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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Core: switch to the new ConcurrentHashMap implementation coming in Java 8
The new implementation has lower RAM overhead and better concurrency in some cases. Closes #6400
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// Rev 1.31 from http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/jsr166e/CountedCompleter.java?view=log
* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package jsr166e;
* A {@link ForkJoinTask} with a completion action performed when
* triggered and there are no remaining pending actions.
* CountedCompleters are in general more robust in the
* presence of subtask stalls and blockage than are other forms of
* ForkJoinTasks, but are less intuitive to program. Uses of
* CountedCompleter are similar to those of other completion based
* components (such as {@link java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler})
* except that multiple <em>pending</em> completions may be necessary
* to trigger the completion action {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)},
* not just one.
* Unless initialized otherwise, the {@linkplain #getPendingCount pending
* count} starts at zero, but may be (atomically) changed using
* methods {@link #setPendingCount}, {@link #addToPendingCount}, and
* {@link #compareAndSetPendingCount}. Upon invocation of {@link
* #tryComplete}, if the pending action count is nonzero, it is
* decremented; otherwise, the completion action is performed, and if
* this completer itself has a completer, the process is continued
* with its completer. As is the case with related synchronization
* components such as {@link java.util.concurrent.Phaser Phaser} and
* {@link java.util.concurrent.Semaphore Semaphore}, these methods
* affect only internal counts; they do not establish any further
* internal bookkeeping. In particular, the identities of pending
* tasks are not maintained. As illustrated below, you can create
* subclasses that do record some or all pending tasks or their
* results when needed. As illustrated below, utility methods
* supporting customization of completion traversals are also
* provided. However, because CountedCompleters provide only basic
* synchronization mechanisms, it may be useful to create further
* abstract subclasses that maintain linkages, fields, and additional
* support methods appropriate for a set of related usages.
* <p>A concrete CountedCompleter class must define method {@link
* #compute}, that should in most cases (as illustrated below), invoke
* {@code tryComplete()} once before returning. The class may also
* optionally override method {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)}
* to perform an action upon normal completion, and method
* {@link #onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable, CountedCompleter)} to
* perform an action upon any exception.
* <p>CountedCompleters most often do not bear results, in which case
* they are normally declared as {@code CountedCompleter<Void>}, and
* will always return {@code null} as a result value. In other cases,
* you should override method {@link #getRawResult} to provide a
* result from {@code join(), invoke()}, and related methods. In
* general, this method should return the value of a field (or a
* function of one or more fields) of the CountedCompleter object that
* holds the result upon completion. Method {@link #setRawResult} by
* default plays no role in CountedCompleters. It is possible, but
* rarely applicable, to override this method to maintain other
* objects or fields holding result data.
* <p>A CountedCompleter that does not itself have a completer (i.e.,
* one for which {@link #getCompleter} returns {@code null}) can be
* used as a regular ForkJoinTask with this added functionality.
* However, any completer that in turn has another completer serves
* only as an internal helper for other computations, so its own task
* status (as reported in methods such as {@link ForkJoinTask#isDone})
* is arbitrary; this status changes only upon explicit invocations of
* {@link #complete}, {@link ForkJoinTask#cancel},
* {@link ForkJoinTask#completeExceptionally(Throwable)} or upon
* exceptional completion of method {@code compute}. Upon any
* exceptional completion, the exception may be relayed to a task's
* completer (and its completer, and so on), if one exists and it has
* not otherwise already completed. Similarly, cancelling an internal
* CountedCompleter has only a local effect on that completer, so is
* not often useful.
