mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'elastic/master' into zen2
This commit is contained in:
@ -164,6 +164,10 @@ if (project != rootProject) {
apply plugin: 'nebula.maven-base-publish'
apply plugin: 'nebula.maven-scm'
// we need to apply these again to override the build plugin
targetCompatibility = "10"
sourceCompatibility = "10"
// groovydoc succeeds, but has some weird internal exception...
groovydoc.enabled = false
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class PrecommitTasks {
private static Task configureNamingConventions(Project project) {
if (project.sourceSets.findByName("test")) {
Task namingConventionsTask = project.tasks.create('namingConventions', NamingConventionsTask)
namingConventionsTask.javaHome = project.runtimeJavaHome
namingConventionsTask.javaHome = project.compilerJavaHome
return namingConventionsTask
return null
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import java.io.File;
public class GradleServicesAdapter {
public final Project project;
private final Project project;
public GradleServicesAdapter(Project project) {
this.project = project;
@ -20,17 +20,23 @@ package org.elasticsearch.gradle;
public enum Distribution {
INTEG_TEST("integ-test", "zip"),
ZIP("elasticsearch", "zip"),
ZIP_OSS("elasticsearch-oss", "zip");
private final String fileName;
private final String fileExtension;
Distribution(String name) {
Distribution(String name, String fileExtension) {
this.fileName = name;
this.fileExtension = fileExtension;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public String getFileExtension() {
return fileExtension;
@ -20,25 +20,67 @@ package org.elasticsearch.gradle.testclusters;
import org.elasticsearch.GradleServicesAdapter;
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Distribution;
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version;
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger;
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logging;
import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
public class ElasticsearchNode {
private final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(ElasticsearchNode.class);
private final String name;
private final GradleServicesAdapter services;
private final AtomicBoolean configurationFrozen = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(ElasticsearchNode.class);
private final File artifactsExtractDir;
private final File workingDir;
private static final int ES_DESTROY_TIMEOUT = 20;
private static final TimeUnit ES_DESTROY_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
private static final int NODE_UP_TIMEOUT = 30;
private static final TimeUnit NODE_UP_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Predicate<ElasticsearchNode>> waitConditions;
private Distribution distribution;
private String version;
private File javaHome;
private volatile Process esProcess;
private final String path;
public ElasticsearchNode(String name, GradleServicesAdapter services) {
ElasticsearchNode(String path, String name, GradleServicesAdapter services, File artifactsExtractDir, File workingDirBase) {
this.path = path;
this.name = name;
this.services = services;
this.artifactsExtractDir = artifactsExtractDir;
this.workingDir = new File(workingDirBase, safeName(name));
this.waitConditions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
waitConditions.put("http ports file", node -> node.getHttpPortsFile().exists());
waitConditions.put("transport ports file", node -> node.getTransportPortFile().exists());
waitForUri("cluster health yellow", "/_cluster/health?wait_for_nodes=>=1&wait_for_status=yellow");
public String getName() {
@ -50,6 +92,7 @@ public class ElasticsearchNode {
public void setVersion(String version) {
requireNonNull(version, "null version passed when configuring test cluster `" + this + "`");
this.version = version;
@ -59,22 +102,258 @@ public class ElasticsearchNode {
public void setDistribution(Distribution distribution) {
requireNonNull(distribution, "null distribution passed when configuring test cluster `" + this + "`");
this.distribution = distribution;
void start() {
logger.info("Starting `{}`", this);
void stop(boolean tailLogs) {
logger.info("Stopping `{}`, tailLogs: {}", this, tailLogs);
public void freeze() {
requireNonNull(distribution, "null distribution passed when configuring test cluster `" + this + "`");
requireNonNull(version, "null version passed when configuring test cluster `" + this + "`");
logger.info("Locking configuration of `{}`", this);
Objects.requireNonNull(version, "Version of test cluster `" + this + "` can't be null");
public void setJavaHome(File javaHome) {
requireNonNull(javaHome, "null javaHome passed when configuring test cluster `" + this + "`");
if (javaHome.exists() == false) {
throw new TestClustersException("java home for `" + this + "` does not exists: `" + javaHome + "`");
this.javaHome = javaHome;
public File getJavaHome() {
return javaHome;
private void waitForUri(String description, String uri) {
waitConditions.put(description, (node) -> {
try {
URL url = new URL("http://" + this.getHttpPortInternal().get(0) + uri);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()))) {
String response = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
logger.info("{} -> {} ->\n{}", this, uri, response);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Connection attempt to " + this + " failed", e);
synchronized void start() {
logger.info("Starting `{}`", this);
File distroArtifact = new File(
new File(artifactsExtractDir, distribution.getFileExtension()),
distribution.getFileName() + "-" + getVersion()
if (distroArtifact.exists() == false) {
throw new TestClustersException("Can not start " + this + ", missing: " + distroArtifact);
if (distroArtifact.isDirectory() == false) {
throw new TestClustersException("Can not start " + this + ", is not a directory: " + distroArtifact);
services.sync(spec -> {
spec.from(new File(distroArtifact, "config"));
private void startElasticsearchProcess(File distroArtifact) {
logger.info("Running `bin/elasticsearch` in `{}` for {}", workingDir, this);
final ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
"cmd", "/c",
new File(distroArtifact, "\\bin\\elasticsearch.bat").getAbsolutePath()
} else {
new File(distroArtifact.getAbsolutePath(), "bin/elasticsearch").getAbsolutePath()
try {
Map<String, String> environment = processBuilder.environment();
// Don't inherit anything from the environment for as that would lack reproductability
if (javaHome != null) {
environment.put("JAVA_HOME", getJavaHome().getAbsolutePath());
} else if (System.getenv().get("JAVA_HOME") != null) {
logger.warn("{}: No java home configured will use it from environment: {}",
this, System.getenv().get("JAVA_HOME")
environment.put("JAVA_HOME", System.getenv().get("JAVA_HOME"));
} else {
logger.warn("{}: No javaHome configured, will rely on default java detection", this);
environment.put("ES_PATH_CONF", getConfigFile().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath());
environment.put("ES_JAVA_OPTIONS", "-Xms512m -Xmx512m");
// don't buffer all in memory, make sure we don't block on the default pipes
esProcess = processBuilder.start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TestClustersException("Failed to start ES process for " + this, e);
public String getHttpSocketURI() {
return getHttpPortInternal().get(0);
public String getTransportPortURI() {
return getTransportPortInternal().get(0);
synchronized void stop(boolean tailLogs) {
if (esProcess == null && tailLogs) {
// This is a special case. If start() throws an exception the plugin will still call stop
// Another exception here would eat the orriginal.
logger.info("Stopping `{}`, tailLogs: {}", this, tailLogs);
requireNonNull(esProcess, "Can't stop `" + this + "` as it was not started or already stopped.");
if (tailLogs) {
logFileContents("Standard output of node", getStdoutFile());
logFileContents("Standard error of node", getStdErrFile());
esProcess = null;
private void stopHandle(ProcessHandle processHandle) {
// Stop all children first, ES could actually be a child when there's some wrapper process like on Windows.
if (processHandle.isAlive()) {
logProcessInfo("Terminating elasticsearch process:", processHandle.info());
if (processHandle.isAlive()) {
} else {
logger.info("Process was not running when we tried to terminate it.");
if (processHandle.isAlive()) {
logger.info("process did not terminate after {} {}, stopping it forcefully",
if (processHandle.isAlive()) {
throw new TestClustersException("Was not able to terminate es process");
private void logProcessInfo(String prefix, ProcessHandle.Info info) {
logger.info(prefix + " commandLine:`{}` command:`{}` args:`{}`",
info.commandLine().orElse("-"), info.command().orElse("-"),
Arrays.stream(info.arguments().orElse(new String[]{}))
.map(each -> "'" + each + "'")
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "))
private void logFileContents(String description, File from) {
logger.error("{} `{}`", description, this);
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(from))) {
.map(line -> " [" + name + "]" + line)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TestClustersException("Error reading " + description, e);
private void waitForProcessToExit(ProcessHandle processHandle) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.info("Interrupted while waiting for ES process", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
logger.info("Failure while waiting for process to exist", e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
logger.info("Timed out waiting for process to exit", e);
private File getConfigFile() {
return new File(workingDir, "config/elasticsearch.yml");
private File getConfPathData() {
return new File(workingDir, "data");
private File getConfPathSharedData() {
return new File(workingDir, "sharedData");
private File getConfPathRepo() {
return new File(workingDir, "repo");
private File getConfPathLogs() {
return new File(workingDir, "logs");
private File getStdoutFile() {
return new File(getConfPathLogs(), "es.stdout.log");
private File getStdErrFile() {
return new File(getConfPathLogs(), "es.stderr.log");
private void configure() {
LinkedHashMap<String, String> config = new LinkedHashMap<>();
config.put("cluster.name", "cluster-" + safeName(name));
config.put("node.name", "node-" + safeName(name));
config.put("path.repo", getConfPathRepo().getAbsolutePath());
config.put("path.data", getConfPathData().getAbsolutePath());
config.put("path.logs", getConfPathLogs().getAbsolutePath());
config.put("path.shared_data", getConfPathSharedData().getAbsolutePath());
config.put("node.attr.testattr", "test");
config.put("node.portsfile", "true");
config.put("http.port", "0");
config.put("transport.tcp.port", "0");
// Default the watermarks to absurdly low to prevent the tests from failing on nodes without enough disk space
config.put("cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low", "1b");
config.put("cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high", "1b");
// increase script compilation limit since tests can rapid-fire script compilations
config.put("script.max_compilations_rate", "2048/1m");
if (Version.fromString(version).getMajor() >= 6) {
config.put("cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage", "1b");
try {
.map(entry -> entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue())
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TestClustersException("Could not write config file: " + getConfigFile(), e);
logger.info("Written config file:{} for {}", getConfigFile(), this);
private void checkFrozen() {
@ -83,21 +362,121 @@ public class ElasticsearchNode {
private static String safeName(String name) {
return name
.replaceAll("^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "")
.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "-");
private File getHttpPortsFile() {
return new File(getConfPathLogs(), "http.ports");
private File getTransportPortFile() {
return new File(getConfPathLogs(), "transport.ports");
private List<String> getTransportPortInternal() {
File transportPortFile = getTransportPortFile();
try {
return readPortsFile(getTransportPortFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TestClustersException(
"Failed to read transport ports file: " + transportPortFile + " for " + this, e
private List<String> getHttpPortInternal() {
File httpPortsFile = getHttpPortsFile();
try {
return readPortsFile(getHttpPortsFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TestClustersException(
"Failed to read http ports file: " + httpPortsFile + " for " + this, e
private List<String> readPortsFile(File file) throws IOException {
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) {
return reader.lines()
private void waitForAllConditions() {
requireNonNull(esProcess, "Can't wait for `" + this + "` as it was stopped.");
long startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.info("Starting to wait for cluster to come up");
waitConditions.forEach((description, predicate) -> {
long thisConditionStartedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean conditionMet = false;
Throwable lastException = null;
while (
System.currentTimeMillis() - startedAt < MILLISECONDS.convert(NODE_UP_TIMEOUT, NODE_UP_TIMEOUT_UNIT)
) {
if (esProcess.isAlive() == false) {
throw new TestClustersException(
"process was found dead while waiting for " + description + ", " + this
try {
if(predicate.test(this)) {
conditionMet = true;
} catch (TestClustersException e) {
throw new TestClustersException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (lastException == null) {
lastException = e;
} else {
lastException = e;
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (conditionMet == false) {
String message = "`" + this + "` failed to wait for " + description + " after " +
if (lastException == null) {
throw new TestClustersException(message);
} else {
throw new TestClustersException(message, lastException);
"{}: {} took {} seconds",
this, description,
SECONDS.convert(System.currentTimeMillis() - thisConditionStartedAt, MILLISECONDS)
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ElasticsearchNode that = (ElasticsearchNode) o;
return Objects.equals(name, that.name);
return Objects.equals(name, that.name) &&
Objects.equals(path, that.path);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name);
return Objects.hash(name, path);
public String toString() {
return "ElasticsearchNode{name='" + name + "'}";
return "node{" + path + ":" + name + "}";
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.testclusters;
class TestClustersException extends RuntimeException {
TestClustersException(String message) {
TestClustersException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
TestClustersException(Throwable cause) {
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
@ -48,14 +51,17 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static final String NODE_EXTENSION_NAME = "testClusters";
static final String HELPER_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "testclusters";
private static final String SYNC_ARTIFACTS_TASK_NAME = "syncTestClustersArtifacts";
private static final int EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 1;
private static final TimeUnit EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
private final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(TestClustersPlugin.class);
private static final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(TestClustersPlugin.class);
// this is static because we need a single mapping across multi project builds, as some of the listeners we use,
// like task graph are singletons across multi project builds.
private static final Map<Task, List<ElasticsearchNode>> usedClusters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final Map<ElasticsearchNode, Integer> claimsInventory = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final Set<ElasticsearchNode> runningClusters = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
private static volatile ExecutorService executorService;
public void apply(Project project) {
@ -106,6 +112,9 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// After each task we determine if there are clusters that are no longer needed.
// configure hooks to make sure no test cluster processes survive the build
// Since we have everything modeled in the DSL, add all the required dependencies e.x. the distribution to the
// configuration so the user doesn't have to repeat this.
autoConfigureClusterDependencies(project, rootProject, container);
@ -117,8 +126,11 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
NamedDomainObjectContainer<ElasticsearchNode> container = project.container(
name -> new ElasticsearchNode(
new File(project.getBuildDir(), "testclusters")
project.getExtensions().add(NODE_EXTENSION_NAME, container);
@ -137,14 +149,14 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private void createUseClusterTaskExtension(Project project) {
private static void createUseClusterTaskExtension(Project project) {
// register an extension for all current and future tasks, so that any task can declare that it wants to use a
// specific cluster.
project.getTasks().all((Task task) ->
new Closure<Void>(this, task) {
new Closure<Void>(project, task) {
public void doCall(ElasticsearchNode node) {
Object thisObject = this.getThisObject();
if (thisObject instanceof Task == false) {
@ -160,7 +172,7 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private void configureClaimClustersHook(Project project) {
private static void configureClaimClustersHook(Project project) {
project.getGradle().getTaskGraph().whenReady(taskExecutionGraph ->
.forEach(task ->
@ -174,7 +186,7 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private void configureStartClustersHook(Project project) {
private static void configureStartClustersHook(Project project) {
new TaskActionListener() {
@ -196,7 +208,7 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private void configureStopClustersHook(Project project) {
private static void configureStopClustersHook(Project project) {
new TaskExecutionListener() {
@ -226,6 +238,7 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
.filter(entry -> runningClusters.contains(entry.getKey()))
stoppable.forEach(each -> each.stop(false));
@ -251,7 +264,7 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private void autoConfigureClusterDependencies(
private static void autoConfigureClusterDependencies(
Project project,
Project rootProject,
NamedDomainObjectContainer<ElasticsearchNode> container
@ -272,6 +285,59 @@ public class TestClustersPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static void configureCleanupHooks(Project project) {
synchronized (runningClusters) {
if (executorService == null || executorService.isTerminated()) {
executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to configure executor service twice");
// When the Gradle daemon is used, it will interrupt all threads when the build concludes.
executorService.submit(() -> {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException interrupted) {
project.getGradle().buildFinished(buildResult -> {
logger.info("Build finished");
// When the Daemon is not used, or runs into issues, rely on a shutdown hook
// When the daemon is used, but does not work correctly and eventually dies off (e.x. due to non interruptable
// thread in the build) process will be stopped eventually when the daemon dies.
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(TestClustersPlugin::shutDownAllClusters));
private static void shutdownExecutorService() {
try {
if (executorService.awaitTermination(EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_UNIT) == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Failed to shut down executor service after " +
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.info("Wait for testclusters shutdown interrupted", e);
private static void shutDownAllClusters() {
logger.info("Shutting down all test clusters", new RuntimeException());
synchronized (runningClusters) {
runningClusters.forEach(each -> each.stop(true));
@ -154,10 +154,11 @@ public abstract class GradleIntegrationTestCase extends GradleUnitTestCase {
for (String each : text) {
int i = output.indexOf(each);
if (i == -1 ) {
fail("Expected `" + text + "` to appear at most once, but it didn't at all.\n\nOutout is:\n"+ output);
fail("Expected \n```" + each + "```\nto appear at most once, but it didn't at all.\n\nOutout is:\n"+ output
if(output.indexOf(each) != output.lastIndexOf(each)) {
fail("Expected `" + text + "` to appear at most once, but it did multiple times.\n\nOutout is:\n"+ output);
fail("Expected `" + each + "` to appear at most once, but it did multiple times.\n\nOutout is:\n"+ output);
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ public class TestClustersPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
"> Task :user1",
"Starting `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`",
"Stopping `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`"
"Starting `node{::myTestCluster}`",
"Stopping `node{::myTestCluster}`"
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ public class TestClustersPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
assertTaskSuccessful(result, ":user1", ":user2");
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ public class TestClustersPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
"Stopping `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`, tailLogs: true",
"Stopping `node{::myTestCluster}`, tailLogs: true",
"Execution failed for task ':itAlwaysFails'."
