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synced 2025-03-04 09:59:16 +00:00
[test] packaging: add windows boxes (#30402)
Adds windows server 2012r2 and 2016 vagrant boxes to packaging tests. They can only be used if IDs for their images are specified, which are passed to gradle and then to vagrant via env variables. Adds options to the project property `vagrant.boxes` to choose between linux and windows boxes. Bats tests are run only on linux boxes, and portable packaging tests run on all boxes. Platform tests are only run on linux boxes since they are not being maintained. For #26741
This commit is contained in:
@ -303,15 +303,16 @@ comma separated list of nodes to connect to (e.g. localhost:9300). A transport c
be created based on that and used for all the before|after test operations, and to extract
the http addresses of the nodes so that REST requests can be sent to them.
== Testing scripts
== Testing packaging
The simplest way to test scripts and the packaged distributions is to use
Vagrant. You can get started by following there five easy steps:
The packaging tests use Vagrant virtual machines to verify that installing
and running elasticsearch distributions works correctly on supported operating systems.
These tests should really only be run in vagrant vms because they're destructive.
. Install Virtual Box and Vagrant.
. (Optional) Install vagrant-cachier to squeeze a bit more performance out of
the process:
. (Optional) Install https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-cachier[vagrant-cachier] to squeeze
a bit more performance out of the process:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
@ -325,26 +326,39 @@ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
. Download and smoke test the VMs with `./gradlew vagrantSmokeTest` or
`./gradlew -Pvagrant.boxes=all vagrantSmokeTest`. The first time you run this it will
download the base images and provision the boxes and immediately quit. If you
you this again it'll skip the download step.
download the base images and provision the boxes and immediately quit. Downloading all
the images may take a long time. After the images are already on your machine, they won't
be downloaded again unless they have been updated to a new version.
. Run the tests with `./gradlew packagingTest`. This will cause Gradle to build
the tar, zip, and deb packages and all the plugins. It will then run the tests
on ubuntu-1404 and centos-7. We chose those two distributions as the default
because they cover deb and rpm packaging and SyvVinit and systemd.
You can run on all the VMs by running `./gradlew -Pvagrant.boxes=all
packagingTest`. You can run a particular VM with a command like `./gradlew
-Pvagrant.boxes=oel-7 packagingTest`. See `./gradlew tasks` for a complete list
of available vagrant boxes for testing. It's important to know that if you
interrupt any of these Gradle commands then the boxes will remain running and
you'll have to terminate them with `./gradlew stop`.
You can choose which boxes to test by setting the `-Pvagrant.boxes` project property. All of
the valid options for this property are:
* `sample` - The default, only chooses ubuntu-1404 and centos-7
* List of box names, comma separated (e.g. `oel-7,fedora-26`) - Chooses exactly the boxes listed.
* `linux-all` - All linux boxes.
* `windows-all` - All Windows boxes. If there are any Windows boxes which do not
have images available when this value is provided, the build will fail.
* `all` - All boxes we test. If there are any boxes (e.g. Windows) which do not have images
available when this value is provided, the build will fail.
For a complete list of boxes on which tests can be run, run `./gradlew :qa:vagrant:listAllBoxes`.
For a list of boxes that have images available from your configuration, run
`./gradlew :qa:vagrant:listAvailableBoxes`
Note that if you interrupt gradle in the middle of running these tasks, any boxes started
will remain running and you'll have to stop them manually with `./gradlew stop` or
`vagrant halt`.
All the regular vagrant commands should just work so you can get a shell in a
VM running trusty by running
`vagrant up ubuntu-1404 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh ubuntu-1404`.
These are the linux flavors the Vagrantfile currently supports:
These are the linux flavors supported, all of which we provide images for
* ubuntu-1404 aka trusty
* ubuntu-1604 aka xenial
@ -364,9 +378,42 @@ quality boxes available in vagrant atlas:
* sles-11
We're missing the following because our tests are very linux/bash centric:
=== Testing packaging on Windows
* Windows Server 2012
The packaging tests also support Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows Server 2016.
Unfortunately we're not able to provide boxes for them in open source use
because of licensing issues. Any Virtualbox image that has WinRM and Powershell
enabled for remote users should work.