* <p><b>Sample Usages.</b>
* <p><b>Parallel recursive decomposition.</b> CountedCompleters may
* be arranged in trees similar to those often used with {@link
* RecursiveAction}s, although the constructions involved in setting
* them up typically vary. Here, the completer of each task is its
* parent in the computation tree. Even though they entail a bit more
* bookkeeping, CountedCompleters may be better choices when applying
* a possibly time-consuming operation (that cannot be further
* subdivided) to each element of an array or collection; especially
* when the operation takes a significantly different amount of time
* to complete for some elements than others, either because of
* intrinsic variation (for example I/O) or auxiliary effects such as
* garbage collection. Because CountedCompleters provide their own
* continuations, other threads need not block waiting to perform
* them.
* <p>For example, here is an initial version of a class that uses
* divide-by-two recursive decomposition to divide work into single
* pieces (leaf tasks). Even when work is split into individual calls,
* tree-based techniques are usually preferable to directly forking
* leaf tasks, because they reduce inter-thread communication and
* improve load balancing. In the recursive case, the second of each
* pair of subtasks to finish triggers completion of its parent
* (because no result combination is performed, the default no-op
* implementation of method {@code onCompletion} is not overridden).
* A static utility method sets up the base task and invokes it
* (here, implicitly using the {@link ForkJoinPool#commonPool()}).
* <pre> {@code
* class MyOperation<E> { void apply(E e) { ... } }
* class ForEach<E> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
* public static <E> void forEach(E[] array, MyOperation<E> op) {
* new ForEach<E>(null, array, op, 0, array.length).invoke();
* }
* final E[] array; final MyOperation<E> op; final int lo, hi;
* ForEach(CountedCompleter<?> p, E[] array, MyOperation<E> op, int lo, int hi) {
* super(p);
* this.array = array; this.op = op; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
* }
* public void compute() { // version 1
* if (hi - lo >= 2) {
* int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
* setPendingCount(2); // must set pending count before fork
* new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
* new ForEach(this, array, op, lo, mid).fork(); // left child
* }
* else if (hi > lo)
* op.apply(array[lo]);
* tryComplete();
* }
* }}</pre>
* This design can be improved by noticing that in the recursive case,
* the task has nothing to do after forking its right task, so can
* directly invoke its left task before returning. (This is an analog
* of tail recursion removal.) Also, because the task returns upon
* executing its left task (rather than falling through to invoke
* {@code tryComplete}) the pending count is set to one:
* <pre> {@code
* class ForEach<E> ...
* public void compute() { // version 2
* if (hi - lo >= 2) {
* int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
* setPendingCount(1); // only one pending
* new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
* new ForEach(this, array, op, lo, mid).compute(); // direct invoke
* }
* else {
* if (hi > lo)
* op.apply(array[lo]);
* tryComplete();
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* As a further improvement, notice that the left task need not even exist.
* Instead of creating a new one, we can iterate using the original task,
* and add a pending count for each fork. Additionally, because no task
* in this tree implements an {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)} method,
* {@code tryComplete()} can be replaced with {@link #propagateCompletion}.
* <pre> {@code
* class ForEach<E> ...
* public void compute() { // version 3
* int l = lo, h = hi;
* while (h - l >= 2) {
* int mid = (l + h) >>> 1;
* addToPendingCount(1);
* new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, h).fork(); // right child
* h = mid;
* }
* if (h > l)
* op.apply(array[l]);
* propagateCompletion();
* }
* }</pre>
* Additional improvements of such classes might entail precomputing
* pending counts so that they can be established in constructors,
* specializing classes for leaf steps, subdividing by say, four,
* instead of two per iteration, and using an adaptive threshold
* instead of always subdividing down to single elements.