@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ public class TestClustersPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
"Stopping `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`, tailLogs: true",
"Stopping `node{::myTestCluster}`, tailLogs: true",
"Execution failed for task ':itAlwaysFails'."
@ -146,8 +145,8 @@ public class TestClustersPluginIT extends GradleIntegrationTestCase {
private void assertStartedAndStoppedOnce(BuildResult result) {
"Starting `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`",
"Stopping `ElasticsearchNode{name='myTestCluster'}`"
"Starting `node{::myTestCluster}`",
"Stopping `node{::myTestCluster}`"
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ repositories {
task user1 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doLast {
println "user1 executing"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
task user2 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doLast {
println "user2 executing"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ testClusters {
task user1 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
task user2 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ testClusters {
task user1 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
task user2 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ testClusters {
task user1 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
task user2 {
useCluster testClusters.myTestCluster
doFirst {
println "$path"
println "$path: Cluster running @ ${testClusters.myTestCluster.httpSocketURI}"
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ package org.elasticsearch.client;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PauseFollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowRequest;
@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ public final class CcrClient {
* Deletes an auto follow pattern.
* Asynchronously deletes an auto follow pattern.
* See <a href="https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ccr-delete-auto-follow-pattern.html">
* the docs</a> for more.
@ -313,4 +315,49 @@ public final class CcrClient {
* Gets an auto follow pattern.
* See <a href="https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern.html">
* the docs</a> for more.
* @param request the request
* @param options the request options (e.g. headers), use {@link RequestOptions#DEFAULT} if nothing needs to be customized
* @return the response
* @throws IOException in case there is a problem sending the request or parsing back the response
public GetAutoFollowPatternResponse getAutoFollowPattern(GetAutoFollowPatternRequest request,
RequestOptions options) throws IOException {
return restHighLevelClient.performRequestAndParseEntity(
* Asynchronously gets an auto follow pattern.
* See <a href="https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern.html">
* the docs</a> for more.
* @param request the request
* @param options the request options (e.g. headers), use {@link RequestOptions#DEFAULT} if nothing needs to be customized
* @param listener the listener to be notified upon request completion
public void getAutoFollowPatternAsync(GetAutoFollowPatternRequest request,
RequestOptions options,
ActionListener<GetAutoFollowPatternResponse> listener) {
@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
package org.elasticsearch.client;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PauseFollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowRequest;
@ -90,4 +92,12 @@ final class CcrRequestConverters {
return new Request(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME, endpoint);
static Request getAutoFollowPattern(GetAutoFollowPatternRequest getAutoFollowPatternRequest) {
String endpoint = new RequestConverters.EndpointBuilder()
.addPathPartAsIs("_ccr", "auto_follow")
return new Request(HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, endpoint);
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.client.ccr;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Validatable;
import java.util.Objects;
* Request class for get auto follow pattern api.
public final class GetAutoFollowPatternRequest implements Validatable {
private final String name;
* Get all auto follow patterns
public GetAutoFollowPatternRequest() {
this.name = null;
* Get auto follow pattern with the specified name
* @param name The name of the auto follow pattern to get
public GetAutoFollowPatternRequest(String name) {
this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name);
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.client.ccr;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ConstructingObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser.Token;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public final class GetAutoFollowPatternResponse {
public static GetAutoFollowPatternResponse fromXContent(final XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
final Map<String, Pattern> patterns = new HashMap<>();
for (Token token = parser.nextToken(); token != Token.END_OBJECT; token = parser.nextToken()) {
if (token == Token.FIELD_NAME) {
final String name = parser.currentName();
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.PARSER.parse(parser, null);
patterns.put(name, pattern);
return new GetAutoFollowPatternResponse(patterns);
private final Map<String, Pattern> patterns;
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse(Map<String, Pattern> patterns) {
this.patterns = Collections.unmodifiableMap(patterns);
public Map<String, Pattern> getPatterns() {
return patterns;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse that = (GetAutoFollowPatternResponse) o;
return Objects.equals(patterns, that.patterns);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(patterns);
public static class Pattern extends FollowConfig {
private static final ConstructingObjectParser<Pattern, Void> PARSER = new ConstructingObjectParser<>(
"pattern", args -> new Pattern((String) args[0], (List<String>) args[1], (String) args[2]));
static {
PARSER.declareString(ConstructingObjectParser.constructorArg(), PutFollowRequest.REMOTE_CLUSTER_FIELD);
PARSER.declareStringArray(ConstructingObjectParser.constructorArg(), PutAutoFollowPatternRequest.LEADER_PATTERNS_FIELD);
PARSER.declareString(ConstructingObjectParser.optionalConstructorArg(), PutAutoFollowPatternRequest.FOLLOW_PATTERN_FIELD);
PARSER.declareInt(Pattern::setMaxReadRequestOperationCount, FollowConfig.MAX_READ_REQUEST_OPERATION_COUNT);
(p, c) -> ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(p.text(), FollowConfig.MAX_READ_REQUEST_SIZE.getPreferredName()),
PARSER.declareInt(Pattern::setMaxOutstandingReadRequests, FollowConfig.MAX_OUTSTANDING_READ_REQUESTS);
PARSER.declareInt(Pattern::setMaxWriteRequestOperationCount, FollowConfig.MAX_WRITE_REQUEST_OPERATION_COUNT);
(p, c) -> ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(p.text(), FollowConfig.MAX_WRITE_REQUEST_SIZE.getPreferredName()),
PARSER.declareInt(Pattern::setMaxOutstandingWriteRequests, FollowConfig.MAX_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_REQUESTS);
PARSER.declareInt(Pattern::setMaxWriteBufferCount, FollowConfig.MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_COUNT);
(p, c) -> ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(p.text(), FollowConfig.MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE.getPreferredName()),
(p, c) -> TimeValue.parseTimeValue(p.text(), FollowConfig.MAX_RETRY_DELAY_FIELD.getPreferredName()),
(p, c) -> TimeValue.parseTimeValue(p.text(), FollowConfig.READ_POLL_TIMEOUT.getPreferredName()),
private final String remoteCluster;
private final List<String> leaderIndexPatterns;
private final String followIndexNamePattern;
Pattern(String remoteCluster, List<String> leaderIndexPatterns, String followIndexNamePattern) {
this.remoteCluster = remoteCluster;
this.leaderIndexPatterns = leaderIndexPatterns;
this.followIndexNamePattern = followIndexNamePattern;
public String getRemoteCluster() {
return remoteCluster;
public List<String> getLeaderIndexPatterns() {
return leaderIndexPatterns;
public String getFollowIndexNamePattern() {
return followIndexNamePattern;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
Pattern pattern = (Pattern) o;
return Objects.equals(remoteCluster, pattern.remoteCluster) &&
Objects.equals(leaderIndexPatterns, pattern.leaderIndexPatterns) &&
Objects.equals(followIndexNamePattern, pattern.followIndexNamePattern);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.WriteRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PauseFollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowRequest;
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.ResumeFollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.UnfollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.core.AcknowledgedResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectPath;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.json.JsonXContent;
@ -48,11 +51,12 @@ import java.util.Map;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
public class CCRIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
public void setupRemoteClusterConfig() throws IOException {
public void setupRemoteClusterConfig() throws Exception {
// Configure local cluster as remote cluster:
// TODO: replace with nodes info highlevel rest client code when it is available:
final Request request = new Request("GET", "/_nodes");
@ -66,6 +70,14 @@ public class CCRIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
ClusterUpdateSettingsResponse updateSettingsResponse =
highLevelClient().cluster().putSettings(updateSettingsRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
assertThat(updateSettingsResponse.isAcknowledged(), is(true));
assertBusy(() -> {
Map<?, ?> localConnection = (Map<?, ?>) toMap(client()
.performRequest(new Request("GET", "/_remote/info")))
assertThat(localConnection, notNullValue());
assertThat(localConnection.get("connected"), is(true));
public void testIndexFollowing() throws Exception {
@ -129,7 +141,6 @@ public class CCRIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
assertThat(unfollowResponse.isAcknowledged(), is(true));
@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/35937")
public void testAutoFollowing() throws Exception {
CcrClient ccrClient = highLevelClient().ccr();
PutAutoFollowPatternRequest putAutoFollowPatternRequest =
@ -146,8 +157,26 @@ public class CCRIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
assertBusy(() -> {
assertThat(indexExists("copy-logs-20200101"), is(true));
// TODO: replace with HLRC follow stats when available:
Map<String, Object> rsp = toMap(client().performRequest(new Request("GET", "/copy-logs-20200101/_ccr/stats")));
String index = null;
try {
index = ObjectPath.eval("indices.0.index", rsp);
} catch (Exception e){ }
assertThat(index, equalTo("copy-logs-20200101"));
GetAutoFollowPatternRequest getAutoFollowPatternRequest =
randomBoolean() ? new GetAutoFollowPatternRequest("pattern1") : new GetAutoFollowPatternRequest();
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse getAutoFollowPatternResponse =
execute(getAutoFollowPatternRequest, ccrClient::getAutoFollowPattern, ccrClient::getAutoFollowPatternAsync);
assertThat(getAutoFollowPatternResponse.getPatterns().size(), equalTo(1));
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern pattern = getAutoFollowPatternResponse.getPatterns().get("pattern1");
assertThat(pattern, notNullValue());
assertThat(pattern.getRemoteCluster(), equalTo(putAutoFollowPatternRequest.getRemoteCluster()));
assertThat(pattern.getLeaderIndexPatterns(), equalTo(putAutoFollowPatternRequest.getLeaderIndexPatterns()));
assertThat(pattern.getFollowIndexNamePattern(), equalTo(putAutoFollowPatternRequest.getFollowIndexNamePattern()));
// Cleanup:
final DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest deleteAutoFollowPatternRequest = new DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest("pattern1");
AcknowledgedResponse deleteAutoFollowPatternResponse =
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.client.ccr;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest.FOLLOW_PATTERN_FIELD;
import static org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest.LEADER_PATTERNS_FIELD;
import static org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowRequest.REMOTE_CLUSTER_FIELD;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.AbstractXContentTestCase.xContentTester;
public class GetAutoFollowPatternResponseTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testFromXContent() throws IOException {
private GetAutoFollowPatternResponse createTestInstance() {
int numPatterns = randomIntBetween(0, 16);
Map<String, GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern> patterns = new HashMap<>(numPatterns);
for (int i = 0; i < numPatterns; i++) {
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern pattern = new GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern(
randomAlphaOfLength(4), Collections.singletonList(randomAlphaOfLength(4)), randomAlphaOfLength(4));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxOutstandingReadRequests(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxOutstandingWriteRequests(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxReadRequestOperationCount(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxReadRequestSize(new ByteSizeValue(randomNonNegativeLong()));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxWriteBufferCount(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxWriteBufferSize(new ByteSizeValue(randomNonNegativeLong()));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxWriteRequestOperationCount(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxWriteRequestSize(new ByteSizeValue(randomNonNegativeLong()));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setMaxRetryDelay(new TimeValue(randomNonNegativeLong()));
if (randomBoolean()) {
pattern.setReadPollTimeout(new TimeValue(randomNonNegativeLong()));
patterns.put(randomAlphaOfLength(4), pattern);
return new GetAutoFollowPatternResponse(patterns);
public static void toXContent(GetAutoFollowPatternResponse response, XContentBuilder builder) throws IOException {
for (Map.Entry<String, GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern> entry : response.getPatterns().entrySet()) {
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern pattern = entry.getValue();
builder.field(REMOTE_CLUSTER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), pattern.getRemoteCluster());
builder.field(LEADER_PATTERNS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), pattern.getLeaderIndexPatterns());
if (pattern.getFollowIndexNamePattern()!= null) {
builder.field(FOLLOW_PATTERN_FIELD.getPreferredName(), pattern.getFollowIndexNamePattern());
entry.getValue().toXContentFragment(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ import org.elasticsearch.client.RequestOptions;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Response;
import org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.GetAutoFollowPatternResponse.Pattern;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PauseFollowRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutAutoFollowPatternRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.ccr.PutFollowRequest;
@ -501,6 +504,70 @@ public class CCRDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
assertTrue(latch.await(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
public void testGetAutoFollowPattern() throws Exception {
RestHighLevelClient client = highLevelClient();
// Put auto follow pattern, so that we can get it:
final PutAutoFollowPatternRequest putRequest =
new PutAutoFollowPatternRequest("my_pattern", "local", Collections.singletonList("logs-*"));
AcknowledgedResponse putResponse = client.ccr().putAutoFollowPattern(putRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
assertThat(putResponse.isAcknowledged(), is(true));
// tag::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-request
GetAutoFollowPatternRequest request =
new GetAutoFollowPatternRequest("my_pattern"); // <1>
// end::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-request
// tag::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute
GetAutoFollowPatternResponse response = client.ccr()
.getAutoFollowPattern(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
// end::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute
// tag::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-response
Map<String, Pattern> patterns = response.getPatterns();
Pattern pattern = patterns.get("my_pattern"); // <1>
// end::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-response
// tag::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute-listener
ActionListener<GetAutoFollowPatternResponse> listener =
new ActionListener<GetAutoFollowPatternResponse>() {
public void onResponse(GetAutoFollowPatternResponse
response) { // <1>
Map<String, Pattern> patterns = response.getPatterns();
Pattern pattern = patterns.get("my_pattern");
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
// <2>
// end::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute-listener
// Replace the empty listener by a blocking listener in test
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
listener = new LatchedActionListener<>(listener, latch);
// tag::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute-async
RequestOptions.DEFAULT, listener); // <1>
// end::ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern-execute-async
assertTrue(latch.await(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// Cleanup:
DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest("my_pattern");
AcknowledgedResponse deleteResponse = client.ccr().deleteAutoFollowPattern(deleteRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
assertThat(deleteResponse.isAcknowledged(), is(true));
static Map<String, Object> toMap(Response response) throws IOException {
return XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()), false);
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
:api: ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern
:request: GetAutoFollowPatternRequest
:response: GetAutoFollowPatternResponse
=== Get Auto Follow Pattern API
==== Request
The Get Auto Follow Pattern API allows you to get a specified auto follow pattern
or all auto follow patterns.
<1> The name of the auto follow pattern to get.
Use the default constructor to get all auto follow patterns.
==== Response
The returned +{response}+ includes the requested auto follow pattern or
all auto follow patterns if default constructor or request class was used.
<1> Get the requested pattern from the list of returned patterns
@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ The Java High Level REST Client supports the following CCR APIs:
* <<{upid}-ccr-unfollow>>
* <<{upid}-ccr-put-auto-follow-pattern>>
* <<{upid}-ccr-delete-auto-follow-pattern>>
* <<{upid}-ccr-get-auto-follow-pattern>>
@ -479,6 +480,7 @@ include::ccr/resume_follow.asciidoc[]
== Index Lifecycle Management APIs
@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ score to documents returned from a query.
User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query.
`doc` (`Map`, read-only)::
Contains the fields of the current document where each field is a
`List` of values.
Contains the fields of the current document. For single-valued fields,
the value can be accessed via `doc['fieldname'].value`. For multi-valued
fields, this returns the first value; other values can be accessed
via `doc['fieldname'].get(index)`
`_score` (`double` read-only)::
The similarity score of the current document.
@ -24,4 +26,33 @@ score to documents returned from a query.
The standard <<painless-api-reference, Painless API>> is available.
The standard <<painless-api-reference, Painless API>> is available.
To run this example, first follow the steps in
<<painless-context-examples, context examples>>.
The following query finds all unsold seats, with lower 'row' values
scored higher.
GET /seats/_search
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"match": { "sold": "false" }
"script_score" : {
"script" : {
"source": "1.0 / doc['row'].value"
// TEST[setup:seats]
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ documents in a query.
`params` (`Map`, read-only)::
User-defined parameters passed in at query-time.
`weight` (`float`, read-only)::
The weight as calculated by a <<painless-weight-context,weight script>>
`query.boost` (`float`, read-only)::
The boost value if provided by the query. If this is not provided the
value is `1.0f`.
