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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Zen2: Move all mixed-version REST tests to Zen2 (#36398)
Moves all remaining (rolling-upgrade and mixed-version) REST tests to use Zen2. To avoid adding extra configuration, it relies on Zen2 being set as the default discovery type. This required a few smaller changes in other tests. I've removed AzureMinimumMasterNodesTests which tests Zen1 functionality and dates from a time where host providers were not configurable and each cloud plugin had its own discovery.type, subclassing the ZenDiscovery class. I've also adapted a few tests which were unnecessarily adding addTestZenDiscovery = false for the same legacy reasons. Finally, this also moves the unconfigured-node-name REST test to Zen2, testing the auto-bootstrapping functionality in development mode when no discovery configuration is provided.
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,6 +76,22 @@ class ClusterConfiguration {
* Whether the initial_master_nodes setting should be automatically derived from the nodes
* in the cluster. Only takes effect if all nodes in the cluster understand this setting
* and the discovery type is not explicitly set.
boolean autoSetInitialMasterNodes = true
* Whether the file-based discovery provider should be automatically setup based on
* the nodes in the cluster. Only takes effect if no other hosts provider is already
* configured.
boolean autoSetHostsProvider = true
String jvmArgs = "-Xms" + System.getProperty('tests.heap.size', '512m') +
" " + "-Xmx" + System.getProperty('tests.heap.size', '512m') +
@ -131,13 +131,15 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
Object dependsOn
if (node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter("6.5.0")) {
writeConfigSetup = { Map esConfig ->
// Don't force discovery provider if one is set by the test cluster specs already
if (esConfig.containsKey('discovery.zen.hosts_provider') == false) {
esConfig['discovery.zen.hosts_provider'] = 'file'
if (config.getAutoSetHostsProvider()) {
// Don't force discovery provider if one is set by the test cluster specs already
if (esConfig.containsKey('discovery.zen.hosts_provider') == false) {
esConfig['discovery.zen.hosts_provider'] = 'file'
esConfig['discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts'] = []
esConfig['discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts'] = []
if (hasBwcNodes == false && esConfig['discovery.type'] == null) {
esConfig['discovery.type'] = 'zen2'
boolean supportsInitialMasterNodes = hasBwcNodes == false || config.bwcVersion.onOrAfter("7.0.0")
if (esConfig['discovery.type'] == null && config.getAutoSetInitialMasterNodes() && supportsInitialMasterNodes) {
esConfig['cluster.initial_master_nodes'] = nodes.stream().map({ n ->
if (n.config.settings['node.name'] == null) {
return "node-" + n.nodeNum
@ -84,11 +84,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractAzureComputeServiceTestCase extends ESIntegTestCas
return Collections.singletonList(TestPlugin.class);
protected boolean addTestZenDiscovery() {
return false;
* Register an existing node as a Azure node, exposing its address and details htrough
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.discovery.azure.classic;
import org.elasticsearch.cloud.azure.classic.AbstractAzureComputeServiceTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.MasterNotDiscoveredException;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase;
import java.io.IOException;
* Reported issue in #15
* (https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-azure/issues/15)
@ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope(scope = ESIntegTestCase.Scope.SUITE,
numDataNodes = 0,
transportClientRatio = 0.0,
numClientNodes = 0,
autoMinMasterNodes = false)
public class AzureMinimumMasterNodesTests extends AbstractAzureComputeServiceTestCase {
protected Settings nodeSettings(int nodeOrdinal) {
return Settings.builder()
.put("discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes", 2)
.put("discovery.initial_state_timeout", "1s")
public void testSimpleOnlyMasterNodeElection() throws IOException {
final String node1 = internalCluster().startNode();
expectThrows(MasterNotDiscoveredException.class, () ->
// master is not elected yet
final String node2 = internalCluster().startNode();
expectThrows(MasterNotDiscoveredException.class, () ->
// master has been stopped
final String node3 = internalCluster().startNode();
@ -69,9 +69,4 @@ public abstract class AbstractAwsTestCase extends ESIntegTestCase {
protected Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> nodePlugins() {
return Arrays.asList(Ec2DiscoveryPlugin.class);
protected boolean addTestZenDiscovery() {
return false;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
* starting.