* <p><b>Searching.</b> A tree of CountedCompleters can search for a
* value or property in different parts of a data structure, and
* report a result in an {@link
* java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference AtomicReference} as
* soon as one is found. The others can poll the result to avoid
* unnecessary work. (You could additionally {@linkplain #cancel
* cancel} other tasks, but it is usually simpler and more efficient
* to just let them notice that the result is set and if so skip
* further processing.) Illustrating again with an array using full
* partitioning (again, in practice, leaf tasks will almost always
* process more than one element):
* <pre> {@code
* class Searcher<E> extends CountedCompleter<E> {
* final E[] array; final AtomicReference<E> result; final int lo, hi;
* Searcher(CountedCompleter<?> p, E[] array, AtomicReference<E> result, int lo, int hi) {
* super(p);
* this.array = array; this.result = result; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
* }
* public E getRawResult() { return result.get(); }
* public void compute() { // similar to ForEach version 3
* int l = lo, h = hi;
* while (result.get() == null && h >= l) {
* if (h - l >= 2) {
* int mid = (l + h) >>> 1;
* addToPendingCount(1);
* new Searcher(this, array, result, mid, h).fork();
* h = mid;
* }
* else {
* E x = array[l];
* if (matches(x) && result.compareAndSet(null, x))
* quietlyCompleteRoot(); // root task is now joinable
* break;
* }
* }
* tryComplete(); // normally complete whether or not found
* }
* boolean matches(E e) { ... } // return true if found
* public static <E> E search(E[] array) {
* return new Searcher<E>(null, array, new AtomicReference<E>(), 0, array.length).invoke();
* }
* }}</pre>
* In this example, as well as others in which tasks have no other
* effects except to compareAndSet a common result, the trailing
* unconditional invocation of {@code tryComplete} could be made
* conditional ({@code if (result.get() == null) tryComplete();})
* because no further bookkeeping is required to manage completions
* once the root task completes.
* <p><b>Recording subtasks.</b> CountedCompleter tasks that combine
* results of multiple subtasks usually need to access these results
* in method {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)}. As illustrated in the following
* class (that performs a simplified form of map-reduce where mappings
* and reductions are all of type {@code E}), one way to do this in
* divide and conquer designs is to have each subtask record its
* sibling, so that it can be accessed in method {@code onCompletion}.
* This technique applies to reductions in which the order of
* combining left and right results does not matter; ordered
* reductions require explicit left/right designations. Variants of
* other streamlinings seen in the above examples may also apply.
* <pre> {@code
* class MyMapper<E> { E apply(E v) { ... } }
* class MyReducer<E> { E apply(E x, E y) { ... } }
* class MapReducer<E> extends CountedCompleter<E> {
* final E[] array; final MyMapper<E> mapper;
* final MyReducer<E> reducer; final int lo, hi;
* MapReducer<E> sibling;
* E result;
* MapReducer(CountedCompleter<?> p, E[] array, MyMapper<E> mapper,
* MyReducer<E> reducer, int lo, int hi) {
* super(p);
* this.array = array; this.mapper = mapper;
* this.reducer = reducer; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
* }
* public void compute() {
* if (hi - lo >= 2) {
* int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
* MapReducer<E> left = new MapReducer(this, array, mapper, reducer, lo, mid);
* MapReducer<E> right = new MapReducer(this, array, mapper, reducer, mid, hi);
* left.sibling = right;
* right.sibling = left;
* setPendingCount(1); // only right is pending
* right.fork();
* left.compute(); // directly execute left
* }
* else {
* if (hi > lo)
* result = mapper.apply(array[lo]);
* tryComplete();
* }
* }
* public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> caller) {
* if (caller != this) {
* MapReducer<E> child = (MapReducer<E>)caller;
* MapReducer<E> sib = child.sibling;
* if (sib == null || sib.result == null)
* result = child.result;
* else
* result = reducer.apply(child.result, sib.result);
* }
* }
* public E getRawResult() { return result; }
* public static <E> E mapReduce(E[] array, MyMapper<E> mapper, MyReducer<E> reducer) {
* return new MapReducer<E>(null, array, mapper, reducer,
* 0, array.length).invoke();
* }
* }}</pre>
* Here, method {@code onCompletion} takes a form common to many
* completion designs that combine results. This callback-style method
* is triggered once per task, in either of the two different contexts
* in which the pending count is, or becomes, zero: (1) by a task
* itself, if its pending count is zero upon invocation of {@code
* tryComplete}, or (2) by any of its subtasks when they complete and
* decrement the pending count to zero. The {@code caller} argument
* distinguishes cases. Most often, when the caller is {@code this},
* no action is necessary. Otherwise the caller argument can be used
* (usually via a cast) to supply a value (and/or links to other
* values) to be combined. Assuming proper use of pending counts, the
* actions inside {@code onCompletion} occur (once) upon completion of
* a task and its subtasks. No additional synchronization is required
* within this method to ensure thread safety of accesses to fields of
* this task or other completed tasks.