@ -37,12 +40,23 @@ documents in a query.
The total occurrences of the current term in the index.
`doc.length` (`long`, read-only)::
The number of tokens the current document has in the current field.
The number of tokens the current document has in the current field. This
is decoded from the stored {ref}/norms.html[norms] and may be approximate for
long fields
`doc.freq` (`long`, read-only)::
The number of occurrences of the current term in the current
document for the current field.
Note that the `query`, `field`, and `term` variables are also available to the
<<painless-weight-context,weight context>>. They are more efficiently used
there, as they are constant for all documents.
For queries that contain multiple terms, the script is called once for each
term with that term's calculated weight, and the results are summed. Note that some
terms might have a `doc.freq` value of `0` on a document, for example if a query
uses synonyms.
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ Use a Painless script to
User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query.
`doc` (`Map`, read-only)::
Contains the fields of the current document where each field is a
`List` of values.
Contains the fields of the current document. For single-valued fields,
the value can be accessed via `doc['fieldname'].value`. For multi-valued
fields, this returns the first value; other values can be accessed
via `doc['fieldname'].get(index)`
`_score` (`double` read-only)::
The similarity score of the current document.
@ -23,4 +25,37 @@ Use a Painless script to
The standard <<painless-api-reference, Painless API>> is available.
The standard <<painless-api-reference, Painless API>> is available.
To run this example, first follow the steps in
<<painless-context-examples, context examples>>.
To sort results by the length of the `theatre` field, submit the following query:
GET /_search
"query" : {
"term" : { "sold" : "true" }
"sort" : {
"_script" : {
"type" : "number",
"script" : {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "doc['theatre'].value.length() * params.factor",
"params" : {
"factor" : 1.1
"order" : "asc"
// TEST[setup:seats]
@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
Use a Painless script to create a
{ref}/index-modules-similarity.html[weight] for use in a
<<painless-similarity-context, similarity script>>. Weight is used to prevent
recalculation of constants that remain the same across documents.
<<painless-similarity-context, similarity script>>. The weight makes up the
part of the similarity calculation that is independent of the document being
scored, and so can be built up front and cached.
Queries that contain multiple terms calculate a separate weight for each term.
@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ or by adding the requested fields in the request body (see
example below). Fields can also be specified with wildcards
in similar way to the <<query-dsl-multi-match-query,multi match query>>
Note that the usage of `/_termvector` is deprecated in 2.0, and replaced by `/_termvectors`.
=== Return values
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ PUT my_index/_doc/1?refresh
PUT my_index/_doc/2?refresh
"text": "This is a another question",
"text": "This is another question",
"my_join_field": {
"name": "question"
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ The mapping above represents the following tree:
Indexing a grand child document requires a `routing` value equals
Indexing a grandchild document requires a `routing` value equals
to the grand-parent (the greater parent of the lineage):
@ -436,4 +436,4 @@ PUT my_index/_doc/3?routing=1&refresh <1>
// TEST[continued]
<1> This child document must be on the same shard than its grand-parent and parent
<2> The parent id of this document (must points to an `answer` document)
<2> The parent id of this document (must points to an `answer` document)
@ -119,3 +119,10 @@ while now an exception is thrown.
The deprecated graph endpoints (those with `/_graph/_explore`) have been
==== Deprecated `_termvector` endpoint removed
The `_termvector` endpoint was deprecated in 2.0 and has now been removed.
The endpoint `_termvectors` (plural) should be used instead.
@ -32,4 +32,10 @@ was moved to `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.PipelineAggregationBuilders`
==== `Retry.withBackoff` methods with `Settings` removed
The variants of `Retry.withBackoff` that included `Settings` have been removed
because `Settings` is no longer needed.
because `Settings` is no longer needed.
==== Deprecated method `Client#termVector` removed
The client method `termVector`, deprecated in 2.0, has been removed. The method
`termVectors` (plural) should be used instead.
@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ TIP: Keeping older segments alive means that more file handles are needed.
Ensure that you have configured your nodes to have ample free file handles.
See <<file-descriptors>>.
NOTE: To prevent against issues caused by having too many scrolls open, the
user is not allowed to open scrolls past a certain limit. By default, the
maximum number of open scrolls is 500. This limit can be updated with the
`search.max_open_scroll_context` cluster setting.
You can check how many search contexts are open with the
<<cluster-nodes-stats,nodes stats API>>:
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"bulk without types on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
refresh: true
- index:
_index: index
_id: 0
- foo: bar
- index:
_index: index
_id: 1
- foo: bar
- do:
index: index
- match: {count: 2}
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"DELETE with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
catch: bad_request
index: index
type: some_random_type
id: 1
- match: { error.root_cause.0.reason: "/Rejecting.mapping.update.to.\\[index\\].as.the.final.mapping.would.have.more.than.1.type.*/" }
- do:
index: index
id: 1
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "_doc" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { _version: 2}
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"Explain with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
indices.refresh: {}
- do:
catch: missing
index: index
type: some_random_type
id: 1
match_all: {}
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "some_random_type" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { matched: false}
- do:
index: index
type: _doc #todo: make _explain typeless and remove this
id: 1
match_all: {}
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "_doc" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- is_true: matched
- match: { explanation.value: 1 }
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"GET with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
catch: missing
index: index
type: some_random_type
id: 1
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "some_random_type" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { found: false}
- do:
index: index
id: 1
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "_doc" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { _version: 1}
- match: { _source: { foo: bar }}
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"Index with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
index: index
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "_doc" }
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { _version: 1}
- do:
get: # not using typeless API on purpose
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "not_doc" } # the important bit to check
- match: { _id: "1"}
- match: { _version: 1}
- match: { _source: { foo: bar }}
- do:
index: index
body: { foo: bar }
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "_doc" }
- match: { _version: 1}
- set: { _id: id }
- do:
get: # using typeful API on purpose
index: index
type: not_doc
id: '$id'
- match: { _index: "index" }
- match: { _type: "not_doc" } # the important bit to check
- match: { _id: $id}
- match: { _version: 1}
- match: { _source: { foo: bar }}
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"GET mapping with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: include_type_name was introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
include_type_name: false
index: index
- match: { index.mappings.properties.foo.type: "keyword" }
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"PUT mapping with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: include_type_name was introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
include_type_name: false
index: index
type: "long"
- do:
include_type_name: false
index: index
- match: { index.mappings.properties.foo.type: "keyword" }
- match: { index.mappings.properties.bar.type: "long" }
- do:
include_type_name: false
index: index
type: "keyword" # also test no-op updates that trigger special logic wrt the mapping version
- do:
catch: bad_request
index: index
type: "long"
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"mtermvectors without types on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type : "text"
term_vector : "with_positions_offsets"
- do:
index: index
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
- _index: index
_id: 1
- match: {docs.0.term_vectors.foo.terms.bar.term_freq: 1}
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"Term vectors with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "text"
term_vector: "with_positions"
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
indices.refresh: {}
- do:
index: index
type: _doc # todo: remove when termvectors support typeless API
id: 1
- is_true: found
- match: {_type: _doc}
- match: {term_vectors.foo.terms.bar.term_freq: 1}
- do:
index: index
type: some_random_type
id: 1
- is_false: found
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"Update with typeless API on an index that has types":
- skip:
version: " - 6.99.99"
reason: Typeless APIs were introduced in 7.0.0
- do:
indices.create: # not using include_type_name: false on purpose
index: index
type: "keyword"
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
body: { foo: bar }
- do:
index: index
id: 1
foo: baz
- do:
index: index
type: not_doc
id: 1
- match: { _source.foo: baz }
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
public class Version implements Comparable<Version>, ToXContentFragment {
@ -192,7 +193,30 @@ public class Version implements Comparable<Version>, ToXContentFragment {
case V_EMPTY_ID:
return V_EMPTY;
return new Version(id, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LATEST);
// We need at least the major of the Lucene version to be correct.
// Our best guess is to use the same Lucene version as the previous
// version in the list, assuming that it didn't change. This is at
// least correct for patch versions of known minors since we never
// update the Lucene dependency for patch versions.
List<Version> versions = DeclaredVersionsHolder.DECLARED_VERSIONS;
Version tmp = new Version(id, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LATEST);
int index = Collections.binarySearch(versions, tmp);
if (index < 0) {
index = -2 - index;
} else {
assert false : "Version [" + tmp + "] is declared but absent from the switch statement in Version#fromId";
final org.apache.lucene.util.Version luceneVersion;
if (index == -1) {
// this version is older than any supported version, so we
// assume it is the previous major to the oldest Lucene version
// that we know about
luceneVersion = org.apache.lucene.util.Version.fromBits(
versions.get(0).luceneVersion.major - 1, 0, 0);
} else {
luceneVersion = versions.get(index).luceneVersion;
return new Version(id, luceneVersion);
@ -300,7 +324,7 @@ public class Version implements Comparable<Version>, ToXContentFragment {
this.minor = (byte) ((id / 10000) % 100);
this.revision = (byte) ((id / 100) % 100);
this.build = (byte) (id % 100);
this.luceneVersion = luceneVersion;
this.luceneVersion = Objects.requireNonNull(luceneVersion);
public boolean after(Version version) {
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlockLevel;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexNameExpressionResolver;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService;
@ -77,14 +76,14 @@ public class TransportTypesExistsAction extends TransportMasterNodeReadAction<Ty
ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappings = state.metaData().getIndices().get(concreteIndex).getMappings();
if (mappings.isEmpty()) {
MappingMetaData mapping = state.metaData().getIndices().get(concreteIndex).mapping();
if (mapping == null) {
listener.onResponse(new TypesExistsResponse(false));
for (String type : request.types()) {
if (!mappings.containsKey(type)) {
if (mapping.type().equals(type) == false) {
listener.onResponse(new TypesExistsResponse(false));
@ -334,8 +334,7 @@ public class TransportBulkAction extends HandledTransportAction<BulkRequest, Bul
case DELETE:
docWriteRequest.routing(metaData.resolveWriteIndexRouting(docWriteRequest.routing(), docWriteRequest.index()));
// check if routing is required, if so, throw error if routing wasn't specified
if (docWriteRequest.routing() == null && metaData.routingRequired(concreteIndex.getName(),
docWriteRequest.type())) {
if (docWriteRequest.routing() == null && metaData.routingRequired(concreteIndex.getName())) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(concreteIndex.getName(), docWriteRequest.type(), docWriteRequest.id());
@ -30,11 +30,15 @@ import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexNameExpressionResolver;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardIterator;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.IdFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.search.SearchService;
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ public class TransportExplainAction extends TransportSingleShardAction<ExplainRe
// Fail fast on the node that received the request.
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type())) {
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex())) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type(), request.request().id());
@ -104,15 +108,19 @@ public class TransportExplainAction extends TransportSingleShardAction<ExplainRe
protected ExplainResponse shardOperation(ExplainRequest request, ShardId shardId) throws IOException {
String[] types;
if (MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME.equals(request.type())) { // typeless explain call
types = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
} else {
types = new String[] { request.type() };
ShardSearchLocalRequest shardSearchLocalRequest = new ShardSearchLocalRequest(shardId,
new String[]{request.type()}, request.nowInMillis, request.filteringAlias());
types, request.nowInMillis, request.filteringAlias());
SearchContext context = searchService.createSearchContext(shardSearchLocalRequest, SearchService.NO_TIMEOUT);
Engine.GetResult result = null;
try {
Term uidTerm = context.mapperService().createUidTerm(request.type(), request.id());
if (uidTerm == null) {
return new ExplainResponse(shardId.getIndexName(), request.type(), request.id(), false);
// No need to check the type, IndexShard#get does it for us
Term uidTerm = new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(request.id()));
result = context.indexShard().get(new Engine.Get(false, false, request.type(), request.id(), uidTerm));
if (!result.exists()) {
return new ExplainResponse(shardId.getIndexName(), request.type(), request.id(), false);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class TransportGetAction extends TransportSingleShardAction<GetRequest, G
// update the routing (request#index here is possibly an alias)
request.request().routing(state.metaData().resolveIndexRouting(request.request().routing(), request.request().index()));
// Fail fast on the node that received the request.
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type())) {
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex())) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type(), request.request().id());
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class TransportMultiGetAction extends HandledTransportAction<MultiGetRequ
concreteSingleIndex = indexNameExpressionResolver.concreteSingleIndex(clusterState, item).getName();
item.routing(clusterState.metaData().resolveIndexRouting(item.routing(), item.index()));
if ((item.routing() == null) && (clusterState.getMetaData().routingRequired(concreteSingleIndex, item.type()))) {
if ((item.routing() == null) && (clusterState.getMetaData().routingRequired(concreteSingleIndex))) {
responses.set(i, newItemFailure(concreteSingleIndex, item.type(), item.id(),
new RoutingMissingException(concreteSingleIndex, item.type(), item.id())));
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ public class MultiTermVectorsRequest extends ActionRequest
throw new IllegalArgumentException("docs array element should include an object");
TermVectorsRequest termVectorsRequest = new TermVectorsRequest(template);
TermVectorsRequest.parseRequest(termVectorsRequest, parser);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class TransportMultiTermVectorsAction extends HandledTransportAction<Mult
String concreteSingleIndex = indexNameExpressionResolver.concreteSingleIndex(clusterState, termVectorsRequest).getName();
if (termVectorsRequest.routing() == null &&
clusterState.getMetaData().routingRequired(concreteSingleIndex, termVectorsRequest.type())) {
clusterState.getMetaData().routingRequired(concreteSingleIndex)) {
responses.set(i, new MultiTermVectorsItemResponse(null,
new MultiTermVectorsResponse.Failure(concreteSingleIndex, termVectorsRequest.type(), termVectorsRequest.id(),
new RoutingMissingException(concreteSingleIndex, termVectorsRequest.type(), termVectorsRequest.id()))));
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class TransportTermVectorsAction extends TransportSingleShardAction<TermV
// update the routing (request#index here is possibly an alias or a parent)
request.request().routing(state.metaData().resolveIndexRouting(request.request().routing(), request.request().index()));
// Fail fast on the node that received the request.
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type())) {
if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex())) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type(), request.request().id());
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public class TransportUpdateAction extends TransportInstanceSingleOperationActio
public static void resolveAndValidateRouting(MetaData metaData, String concreteIndex, UpdateRequest request) {
request.routing((metaData.resolveWriteIndexRouting(request.routing(), request.index())));
// Fail fast on the node that received the request, rather than failing when translating on the index or delete request.
if (request.routing() == null && metaData.routingRequired(concreteIndex, request.type())) {
if (request.routing() == null && metaData.routingRequired(concreteIndex)) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(concreteIndex, request.type(), request.id());
@ -370,39 +370,6 @@ public interface Client extends ElasticsearchClient, Releasable {
TermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareTermVectors(String index, String type, String id);
* An action that returns the term vectors for a specific document.
* @param request The term vector request
* @return The response future
ActionFuture<TermVectorsResponse> termVector(TermVectorsRequest request);
* An action that returns the term vectors for a specific document.
* @param request The term vector request
void termVector(TermVectorsRequest request, ActionListener<TermVectorsResponse> listener);
* Builder for the term vector request.
TermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareTermVector();
* Builder for the term vector request.
* @param index The index to load the document from
* @param type The type of the document
* @param id The id of the document
TermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareTermVector(String index, String type, String id);
* Multi get term vectors.
@ -581,30 +581,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractClient implements Client {
return new TermVectorsRequestBuilder(this, TermVectorsAction.INSTANCE, index, type, id);
public ActionFuture<TermVectorsResponse> termVector(final TermVectorsRequest request) {
return termVectors(request);
public void termVector(final TermVectorsRequest request, final ActionListener<TermVectorsResponse> listener) {
termVectors(request, listener);
public TermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareTermVector() {
return prepareTermVectors();
public TermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareTermVector(String index, String type, String id) {
return prepareTermVectors(index, type, id);
public ActionFuture<MultiTermVectorsResponse> multiTermVectors(final MultiTermVectorsRequest request) {
return execute(MultiTermVectorsAction.INSTANCE, request);
@ -449,13 +449,37 @@ public class IndexMetaData implements Diffable<IndexMetaData>, ToXContentFragmen
return this.aliases;
* Return an object that maps each type to the associated mappings.
* The return value is never {@code null} but may be empty if the index
* has no mappings.
* @deprecated Use {@link #mapping()} instead now that indices have a single type
public ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> getMappings() {
return mappings;
* Return the concrete mapping for this index or {@code null} if this index has no mappings at all.
public MappingMetaData mapping(String mappingType) {
return mappings.get(mappingType);
public MappingMetaData mapping() {
for (ObjectObjectCursor<String, MappingMetaData> cursor : mappings) {
if (cursor.key.equals(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING) == false) {
return cursor.value;
return null;
* Get the default mapping.