Testing on Windows requires the https://github.com/criteo/vagrant-winrm[vagrant-winrm] plugin.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winrm
Specify the image IDs of the Windows boxes to gradle with the following project
properties. They can be set in `~/.gradle/gradle.properties` like
or passed on the command line like `-Pvagrant.windows-2012r2.id=my-image-id`
These properties are required for Windows support in all gradle tasks that
handle packaging tests. Either or both may be specified. Remember that to run tests
on these boxes, the project property `vagrant.boxes` still needs to be set to a
value that will include them.
If you're running vagrant commands outside of gradle, specify the Windows boxes
with the environment variables
=== Testing VMs are disposable
It's important to think of VMs like cattle. If they become lame you just shoot
them and let vagrant reprovision them. Say you've hosed your precise VM:
@ -399,54 +446,62 @@ vagrant destroy -f
`vagrant up` would normally start all the VMs but we've prevented that because
that'd consume a ton of ram.
== Testing scripts more directly
=== Iterating on packaging tests
In general its best to stick to testing in vagrant because the bats scripts are
destructive. When working with a single package it's generally faster to run its
tests in a tighter loop than Gradle provides. In one window:
Running the packaging tests through gradle can take a while because it will start
and stop the VM each time. You can iterate faster by keeping the VM up and running
the tests directly.
./gradlew :distribution:packages:rpm:assemble
The packaging tests use a random seed to determine which past version to use for
testing upgrades. To use a single past version fix the test seed when running
the commands below (see <<Seed and repetitions.>>)
and in another window:
First build the packaging tests and their dependencies
vagrant up centos-7 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh centos-7
./gradlew :qa:vagrant:setupPackagingTest
Then choose the VM you want to test on and bring it up. For example, to bring
up Debian 9 use the gradle command below. Bringing the box up with vagrant directly
may not mount the packaging test project in the right place. Once the VM is up, ssh
into it
./gradlew :qa:vagrant:vagrantDebian9#up
vagrant ssh debian-9
Now inside the VM, to run the https://github.com/sstephenson/bats[bats] packaging tests
sudo -E bats $BATS_TESTS/*rpm*.bats
If you wanted to retest all the release artifacts on a single VM you could:
# runs all bats tests
sudo bats $BATS_TESTS/*.bats
./gradlew setupPackagingTest
cd qa/vagrant; vagrant up ubuntu-1404 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh ubuntu-1404
sudo -E bats $BATS_TESTS/*.bats
# you can also pass specific test files
sudo bats $BATS_TESTS/20_tar_package.bats $BATS_TESTS/25_tar_plugins.bats
You can also use Gradle to prepare the test environment and then starts a single VM:
To run the Java packaging tests, again inside the VM
./gradlew vagrantFedora27#up
bash $PACKAGING_TESTS/run-tests.sh
Or any of vagrantCentos6#up, vagrantCentos7#up, vagrantDebian8#up,
vagrantDebian9#up, vagrantFedora26#up, vagrantFedora27#up, vagrantOel6#up, vagrantOel7#up,
vagrantOpensuse42#up,vagrantSles12#up, vagrantUbuntu1404#up, vagrantUbuntu1604#up.