* <p><b>Completion Traversals</b>. If using {@code onCompletion} to
* process completions is inapplicable or inconvenient, you can use
* methods {@link #firstComplete} and {@link #nextComplete} to create
* custom traversals. For example, to define a MapReducer that only
* splits out right-hand tasks in the form of the third ForEach
* example, the completions must cooperatively reduce along
* unexhausted subtask links, which can be done as follows:
* <pre> {@code
* class MapReducer<E> extends CountedCompleter<E> { // version 2
* final E[] array; final MyMapper<E> mapper;
* final MyReducer<E> reducer; final int lo, hi;
* MapReducer<E> forks, next; // record subtask forks in list
* E result;
* MapReducer(CountedCompleter<?> p, E[] array, MyMapper<E> mapper,
* MyReducer<E> reducer, int lo, int hi, MapReducer<E> next) {
* super(p);
* this.array = array; this.mapper = mapper;
* this.reducer = reducer; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
* this.next = next;
* }
* public void compute() {
* int l = lo, h = hi;
* while (h - l >= 2) {
* int mid = (l + h) >>> 1;
* addToPendingCount(1);
* (forks = new MapReducer(this, array, mapper, reducer, mid, h, forks)).fork();
* h = mid;
* }
* if (h > l)
* result = mapper.apply(array[l]);
* // process completions by reducing along and advancing subtask links
* for (CountedCompleter<?> c = firstComplete(); c != null; c = c.nextComplete()) {
* for (MapReducer t = (MapReducer)c, s = t.forks; s != null; s = t.forks = s.next)
* t.result = reducer.apply(t.result, s.result);
* }
* }
* public E getRawResult() { return result; }
* public static <E> E mapReduce(E[] array, MyMapper<E> mapper, MyReducer<E> reducer) {
* return new MapReducer<E>(null, array, mapper, reducer,
* 0, array.length, null).invoke();
* }
* }}</pre>
* <p><b>Triggers.</b> Some CountedCompleters are themselves never
* forked, but instead serve as bits of plumbing in other designs;
* including those in which the completion of one or more async tasks
* triggers another async task. For example:
* <pre> {@code
* class HeaderBuilder extends CountedCompleter<...> { ... }
* class BodyBuilder extends CountedCompleter<...> { ... }
* class PacketSender extends CountedCompleter<...> {
* PacketSender(...) { super(null, 1); ... } // trigger on second completion
* public void compute() { } // never called
* public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> caller) { sendPacket(); }
* }
* // sample use:
* PacketSender p = new PacketSender();
* new HeaderBuilder(p, ...).fork();
* new BodyBuilder(p, ...).fork();
* }</pre>
* @since 1.8
* @author Doug Lea
public abstract class CountedCompleter<T> extends ForkJoinTask<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453752276485070L;
/** This task's completer, or null if none */
final CountedCompleter<?> completer;
/** The number of pending tasks until completion */
volatile int pending;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer
* and initial pending count.
* @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none
* @param initialPendingCount the initial pending count
protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer,
int initialPendingCount) {
this.completer = completer;
this.pending = initialPendingCount;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer
* and an initial pending count of zero.