* NOTE: this is always {@code null} for 7.x indices which are disallowed to have a default mapping.
public MappingMetaData defaultMapping() {
return mappings.get(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING);
public static final String INDEX_RESIZE_SOURCE_UUID_KEY = "index.resize.source.uuid";
@ -742,13 +742,12 @@ public class MetaData implements Iterable<IndexMetaData>, Diffable<MetaData>, To
* @param concreteIndex The concrete index to check if routing is required
* @param type The type to check if routing is required
* @return Whether routing is required according to the mapping for the specified index and type
public boolean routingRequired(String concreteIndex, String type) {
public boolean routingRequired(String concreteIndex) {
IndexMetaData indexMetaData = indices.get(concreteIndex);
if (indexMetaData != null) {
MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = indexMetaData.getMappings().get(type);
MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = indexMetaData.mapping();
if (mappingMetaData != null) {
return mappingMetaData.routing().required();
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public class MetaDataMappingService {
// try and parse it (no need to add it here) so we can bail early in case of parsing exception
DocumentMapper newMapper;
DocumentMapper existingMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(request.type());
DocumentMapper existingMapper = mapperService.documentMapper();
if (MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING.equals(request.type())) {
// _default_ types do not go through merging, but we do test the new settings. Also don't apply the old default
newMapper = mapperService.parse(request.type(), mappingUpdateSource, false);
@ -295,12 +295,22 @@ public class MetaDataMappingService {
// we use the exact same indexService and metadata we used to validate above here to actually apply the update
final Index index = indexMetaData.getIndex();
final MapperService mapperService = indexMapperServices.get(index);
String typeForUpdate = mappingType; // the type to use to apply the mapping update
if (MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME.equals(typeForUpdate)) {
// If the user gave _doc as a special type value or if (s)he is using the new typeless APIs,
// then we apply the mapping update to the existing type. This allows to move to typeless
// APIs with indices whose type name is different from `_doc`.
DocumentMapper mapper = mapperService.documentMapper();
if (mapper != null) {
typeForUpdate = mapper.type();
CompressedXContent existingSource = null;
DocumentMapper existingMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(mappingType);
DocumentMapper existingMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(typeForUpdate);
if (existingMapper != null) {
existingSource = existingMapper.mappingSource();
DocumentMapper mergedMapper = mapperService.merge(mappingType, mappingUpdateSource, MergeReason.MAPPING_UPDATE);
DocumentMapper mergedMapper = mapperService.merge(typeForUpdate, mappingUpdateSource, MergeReason.MAPPING_UPDATE);
CompressedXContent updatedSource = mergedMapper.mappingSource();
if (existingSource != null) {
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ public final class ClusterSettings extends AbstractScopedSettings {
@ -2108,8 +2108,9 @@ public class InternalEngine extends Engine {
// Give us the opportunity to upgrade old segments while performing
// background merges
MergePolicy mergePolicy = config().getMergePolicy();
// always configure soft-deletes field so an engine with soft-deletes disabled can open a Lucene index with soft-deletes.
if (softDeleteEnabled) {
mergePolicy = new RecoverySourcePruneMergePolicy(SourceFieldMapper.RECOVERY_SOURCE_NAME, softDeletesPolicy::getRetentionQuery,
new SoftDeletesRetentionMergePolicy(Lucene.SOFT_DELETES_FIELD, softDeletesPolicy::getRetentionQuery, mergePolicy));
@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.CustomFieldsVisitor;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.FieldsVisitor;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.IdFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Mapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.RoutingFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.SourceFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.FetchSourceContext;
@ -157,13 +159,11 @@ public final class ShardGetService extends AbstractIndexShardComponent {
Engine.GetResult get = null;
if (type != null) {
Term uidTerm = mapperService.createUidTerm(type, id);
if (uidTerm != null) {
get = indexShard.get(new Engine.Get(realtime, readFromTranslog, type, id, uidTerm)
if (get.exists() == false) {
Term uidTerm = new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(id));
get = indexShard.get(new Engine.Get(realtime, readFromTranslog, type, id, uidTerm)
if (get.exists() == false) {
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public final class ShardGetService extends AbstractIndexShardComponent {
DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(type);
DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper();
if (gFields != null && gFields.length > 0) {
for (String field : gFields) {
@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ final class DocumentParser {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("It is forbidden to index into the default mapping [" + MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING + "]");
if (Objects.equals(source.type(), docMapper.type()) == false) {
if (Objects.equals(source.type(), docMapper.type()) == false &&
MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME.equals(source.type()) == false) { // used by typeless APIs
throw new MapperParsingException("Type mismatch, provide type [" + source.type() + "] but mapper is of type ["
+ docMapper.type() + "]");
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.DelegatingAnalyzerWrapper;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.elasticsearch.Assertions;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
@ -218,7 +217,14 @@ public class MapperService extends AbstractIndexComponent implements Closeable {
for (DocumentMapper documentMapper : updatedEntries.values()) {
String mappingType = documentMapper.type();
CompressedXContent incomingMappingSource = newIndexMetaData.mapping(mappingType).source();
MappingMetaData mappingMetaData;
if (mappingType.equals(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
mappingMetaData = newIndexMetaData.defaultMapping();
} else {
mappingMetaData = newIndexMetaData.mapping();
assert mappingType.equals(mappingMetaData.type());
CompressedXContent incomingMappingSource = mappingMetaData.source();
String op = existingMappers.contains(mappingType) ? "updated" : "added";
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && incomingMappingSource.compressed().length < 512) {
@ -254,13 +260,25 @@ public class MapperService extends AbstractIndexComponent implements Closeable {
if (currentIndexMetaData.getMappingVersion() == newIndexMetaData.getMappingVersion()) {
// if the mapping version is unchanged, then there should not be any updates and all mappings should be the same
assert updatedEntries.isEmpty() : updatedEntries;
for (final ObjectCursor<MappingMetaData> mapping : newIndexMetaData.getMappings().values()) {
final CompressedXContent currentSource = currentIndexMetaData.mapping(mapping.value.type()).source();
final CompressedXContent newSource = mapping.value.source();
MappingMetaData defaultMapping = newIndexMetaData.defaultMapping();
if (defaultMapping != null) {
final CompressedXContent currentSource = currentIndexMetaData.defaultMapping().source();
final CompressedXContent newSource = defaultMapping.source();
assert currentSource.equals(newSource) :
"expected current mapping [" + currentSource + "] for type [" + mapping.value.type() + "] "
"expected current mapping [" + currentSource + "] for type [" + defaultMapping.type() + "] "
+ "to be the same as new mapping [" + newSource + "]";
MappingMetaData mapping = newIndexMetaData.mapping();
if (mapping != null) {
final CompressedXContent currentSource = currentIndexMetaData.mapping().source();
final CompressedXContent newSource = mapping.source();
assert currentSource.equals(newSource) :
"expected current mapping [" + currentSource + "] for type [" + mapping.type() + "] "
+ "to be the same as new mapping [" + newSource + "]";
} else {
// if the mapping version is changed, it should increase, there should be updates, and the mapping should be different
final long currentMappingVersion = currentIndexMetaData.getMappingVersion();
@ -270,7 +288,13 @@ public class MapperService extends AbstractIndexComponent implements Closeable {
+ "to be less than new mapping version [" + newMappingVersion + "]";
assert updatedEntries.isEmpty() == false;
for (final DocumentMapper documentMapper : updatedEntries.values()) {
final MappingMetaData currentMapping = currentIndexMetaData.mapping(documentMapper.type());
final MappingMetaData currentMapping;
if (documentMapper.type().equals(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
currentMapping = currentIndexMetaData.defaultMapping();
} else {
currentMapping = currentIndexMetaData.mapping();
assert currentMapping == null || documentMapper.type().equals(currentMapping.type());
if (currentMapping != null) {
final CompressedXContent currentSource = currentMapping.source();
final CompressedXContent newSource = documentMapper.mappingSource();
@ -766,11 +790,4 @@ public class MapperService extends AbstractIndexComponent implements Closeable {
/** Return a term that uniquely identifies the document, or {@code null} if the type is not allowed. */
public Term createUidTerm(String type, String id) {
if (mapper == null || mapper.type().equals(type) == false) {
return null;
return new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(id));
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.search.ReferenceManager;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
import org.apache.lucene.search.UsageTrackingQueryCachingPolicy;
import org.apache.lucene.store.AlreadyClosedException;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ThreadInterruptedException;
import org.elasticsearch.Assertions;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
@ -63,6 +62,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AsyncIOProcessor;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.RunOnce;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.core.internal.io.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.cache.request.ShardRequestCache;
import org.elasticsearch.index.codec.CodecService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.CommitStats;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine.GetResult;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.EngineConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.EngineException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.EngineFactory;
@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
} catch (final AlreadyClosedException e) {
// okay, the index was deleted
}, null);
// set this last, once we finished updating all internal state.
@ -815,23 +816,23 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
} catch (MapperParsingException | IllegalArgumentException | TypeMissingException e) {
return new Engine.DeleteResult(e, version, operationPrimaryTerm, seqNo, false);
final Term uid = extractUidForDelete(type, id);
if (resolveType(type).equals(mapperService.documentMapper().type()) == false) {
// We should never get there due to the fact that we generate mapping updates on deletes,
// but we still prefer to have a hard exception here as we would otherwise delete a
// document in the wrong type.
throw new IllegalStateException("Deleting document from type [" + resolveType(type) + "] while current type is [" +
mapperService.documentMapper().type() + "]");
final Term uid = new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(id));
final Engine.Delete delete = prepareDelete(type, id, uid, seqNo, opPrimaryTerm, version,
versionType, origin);
return delete(getEngine(), delete);
private static Engine.Delete prepareDelete(String type, String id, Term uid, long seqNo, long primaryTerm, long version,
private Engine.Delete prepareDelete(String type, String id, Term uid, long seqNo, long primaryTerm, long version,
VersionType versionType, Engine.Operation.Origin origin) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
return new Engine.Delete(type, id, uid, seqNo, primaryTerm, version, versionType, origin, startTime);
private Term extractUidForDelete(String type, String id) {
// This is only correct because we create types dynamically on delete operations
// otherwise this could match the same _id from a different type
BytesRef idBytes = Uid.encodeId(id);
return new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, idBytes);
return new Engine.Delete(resolveType(type), id, uid, seqNo, primaryTerm, version, versionType, origin, startTime);
private Engine.DeleteResult delete(Engine engine, Engine.Delete delete) throws IOException {
@ -853,6 +854,10 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
public Engine.GetResult get(Engine.Get get) {
DocumentMapper mapper = mapperService.documentMapper();
if (mapper == null || mapper.type().equals(resolveType(get.type())) == false) {
return GetResult.NOT_EXISTS;
return getEngine().get(get, this::acquireSearcher);
@ -2273,8 +2278,23 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
* If an index/update/get/delete operation is using the special `_doc` type, then we replace
* it with the actual type that is being used in the mappings so that users may use typeless
* APIs with indices that have types.
private String resolveType(String type) {
if (MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME.equals(type)) {
DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper();
if (docMapper != null) {
return docMapper.type();
return type;
private DocumentMapperForType docMapper(String type) {
return mapperService.documentMapperWithAutoCreate(type);
return mapperService.documentMapperWithAutoCreate(resolveType(type));
private EngineConfig newEngineConfig() {
@ -2316,14 +2336,26 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
indexShardOperationPermits.asyncBlockOperations(onPermitAcquired, timeout.duration(), timeout.timeUnit());
private <E extends Exception> void bumpPrimaryTerm(final long newPrimaryTerm, final CheckedRunnable<E> onBlocked) {
private <E extends Exception> void bumpPrimaryTerm(final long newPrimaryTerm,
final CheckedRunnable<E> onBlocked,
@Nullable ActionListener<Releasable> combineWithAction) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mutex);
assert newPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm;
assert newPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm || (newPrimaryTerm >= pendingPrimaryTerm && combineWithAction != null);
assert operationPrimaryTerm <= pendingPrimaryTerm;
final CountDownLatch termUpdated = new CountDownLatch(1);
indexShardOperationPermits.asyncBlockOperations(new ActionListener<Releasable>() {
public void onFailure(final Exception e) {
try {
} finally {
if (combineWithAction != null) {
private void innerFail(final Exception e) {
try {
failShard("exception during primary term transition", e);
} catch (AlreadyClosedException ace) {
@ -2333,7 +2365,8 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
public void onResponse(final Releasable releasable) {
try (Releasable ignored = releasable) {
final RunOnce releaseOnce = new RunOnce(releasable::close);
try {
assert operationPrimaryTerm <= pendingPrimaryTerm;
// indexShardOperationPermits doesn't guarantee that async submissions are executed
@ -2343,7 +2376,17 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (combineWithAction == null) {
// otherwise leave it to combineWithAction to release the permit
} finally {
if (combineWithAction != null) {
} else {
}, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
@ -2371,7 +2414,7 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
public void acquireReplicaOperationPermit(final long opPrimaryTerm, final long globalCheckpoint, final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes,
final ActionListener<Releasable> onPermitAcquired, final String executorOnDelay,
final Object debugInfo) {
innerAcquireReplicaOperationPermit(opPrimaryTerm, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, onPermitAcquired,
innerAcquireReplicaOperationPermit(opPrimaryTerm, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, onPermitAcquired, false,
(listener) -> indexShardOperationPermits.acquire(listener, executorOnDelay, true, debugInfo));
@ -2393,7 +2436,7 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes,
final ActionListener<Releasable> onPermitAcquired,
final TimeValue timeout) {
innerAcquireReplicaOperationPermit(opPrimaryTerm, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, onPermitAcquired,
innerAcquireReplicaOperationPermit(opPrimaryTerm, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, onPermitAcquired, true,
(listener) -> indexShardOperationPermits.asyncBlockOperations(listener, timeout.duration(), timeout.timeUnit()));
@ -2401,41 +2444,16 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
final long globalCheckpoint,
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes,
final ActionListener<Releasable> onPermitAcquired,
final Consumer<ActionListener<Releasable>> consumer) {
final boolean allowCombineOperationWithPrimaryTermUpdate,
final Consumer<ActionListener<Releasable>> operationExecutor) {
if (opPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm) {
synchronized (mutex) {
if (opPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm) {
final IndexShardState shardState = state();
// only roll translog and update primary term if shard has made it past recovery
// Having a new primary term here means that the old primary failed and that there is a new primary, which again
// means that the master will fail this shard as all initializing shards are failed when a primary is selected
// We abort early here to prevent an ongoing recovery from the failed primary to mess with the global / local checkpoint
if (shardState != IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY &&
shardState != IndexShardState.STARTED) {
throw new IndexShardNotStartedException(shardId, shardState);
if (opPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm) {
bumpPrimaryTerm(opPrimaryTerm, () -> {
updateGlobalCheckpointOnReplica(globalCheckpoint, "primary term transition");
final long currentGlobalCheckpoint = getGlobalCheckpoint();
final long maxSeqNo = seqNoStats().getMaxSeqNo();
logger.info("detected new primary with primary term [{}], global checkpoint [{}], max_seq_no [{}]",
opPrimaryTerm, currentGlobalCheckpoint, maxSeqNo);
if (currentGlobalCheckpoint < maxSeqNo) {
} else {
assert opPrimaryTerm <= pendingPrimaryTerm
: "operation primary term [" + opPrimaryTerm + "] should be at most [" + pendingPrimaryTerm + "]";
consumer.accept(new ActionListener<Releasable>() {
// This listener is used for the execution of the operation. If the operation requires all the permits for its
// execution and the primary term must be updated first, we can combine the operation execution with the
// primary term update. Since indexShardOperationPermits doesn't guarantee that async submissions are executed
// in the order submitted, combining both operations ensure that the term is updated before the operation is
// executed. It also has the side effect of acquiring all the permits one time instead of two.