or on Windows
Once up, you can then connect to the VM using SSH from the elasticsearch directory:
powershell -File $Env:PACKAGING_TESTS/run-tests.ps1
vagrant ssh fedora-27
When you've made changes you want to test, keep the VM up and reload the tests and
distributions inside by running (on the host)
Or from another directory:
VAGRANT_CWD=/path/to/elasticsearch vagrant ssh fedora-27
./gradlew :qa:vagrant:clean :qa:vagrant:setupPackagingTest
Note: Starting vagrant VM outside of the elasticsearch folder requires to
indicates the folder that contains the Vagrantfile using the VAGRANT_CWD
@ -121,6 +121,26 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
sles_common config, box
windows_2012r2_box = ENV['VAGRANT_WINDOWS_2012R2_BOX']
if windows_2012r2_box && windows_2012r2_box.empty? == false
'windows-2012r2'.tap do |box|
config.vm.define box, define_opts do |config|
config.vm.box = windows_2012r2_box
windows_common config, box
windows_2016_box = ENV['VAGRANT_WINDOWS_2016_BOX']
if windows_2016_box && windows_2016_box.empty? == false
'windows-2016'.tap do |box|
config.vm.define box, define_opts do |config|
config.vm.box = windows_2016_box
windows_common config, box
def deb_common(config, name, extra: '')
@ -353,3 +373,22 @@ SUDOERS_VARS
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/elasticsearch_vars
def windows_common(config, name)
config.vm.provision 'markerfile', type: 'shell', inline: <<-SHELL
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
New-Item C:/is_vagrant_vm -ItemType file -Force | Out-Null
config.vm.provision 'set prompt', type: 'shell', inline: <<-SHELL
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ps_prompt = 'function Prompt { "#{name}:$($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)>" }'
$ps_prompt | Out-File $PsHome/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
config.vm.provision 'set env variables', type: 'shell', inline: <<-SHELL
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PACKAGING_ARCHIVES", "C:/project/build/packaging/archives", "Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PACKAGING_TESTS", "C:/project/build/packaging/tests", "Machine")
@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ import org.gradle.api.tasks.Delete
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskState
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList
class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
/** All available boxes **/
static List<String> BOXES = [
/** All Linux boxes that we test. These are all always supplied **/
static final List<String> LINUX_BOXES = unmodifiableList([
@ -29,26 +31,35 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
/** All Windows boxes that we test, which may or may not be supplied **/
static final List<String> WINDOWS_BOXES = unmodifiableList([
/** All boxes that we test, some of which may not be supplied **/
static final List<String> ALL_BOXES = unmodifiableList(LINUX_BOXES + WINDOWS_BOXES)
/** Boxes used when sampling the tests **/
static List<String> SAMPLE = [
static final List<String> SAMPLE = unmodifiableList([
/** All distributions to bring into test VM, whether or not they are used **/
static List<String> DISTRIBUTIONS = [
static final List<String> DISTRIBUTIONS = unmodifiableList([
/** Packages onboarded for upgrade tests **/
static List<String> UPGRADE_FROM_ARCHIVES = ['rpm', 'deb']
static final List<String> UPGRADE_FROM_ARCHIVES = unmodifiableList(['rpm', 'deb'])
private static final PACKAGING_CONFIGURATION = 'packaging'
private static final PACKAGING_TEST_CONFIGURATION = 'packagingTest'
@ -56,11 +67,19 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static final String BATS_TEST_COMMAND ="cd \$PACKAGING_ARCHIVES && sudo bats --tap \$BATS_TESTS/*.$BATS"
private static final String PLATFORM_TEST_COMMAND ="rm -rf ~/elasticsearch && rsync -r /elasticsearch/ ~/elasticsearch && cd ~/elasticsearch && ./gradlew test integTest"
/** Boxes that have been supplied and are available for testing **/
List<String> availableBoxes = []
/** extra env vars to pass to vagrant for box configuration **/
Map<String, String> vagrantBoxEnvVars = [:]
void apply(Project project) {
// Creates the Vagrant extension for the project
project.extensions.create('esvagrant', VagrantPropertiesExtension, listVagrantBoxes(project))
project.extensions.create('esvagrant', VagrantPropertiesExtension, listSelectedBoxes(project))
// Add required repositories for packaging tests
@ -73,12 +92,17 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
if (project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes == null || project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes.size() == 0) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException('Vagrant boxes cannot be null or empty for esvagrant')