* @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none
protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer) {
this.completer = completer;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with no completer
* and an initial pending count of zero.
protected CountedCompleter() {
this.completer = null;
* The main computation performed by this task.
public abstract void compute();
* Performs an action when method {@link #tryComplete} is invoked
* and the pending count is zero, or when the unconditional
* method {@link #complete} is invoked. By default, this method
* does nothing. You can distinguish cases by checking the
* identity of the given caller argument. If not equal to {@code
* this}, then it is typically a subtask that may contain results
* (and/or links to other results) to combine.
* @param caller the task invoking this method (which may
* be this task itself)
public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> caller) {
* Performs an action when method {@link
* #completeExceptionally(Throwable)} is invoked or method {@link
* #compute} throws an exception, and this task has not already
* otherwise completed normally. On entry to this method, this task
* {@link ForkJoinTask#isCompletedAbnormally}. The return value
* of this method controls further propagation: If {@code true}
* and this task has a completer that has not completed, then that
* completer is also completed exceptionally, with the same
* exception as this completer. The default implementation of
* this method does nothing except return {@code true}.
* @param ex the exception
* @param caller the task invoking this method (which may
* be this task itself)
* @return {@code true} if this exception should be propagated to this
* task's completer, if one exists
public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter<?> caller) {
return true;
* Returns the completer established in this task's constructor,
* or {@code null} if none.
* @return the completer
public final CountedCompleter<?> getCompleter() {
return completer;
* Returns the current pending count.
* @return the current pending count
public final int getPendingCount() {
return pending;
* Sets the pending count to the given value.
* @param count the count
public final void setPendingCount(int count) {
pending = count;
* Adds (atomically) the given value to the pending count.
* @param delta the value to add
public final void addToPendingCount(int delta) {
int c;
do {} while (!U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c = pending, c+delta));
* Sets (atomically) the pending count to the given count only if
* it currently holds the given expected value.
* @param expected the expected value
* @param count the new value
* @return {@code true} if successful
public final boolean compareAndSetPendingCount(int expected, int count) {
return U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, expected, count);
* If the pending count is nonzero, (atomically) decrements it.
* @return the initial (undecremented) pending count holding on entry
* to this method
public final int decrementPendingCountUnlessZero() {
int c;
do {} while ((c = pending) != 0 &&
!U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1));
return c;
* Returns the root of the current computation; i.e., this
* task if it has no completer, else its completer's root.
* @return the root of the current computation
public final CountedCompleter<?> getRoot() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p;
while ((p = a.completer) != null)
a = p;
return a;
* If the pending count is nonzero, decrements the count;
* otherwise invokes {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)}
* and then similarly tries to complete this task's completer,
* if one exists, else marks this task as complete.
public final void tryComplete() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = a.pending) == 0) {
if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) {
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1))
* Equivalent to {@link #tryComplete} but does not invoke {@link
* #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)} along the completion path:
* If the pending count is nonzero, decrements the count;
* otherwise, similarly tries to complete this task's completer, if
* one exists, else marks this task as complete. This method may be
* useful in cases where {@code onCompletion} should not, or need
* not, be invoked for each completer in a computation.
public final void propagateCompletion() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = a.pending) == 0) {
if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) {
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1))
* Regardless of pending count, invokes
* {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)}, marks this task as
* complete and further triggers {@link #tryComplete} on this
* task's completer, if one exists. The given rawResult is
* used as an argument to {@link #setRawResult} before invoking
* {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)} or marking this task
* as complete; its value is meaningful only for classes
* overriding {@code setRawResult}. This method does not modify
* the pending count.
* <p>This method may be useful when forcing completion as soon as
* any one (versus all) of several subtask results are obtained.
* However, in the common (and recommended) case in which {@code
* setRawResult} is not overridden, this effect can be obtained
* more simply using {@code quietlyCompleteRoot();}.
* @param rawResult the raw result
public void complete(T rawResult) {
CountedCompleter<?> p;
if ((p = completer) != null)
* If this task's pending count is zero, returns this task;
* otherwise decrements its pending count and returns {@code
* null}. This method is designed to be used with {@link
* #nextComplete} in completion traversal loops.