final ActionListener<Releasable> operationListener = new ActionListener<Releasable>() {
public void onResponse(final Releasable releasable) {
if (opPrimaryTerm < operationPrimaryTerm) {
@ -2465,7 +2483,48 @@ public class IndexShard extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndicesCl
public void onFailure(final Exception e) {
if (requirePrimaryTermUpdate(opPrimaryTerm, allowCombineOperationWithPrimaryTermUpdate)) {
synchronized (mutex) {
if (requirePrimaryTermUpdate(opPrimaryTerm, allowCombineOperationWithPrimaryTermUpdate)) {
final IndexShardState shardState = state();
// only roll translog and update primary term if shard has made it past recovery
// Having a new primary term here means that the old primary failed and that there is a new primary, which again
// means that the master will fail this shard as all initializing shards are failed when a primary is selected
// We abort early here to prevent an ongoing recovery from the failed primary to mess with the global / local checkpoint
if (shardState != IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY &&
shardState != IndexShardState.STARTED) {
throw new IndexShardNotStartedException(shardId, shardState);
bumpPrimaryTerm(opPrimaryTerm, () -> {
updateGlobalCheckpointOnReplica(globalCheckpoint, "primary term transition");
final long currentGlobalCheckpoint = getGlobalCheckpoint();
final long maxSeqNo = seqNoStats().getMaxSeqNo();
logger.info("detected new primary with primary term [{}], global checkpoint [{}], max_seq_no [{}]",
opPrimaryTerm, currentGlobalCheckpoint, maxSeqNo);
if (currentGlobalCheckpoint < maxSeqNo) {
} else {
}, allowCombineOperationWithPrimaryTermUpdate ? operationListener : null);
if (allowCombineOperationWithPrimaryTermUpdate) {
logger.debug("operation execution has been combined with primary term update");
assert opPrimaryTerm <= pendingPrimaryTerm
: "operation primary term [" + opPrimaryTerm + "] should be at most [" + pendingPrimaryTerm + "]";
private boolean requirePrimaryTermUpdate(final long opPrimaryTerm, final boolean allPermits) {
return (opPrimaryTerm > pendingPrimaryTerm) || (allPermits && opPrimaryTerm > operationPrimaryTerm);
public int getActiveOperationsCount() {
@ -149,11 +149,8 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
final long maxSeqNo, final long maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp, IndexMetaData indexMetaData, int shardId, boolean split,
boolean hasNested) throws IOException {
// clean target directory (if previous recovery attempt failed) and create a fresh segment file with the proper lucene version
assert sources.length > 0;
final int luceneIndexCreatedVersionMajor = Lucene.readSegmentInfos(sources[0]).getIndexCreatedVersionMajor();
new SegmentInfos(luceneIndexCreatedVersionMajor).commit(target);
final Directory hardLinkOrCopyTarget = new org.apache.lucene.store.HardlinkCopyDirectoryWrapper(target);
@ -164,7 +161,8 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
// later once we stared it up otherwise we would need to wait for it here
// we also don't specify a codec here and merges should use the engines for this index
if (indexSort != null) {
@ -417,7 +415,7 @@ final class StoreRecovery {
logger.debug("failed to list file details", e);
} else {
final String translogUUID = Translog.createEmptyTranslog(
indexShard.shardPath().resolveTranslog(), SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId,
@ -1404,9 +1404,9 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
* creates an empty lucene index and a corresponding empty translog. Any existing data will be deleted.
public void createEmpty() throws IOException {
public void createEmpty(Version luceneVersion) throws IOException {
try (IndexWriter writer = newIndexWriter(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE, directory, null)) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newEmptyIndexWriter(directory, luceneVersion)) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(Engine.HISTORY_UUID_KEY, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID());
map.put(SequenceNumbers.LOCAL_CHECKPOINT_KEY, Long.toString(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED));
@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
public void bootstrapNewHistory(long maxSeqNo) throws IOException {
try (IndexWriter writer = newIndexWriter(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND, directory, null)) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newAppendingIndexWriter(directory, null)) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(Engine.HISTORY_UUID_KEY, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID());
map.put(SequenceNumbers.MAX_SEQ_NO, Long.toString(maxSeqNo));
@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
public void associateIndexWithNewTranslog(final String translogUUID) throws IOException {
try (IndexWriter writer = newIndexWriter(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND, directory, null)) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newAppendingIndexWriter(directory, null)) {
if (translogUUID.equals(getUserData(writer).get(Translog.TRANSLOG_UUID_KEY))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("a new translog uuid can't be equal to existing one. got [" + translogUUID + "]");
@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
public void ensureIndexHasHistoryUUID() throws IOException {
try (IndexWriter writer = newIndexWriter(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND, directory, null)) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newAppendingIndexWriter(directory, null)) {
final Map<String, String> userData = getUserData(writer);
if (userData.containsKey(Engine.HISTORY_UUID_KEY) == false) {
updateCommitData(writer, Collections.singletonMap(Engine.HISTORY_UUID_KEY, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID()));
@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
+ translogUUID + "]");
if (startingIndexCommit.equals(existingCommits.get(existingCommits.size() - 1)) == false) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newIndexWriter(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND, directory, startingIndexCommit)) {
try (IndexWriter writer = newAppendingIndexWriter(directory, startingIndexCommit)) {
// this achieves two things:
// - by committing a new commit based on the starting commit, it make sure the starting commit will be opened
// - deletes any other commit (by lucene standard deletion policy)
@ -1578,19 +1578,28 @@ public class Store extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements Closeable, Ref
return userData;
private static IndexWriter newIndexWriter(final IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode openMode, final Directory dir, final IndexCommit commit)
throws IOException {
assert openMode == IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND || commit == null : "can't specify create flag with a commit";
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(null)
private static IndexWriter newAppendingIndexWriter(final Directory dir, final IndexCommit commit) throws IOException {
IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig()
// we don't want merges to happen here - we call maybe merge on the engine
// later once we stared it up otherwise we would need to wait for it here
// we also don't specify a codec here and merges should use the engines for this index
return new IndexWriter(dir, iwc);
private static IndexWriter newEmptyIndexWriter(final Directory dir, final Version luceneVersion) throws IOException {
IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig()
return new IndexWriter(dir, iwc);
private static IndexWriterConfig newIndexWriterConfig() {
return new IndexWriterConfig(null)
// we don't want merges to happen here - we call maybe merge on the engine
// later once we stared it up otherwise we would need to wait for it here
// we also don't specify a codec here and merges should use the engines for this index
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.support.XContentMapValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapperForType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.IdFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.KeywordFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParseContext;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParsedDocument;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.SourceFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.StringFieldType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.search.dfs.AggregatedDfs;
@ -82,11 +84,7 @@ public class TermVectorsService {
final long startTime = nanoTimeSupplier.getAsLong();
final TermVectorsResponse termVectorsResponse = new TermVectorsResponse(indexShard.shardId().getIndex().getName(),
request.type(), request.id());
final Term uidTerm = indexShard.mapperService().createUidTerm(request.type(), request.id());
if (uidTerm == null) {
return termVectorsResponse;
final Term uidTerm = new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId(request.id()));
Fields termVectorsByField = null;
AggregatedDfs dfs = null;
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
@ -100,6 +99,14 @@ public class RepositoriesService implements ClusterStateApplier {
registrationListener = listener;
// Trying to create the new repository on master to make sure it works
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask(request.cause, new AckedClusterStateUpdateTask<ClusterStateUpdateResponse>(request, registrationListener) {
protected ClusterStateUpdateResponse newResponse(boolean acknowledged) {
@ -107,13 +114,8 @@ public class RepositoriesService implements ClusterStateApplier {
public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws IOException {
public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) {
ensureRepositoryNotInUse(currentState, request.name);
// Trying to create the new repository on master to make sure it works
if (!registerRepository(newRepositoryMetaData)) {
// The new repository has the same settings as the old one - ignore
return currentState;
MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData();
MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData());
RepositoriesMetaData repositories = metaData.custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE);
@ -127,6 +129,10 @@ public class RepositoriesService implements ClusterStateApplier {
for (RepositoryMetaData repositoryMetaData : repositories.repositories()) {
if (repositoryMetaData.name().equals(newRepositoryMetaData.name())) {
if (newRepositoryMetaData.equals(repositoryMetaData)) {
// Previous version is the same as this one no update is needed.
return currentState;
found = true;
} else {
@ -352,37 +358,8 @@ public class RepositoriesService implements ClusterStateApplier {
throw new RepositoryMissingException(repositoryName);
* Creates a new repository and adds it to the list of registered repositories.
* <p>
* If a repository with the same name but different types or settings already exists, it will be closed and
* replaced with the new repository. If a repository with the same name exists but it has the same type and settings
* the new repository is ignored.
* @param repositoryMetaData new repository metadata
* @return {@code true} if new repository was added or {@code false} if it was ignored
private boolean registerRepository(RepositoryMetaData repositoryMetaData) throws IOException {
Repository previous = repositories.get(repositoryMetaData.name());
if (previous != null) {
RepositoryMetaData previousMetadata = previous.getMetadata();
if (previousMetadata.equals(repositoryMetaData)) {
// Previous version is the same as this one - ignore it
return false;
Repository newRepo = createRepository(repositoryMetaData);
if (previous != null) {
Map<String, Repository> newRepositories = new HashMap<>(repositories);
newRepositories.put(repositoryMetaData.name(), newRepo);
repositories = newRepositories;
return true;
/** Closes the given repository. */
private void closeRepository(Repository repository) throws IOException {
private void closeRepository(Repository repository) {
logger.debug("closing repository [{}][{}]", repository.getMetadata().type(), repository.getMetadata().name());
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooNewException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooOldException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexNotFoundException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
@ -1495,11 +1493,7 @@ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent imp
// version number and no checksum, even though the index itself is perfectly fine to restore, this
// empty shard would cause exceptions to be thrown. Since there is no data to restore from an empty
// shard anyway, we just create the empty shard here and then exit.
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(store.directory(), new IndexWriterConfig(null)
@ -19,11 +19,9 @@
package org.elasticsearch.rest.action.document;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.elasticsearch.action.termvectors.TermVectorsRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.client.node.NodeClient;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.DeprecationLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;
@ -45,19 +43,13 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.rest.RestRequest.Method.POST;
* TermVectorsRequest.
public class RestTermVectorsAction extends BaseRestHandler {
private static final DeprecationLogger deprecationLogger = new DeprecationLogger(
public RestTermVectorsAction(Settings settings, RestController controller) {
controller.registerWithDeprecatedHandler(GET, "/{index}/{type}/_termvectors", this,
GET, "/{index}/{type}/_termvector", deprecationLogger);
controller.registerWithDeprecatedHandler(POST, "/{index}/{type}/_termvectors", this,
POST, "/{index}/{type}/_termvector", deprecationLogger);
controller.registerWithDeprecatedHandler(GET, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors", this,
GET, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvector", deprecationLogger);
controller.registerWithDeprecatedHandler(POST, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors", this,
POST, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvector", deprecationLogger);
controller.registerHandler(GET, "/{index}/{type}/_termvectors", this);
controller.registerHandler(POST, "/{index}/{type}/_termvectors", this);
controller.registerHandler(GET, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors", this);
controller.registerHandler(POST, "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors", this);
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
@ -145,6 +146,9 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
public static final Setting<Boolean> DEFAULT_ALLOW_PARTIAL_SEARCH_RESULTS =
Setting.boolSetting("search.default_allow_partial_results", true, Property.Dynamic, Property.NodeScope);
public static final Setting<Integer> MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT =
Setting.intSetting("search.max_open_scroll_context", 500, 0, Property.Dynamic, Property.NodeScope);
private final ThreadPool threadPool;
@ -174,6 +178,8 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
private volatile boolean lowLevelCancellation;
private volatile int maxOpenScrollContext;
private final Cancellable keepAliveReaper;
private final AtomicLong idGenerator = new AtomicLong();
@ -182,6 +188,8 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
private final MultiBucketConsumerService multiBucketConsumerService;
private final AtomicInteger openScrollContexts = new AtomicInteger();
public SearchService(ClusterService clusterService, IndicesService indicesService,
ThreadPool threadPool, ScriptService scriptService, BigArrays bigArrays, FetchPhase fetchPhase,
ResponseCollectorService responseCollectorService) {
@ -212,6 +220,8 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
maxOpenScrollContext = MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT.get(settings);
clusterService.getClusterSettings().addSettingsUpdateConsumer(MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT, this::setMaxOpenScrollContext);
lowLevelCancellation = LOW_LEVEL_CANCELLATION_SETTING.get(settings);
clusterService.getClusterSettings().addSettingsUpdateConsumer(LOW_LEVEL_CANCELLATION_SETTING, this::setLowLevelCancellation);
@ -243,6 +253,10 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
return defaultAllowPartialSearchResults;
private void setMaxOpenScrollContext(int maxOpenScrollContext) {
this.maxOpenScrollContext = maxOpenScrollContext;
private void setLowLevelCancellation(Boolean lowLevelCancellation) {
this.lowLevelCancellation = lowLevelCancellation;
@ -592,11 +606,19 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
final SearchContext createAndPutContext(ShardSearchRequest request) throws IOException {
if (request.scroll() != null && openScrollContexts.get() >= maxOpenScrollContext) {
throw new ElasticsearchException(
"Trying to create too many scroll contexts. Must be less than or equal to: [" +
maxOpenScrollContext + "]. " + "This limit can be set by changing the ["
+ MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT.getKey() + "] setting.");
SearchContext context = createContext(request);
boolean success = false;
try {
if (request.scroll() != null) {
@ -696,6 +718,7 @@ public class SearchService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements IndexEv
assert context.refCount() > 0 : " refCount must be > 0: " + context.refCount();
if (context.scrollContext() != null) {
return true;
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ public class TransportMultiGetActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Index index1 = new Index("index1", randomBase64UUID());
final Index index2 = new Index("index2", randomBase64UUID());
final ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.builder(new ClusterName(TransportMultiGetActionTests.class.getSimpleName()))
.metaData(new MetaData.Builder()
.put(new IndexMetaData.Builder(index1.getName())
@ -98,33 +99,45 @@ public class TransportMultiGetActionTests extends ESTestCase {
.put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
.put("index.number_of_replicas", 1)
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, index1.getUUID()))
.field("required", false)
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON))
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON)))
.put(new IndexMetaData.Builder(index2.getName())
.settings(Settings.builder().put("index.version.created", Version.CURRENT)
.put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
.put("index.number_of_replicas", 1)
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, index1.getUUID()))
.field("required", true)
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON)))).build();
final ShardIterator shardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(shardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
final ShardIterator index1ShardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(index1ShardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
final ShardIterator index2ShardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(index2ShardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index2, randomInt()));
final OperationRouting operationRouting = mock(OperationRouting.class);
when(operationRouting.getShards(eq(clusterState), eq(index1.getName()), anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
when(operationRouting.shardId(eq(clusterState), eq(index1.getName()), anyString(), anyString()))
.thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
when(operationRouting.getShards(eq(clusterState), eq(index2.getName()), anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
when(operationRouting.shardId(eq(clusterState), eq(index2.getName()), anyString(), anyString()))
.thenReturn(new ShardId(index2, randomInt()));
clusterService = mock(ClusterService.class);
@ -153,8 +166,8 @@ public class TransportMultiGetActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Task task = createTask();
final NodeClient client = new NodeClient(Settings.EMPTY, threadPool);
final MultiGetRequestBuilder request = new MultiGetRequestBuilder(client, MultiGetAction.INSTANCE);
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "type1", "1"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "type1", "2"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "_doc", "1"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "_doc", "2"));
final AtomicBoolean shardActionInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(false);
transportAction = new TransportMultiGetAction(transportService, clusterService, shardAction,
@ -178,8 +191,8 @@ public class TransportMultiGetActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Task task = createTask();
final NodeClient client = new NodeClient(Settings.EMPTY, threadPool);
final MultiGetRequestBuilder request = new MultiGetRequestBuilder(client, MultiGetAction.INSTANCE);
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "type2", "1").routing("1"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index1", "type2", "2"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index2", "_doc", "1").routing("1"));