throw new InvalidUserDataException('Must specify at least one vagrant box')
for (String box : project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes) {
if (BOXES.contains(box) == false) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Vagrant box [${box}] not found, available virtual machines are ${BOXES}")
if (ALL_BOXES.contains(box) == false) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Vagrant box [${box}] is unknown to this plugin. Valid boxes are ${ALL_BOXES}")
if (availableBoxes.contains(box) == false) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Vagrant box [${box}] is not available because an image is not supplied for it. " +
"Available boxes with supplied images are ${availableBoxes}")
@ -86,14 +110,45 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private List<String> listVagrantBoxes(Project project) {
* Enumerate all the boxes that we know about and could possibly choose to test
private void collectAvailableBoxes(Project project) {
// these images are hardcoded in the Vagrantfile and are always available
// these images need to be provided at runtime
String windows_2012r2_box = project.getProperties().get('vagrant.windows-2012r2.id')
if (windows_2012r2_box != null && windows_2012r2_box.isEmpty() == false) {
vagrantBoxEnvVars['VAGRANT_WINDOWS_2012R2_BOX'] = windows_2012r2_box
String windows_2016_box = project.getProperties().get('vagrant.windows-2016.id')
if (windows_2016_box != null && windows_2016_box.isEmpty() == false) {
vagrantBoxEnvVars['VAGRANT_WINDOWS_2016_BOX'] = windows_2016_box
* Enumerate all the boxes that we have chosen to test
private static List<String> listSelectedBoxes(Project project) {
String vagrantBoxes = project.getProperties().get('vagrant.boxes', 'sample')
if (vagrantBoxes == 'sample') {
return SAMPLE
} else if (vagrantBoxes == 'all') {
return BOXES
} else {
return vagrantBoxes.split(',')
switch (vagrantBoxes) {
case 'sample':
return SAMPLE
case 'linux-all':
case 'windows-all':
case 'all':
return ALL_BOXES
case '':
return []
return vagrantBoxes.split(',')
@ -184,11 +239,19 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
from project.configurations[PACKAGING_TEST_CONFIGURATION]
Task createTestRunnerScript = project.tasks.create('createTestRunnerScript', FileContentsTask) {
Task createLinuxRunnerScript = project.tasks.create('createLinuxRunnerScript', FileContentsTask) {
dependsOn copyPackagingTests
file "${testsDir}/run-tests.sh"
contents "java -cp \"\$PACKAGING_TESTS/*\" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore ${-> project.extensions.esvagrant.testClass}"
Task createWindowsRunnerScript = project.tasks.create('createWindowsRunnerScript', FileContentsTask) {
dependsOn copyPackagingTests
file "${testsDir}/run-tests.ps1"
contents """\
java -cp "\$Env:PACKAGING_TESTS/*" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore ${-> project.extensions.esvagrant.testClass}
Task createVersionFile = project.tasks.create('createVersionFile', FileContentsTask) {
dependsOn copyPackagingArchives
@ -249,20 +312,24 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
Task vagrantSetUpTask = project.tasks.create('setupPackagingTest')
vagrantSetUpTask.dependsOn 'vagrantCheckVersion'
vagrantSetUpTask.dependsOn copyPackagingArchives, copyPackagingTests, createTestRunnerScript
vagrantSetUpTask.dependsOn createVersionFile, createUpgradeFromFile, createUpgradeIsOssFile
vagrantSetUpTask.dependsOn copyBatsTests, copyBatsUtils
private static void createPackagingTestTask(Project project) {
project.tasks.create('packagingTest') {
group 'Verification'
description "Tests yum/apt packages using vagrant and bats.\n" +
" Specify the vagrant boxes to test using the gradle property 'vagrant.boxes'.\n" +
" 'sample' can be used to test a single yum and apt box. 'all' can be used to\n" +
" test all available boxes. The available boxes are: \n" +
" ${BOXES}"
description "Tests distribution installation on different platforms using vagrant. See TESTING.asciidoc for details."
dependsOn 'vagrantCheckVersion'
@ -270,24 +337,49 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static void createPlatformTestTask(Project project) {
project.tasks.create('platformTest') {
group 'Verification'
description "Test unit and integ tests on different platforms using vagrant.\n" +
" Specify the vagrant boxes to test using the gradle property 'vagrant.boxes'.\n" +
" 'all' can be used to test all available boxes. The available boxes are: \n" +
" ${BOXES}"
description "Test unit and integ tests on different platforms using vagrant. See TESTING.asciidoc for details. This test " +
"is unmaintained."