* @return this task, if pending count was zero, else {@code null}
public final CountedCompleter<?> firstComplete() {
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = pending) == 0)
return this;
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1))
return null;
* If this task does not have a completer, invokes {@link
* ForkJoinTask#quietlyComplete} and returns {@code null}. Or, if
* the completer's pending count is non-zero, decrements that
* pending count and returns {@code null}. Otherwise, returns the
* completer. This method can be used as part of a completion
* traversal loop for homogeneous task hierarchies:
* <pre> {@code
* for (CountedCompleter<?> c = firstComplete();
* c != null;
* c = c.nextComplete()) {
* // ... process c ...
* }}</pre>
* @return the completer, or {@code null} if none
public final CountedCompleter<?> nextComplete() {
CountedCompleter<?> p;
if ((p = completer) != null)
return p.firstComplete();
else {
return null;
* Equivalent to {@code getRoot().quietlyComplete()}.
public final void quietlyCompleteRoot() {
for (CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p;;) {
if ((p = a.completer) == null) {
a = p;
* Supports ForkJoinTask exception propagation.
void internalPropagateException(Throwable ex) {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
while (a.onExceptionalCompletion(ex, s) &&
(a = (s = a).completer) != null && a.status >= 0 &&
a.recordExceptionalCompletion(ex) == EXCEPTIONAL)
* Implements execution conventions for CountedCompleters.
protected final boolean exec() {
return false;
* Returns the result of the computation. By default,
* returns {@code null}, which is appropriate for {@code Void}
* actions, but in other cases should be overridden, almost
* always to return a field or function of a field that
* holds the result upon completion.
* @return the result of the computation
public T getRawResult() { return null; }
* A method that result-bearing CountedCompleters may optionally
* use to help maintain result data. By default, does nothing.
* Overrides are not recommended. However, if this method is
* overridden to update existing objects or fields, then it must
* in general be defined to be thread-safe.
protected void setRawResult(T t) { }
// Unsafe mechanics
private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U;
private static final long PENDING;
static {
try {
U = getUnsafe();
PENDING = U.objectFieldOffset
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error(e);
* Returns a sun.misc.Unsafe. Suitable for use in a 3rd party package.
* Replace with a simple call to Unsafe.getUnsafe when integrating
* into a jdk.
* @return a sun.misc.Unsafe
private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() {
try {
return sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
} catch (SecurityException tryReflectionInstead) {}
try {
return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged
(new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() {
public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception {
Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class;
for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) {
Object x = f.get(null);
if (k.isInstance(x))
return k.cast(x);
throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe");
} catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics",
Normal file
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
// Rev 1.5 from http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/jsr166e/ForkJoinWorkerThread.java?view=co
* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package jsr166e;
* A thread managed by a {@link ForkJoinPool}, which executes
* {@link ForkJoinTask}s.
* This class is subclassable solely for the sake of adding
* functionality -- there are no overridable methods dealing with
* scheduling or execution. However, you can override initialization
* and termination methods surrounding the main task processing loop.
* If you do create such a subclass, you will also need to supply a
* custom {@link ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory} to
* {@linkplain ForkJoinPool#ForkJoinPool use it} in a {@code ForkJoinPool}.
* @since 1.7
* @author Doug Lea
public class ForkJoinWorkerThread extends Thread {
* ForkJoinWorkerThreads are managed by ForkJoinPools and perform
* ForkJoinTasks. For explanation, see the internal documentation
* of class ForkJoinPool.
* This class just maintains links to its pool and WorkQueue. The
* pool field is set immediately upon construction, but the
* workQueue field is not set until a call to registerWorker
* completes. This leads to a visibility race, that is tolerated
* by requiring that the workQueue field is only accessed by the
* owning thread.
final ForkJoinPool pool; // the pool this thread works in
final ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue workQueue; // work-stealing mechanics
* Creates a ForkJoinWorkerThread operating in the given pool.