* This test requires AWS to run.
@ClusterScope(scope = Scope.TEST, numDataNodes = 0, numClientNodes = 0, transportClientRatio = 0.0, autoMinMasterNodes = false)
@ClusterScope(scope = Scope.TEST, numDataNodes = 0, numClientNodes = 0, transportClientRatio = 0.0)
public class Ec2DiscoveryUpdateSettingsTests extends AbstractAwsTestCase {
public void testMinimumMasterNodesStart() {
Settings nodeSettings = Settings.builder()
@ -73,11 +73,6 @@ public class GceDiscoverTests extends ESIntegTestCase {
protected boolean addTestZenDiscovery() {
return false;
public void testJoin() {
// start master node
final String masterNode = internalCluster().startMasterOnlyNode();
@ -78,13 +78,12 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade'
otherUnicastHostAddresses = { getOtherUnicastHostAddresses() }
minimumMasterNodes = { 2 }
autoSetInitialMasterNodes = false
/* Override the data directory so the new node always gets the node we
* just stopped's data directory. */
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> oldClusterTest.nodes[stopNode].dataDir }
setting 'repositories.url.allowed_urls', 'http://snapshot.test*'
setting 'node.name', "upgraded-node-${stopNode}"
// TODO: Move to Zen2 once we support rolling upgrade with Zen2
setting 'discovery.type', 'zen'
@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-test'
integTestCluster {
setting 'node.name', null
// TODO: Run this using zen2, with no discovery configuration at all, demonstrating that the node forms a cluster on its own without help
setting 'discovery.type', 'zen'
// Run with no discovery configuration at all, demonstrating that a node in its
// "out-of-the-box" configuration can automatically bootstrap a cluster
autoSetInitialMasterNodes = false
autoSetHostsProvider = false
integTestRunner {
@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ public class ClusterBootstrapService {
transportService.getThreadPool().scheduleUnlessShuttingDown(unconfiguredBootstrapTimeout, Names.SAME, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// TODO: remove the following line once schedule method properly preserves thread context
final GetDiscoveredNodesRequest request = new GetDiscoveredNodesRequest();
logger.trace("sending {}", request);
transportService.sendRequest(transportService.getLocalNode(), GetDiscoveredNodesAction.NAME, request,
@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ public class ClusterBootstrapService {
transportService.getThreadPool().scheduleUnlessShuttingDown(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10), Names.SAME, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// TODO: remove the following line once schedule method properly preserves thread context
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class DiscoveryModule {
public static final String ZEN2_DISCOVERY_TYPE = "zen2";
public static final Setting<String> DISCOVERY_TYPE_SETTING =
new Setting<>("discovery.type", ZEN_DISCOVERY_TYPE, Function.identity(), Property.NodeScope);
new Setting<>("discovery.type", ZEN2_DISCOVERY_TYPE, Function.identity(), Property.NodeScope);
public static final Setting<List<String>> DISCOVERY_HOSTS_PROVIDER_SETTING =
Setting.listSetting("discovery.zen.hosts_provider", Collections.emptyList(), Function.identity(), Property.NodeScope);
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.Discovery;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.DiscoveryModule;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransport;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.TestThreadPool;
@ -102,7 +103,10 @@ public class TransportBootstrapClusterActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Discovery discovery = mock(Discovery.class);
new TransportBootstrapClusterAction(Settings.EMPTY, EMPTY_FILTERS, transportService, discovery); // registers action
final String nonstandardDiscoveryType = randomFrom(DiscoveryModule.ZEN_DISCOVERY_TYPE, "single-node", "unknown");
new TransportBootstrapClusterAction(
Settings.builder().put(DiscoveryModule.DISCOVERY_TYPE_SETTING.getKey(), nonstandardDiscoveryType).build(),
EMPTY_FILTERS, transportService, discovery); // registers action
@ -117,7 +121,8 @@ public class TransportBootstrapClusterActionTests extends ESTestCase {
public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
final Throwable rootCause = exp.getRootCause();
assertThat(rootCause, instanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class));
assertThat(rootCause.getMessage(), equalTo("cluster bootstrapping is not supported by discovery type [zen]"));