request.add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("index2", "_doc", "2"));
final AtomicBoolean shardActionInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(false);
transportAction = new TransportMultiGetAction(transportService, clusterService, shardAction,
@ -193,7 +206,7 @@ public class TransportMultiGetActionTests extends ESTestCase {
assertThat(responses.get(1).getFailure().getFailure(), instanceOf(RoutingMissingException.class));
equalTo("routing is required for [index1]/[type2]/[2]"));
equalTo("routing is required for [index2]/[_doc]/[2]"));
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ public class GetTermVectorsIT extends AbstractTermVectorsTestCase {
for (int id = 0; id < content.length; id++) {
Fields[] fields = new Fields[2];
for (int j = 0; j < indexNames.length; j++) {
TermVectorsResponse resp = client().prepareTermVector(indexNames[j], "type1", String.valueOf(id))
TermVectorsResponse resp = client().prepareTermVectors(indexNames[j], "type1", String.valueOf(id))
@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ public class GetTermVectorsIT extends AbstractTermVectorsTestCase {
for (int id = 0; id < content.length; id++) {
Fields[] fields = new Fields[2];
for (int j = 0; j < indexNames.length; j++) {
TermVectorsResponse resp = client().prepareTermVector(indexNames[j], "type1", String.valueOf(id))
TermVectorsResponse resp = client().prepareTermVectors(indexNames[j], "type1", String.valueOf(id))
.setSelectedFields("field1", "field2")
@ -92,40 +92,53 @@ public class TransportMultiTermVectorsActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Index index1 = new Index("index1", randomBase64UUID());
final Index index2 = new Index("index2", randomBase64UUID());
final ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.builder(new ClusterName(TransportMultiGetActionTests.class.getSimpleName()))
.metaData(new MetaData.Builder()
.put(new IndexMetaData.Builder(index1.getName())
.settings(Settings.builder().put("index.version.created", Version.CURRENT)
.put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
.put("index.number_of_replicas", 1)
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, index1.getUUID()))
.field("required", false)
.settings(Settings.builder().put("index.version.created", Version.CURRENT)
.put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
.put("index.number_of_replicas", 1)
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, index1.getUUID()))
.field("required", false)
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON))
.field("required", true)
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON)))
.put(new IndexMetaData.Builder(index2.getName())
.settings(Settings.builder().put("index.version.created", Version.CURRENT)
.put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
.put("index.number_of_replicas", 1)
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, index1.getUUID()))
.field("required", true)
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON)))).build();
.endObject()), true, XContentType.JSON)))).build();
final ShardIterator shardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(shardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
final ShardIterator index1ShardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(index1ShardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
final ShardIterator index2ShardIterator = mock(ShardIterator.class);
when(index2ShardIterator.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId(index2, randomInt()));
final OperationRouting operationRouting = mock(OperationRouting.class);
when(operationRouting.getShards(eq(clusterState), eq(index1.getName()), anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
when(operationRouting.shardId(eq(clusterState), eq(index1.getName()), anyString(), anyString()))
.thenReturn(new ShardId(index1, randomInt()));
when(operationRouting.getShards(eq(clusterState), eq(index2.getName()), anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
when(operationRouting.shardId(eq(clusterState), eq(index2.getName()), anyString(), anyString()))
.thenReturn(new ShardId(index2, randomInt()));
clusterService = mock(ClusterService.class);
@ -155,8 +168,8 @@ public class TransportMultiTermVectorsActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Task task = createTask();
final NodeClient client = new NodeClient(Settings.EMPTY, threadPool);
final MultiTermVectorsRequestBuilder request = new MultiTermVectorsRequestBuilder(client, MultiTermVectorsAction.INSTANCE);
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index1", "type1", "1"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index1", "type1", "2"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index1", "_doc", "1"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index2", "_doc", "2"));
final AtomicBoolean shardActionInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(false);
transportAction = new TransportMultiTermVectorsAction(transportService, clusterService, shardAction,
@ -180,8 +193,8 @@ public class TransportMultiTermVectorsActionTests extends ESTestCase {
final Task task = createTask();
final NodeClient client = new NodeClient(Settings.EMPTY, threadPool);
final MultiTermVectorsRequestBuilder request = new MultiTermVectorsRequestBuilder(client, MultiTermVectorsAction.INSTANCE);
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index1", "type2", "1").routing("1"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index1", "type2", "2"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index2", "_doc", "1").routing("1"));
request.add(new TermVectorsRequest("index2", "_doc", "2"));
final AtomicBoolean shardActionInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(false);
transportAction = new TransportMultiTermVectorsAction(transportService, clusterService, shardAction,
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ public class AckIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
assertAcked(client().admin().indices().preparePutMapping("test").setType("test").setSource("field", "type=keyword"));
for (Client client : clients()) {
assertThat(getLocalClusterState(client).metaData().indices().get("test").mapping("test"), notNullValue());
assertThat(getLocalClusterState(client).metaData().indices().get("test").getMappings().get("test"), notNullValue());
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class MetaDataMappingServiceTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
// the task really was a mapping update
// since we never committed the cluster state update, the in-memory state is unchanged
assertThat(indexService.mapperService().documentMapper("type").mappingSource(), equalTo(currentMapping));
@ -26,16 +26,19 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.index.ElasticsearchDirectoryReader;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.IdFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.VersionFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.VersionUtils;
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.VersionsAndSeqNoResolver.loadDocIdAndVersion;
@ -193,4 +196,25 @@ public class VersionsTests extends ESTestCase {
assertEquals(size, VersionsAndSeqNoResolver.lookupStates.size());
public void testLuceneVersionOnUnknownVersions() {
List<Version> allVersions = VersionUtils.allVersions();
// should have the same Lucene version as the latest 6.x version
Version version = Version.fromString("6.88.50");
assertEquals(allVersions.get(Collections.binarySearch(allVersions, Version.V_7_0_0) - 1).luceneVersion,
// between two known versions, should use the lucene version of the previous version
version = Version.fromString("6.2.50");
assertEquals(VersionUtils.getPreviousVersion(Version.V_6_2_4).luceneVersion, version.luceneVersion);
// too old version, major should be the oldest supported lucene version minus 1
version = Version.fromString("5.2.1");
assertEquals(Version.V_6_0_0.luceneVersion.major - 1, version.luceneVersion.major);
// future version, should be the same version as today
version = Version.fromString("7.77.1");
assertEquals(Version.CURRENT.luceneVersion, version.luceneVersion);
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class GatewayIndexStateIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
logger.info("--> verify meta _routing required exists");
MappingMetaData mappingMd = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().execute().actionGet().getState().metaData()
assertThat(mappingMd.routing().required(), equalTo(true));
logger.info("--> restarting nodes...");
@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ public class GatewayIndexStateIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
logger.info("--> verify meta _routing required exists");
mappingMd = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().execute().actionGet().getState().metaData().index("test").mapping("type1");
mappingMd = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().execute().actionGet().getState().metaData().index("test").getMappings()
assertThat(mappingMd.routing().required(), equalTo(true));
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.store.MockDirectoryWrapper;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.AwaitsFix;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
@ -127,6 +126,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog;
import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.NoneCircuitBreakerService;
import org.elasticsearch.test.IndexSettingsModule;
import org.elasticsearch.test.VersionUtils;
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ public class InternalEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
// create
final String translogUUID =
SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId, primaryTerm.get());
@ -2769,7 +2769,7 @@ public class InternalEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
final Path translogPath = createTempDir();
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
final LongSupplier globalCheckpointSupplier = () -> globalCheckpoint.get();
final String translogUUID = Translog.createEmptyTranslog(translogPath, globalCheckpoint.get(), shardId, primaryTerm.get());
try (InternalEngine engine =
@ -4585,7 +4585,7 @@ public class InternalEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
final Path translogPath = createTempDir();
store = createStore();
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
final String translogUUID = Translog.createEmptyTranslog(translogPath, globalCheckpoint.get(), shardId, primaryTerm.get());
@ -5454,6 +5454,34 @@ public class InternalEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
public void testOpenSoftDeletesIndexWithSoftDeletesDisabled() throws Exception {
try (Store store = createStore()) {
Path translogPath = createTempDir();
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
final IndexSettings softDeletesEnabled = IndexSettingsModule.newIndexSettings(
put(defaultSettings.getSettings()).put(IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.getKey(), true)).build());
final List<DocIdSeqNoAndTerm> docs;
try (InternalEngine engine = createEngine(
config(softDeletesEnabled, store, translogPath, newMergePolicy(), null, null, globalCheckpoint::get))) {
List<Engine.Operation> ops = generateReplicaHistory(between(1, 100), randomBoolean());
applyOperations(engine, ops);
globalCheckpoint.set(randomLongBetween(globalCheckpoint.get(), engine.getLocalCheckpoint()));
docs = getDocIds(engine, true);
final IndexSettings softDeletesDisabled = IndexSettingsModule.newIndexSettings(
.put(defaultSettings.getSettings()).put(IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.getKey(), false)).build());
EngineConfig config = config(softDeletesDisabled, store, translogPath, newMergePolicy(), null, null, globalCheckpoint::get);
try (InternalEngine engine = createEngine(config)) {
assertThat(getDocIds(engine, true), equalTo(docs));
static void trimUnsafeCommits(EngineConfig config) throws IOException {
final Store store = config.getStore();
final TranslogConfig translogConfig = config.getTranslogConfig();
@ -5472,4 +5500,25 @@ public class InternalEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
assertThat(message, engine.getNumDocUpdates(), equalTo(expectedUpdates));
assertThat(message, engine.getNumDocDeletes(), equalTo(expectedDeletes));
public void testStoreHonorsLuceneVersion() throws IOException {
for (Version createdVersion : Arrays.asList(
Version.CURRENT, VersionUtils.getPreviousMinorVersion(), VersionUtils.getFirstVersion())) {
Settings settings = Settings.builder()
.put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, createdVersion).build();
IndexSettings indexSettings = IndexSettingsModule.newIndexSettings("test", settings);
try (Store store = createStore();
InternalEngine engine = createEngine(config(indexSettings, store, createTempDir(), NoMergePolicy.INSTANCE, null))) {
ParsedDocument doc = testParsedDocument("1", null, new Document(),
new BytesArray("{}".getBytes("UTF-8")), null);
engine.index(appendOnlyPrimary(doc, false, 1));
try (Engine.Searcher searcher = engine.acquireSearcher("test")) {
LeafReader leafReader = getOnlyLeafReader(searcher.reader());
assertEquals(createdVersion.luceneVersion.major, leafReader.getMetaData().getCreatedVersionMajor());
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.index.engine;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.core.internal.io.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParsedDocument;
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ public class ReadOnlyEngineTests extends EngineTestCase {
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
try (Store store = createStore()) {
EngineConfig config = config(defaultSettings, store, createTempDir(), newMergePolicy(), null, null, globalCheckpoint::get);
try (ReadOnlyEngine readOnlyEngine = new ReadOnlyEngine(config, null , null, true, Function.identity())) {
Class<? extends Throwable> expectedException = LuceneTestCase.TEST_ASSERTS_ENABLED ? AssertionError.class :
@ -1550,4 +1550,21 @@ public class DocumentParserTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
assertEquals("Could not dynamically add mapping for field [alias-field.dynamic-field]. "
+ "Existing mapping for [alias-field] must be of type object but found [alias].", exception.getMessage());
public void testTypeless() throws IOException {
DocumentMapperParser mapperParser = createIndex("test").mapperService().documentMapperParser();
String mapping = Strings.toString(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()
.startObject("foo").field("type", "keyword").endObject()
DocumentMapper mapper = mapperParser.parse("type", new CompressedXContent(mapping));
BytesReference bytes = BytesReference.bytes(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()
.field("foo", "1234")
ParsedDocument doc = mapper.parse(SourceToParse.source("test", "_doc", "1", bytes, XContentType.JSON));
assertNull(doc.dynamicMappingsUpdate()); // no update since we reused the existing type
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.BytesStreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.IndexScopedSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
@ -80,8 +81,10 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.core.internal.io.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.CommitStats;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine.DeleteResult;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.EngineException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.EngineTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.InternalEngine;
@ -733,7 +736,6 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
return fut.get();
public void testOperationPermitOnReplicaShards() throws Exception {
final ShardId shardId = new ShardId("test", "_na_", 0);
final IndexShard indexShard;
@ -1024,7 +1026,6 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
closeShards(replicaShard, primaryShard);
public void testRestoreLocalHistoryFromTranslogOnPromotion() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final IndexShard indexShard = newStartedShard(false);
final int operations = 1024 - scaledRandomIntBetween(0, 1024);
@ -1089,7 +1090,6 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
closeShard(indexShard, false);
public void testRollbackReplicaEngineOnPromotion() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final IndexShard indexShard = newStartedShard(false);
@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
long refreshCount = shard.refreshStats().getTotal();
indexDoc(shard, "_doc", "test");
try (Engine.GetResult ignored = shard.get(new Engine.Get(true, false, "test", "test",
try (Engine.GetResult ignored = shard.get(new Engine.Get(true, false, "_doc", "test",
new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId("test"))))) {
assertThat(shard.refreshStats().getTotal(), equalTo(refreshCount+1));
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
try (Engine.GetResult getResult = shard
.get(new Engine.Get(false, false, "test", "1",
.get(new Engine.Get(false, false, "_doc", "1",
new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId("1"))))) {
@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
assertEquals(search.totalHits.value, 1);
try (Engine.GetResult getResult = newShard
.get(new Engine.Get(false, false, "test", "1",
.get(new Engine.Get(false, false, "_doc", "1",
new Term(IdFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.encodeId("1"))))) {
assertNotNull(getResult.searcher()); // make sure get uses the wrapped reader
@ -3600,11 +3600,125 @@ public class IndexShardTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
closeShard(shard, false);
public void testConcurrentAcquireAllReplicaOperationsPermitsWithPrimaryTermUpdate() throws Exception {
final IndexShard replica = newStartedShard(false);
indexOnReplicaWithGaps(replica, between(0, 1000), Math.toIntExact(replica.getLocalCheckpoint()));
final int nbTermUpdates = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < nbTermUpdates; i++) {
long opPrimaryTerm = replica.getOperationPrimaryTerm() + 1;
final long globalCheckpoint = replica.getGlobalCheckpoint();
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes = replica.getMaxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes();
final int operations = scaledRandomIntBetween(5, 32);
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(1 + operations);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(operations);
final Thread[] threads = new Thread[operations];
for (int j = 0; j < operations; j++) {
threads[j] = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (final BrokenBarrierException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
new ActionListener<Releasable>() {
public void onResponse(final Releasable releasable) {
try (Releasable ignored = releasable) {
assertThat(replica.getPendingPrimaryTerm(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(opPrimaryTerm));
assertThat(replica.getOperationPrimaryTerm(), equalTo(opPrimaryTerm));
} finally {
public void onFailure(final Exception e) {
try {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
}, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(30L));
for (Thread thread : threads) {
closeShard(replica, false);
public Settings threadPoolSettings() {
return Settings.builder().put(super.threadPoolSettings()).put("thread_pool.estimated_time_interval", "5ms").build();
public void testTypelessDelete() throws IOException {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.CURRENT)
IndexMetaData metaData = IndexMetaData.builder("index")
.putMapping("some_type", "{ \"properties\": {}}")
IndexShard shard = newShard(new ShardId(metaData.getIndex(), 0), true, "n1", metaData, null);
Engine.IndexResult indexResult = indexDoc(shard, "some_type", "id", "{}");
DeleteResult deleteResult = shard.applyDeleteOperationOnPrimary(Versions.MATCH_ANY, "some_other_type", "id", VersionType.INTERNAL);
deleteResult = shard.applyDeleteOperationOnPrimary(Versions.MATCH_ANY, "_doc", "id", VersionType.INTERNAL);
public void testTypelessGet() throws IOException {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.CURRENT)
IndexMetaData metaData = IndexMetaData.builder("index")
.putMapping("some_type", "{ \"properties\": { \"foo\": { \"type\": \"text\"}}}")
.primaryTerm(0, 1).build();
IndexShard shard = newShard(new ShardId(metaData.getIndex(), 0), true, "n1", metaData, null);
Engine.IndexResult indexResult = indexDoc(shard, "some_type", "0", "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}");
org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine.GetResult getResult = shard.get(
new Engine.Get(true, true, "some_type", "0", new Term("_id", Uid.encodeId("0"))));
getResult = shard.get(new Engine.Get(true, true, "some_other_type", "0", new Term("_id", Uid.encodeId("0"))));
getResult = shard.get(new Engine.Get(true, true, "_doc", "0", new Term("_id", Uid.encodeId("0"))));
* Randomizes the usage of {@link IndexShard#acquireReplicaOperationPermit(long, long, long, ActionListener, String, Object)} and
* {@link IndexShard#acquireAllReplicaOperationsPermits(long, long, long, ActionListener, TimeValue)} in order to acquire a permit.
