and for months 1 to 12. The "/" character simply helps you turn
+ * on every "nth" value in the given set. Thus "7/6" in the
+ * month field only turns on month "7", it does NOT mean every 6th
+ * month, please note that subtlety.
+ *
+ * The 'L' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields.
+ * This character is short-hand for "last", but it has different
+ * meaning in each of the two fields. For example, the value "L" in
+ * the day-of-month field means "the last day of the month" - day 31
+ * for January, day 28 for February on non-leap years. If used in the
+ * day-of-week field by itself, it simply means "7" or
+ * "SAT". But if used in the day-of-week field after another value, it
+ * means "the last xxx day of the month" - for example "6L"
+ * means "the last friday of the month". You can also specify an offset
+ * from the last day of the month, such as "L-3" which would mean the third-to-last
+ * day of the calendar month. When using the 'L' option, it is important not to
+ * specify lists, or ranges of values, as you'll get confusing/unexpected results.
+ *
+ * The 'W' character is allowed for the day-of-month field. This character
+ * is used to specify the weekday (Monday-Friday) nearest the given day. As an
+ * example, if you were to specify "15W" as the value for the
+ * day-of-month field, the meaning is: "the nearest weekday to the 15th of
+ * the month". So if the 15th is a Saturday, the trigger will fire on
+ * Friday the 14th. If the 15th is a Sunday, the trigger will fire on Monday the
+ * 16th. If the 15th is a Tuesday, then it will fire on Tuesday the 15th.
+ * However if you specify "1W" as the value for day-of-month, and the
+ * 1st is a Saturday, the trigger will fire on Monday the 3rd, as it will not
+ * 'jump' over the boundary of a month's days. The 'W' character can only be
+ * specified when the day-of-month is a single day, not a range or list of days.
+ *
+ * The 'L' and 'W' characters can also be combined for the day-of-month
+ * expression to yield 'LW', which translates to "last weekday of the
+ * month".
+ *
+ * The '#' character is allowed for the day-of-week field. This character is
+ * used to specify "the nth" XXX day of the month. For example, the
+ * value of "6#3" in the day-of-week field means the third Friday of
+ * the month (day 6 = Friday and "#3" = the 3rd one in the month).
+ * Other examples: "2#1" = the first Monday of the month and
+ * "4#5" = the fifth Wednesday of the month. Note that if you specify
+ * "#5" and there is not 5 of the given day-of-week in the month, then
+ * no firing will occur that month. If the '#' character is used, there can
+ * only be one expression in the day-of-week field ("3#1,6#3" is
+ * not valid, since there are two expressions).
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * The legal characters and the names of months and days of the week are not
+ * case sensitive.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTES:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Field Name
+ *
+ * Allowed Values
+ *
+ * Allowed Special Characters
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Seconds
+ *
+ * 0-59
+ *
+ * , - * /
+ *
+ *
+ * Minutes
+ *
+ * 0-59
+ *
+ * , - * /
+ *
+ *
+ * Hours
+ *
+ * 0-23
+ *
+ * , - * /
+ *
+ *
+ * Day-of-month
+ *
+ * 1-31
+ *
+ * , - * ? / L W
+ *
+ *
+ * Month
+ *
+ * 1-12 or JAN-DEC
+ *
+ * , - * /
+ *
+ *
+ * Day-of-Week
+ *
+ * 1-7 or SUN-SAT
+ *
+ * , - * ? / L #
+ *
+ *
+ * Year (Optional)
+ *
+ * empty, 1970-2199
+ *
+ * , - * /
+ *
+ *
based on the specified
+ * parameter.
+ *
+ * @param cronExpression String representation of the cron expression the
+ * new object should represent
+ * @throws java.text.ParseException
+ * if the string expression cannot be parsed into a valid
+ * CronExpression
+ */
+ public CronExpression(String cronExpression) throws ParseException {
+ if (cronExpression == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("cronExpression cannot be null");
+ }
+ this.cronExpression = cronExpression.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
+ buildExpression(this.cronExpression);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new {@code CronExpression} as a copy of an existing
+ * instance.
+ *
+ * @param expression
+ * The existing cron expression to be copied
+ */
+ public CronExpression(CronExpression expression) {
+ /*
+ * We don't call the other constructor here since we need to swallow the
+ * ParseException. We also elide some of the sanity checking as it is
+ * not logically trippable.