assertThat(rootCause.getMessage(), equalTo("cluster bootstrapping is not supported by discovery type [" +
nonstandardDiscoveryType + "]"));
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.Discovery;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.DiscoveryModule;
import org.elasticsearch.discovery.PeersRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransport;
@ -124,7 +125,10 @@ public class TransportGetDiscoveredNodesActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Discovery discovery = mock(Discovery.class);
new TransportGetDiscoveredNodesAction(Settings.EMPTY, EMPTY_FILTERS, transportService, discovery); // registers action
final String nonstandardDiscoveryType = randomFrom(DiscoveryModule.ZEN_DISCOVERY_TYPE, "single-node", "unknown");
new TransportGetDiscoveredNodesAction(
Settings.builder().put(DiscoveryModule.DISCOVERY_TYPE_SETTING.getKey(), nonstandardDiscoveryType).build(),
EMPTY_FILTERS, transportService, discovery); // registers action
@ -139,7 +143,8 @@ public class TransportGetDiscoveredNodesActionTests extends ESTestCase {
public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
final Throwable rootCause = exp.getRootCause();
assertThat(rootCause, instanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class));
assertThat(rootCause.getMessage(), equalTo("discovered nodes are not exposed by discovery type [zen]"));
assertThat(rootCause.getMessage(), equalTo("discovered nodes are not exposed by discovery type [" +
nonstandardDiscoveryType + "]"));
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.discovery;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.Coordinator;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.AllocationService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterApplier;
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ public class DiscoveryModuleTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testDefaults() {
DiscoveryModule module = newModule(Settings.EMPTY, Collections.emptyList());
assertTrue(module.getDiscovery() instanceof ZenDiscovery);
assertTrue(module.getDiscovery() instanceof Coordinator);
public void testLazyConstructionDiscovery() {
@ -205,7 +206,9 @@ public class DiscoveryModuleTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testJoinValidator() {
BiConsumer<DiscoveryNode, ClusterState> consumer = (a, b) -> {};
DiscoveryModule module = newModule(Settings.EMPTY, Collections.singletonList(new DiscoveryPlugin() {
// TODO: move to zen2 once join validators are implemented
DiscoveryModule module = newModule(Settings.builder().put(DiscoveryModule.DISCOVERY_TYPE_SETTING.getKey(),
DiscoveryModule.ZEN_DISCOVERY_TYPE).build(), Collections.singletonList(new DiscoveryPlugin() {
public BiConsumer<DiscoveryNode, ClusterState> getJoinValidator() {
return consumer;
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade-basic'
otherUnicastHostAddresses = { getOtherUnicastHostAddresses() }
minimumMasterNodes = { 2 }
autoSetInitialMasterNodes = false
/* Override the data directory so the new node always gets the node we
* just stopped's data directory. */
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> oldClusterTest.nodes[stopNode].dataDir }
@ -66,8 +67,6 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'basic'
setting 'node.name', "upgraded-node-${stopNode}"
// TODO: Move to Zen2 once we support rolling upgrade with Zen2
setting 'discovery.type', 'zen'
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ subprojects {
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade'
otherUnicastHostAddresses = { getOtherUnicastHostAddresses() }
minimumMasterNodes = { 2 }
autoSetInitialMasterNodes = false
/* Override the data directory so the new node always gets the node we
* just stopped's data directory. */
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> oldClusterTest.nodes[stopNode].dataDir }
@ -215,8 +216,6 @@ subprojects {
if (version.before('6.0.0')) {
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.authc.token.passphrase', 'token passphrase'
// TODO: Move to Zen2 once we support rolling upgrade with Zen2
setting 'discovery.type', 'zen'
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ node.name: "node-master"
node.master: true
node.data: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [""]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-master"]
xpack.ssl.key: $ESCONFIG/certs/node-master/node-master.key
xpack.ssl.certificate: $ESCONFIG/certs/node-master/node-master.crt
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