* @param pool the pool this thread works in
* @throws NullPointerException if pool is null
protected ForkJoinWorkerThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
// Use a placeholder until a useful name can be set in registerWorker
this.pool = pool;
this.workQueue = pool.registerWorker(this);
* Returns the pool hosting this thread.
* @return the pool
public ForkJoinPool getPool() {
return pool;
* Returns the unique index number of this thread in its pool.
* The returned value ranges from zero to the maximum number of
* threads (minus one) that may exist in the pool, and does not
* change during the lifetime of the thread. This method may be
* useful for applications that track status or collect results
* per-worker-thread rather than per-task.
* @return the index number
public int getPoolIndex() {
return workQueue.poolIndex >>> 1; // ignore odd/even tag bit
* Initializes internal state after construction but before
* processing any tasks. If you override this method, you must
* invoke {@code super.onStart()} at the beginning of the method.
* Initialization requires care: Most fields must have legal
* default values, to ensure that attempted accesses from other
* threads work correctly even before this thread starts
* processing tasks.
protected void onStart() {
* Performs cleanup associated with termination of this worker
* thread. If you override this method, you must invoke
* {@code super.onTermination} at the end of the overridden method.
* @param exception the exception causing this thread to abort due
* to an unrecoverable error, or {@code null} if completed normally
protected void onTermination(Throwable exception) {
* This method is required to be public, but should never be
* called explicitly. It performs the main run loop to execute
* {@link ForkJoinTask}s.
public void run() {
Throwable exception = null;
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
exception = ex;
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (exception == null)
exception = ex;
} finally {
pool.deregisterWorker(this, exception);
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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// Rev 1.2 from http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/jsr166e/ThreadLocalRandom.java?revision=1.2
* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package jsr166e;
import java.util.Random;
* A random number generator isolated to the current thread. Like the
* global {@link java.util.Random} generator used by the {@link
* java.lang.Math} class, a {@code ThreadLocalRandom} is initialized
* with an internally generated seed that may not otherwise be
* modified. When applicable, use of {@code ThreadLocalRandom} rather
* than shared {@code Random} objects in concurrent programs will
* typically encounter much less overhead and contention. Use of
* {@code ThreadLocalRandom} is particularly appropriate when multiple
* tasks (for example, each a {@link ForkJoinTask}) use random numbers
* in parallel in thread pools.
* <p>Usages of this class should typically be of the form:
* {@code ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextX(...)} (where
* {@code X} is {@code Int}, {@code Long}, etc).
* When all usages are of this form, it is never possible to
* accidently share a {@code ThreadLocalRandom} across multiple threads.
* <p>This class also provides additional commonly used bounded random
* generation methods.
* @since 1.7
* @author Doug Lea
public class ThreadLocalRandom extends Random {
// same constants as Random, but must be redeclared because private
private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;
private static final long addend = 0xBL;
private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;
* The random seed. We can't use super.seed.
private long rnd;
* Initialization flag to permit calls to setSeed to succeed only
* while executing the Random constructor. We can't allow others
* since it would cause setting seed in one part of a program to
* unintentionally impact other usages by the thread.
boolean initialized;
// Padding to help avoid memory contention among seed updates in
// different TLRs in the common case that they are located near
// each other.
private long pad0, pad1, pad2, pad3, pad4, pad5, pad6, pad7;
* The actual ThreadLocal
private static final ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalRandom> localRandom =
new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalRandom>() {
protected ThreadLocalRandom initialValue() {
return new ThreadLocalRandom();
* Constructor called only by localRandom.initialValue.
ThreadLocalRandom() {
initialized = true;
* Returns the current thread's {@code ThreadLocalRandom}.