+ */
+ this.cronExpression = expression.getCronExpression();
+ try {
+ buildExpression(cronExpression);
+ } catch (ParseException ex) {
+ throw new AssertionError();
+ }
+ if (expression.getTimeZone() != null) {
+ setTimeZone((TimeZone) expression.getTimeZone().clone());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the given date satisfies the cron expression. Note that
+ * milliseconds are ignored, so two Dates falling on different milliseconds
+ * of the same second will always have the same result here.
+ *
+ * @param date the date to evaluate
+ * @return a boolean indicating whether the given date satisfies the cron
+ * expression
+ */
+ public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Date date) {
+ Calendar testDateCal = Calendar.getInstance(getTimeZone());
+ testDateCal.setTime(date);
+ testDateCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
+ Date originalDate = testDateCal.getTime();
+ testDateCal.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1);
+ Date timeAfter = getTimeAfter(testDateCal.getTime());
+ return ((timeAfter != null) && (timeAfter.equals(originalDate)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which
+ * satisfies the cron expression.
+ *
+ * @param date the date/time at which to begin the search for the next valid
+ * date/time
+ * @return the next valid date/time
+ */
+ public Date getNextValidTimeAfter(Date date) {
+ return getTimeAfter(date);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which does
+ * not satisfy the expression
+ *
+ * @param date the date/time at which to begin the search for the next
+ * invalid date/time
+ * @return the next valid date/time
+ */
+ public Date getNextInvalidTimeAfter(Date date) {
+ long difference = 1000;
+ //move back to the nearest second so differences will be accurate
+ Calendar adjustCal = Calendar.getInstance(getTimeZone());
+ adjustCal.setTime(date);
+ adjustCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
+ Date lastDate = adjustCal.getTime();
+ Date newDate;
+ //FUTURE_TODO: (QUARTZ-481) IMPROVE THIS! The following is a BAD solution to this problem. Performance will be very bad here, depending on the cron expression. It is, however A solution.
+ //keep getting the next included time until it's farther than one second
+ // apart. At that point, lastDate is the last valid fire time. We return
+ // the second immediately following it.
+ while (difference == 1000) {
+ newDate = getTimeAfter(lastDate);
+ if(newDate == null)
+ break;
+ difference = newDate.getTime() - lastDate.getTime();
+ if (difference == 1000) {
+ lastDate = newDate;
+ }
+ }
+ return new Date(lastDate.getTime() + 1000);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the time zone for which this CronExpression
+ * will be resolved.
+ */
+ public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
+ if (timeZone == null) {
+ timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
+ }
+ return timeZone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the time zone for which this CronExpression
+ * will be resolved.
+ */
+ public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
+ this.timeZone = timeZone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the string representation of the CronExpression
+ *
+ * @return a string representation of the CronExpression
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return cronExpression;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the specified cron expression can be parsed into a
+ * valid cron expression
+ *
+ * @param cronExpression the expression to evaluate
+ * @return a boolean indicating whether the given expression is a valid cron
+ * expression
+ */
+ public static boolean isValidExpression(String cronExpression) {
+ try {
+ new CronExpression(cronExpression);
+ } catch (ParseException pe) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static void validateExpression(String cronExpression) throws ParseException {
+ new CronExpression(cronExpression);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Expression Parsing Functions
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ protected void buildExpression(String expression) throws ParseException {
+ expressionParsed = true;
+ try {
+ if (seconds == null) {
+ seconds = new TreeSetCronExpression
+ */
+ public Date getTimeBefore(Date endTime) {
+ // FUTURE_TODO: implement QUARTZ-423
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time that the
+ * CronExpression
will match.
+ */
+ public Date getFinalFireTime() {
+ // FUTURE_TODO: implement QUARTZ-423
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
+ return ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0));
+ }
+ protected int getLastDayOfMonth(int monthNum, int year) {
+ switch (monthNum) {
+ case 1:
+ return 31;
+ case 2:
+ return (isLeapYear(year)) ? 29 : 28;
+ case 3:
+ return 31;
+ case 4:
+ return 30;
+ case 5:
+ return 31;
+ case 6:
+ return 30;
+ case 7:
+ return 31;
+ case 8:
+ return 31;
+ case 9:
+ return 30;
+ case 10:
+ return 31;
+ case 11:
+ return 30;
+ case 12:
+ return 31;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal month number: "
+ + monthNum);
+ }
+ }
+ private void readObject( stream)
+ throws, ClassNotFoundException {
+ stream.defaultReadObject();
+ try {
+ buildExpression(cronExpression);
+ } catch (Exception ignore) {
+ } // never happens
+ }
+ @Override
+ @Deprecated
+ public Object clone() {
+ return new CronExpression(this);
+ }
+class ValueSet {
+ public int value;
+ public int pos;