[build] Update progress logger after each test

This makes the rest tests **tons** more responsive.

Also stop test progress output from jumping by using formating. The progess
now looks like:
Suites [004/549], Tests [0019|0|0], in 1.58s J2 completed UpdateNumberOfReplicasTests

The changes included are:
1. The suites, total tests, and JVM id are now padded based on their maximum
size. The maximum number of tests is just a guess because that data isn't
easily available when the suite starts. JVM id rarely matters because only
the most crazy individuals use more than 10 JVMs.

2. The suite information is reordered. Now its runtime, jvm id, suite name,
and, optionally, method name. This reordering is useful because the thing
that varies in length, the suite and method name, are on the right hand
side. This means that nothing jumps around during the test run.
This commit is contained in:
Nik Everett 2015-11-13 16:01:40 -05:00
parent e837140385
commit 74aa18088c
1 changed files with 136 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -23,45 +23,163 @@ import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.JUnit4
import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.dependencies.com.google.common.eventbus.Subscribe
import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.events.aggregated.AggregatedStartEvent
import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.events.aggregated.AggregatedSuiteResultEvent
import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.events.aggregated.AggregatedTestResultEvent
import com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.listeners.AggregatedEventListener
import org.gradle.logging.ProgressLogger
import org.gradle.logging.ProgressLoggerFactory
import org.junit.runner.Description
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import static com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.events.aggregated.TestStatus.*
import static com.carrotsearch.ant.tasks.junit4.FormattingUtils.formatDurationInSeconds
import static java.lang.Math.max
* Adapts junit4's event listeners into gradle's ProgressLogger. Note that
* junit4 guarantees (via guava) that methods on this class won't be called by
* multiple threads simultaneously which is helpful in making it simpler.
* Every time a test finishes this class will update the logger. It will log
* the last finished test method on the logger line until the first suite
* finishes. Once the first suite finishes it always logs the last finished
* suite. This means that in test runs with a single suite the logger will be
* updated with the test name the whole time which is useful because these runs
* usually have longer individual tests. For test runs with lots of suites the
* majority of the time is spent showing the last suite that finished which is
* more useful for those test runs because test methods there tend to be very
* quick.
class TestProgressLogger implements AggregatedEventListener {
/** Factory to build a progress logger when testing starts */
ProgressLoggerFactory factory
ProgressLogger progressLogger
int totalSuites;
AtomicInteger suitesCompleted = new AtomicInteger()
AtomicInteger testsCompleted = new AtomicInteger()
AtomicInteger testsFailed = new AtomicInteger()
AtomicInteger testsIgnored = new AtomicInteger()
int totalSuites
int totalSlaves
// sprintf formats used to align the integers we print
String suitesFormat
String slavesFormat
String testsFormat
// Counters incremented test completion.
volatile int suitesCompleted = 0
volatile int testsCompleted = 0
volatile int testsFailed = 0
volatile int testsIgnored = 0
// Information about the last, most interesting event.
volatile String eventDescription
volatile int eventSlave
volatile long eventExecutionTime
/** Have we finished a whole suite yet? */
volatile boolean suiteFinished = false
/* Note that we probably overuse volatile here but it isn't hurting us and
lets us move things around without worying about breaking things. */
void onStart(AggregatedStartEvent e) throws IOException {
totalSuites = e.getSuiteCount();
totalSuites = e.suiteCount
totalSlaves = e.slaveCount
progressLogger = factory.newOperation(TestProgressLogger)
progressLogger.setDescription('Randomized test runner')
progressLogger.progress('Starting JUnit4 with ' + e.getSlaveCount() + ' jvms')
"Starting JUnit4 for ${totalSuites} suites on ${totalSlaves} jvms")
suitesFormat = "%0${widthForTotal(totalSuites)}d"
slavesFormat = "%-${widthForTotal(totalSlaves)}s"
/* Just guess the number of tests because we can't figure it out from
here and it isn't worth doing anything fancy to prevent the console
from jumping around a little. 200 is a pretty wild guess for the
minimum but it makes REST tests output sanely. */
int totalNumberOfTestsGuess = max(200, totalSuites * 10)
testsFormat = "%0${widthForTotal(totalNumberOfTestsGuess)}d"
void onTestResult(AggregatedTestResultEvent e) throws IOException {
switch (e.status) {
case ERROR:
case OK:
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown test status: [${e.status}]")
if (!suiteFinished) {
void onSuiteResult(AggregatedSuiteResultEvent e) throws IOException {
final int suitesCompleted = suitesCompleted.incrementAndGet();
final int testsCompleted = testsCompleted.addAndGet(e.getDescription().testCount())
final int testsFailed = testsFailed.addAndGet(e.getErrorCount() + e.getFailureCount())
final int testsIgnored = testsIgnored.addAndGet(e.getIgnoredCount())
Description description = e.getDescription()
String suiteName = description.getDisplayName();
suiteName = suiteName.substring(suiteName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
progressLogger.progress('Suites [' + suitesCompleted + '/' + totalSuites + '], Tests [' + testsCompleted + '|' + testsFailed + '|' + testsIgnored + '], ' + suiteName + ' on J' + e.getSlave().id + ' in ' + formatDurationInSeconds(e.getExecutionTime()))
suiteFinished = true
* Update the suite information with a junit4 event.
private void updateEventInfo(Object e) {
eventDescription = simpleName(e.description.className)
if (e.description.methodName != null) {
eventDescription += "#${e.description.methodName}"
eventSlave = e.slave.id
eventExecutionTime = e.executionTime
* Extract a Class#getSimpleName style name from Class#getName style
* string. We can't just use Class#getSimpleName because junit descriptions
* don't alway s set the class field but they always set the className
* field.
private static String simpleName(String className) {
return className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
private void log() {
/* Remember that instances of this class are only ever active on one
thread at a time so there really aren't race conditions here. It'd be
OK if there were because they'd only display an overcount
temporarily. */
String log = ''
if (totalSuites > 1) {
/* Skip printing the suites to save space when there is only a
single suite. This is nice because when there is only a single
suite we log the method name and those can be long. */
log += sprintf("Suites [${suitesFormat}/${suitesFormat}], ",
[suitesCompleted, totalSuites])
log += sprintf("Tests [${testsFormat}|%d|%d], ",
[testsCompleted, testsFailed, testsIgnored])
log += "in ${formatDurationInSeconds(eventExecutionTime)} "
if (totalSlaves > 1) {
/* Skip printing the slaves if there is only one of them. This is
nice because when there is only a single slave there is often
only a single suite and we could use the extra space to log the
test method names. */
log += "J${sprintf(slavesFormat, eventSlave)} "
log += "completed ${eventDescription}"
private static int widthForTotal(int total) {
return ((total - 1) as String).length()