* @return the current thread's {@code ThreadLocalRandom}
public static ThreadLocalRandom current() {
return localRandom.get();
* Throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. Setting seeds in
* this generator is not supported.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
public void setSeed(long seed) {
if (initialized)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
rnd = (seed ^ multiplier) & mask;
protected int next(int bits) {
rnd = (rnd * multiplier + addend) & mask;
return (int) (rnd >>> (48-bits));
* Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed value between the
* given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
* @param least the least value returned
* @param bound the upper bound (exclusive)
* @return the next value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if least greater than or equal
* to bound
public int nextInt(int least, int bound) {
if (least >= bound)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return nextInt(bound - least) + least;
* Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed value
* between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).
* @param n the bound on the random number to be returned. Must be
* positive.
* @return the next value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is not positive
public long nextLong(long n) {
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be positive");
// Divide n by two until small enough for nextInt. On each
// iteration (at most 31 of them but usually much less),
// randomly choose both whether to include high bit in result
// (offset) and whether to continue with the lower vs upper
// half (which makes a difference only if odd).
long offset = 0;
while (n >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
int bits = next(2);
long half = n >>> 1;
long nextn = ((bits & 2) == 0) ? half : n - half;
if ((bits & 1) == 0)
offset += n - nextn;
n = nextn;
return offset + nextInt((int) n);
* Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed value between the
* given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
* @param least the least value returned
* @param bound the upper bound (exclusive)
* @return the next value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if least greater than or equal
* to bound
public long nextLong(long least, long bound) {
if (least >= bound)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return nextLong(bound - least) + least;
* Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed {@code double} value
* between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).
* @param n the bound on the random number to be returned. Must be
* positive.
* @return the next value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is not positive
public double nextDouble(double n) {
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be positive");
return nextDouble() * n;
* Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed value between the
* given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
* @param least the least value returned
* @param bound the upper bound (exclusive)
* @return the next value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if least greater than or equal
* to bound
public double nextDouble(double least, double bound) {
if (least >= bound)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return nextDouble() * (bound - least) + least;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5851777807851030925L;
@ -20,20 +20,16 @@
package org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.lucene.index.*;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CloseableThreadLocal;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Numbers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrentCollections;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.UidFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.VersionFieldMapper;
/** Utility class to resolve the Lucene doc ID and version for a given uid. */
public class Versions {
@ -46,7 +42,7 @@ public class Versions {
public static final long NOT_SET = -2L;
// TODO: is there somewhere else we can store these?
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<IndexReader,CloseableThreadLocal<PerThreadIDAndVersionLookup>> lookupStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final ConcurrentMap<IndexReader,CloseableThreadLocal<PerThreadIDAndVersionLookup>> lookupStates = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMapWithAggressiveConcurrency();
// Evict this reader from lookupStates once it's closed:
private static final ReaderClosedListener removeLookupState = new ReaderClosedListener() {
@ -21,11 +21,15 @@ package org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Constants;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import jsr166e.ConcurrentHashMapV8;
@ -43,11 +47,21 @@ public abstract class ConcurrentCollections {
* Creates a new CHM with an aggressive concurrency level, aimed at high concurrent update rate long living maps.
public static <K, V> ConcurrentMap<K, V> newConcurrentMapWithAggressiveConcurrency() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16, 0.75f, aggressiveConcurrencyLevel);
if (Constants.JRE_IS_MINIMUM_JAVA8) {
// Just use JDK's impl when we are on Java8:
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16, 0.75f, aggressiveConcurrencyLevel);
} else {
return new ConcurrentHashMapV8<>(16, 0.75f, aggressiveConcurrencyLevel);
public static <K, V> ConcurrentMap<K, V> newConcurrentMap() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
if (Constants.JRE_IS_MINIMUM_JAVA8) {
// Just use JDK's impl when we are on Java8:
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
} else {
return new ConcurrentHashMapV8<>();
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ package org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class KeyedLock<T> {
private final ConcurrentMap<T, KeyLock> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ConcurrentMap<T, KeyLock> map = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap();
private final ThreadLocal<KeyLock> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();
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