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ public class RefreshListenersTests extends ESTestCase {
// we don't need to notify anybody in this test
final long primaryTerm = randomNonNegativeLong();
final String translogUUID =
Translog.createEmptyTranslog(translogConfig.getTranslogPath(), SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId, primaryTerm);
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Lock;
import org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException;
import org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.allocation.ClusterAllocationExplanation;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.stats.NodeStats;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.stats.NodesStatsResponse;
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
@LuceneTestCase.AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/36189")
@ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope(scope = ESIntegTestCase.Scope.SUITE, numDataNodes = 0)
public class RemoveCorruptedShardDataCommandIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.index.shard;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;
@ -77,4 +78,30 @@ public class ShardGetServiceTests extends IndexShardTestCase {
public void testTypelessGetForUpdate() throws IOException {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.CURRENT)
IndexMetaData metaData = IndexMetaData.builder("index")
.putMapping("some_type", "{ \"properties\": { \"foo\": { \"type\": \"text\"}}}")
.primaryTerm(0, 1).build();
IndexShard shard = newShard(new ShardId(metaData.getIndex(), 0), true, "n1", metaData, null);
Engine.IndexResult indexResult = indexDoc(shard, "some_type", "0", "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}");
GetResult getResult = shard.getService().getForUpdate("some_type", "0", Versions.MATCH_ANY, VersionType.INTERNAL);
getResult = shard.getService().getForUpdate("some_other_type", "0", Versions.MATCH_ANY, VersionType.INTERNAL);
getResult = shard.getService().getForUpdate("_doc", "0", Versions.MATCH_ANY, VersionType.INTERNAL);
@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ public class StoreTests extends ESTestCase {
final ShardId shardId = new ShardId("index", "_na_", 1);
try (Store store = new Store(shardId, INDEX_SETTINGS, StoreTests.newDirectory(random()), new DummyShardLock(shardId))) {
// remove the history uuid
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(null)
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ public class StoreTests extends ESTestCase {
final ShardId shardId = new ShardId("index", "_na_", 1);
try (Store store = new Store(shardId, INDEX_SETTINGS, StoreTests.newDirectory(random()), new DummyShardLock(shardId))) {
SegmentInfos segmentInfos = Lucene.readSegmentInfos(store.directory());
assertThat(segmentInfos.getUserData(), hasKey(Engine.HISTORY_UUID_KEY));
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.rest.action.document;
import org.elasticsearch.client.node.NodeClient;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.NoneCircuitBreakerService;
import org.elasticsearch.rest.RestChannel;
import org.elasticsearch.rest.RestController;
import org.elasticsearch.rest.RestRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.rest.RestRequest.Method;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.rest.FakeRestChannel;
import org.elasticsearch.test.rest.FakeRestRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.usage.UsageService;
import java.util.Collections;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
public class RestTermVectorsActionTests extends ESTestCase {
private RestController controller;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
controller = new RestController(Collections.emptySet(), null,
new NoneCircuitBreakerService(),
new UsageService());
new RestTermVectorsAction(Settings.EMPTY, controller);
public void testDeprecatedEndpoint() {
RestRequest request = new FakeRestRequest.Builder(xContentRegistry())
assertWarnings("[POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvector] is deprecated! Use" +
" [POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors] instead.");
private void performRequest(RestRequest request) {
RestChannel channel = new FakeRestChannel(request, false, 1);
ThreadContext threadContext = new ThreadContext(Settings.EMPTY);
controller.dispatchRequest(request, channel, threadContext);
@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.store.AlreadyClosedException;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchPhaseExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchTask;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchType;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.ClearScrollRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.IndicesOptions;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.PlainActionFuture;
import org.elasticsearch.action.support.WriteRequest;
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
@ -417,6 +420,44 @@ public class SearchServiceTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
* test that creating more than the allowed number of scroll contexts throws an exception
public void testMaxOpenScrollContexts() throws RuntimeException {
client().prepareIndex("index", "type", "1").setSource("field", "value").setRefreshPolicy(IMMEDIATE).get();
final SearchService service = getInstanceFromNode(SearchService.class);
final IndicesService indicesService = getInstanceFromNode(IndicesService.class);
final IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(resolveIndex("index"));
final IndexShard indexShard = indexService.getShard(0);
// Open all possible scrolls, clear some of them, then open more until the limit is reached
LinkedList<String> clearScrollIds = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < SearchService.MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT.get(Settings.EMPTY); i++) {
SearchResponse searchResponse = client().prepareSearch("index").setSize(1).setScroll("1m").get();
if (randomInt(4) == 0) clearScrollIds.addLast(searchResponse.getScrollId());
ClearScrollRequest clearScrollRequest = new ClearScrollRequest();
for (int i = 0; i < clearScrollIds.size(); i++) {
ElasticsearchException ex = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class,
() -> service.createAndPutContext(new ShardScrollRequestTest(indexShard.shardId())));
"Trying to create too many scroll contexts. Must be less than or equal to: [" +
SearchService.MAX_OPEN_SCROLL_CONTEXT.get(Settings.EMPTY) + "]. " +
"This limit can be set by changing the [search.max_open_scroll_context] setting.",
public static class FailOnRewriteQueryPlugin extends Plugin implements SearchPlugin {
public List<QuerySpec<?>> getQueries() {
@ -472,6 +513,22 @@ public class SearchServiceTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {
public static class ShardScrollRequestTest extends ShardSearchLocalRequest {
private Scroll scroll;
ShardScrollRequestTest(ShardId shardId) {
super(shardId, 1, SearchType.DEFAULT, new SearchSourceBuilder(),
new String[0], false, new AliasFilter(null, Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY), 1f, true, null, null);
this.scroll = new Scroll(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1));
public Scroll scroll() {
return this.scroll;
public void testCanMatch() throws IOException {
final SearchService service = getInstanceFromNode(SearchService.class);
@ -97,6 +97,16 @@ public class RepositoriesIT extends AbstractSnapshotIntegTestCase {
assertThat(findRepository(repositoriesResponse.repositories(), "test-repo-1"), notNullValue());
assertThat(findRepository(repositoriesResponse.repositories(), "test-repo-2"), notNullValue());
logger.info("--> check that trying to create a repository with the same settings repeatedly does not update cluster state");
String beforeStateUuid = clusterStateResponse.getState().stateUUID();
.put("location", location)
assertEquals(beforeStateUuid, client.admin().cluster().prepareState().clear().get().getState().stateUUID());
logger.info("--> delete repository test-repo-1");
repositoriesResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareGetRepositories().get();
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ thirdPartyAudit.excludes = [
task namingConventionsMain(type: org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.NamingConventionsTask) {
checkForTestsInMain = true
javaHome = project.runtimeJavaHome
javaHome = project.compilerJavaHome
precommit.dependsOn namingConventionsMain
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.AllocationId;
import org.elasticsearch.common.CheckedFunction;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Randomness;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
@ -499,7 +500,7 @@ public abstract class EngineTestCase extends ESTestCase {
final Store store = config.getStore();
final Directory directory = store.directory();
if (Lucene.indexExists(directory) == false) {
final String translogUuid = Translog.createEmptyTranslog(config.getTranslogConfig().getTranslogPath(),
SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId, primaryTerm.get());
@ -704,6 +705,32 @@ public abstract class EngineTestCase extends ESTestCase {
return ops;
public List<Engine.Operation> generateReplicaHistory(int numOps, boolean allowGapInSeqNo) {
long seqNo = 0;
List<Engine.Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(numOps);
for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++) {
String id = Integer.toString(between(1, 100));
final ParsedDocument doc = EngineTestCase.createParsedDoc(id, null);
if (randomBoolean()) {
operations.add(new Engine.Index(EngineTestCase.newUid(doc), doc, seqNo, primaryTerm.get(),
i, null, Engine.Operation.Origin.REPLICA, threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis(),
-1, true));
} else if (randomBoolean()) {
operations.add(new Engine.Delete(doc.type(), doc.id(), EngineTestCase.newUid(doc), seqNo, primaryTerm.get(),
i, null, Engine.Operation.Origin.REPLICA, threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis()));
} else {
operations.add(new Engine.NoOp(seqNo, primaryTerm.get(), Engine.Operation.Origin.REPLICA,
threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis(), "test-" + i));
if (allowGapInSeqNo && rarely()) {
return operations;
public static void assertOpsOnReplica(
final List<Engine.Operation> ops,
final InternalEngine replicaEngine,
@ -788,14 +815,7 @@ public abstract class EngineTestCase extends ESTestCase {
int docOffset;
while ((docOffset = offset.incrementAndGet()) < ops.size()) {
try {
final Engine.Operation op = ops.get(docOffset);
if (op instanceof Engine.Index) {
engine.index((Engine.Index) op);
} else if (op instanceof Engine.Delete){
engine.delete((Engine.Delete) op);
} else {
engine.noOp((Engine.NoOp) op);
applyOperation(engine, ops.get(docOffset));
if ((docOffset + 1) % 4 == 0) {
@ -814,6 +834,36 @@ public abstract class EngineTestCase extends ESTestCase {
public static void applyOperations(Engine engine, List<Engine.Operation> operations) throws IOException {
for (Engine.Operation operation : operations) {
applyOperation(engine, operation);
if (randomInt(100) < 10) {
if (rarely()) {
public static Engine.Result applyOperation(Engine engine, Engine.Operation operation) throws IOException {
final Engine.Result result;
switch (operation.operationType()) {
case INDEX:
result = engine.index((Engine.Index) operation);
case DELETE:
result = engine.delete((Engine.Delete) operation);
case NO_OP:
result = engine.noOp((Engine.NoOp) operation);
throw new IllegalStateException("No operation defined for [" + operation + "]");
return result;
* Gets a collection of tuples of docId, sequence number, and primary term of all live documents in the provided engine.
@ -160,15 +160,22 @@ public final class CcrLicenseChecker {
final ClusterStateRequest request,
final Consumer<Exception> onFailure,
final Consumer<ClusterState> leaderClusterStateConsumer) {
try {
Client remoteClient = systemClient(client.getRemoteClusterClient(clusterAlias));
e -> clusterStateUnknownRemoteLicense(clusterAlias, e));
} catch (Exception e) {
// client.getRemoteClusterClient(...) can fail with a IllegalArgumentException if remote
// connection is unknown
@ -403,6 +403,13 @@ public class AutoFollowCoordinator implements ClusterStateApplier {
return currentState -> {
AutoFollowMetadata currentAutoFollowMetadata = currentState.metaData().custom(AutoFollowMetadata.TYPE);
Map<String, List<String>> newFollowedIndexUUIDS = new HashMap<>(currentAutoFollowMetadata.getFollowedLeaderIndexUUIDs());
if (newFollowedIndexUUIDS.containsKey(name) == false) {
// A delete auto follow pattern request can have removed the auto follow pattern while we want to update
// the auto follow metadata with the fact that an index was successfully auto followed. If this
// happens, we can just skip this step.
return currentState;
newFollowedIndexUUIDS.compute(name, (key, existingUUIDs) -> {
assert existingUUIDs != null;
List<String> newUUIDs = new ArrayList<>(existingUUIDs);
@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.action.AutoFollowCoordinator.AutoFollower.recordLeaderIndexAsFollowFunction;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.sameInstance;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
@ -384,6 +386,33 @@ public class AutoFollowCoordinatorTests extends ESTestCase {
assertThat(result.get(1).getName(), equalTo("index2"));
public void testRecordLeaderIndexAsFollowFunction() {
AutoFollowMetadata autoFollowMetadata = new AutoFollowMetadata(Collections.emptyMap(),
Collections.singletonMap("pattern1", Collections.emptyList()), Collections.emptyMap());
ClusterState clusterState = new ClusterState.Builder(new ClusterName("name"))
.metaData(new MetaData.Builder().putCustom(AutoFollowMetadata.TYPE, autoFollowMetadata))
Function<ClusterState, ClusterState> function = recordLeaderIndexAsFollowFunction("pattern1", new Index("index1", "index1"));
ClusterState result = function.apply(clusterState);
AutoFollowMetadata autoFollowMetadataResult = result.metaData().custom(AutoFollowMetadata.TYPE);
assertThat(autoFollowMetadataResult.getFollowedLeaderIndexUUIDs().get("pattern1"), notNullValue());
assertThat(autoFollowMetadataResult.getFollowedLeaderIndexUUIDs().get("pattern1").size(), equalTo(1));
assertThat(autoFollowMetadataResult.getFollowedLeaderIndexUUIDs().get("pattern1").get(0), equalTo("index1"));
public void testRecordLeaderIndexAsFollowFunctionNoEntry() {
AutoFollowMetadata autoFollowMetadata = new AutoFollowMetadata(Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap(),
ClusterState clusterState = new ClusterState.Builder(new ClusterName("name"))
.metaData(new MetaData.Builder().putCustom(AutoFollowMetadata.TYPE, autoFollowMetadata))
Function<ClusterState, ClusterState> function = recordLeaderIndexAsFollowFunction("pattern1", new Index("index1", "index1"));
ClusterState result = function.apply(clusterState);
assertThat(result, sameInstance(clusterState));
public void testGetFollowerIndexName() {
AutoFollowPattern autoFollowPattern = new AutoFollowPattern("remote", Collections.singletonList("metrics-*"), null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public class FollowingEngineTests extends ESTestCase {
private FollowingEngine createEngine(Store store, EngineConfig config) throws IOException {
final String translogUuid = Translog.createEmptyTranslog(config.getTranslogConfig().getTranslogPath(),
SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId, 1L);
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ public class FollowingEngineTests extends ESTestCase {
IndexMetaData leaderIndexMetaData = IndexMetaData.builder(index.getName()).settings(leaderSettings).build();
IndexSettings leaderIndexSettings = new IndexSettings(leaderIndexMetaData, leaderSettings);
try (Store leaderStore = createStore(shardId, leaderIndexSettings, newDirectory())) {
EngineConfig leaderConfig = engineConfig(shardId, leaderIndexSettings, threadPool, leaderStore, logger, xContentRegistry());
leaderConfig.getTranslogConfig().getTranslogPath(), SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED, shardId, 1L));
@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.CachedSupplier;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentObject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.AbstractQueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.job.messages.Messages;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.utils.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.utils.MlStrings;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.utils.ToXContentParams;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.utils.XContentObjectTransformer;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ml.utils.time.TimeUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* Datafeed configuration options. Describes where to proactively pull input
@ -60,6 +64,45 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
private static final int TWO_MINS_SECONDS = 2 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
private static final int TWENTY_MINS_SECONDS = 20 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
private static final int HALF_DAY_SECONDS = 12 * 60 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
static final XContentObjectTransformer<QueryBuilder> QUERY_TRANSFORMER = XContentObjectTransformer.queryBuilderTransformer();
private static final BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, String, QueryBuilder> lazyQueryParser = (objectMap, id) -> {
try {
return QUERY_TRANSFORMER.fromMap(objectMap);
} catch (IOException | XContentParseException exception) {
// Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user
if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
} else {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_QUERY_BAD_FORMAT, exception, id),
static final XContentObjectTransformer<AggregatorFactories.Builder> AGG_TRANSFORMER = XContentObjectTransformer.aggregatorTransformer();
private static final BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, String, AggregatorFactories.Builder> lazyAggParser = (objectMap, id) -> {
try {
return AGG_TRANSFORMER.fromMap(objectMap);
} catch (IOException | XContentParseException exception) {
// Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user
if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
} else {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_AGG_BAD_FORMAT, exception.getMessage(), id),
// Used for QueryPage
public static final ParseField RESULTS_FIELD = new ParseField("datafeeds");
@ -90,6 +133,21 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
public static final ObjectParser<Builder, Void> LENIENT_PARSER = createParser(true);
public static final ObjectParser<Builder, Void> STRICT_PARSER = createParser(false);
public static void validateAggregations(AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations) {
if (aggregations == null) {
Collection<AggregationBuilder> aggregatorFactories = aggregations.getAggregatorFactories();
if (aggregatorFactories.isEmpty()) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_REQUIRES_DATE_HISTOGRAM);
AggregationBuilder histogramAggregation = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramAggregation(aggregatorFactories);
private static ObjectParser<Builder, Void> createParser(boolean ignoreUnknownFields) {
ObjectParser<Builder, Void> parser = new ObjectParser<>("datafeed_config", ignoreUnknownFields, Builder::new);
@ -102,9 +160,15 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
builder.setQueryDelay(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(val, QUERY_DELAY.getPreferredName())), QUERY_DELAY);
parser.declareString((builder, val) ->
builder.setFrequency(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(val, FREQUENCY.getPreferredName())), FREQUENCY);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setQuery, (p, c) -> AbstractQueryBuilder.parseInnerQueryBuilder(p), QUERY);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregations, (p, c) -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(p), AGGREGATIONS);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregations, (p, c) -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(p), AGGS);
if (ignoreUnknownFields) {
parser.declareObject(Builder::setQuery, (p, c) -> p.map(), QUERY);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregations, (p, c) -> p.map(), AGGREGATIONS);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregations, (p, c) -> p.map(), AGGS);
} else {
parser.declareObject(Builder::setParsedQuery, (p, c) -> AbstractQueryBuilder.parseInnerQueryBuilder(p), QUERY);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setParsedAggregations, (p, c) -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(p), AGGREGATIONS);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setParsedAggregations, (p, c) -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(p), AGGS);
parser.declareObject(Builder::setScriptFields, (p, c) -> {
List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> parsedScriptFields = new ArrayList<>();
while (p.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
@ -146,16 +210,18 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
private final List<String> indices;
private final List<String> types;
private final QueryBuilder query;
private final AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations;
private final Map<String, Object> query;
private final Map<String, Object> aggregations;
private final List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> scriptFields;
private final Integer scrollSize;
private final ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig;
private final Map<String, String> headers;
private final DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig;
private final CachedSupplier<QueryBuilder> querySupplier;
private final CachedSupplier<AggregatorFactories.Builder> aggSupplier;
private DatafeedConfig(String id, String jobId, TimeValue queryDelay, TimeValue frequency, List<String> indices, List<String> types,
QueryBuilder query, AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations, List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> scriptFields,
Map<String, Object> query, Map<String, Object> aggregations, List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> scriptFields,
Integer scrollSize, ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig, Map<String, String> headers,
DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig) {
this.id = id;
@ -171,6 +237,8 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
this.chunkingConfig = chunkingConfig;
this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(headers);
this.delayedDataCheckConfig = delayedDataCheckConfig;
this.querySupplier = new CachedSupplier<>(() -> lazyQueryParser.apply(query, id));
this.aggSupplier = new CachedSupplier<>(() -> lazyAggParser.apply(aggregations, id));
public DatafeedConfig(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
@ -188,8 +256,17 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
} else {
this.types = null;
this.query = in.readNamedWriteable(QueryBuilder.class);
this.aggregations = in.readOptionalWriteable(AggregatorFactories.Builder::new);
if (in.getVersion().before(Version.V_6_6_0)) {
this.query = QUERY_TRANSFORMER.toMap(in.readNamedWriteable(QueryBuilder.class));
this.aggregations = AGG_TRANSFORMER.toMap(in.readOptionalWriteable(AggregatorFactories.Builder::new));
} else {
this.query = in.readMap();
if (in.readBoolean()) {
this.aggregations = in.readMap();
} else {
this.aggregations = null;
if (in.readBoolean()) {
this.scriptFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(in.readList(SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField::new));
} else {
@ -207,6 +284,8 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
} else {
delayedDataCheckConfig = DelayedDataCheckConfig.defaultDelayedDataCheckConfig();
this.querySupplier = new CachedSupplier<>(() -> lazyQueryParser.apply(query, id));
this.aggSupplier = new CachedSupplier<>(() -> lazyAggParser.apply(aggregations, id));
public String getId() {
@ -237,11 +316,19 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
return scrollSize;
public QueryBuilder getQuery() {
public QueryBuilder getParsedQuery() {
return querySupplier.get();
public Map<String, Object> getQuery() {
return query;
public AggregatorFactories.Builder getAggregations() {
public AggregatorFactories.Builder getParsedAggregations() {
return aggSupplier.get();
public Map<String, Object> getAggregations() {
return aggregations;
@ -249,14 +336,14 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
* Returns the histogram's interval as epoch millis.