dependsOn 'vagrantCheckVersion'
private static void createVagrantTasks(Project project) {
private void createBoxListTasks(Project project) {
project.tasks.create('listAllBoxes') {
group 'Verification'
description 'List all vagrant boxes which can be tested by this plugin'
doLast {
println("All vagrant boxes supported by ${project.path}")
for (String box : ALL_BOXES) {
dependsOn 'vagrantCheckVersion'
project.tasks.create('listAvailableBoxes') {
group 'Verification'
description 'List all vagrant boxes which are available for testing'
doLast {
println("All vagrant boxes available to ${project.path}")
for (String box : availableBoxes) {
dependsOn 'vagrantCheckVersion'
private void createVagrantTasks(Project project) {
private static void createVagrantBoxesTasks(Project project) {
private void createVagrantBoxesTasks(Project project) {
assert project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes != null
assert project.tasks.stop != null
@ -320,9 +412,10 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
'VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE' : 'Vagrantfile',
'VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR' : "${project.projectDir.absolutePath}"
// Each box gets it own set of tasks
for (String box : BOXES) {
for (String box : availableBoxes) {
String boxTask = box.capitalize().replace('-', '')
// always add a halt task for all boxes, so clean makes sure they are all shutdown
@ -363,6 +456,7 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
final Task destroy = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#destroy", LoggedExec) {
commandLine "bash", "-c", "vagrant status ${box} | grep -q \"${box}\\s\\+not created\" || vagrant destroy ${box} --force"
workingDir project.rootProject.rootDir
environment vagrantEnvVars
destroy.onlyIf { vagrantDestroy }
@ -386,37 +480,42 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
environment vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up
finalizedBy halt
commandLine 'vagrant', 'ssh', box, '--command',
"set -o pipefail && echo 'Hello from ${project.path}' | sed -ue 's/^/ ${box}: /'"
Task batsPackagingTest = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#batsPackagingTest", BatsOverVagrantTask) {
boxName box
environmentVars vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up, setupPackagingTest
finalizedBy halt
if (LINUX_BOXES.contains(box)) {
smoke.commandLine = ['vagrant', 'ssh', box, '--command',
"set -o pipefail && echo 'Hello from ${project.path}' | sed -ue 's/^/ ${box}: /'"]
} else {
smoke.commandLine = ['vagrant', 'winrm', box, '--command',
"Write-Host ' ${box}: Hello from ${project.path}'"]
TaskExecutionAdapter batsPackagingReproListener = createReproListener(project, batsPackagingTest.path)
batsPackagingTest.doFirst {
batsPackagingTest.doLast {
if (project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes.contains(box)) {
if (LINUX_BOXES.contains(box)) {
Task batsPackagingTest = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#batsPackagingTest", BatsOverVagrantTask) {
boxName box
environmentVars vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up, setupPackagingTest
finalizedBy halt
TaskExecutionAdapter batsPackagingReproListener = createReproListener(project, batsPackagingTest.path)
batsPackagingTest.doFirst {
batsPackagingTest.doLast {
if (project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes.contains(box)) {
Task javaPackagingTest = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#javaPackagingTest", VagrantCommandTask) {
command 'ssh'
boxName box
environmentVars vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up, setupPackagingTest
finalizedBy halt
args '--command', "bash \"\$PACKAGING_TESTS/run-tests.sh\""
// todo remove this onlyIf after all packaging tests are consolidated
@ -424,6 +523,14 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
project.extensions.esvagrant.testClass != null
if (LINUX_BOXES.contains(box)) {
javaPackagingTest.command = 'ssh'
javaPackagingTest.args = ['--command', 'bash "$PACKAGING_TESTS/run-tests.sh"']
} else {
javaPackagingTest.command = 'winrm'
javaPackagingTest.args = ['--command', 'powershell -File "$Env:PACKAGING_TESTS/run-tests.ps1"']
TaskExecutionAdapter javaPackagingReproListener = createReproListener(project, javaPackagingTest.path)
javaPackagingTest.doFirst {
@ -435,23 +542,29 @@ class VagrantTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
Task platform = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#platformTest", VagrantCommandTask) {
command 'ssh'
boxName box
environmentVars vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up
finalizedBy halt
args '--command', PLATFORM_TEST_COMMAND + " -Dtests.seed=${-> project.testSeed}"
TaskExecutionAdapter platformReproListener = createReproListener(project, platform.path)
platform.doFirst {
platform.doLast {
if (project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes.contains(box)) {
* This test is unmaintained and was created to run on Linux. We won't allow it to run on Windows
* until it's been brought back into maintenance
if (LINUX_BOXES.contains(box)) {
Task platform = project.tasks.create("vagrant${boxTask}#platformTest", VagrantCommandTask) {
command 'ssh'
boxName box
environmentVars vagrantEnvVars
dependsOn up
finalizedBy halt
args '--command', PLATFORM_TEST_COMMAND + " -Dtests.seed=${-> project.testSeed}"
TaskExecutionAdapter platformReproListener = createReproListener(project, platform.path)
platform.doFirst {
platform.doLast {
if (project.extensions.esvagrant.boxes.contains(box)) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user