public long getHistogramIntervalMillis() {
return ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(aggregations);
return ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(getParsedAggregations());
* @return {@code true} when there are non-empty aggregations, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean hasAggregations() {
return aggregations != null && aggregations.count() > 0;
return aggregations != null && aggregations.size() > 0;
public List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> getScriptFields() {
@ -293,8 +380,16 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
} else {
if (out.getVersion().before(Version.V_6_6_0)) {
} else {
out.writeBoolean(aggregations != null);
if (aggregations != null) {
if (scriptFields != null) {
@ -454,15 +549,20 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
private TimeValue frequency;
private List<String> indices = Collections.emptyList();
private List<String> types = Collections.emptyList();
private QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery();
private AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations;
private Map<String, Object> query;
private Map<String, Object> aggregations;
private List<SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField> scriptFields;
private Integer scrollSize = DEFAULT_SCROLL_SIZE;
private ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig;
private Map<String, String> headers = Collections.emptyMap();
private DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig = DelayedDataCheckConfig.defaultDelayedDataCheckConfig();
public Builder() {
try {
this.query = QUERY_TRANSFORMER.toMap(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery());
} catch (IOException ex) { /*Should never happen*/ }
public Builder(String id, String jobId) {
@ -517,11 +617,47 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
this.frequency = frequency;
public void setQuery(QueryBuilder query) {
public void setParsedQuery(QueryBuilder query) {
try {
setQuery(QUERY_TRANSFORMER.toMap(ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(query, QUERY.getPreferredName())));
} catch (IOException | XContentParseException exception) {
if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
// Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
} else {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_QUERY_BAD_FORMAT, id, exception.getMessage()), exception);
void setQuery(Map<String, Object> query) {
this.query = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(query, QUERY.getPreferredName());
public void setAggregations(AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations) {
public void setParsedAggregations(AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations) {
try {
} catch (IOException | XContentParseException exception) {
// Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user
if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
} else {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_AGG_BAD_FORMAT, id, exception.getMessage()), exception);
void setAggregations(Map<String, Object> aggregations) {
this.aggregations = aggregations;
@ -564,30 +700,22 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
throw invalidOptionValue(TYPES.getPreferredName(), types);
return new DatafeedConfig(id, jobId, queryDelay, frequency, indices, types, query, aggregations, scriptFields, scrollSize,
chunkingConfig, headers, delayedDataCheckConfig);
void validateAggregations() {
void validateScriptFields() {
if (aggregations == null) {
if (scriptFields != null && !scriptFields.isEmpty()) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(
Collection<AggregationBuilder> aggregatorFactories = aggregations.getAggregatorFactories();
if (aggregatorFactories.isEmpty()) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_REQUIRES_DATE_HISTOGRAM);
AggregationBuilder histogramAggregation = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramAggregation(aggregatorFactories);
private static void checkNoMoreHistogramAggregations(Collection<AggregationBuilder> aggregations) {
@ -630,7 +758,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable<DatafeedConfig> implements
if (aggregations == null) {
chunkingConfig = ChunkingConfig.newAuto();
} else {
long histogramIntervalMillis = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(aggregations);
long histogramIntervalMillis = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(lazyAggParser.apply(aggregations, id));
chunkingConfig = ChunkingConfig.newManual(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(
@ -295,10 +295,11 @@ public class DatafeedUpdate implements Writeable, ToXContentObject {
if (query != null) {
if (aggregations != null) {
if (scriptFields != null) {
@ -371,9 +372,9 @@ public class DatafeedUpdate implements Writeable, ToXContentObject {
&& (queryDelay == null || Objects.equals(queryDelay, datafeed.getQueryDelay()))
&& (indices == null || Objects.equals(indices, datafeed.getIndices()))
&& (types == null || Objects.equals(types, datafeed.getTypes()))
&& (query == null || Objects.equals(query, datafeed.getQuery()))
&& (query == null || Objects.equals(query, datafeed.getParsedQuery()))
&& (scrollSize == null || Objects.equals(scrollSize, datafeed.getQueryDelay()))
&& (aggregations == null || Objects.equals(aggregations, datafeed.getAggregations()))
&& (aggregations == null || Objects.equals(aggregations, datafeed.getParsedAggregations()))
&& (scriptFields == null || Objects.equals(scriptFields, datafeed.getScriptFields()))
&& (delayedDataCheckConfig == null || Objects.equals(delayedDataCheckConfig, datafeed.getDelayedDataCheckConfig()))
&& (chunkingConfig == null || Objects.equals(chunkingConfig, datafeed.getChunkingConfig()));
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ public final class Messages {
"delayed_data_check_config: check_window [{0}] must be greater than the bucket_span [{1}]";
"delayed_data_check_config: check_window [{0}] must be less than 10,000x the bucket_span [{1}]";
public static final String DATAFEED_CONFIG_QUERY_BAD_FORMAT = "Datafeed [{0}] query is not parsable: {1}";
public static final String DATAFEED_CONFIG_AGG_BAD_FORMAT = "Datafeed [{0}] aggregations are not parsable: {1}";
public static final String DATAFEED_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_JOB_WITH_LATENCY = "A job configured with datafeed cannot support latency";
public static final String DATAFEED_NOT_FOUND = "No datafeed with id [{0}] exists";
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ public class XContentObjectTransformer<T extends ToXContentObject> {
public T fromMap(Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap) throws IOException {
if (stringObjectMap == null) {
return null;
LoggingDeprecationAccumulationHandler deprecationLogger = new LoggingDeprecationAccumulationHandler();
try(XContentBuilder xContentBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().map(stringObjectMap);
XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON
@ -74,6 +77,9 @@ public class XContentObjectTransformer<T extends ToXContentObject> {
public Map<String, Object> toMap(T object) throws IOException {
if (object == null) {
return null;
try(XContentBuilder xContentBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()) {
XContentBuilder content = object.toXContent(xContentBuilder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
return XContentHelper.convertToMap(BytesReference.bytes(content), true, XContentType.JSON).v2();
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
builder.setIndices(randomStringList(1, 10));
builder.setTypes(randomStringList(0, 10));
if (randomBoolean()) {
builder.setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery(randomAlphaOfLength(10), randomAlphaOfLength(10)));
builder.setParsedQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery(randomAlphaOfLength(10), randomAlphaOfLength(10)));
boolean addScriptFields = randomBoolean();
if (addScriptFields) {
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
MaxAggregationBuilder maxTime = AggregationBuilders.max("time").field("time");
if (randomBoolean()) {
builder.setScrollSize(randomIntBetween(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
@ -155,6 +155,43 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
" \"scroll_size\": 1234\n" +
private static final String ANACHRONISTIC_QUERY_DATAFEED = "{\n" +
" \"datafeed_id\": \"farequote-datafeed\",\n" +
" \"job_id\": \"farequote\",\n" +
" \"frequency\": \"1h\",\n" +
" \"indices\": [\"farequote1\", \"farequote2\"],\n" +
//query:match:type stopped being supported in 6.x
" \"query\": {\"match\" : {\"query\":\"fieldName\", \"type\": \"phrase\"}},\n" +
" \"scroll_size\": 1234\n" +
private static final String ANACHRONISTIC_AGG_DATAFEED = "{\n" +
" \"datafeed_id\": \"farequote-datafeed\",\n" +
" \"job_id\": \"farequote\",\n" +
" \"frequency\": \"1h\",\n" +
" \"indices\": [\"farequote1\", \"farequote2\"],\n" +
" \"aggregations\": {\n" +
" \"buckets\": {\n" +
" \"date_histogram\": {\n" +
" \"field\": \"time\",\n" +
" \"interval\": \"360s\",\n" +
" \"time_zone\": \"UTC\"\n" +
" },\n" +
" \"aggregations\": {\n" +
" \"time\": {\n" +
" \"max\": {\"field\": \"time\"}\n" +
" },\n" +
" \"airline\": {\n" +
" \"terms\": {\n" +
" \"field\": \"airline\",\n" +
" \"size\": 0\n" + //size: 0 stopped being supported in 6.x
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testFutureConfigParse() throws IOException {
XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
.createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, DeprecationHandler.THROW_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, FUTURE_DATAFEED);
@ -163,6 +200,44 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
assertEquals("[6:5] [datafeed_config] unknown field [tomorrows_technology_today], parser not found", e.getMessage());
public void testPastQueryConfigParse() throws IOException {
try(XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
DatafeedConfig config = DatafeedConfig.LENIENT_PARSER.apply(parser, null).build();
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, () -> config.getParsedQuery());
assertEquals("[match] query doesn't support multiple fields, found [query] and [type]", e.getMessage());
try(XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
XContentParseException e = expectThrows(XContentParseException.class,
() -> DatafeedConfig.STRICT_PARSER.apply(parser, null).build());
assertEquals("[6:25] [datafeed_config] failed to parse field [query]", e.getMessage());
public void testPastAggConfigParse() throws IOException {
try(XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
DatafeedConfig.Builder configBuilder = DatafeedConfig.LENIENT_PARSER.apply(parser, null);
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, () -> configBuilder.build());
"Datafeed [farequote-datafeed] aggregations are not parsable: [size] must be greater than 0. Found [0] in [airline]",
try(XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
XContentParseException e = expectThrows(XContentParseException.class,
() -> DatafeedConfig.STRICT_PARSER.apply(parser, null).build());
assertEquals("[8:25] [datafeed_config] failed to parse field [aggregations]", e.getMessage());
public void testFutureMetadataParse() throws IOException {
XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(XContentType.JSON)
.createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, DeprecationHandler.THROW_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, FUTURE_DATAFEED);
@ -274,7 +349,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
datafeed.setScriptFields(Collections.singletonList(new SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField(randomAlphaOfLength(10),
mockScript(randomAlphaOfLength(10)), randomBoolean())));
datafeed.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(AggregationBuilders.avg("foo")));
datafeed.setParsedAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(AggregationBuilders.avg("foo")));
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, datafeed::build);
@ -295,7 +370,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
MaxAggregationBuilder maxTime = AggregationBuilders.max("time").field("time");
builder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
builder.setParsedAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
DatafeedConfig datafeedConfig = builder.build();
@ -306,7 +381,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
DatafeedConfig.Builder builder = new DatafeedConfig.Builder("datafeed1", "job1");
builder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder());
builder.setParsedAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder());
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, builder::build);
@ -318,13 +393,13 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
MaxAggregationBuilder maxTime = AggregationBuilders.max("time").field("time");
builder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
builder.setParsedAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, builder::build);
assertThat(e.getMessage(), equalTo("Aggregation interval must be greater than 0"));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("[interval] must be >0 for histogram aggregation [time]"));
public void testBuild_GivenDateHistogramWithInvalidTimeZone() {
@ -341,7 +416,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class,
() -> createDatafeedWithDateHistogram((String) null));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), equalTo("Aggregation interval must be greater than 0"));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("Aggregation interval must be greater than 0"));
public void testBuild_GivenValidDateHistogram() {
@ -402,9 +477,8 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
TermsAggregationBuilder toplevelTerms = AggregationBuilders.terms("top_level");
DatafeedConfig.Builder builder = new DatafeedConfig.Builder("foo", "bar");
builder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(toplevelTerms));
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class, builder::validateAggregations);
ElasticsearchException e = expectThrows(ElasticsearchException.class,
() -> DatafeedConfig.validateAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(toplevelTerms)));
assertEquals("Aggregations can only have 1 date_histogram or histogram aggregation", e.getMessage());
@ -520,7 +594,9 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
DatafeedConfig.Builder builder = new DatafeedConfig.Builder("datafeed1", "job1");
builder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(dateHistogram));
AggregatorFactories.Builder aggs = new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(dateHistogram);
return builder.build();
@ -556,11 +632,11 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
case 6:
BoolQueryBuilder query = new BoolQueryBuilder();
if (instance.getQuery() != null) {
if (instance.getParsedQuery() != null) {
query.filter(new TermQueryBuilder(randomAlphaOfLengthBetween(1, 10), randomAlphaOfLengthBetween(1, 10)));
case 7:
if (instance.hasAggregations()) {
@ -571,7 +647,7 @@ public class DatafeedConfigTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedCon
.addAggregator(new DateHistogramAggregationBuilder(timeField).field(timeField).interval(between(10000, 3600000))
.subAggregation(new MaxAggregationBuilder(timeField).field(timeField)));
if (instance.getScriptFields().isEmpty() == false) {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class DatafeedUpdateTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedUpd
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getTypes(), equalTo(Collections.singletonList("t_2")));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getQueryDelay(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(42)));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getFrequency(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(142)));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getQuery(), equalTo(QueryBuilders.termQuery("a", "b")));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getParsedQuery(), equalTo(QueryBuilders.termQuery("a", "b")));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.hasAggregations(), is(false));
equalTo(Collections.singletonList(new SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField("a", mockScript("b"), false))));
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class DatafeedUpdateTests extends AbstractSerializingTestCase<DatafeedUpd
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getIndices(), equalTo(Collections.singletonList("i_1")));
assertThat(updatedDatafeed.getTypes(), equalTo(Collections.singletonList("t_1")));
equalTo(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ public class DelayedDataDetectorIT extends MlNativeAutodetectIntegTestCase {
DatafeedConfig.Builder datafeedConfigBuilder = createDatafeedBuilder(job.getId() + "-datafeed",
datafeedConfigBuilder.setAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
datafeedConfigBuilder.setParsedAggregations(new AggregatorFactories.Builder().addAggregator(
datafeedConfigBuilder.setQuery(new RangeQueryBuilder("value").gte(numDocs/2));
datafeedConfigBuilder.setParsedQuery(new RangeQueryBuilder("value").gte(numDocs/2));
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