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synced 2025-03-24 17:09:48 +00:00
Release: Update build release script to reflect latest changes
As the script now deploys to S3 and several things in master have changed, this script needs to reflect the latest changes * An unsigned RPM is built by default, so that users of older RPM based distros can download and use that RPM by default * In addition a signed RPM is built, that is used for the repositories * Paths for the new distributions have been fixed * The check for the number of jars has been removed, as this is done as part of the license checking in `mvn verify` * Checksum generation has been removed, as this is done as part of the mvn build * Publishing artifacts of S3 has been removed * Repostitory creation script has been updated
This commit is contained in:
@ -251,27 +251,20 @@ def build_release(release_version, run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1, bwc_ve
print('Running Backwards compatibility tests against version [%s]' % (bwc_version))
run_mvn('clean', 'test -Dtests.filter=@backwards -Dtests.bwc.version=%s -Dtests.bwc=true -Dtests.jvms=1' % bwc_version)
run_mvn('clean test-compile -Dforbidden.test.signatures="org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase\$AwaitsFix @ Please fix all bugs before release"')
gpg_args = '-Dgpg.key="%s" -Dgpg.passphrase="%s" -Ddeb.sign=true -Drpm.sign=true' % (env.get('GPG_KEY_ID'), env.get('GPG_PASSPHRASE'))
# dont sign the RPM, so older distros will be able to use the uploaded RPM package
gpg_args = '-Dgpg.key="%s" -Dgpg.passphrase="%s" -Ddeb.sign=true -Drpm.sign=false' % (env.get('GPG_KEY_ID'), env.get('GPG_PASSPHRASE'))
if env.get('GPG_KEYRING'):
gpg_args += ' -Dgpg.keyring="%s"' % env.get('GPG_KEYRING')
run_mvn('clean %s -DskipTests %s' % (target, gpg_args))
success = False
# create unsigned RPM first for downloads.elasticsearch.org
run_mvn('-DskipTests rpm:rpm')
# move unsigned RPM to target/releases
# this is an oddness of RPM that is attaches -1 so we have to rename it
rpm = os.path.join('target/rpm/elasticsearch/RPMS/noarch/', 'elasticsearch-%s-1.noarch.rpm' % release_version)
# create additional signed RPM for the repositories
run_mvn('-f distribution/rpm/pom.xml package -DskipTests -Dsign.rpm=true -Drpm.outputDirectory=target/releases/signed/ %s' % (gpg_args))
rpm = os.path.join('target/releases/signed', 'elasticsearch-%s.rpm' % release_version)
if os.path.isfile(rpm):
log('RPM [%s] contains: ' % rpm)
log('Signed RPM [%s] contains: ' % rpm)
run('rpm -pqli %s' % rpm)
renamed_rpm = os.path.join('target/releases/', 'elasticsearch-%s.noarch.rpm' % release_version)
shutil.move(rpm, renamed_rpm)
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required RPM at %s' % rpm)
# now create signed RPM for repositories
run_mvn('-DskipTests rpm:rpm %s' % (gpg_args))
success = True
success = True
if not success:
@ -358,63 +351,44 @@ def find_release_version(src_branch):
return match.group(1)
raise RuntimeError('Could not find release version in branch %s' % src_branch)
def artifact_names(release, path = ''):
artifacts = [os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
artifacts.append(os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.noarch.rpm' % (release)))
def artifact_names(release):
artifacts = []
artifacts.append(os.path.join('distribution/zip/target/releases', 'elasticsearch-%s.zip' % (release)))
artifacts.append(os.path.join('distribution/tar/target/releases', 'elasticsearch-%s.tar.gz' % (release)))
artifacts.append(os.path.join('distribution/deb/target/releases', 'elasticsearch-%s.deb' % (release)))
artifacts.append(os.path.join('distribution/rpm/target/releases', 'elasticsearch-%s.rpm' % (release)))
return artifacts
def get_artifacts(release):
common_artifacts = artifact_names(release, 'target/releases/')
common_artifacts = artifact_names(release)
for f in common_artifacts:
if not os.path.isfile(f):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required artifact at %s' % f)
return common_artifacts
# Checks the jar files in each package
# Barfs if any of the package jar files differ
def check_artifacts_for_same_jars(artifacts):
jars = []
for file in artifacts:
if file.endswith('.zip'):
jars.append(subprocess.check_output("unzip -l %s | grep '\.jar$' | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }' | sort" % file, shell=True))
if file.endswith('.tar.gz'):
jars.append(subprocess.check_output("tar tzvf %s | grep '\.jar$' | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }' | sort" % file, shell=True))
if file.endswith('.rpm'):
jars.append(subprocess.check_output("rpm -pqli %s | grep '\.jar$' | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }' | sort" % file, shell=True))
if file.endswith('.deb'):
jars.append(subprocess.check_output("dpkg -c %s | grep '\.jar$' | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }' | sort" % file, shell=True))
if len(set(jars)) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('JAR contents of packages are not the same, please check the package contents. Use [unzip -l], [tar tzvf], [dpkg -c], [rpm -pqli] to inspect')
# Generates sha1 checsums for all files
# and returns the checksum files as well
# as the given files in a list
def generate_checksums(files):
res = []
for release_file in files:
directory = os.path.dirname(release_file)
file = os.path.basename(release_file)
checksum_file = '%s.sha1.txt' % file
if os.system('cd %s; shasum %s > %s' % (directory, file, checksum_file)):
raise RuntimeError('Failed to generate checksum for file %s' % release_file)
res = res + [os.path.join(directory, checksum_file), release_file]
return res
def download_and_verify(release, files, plugins=None, base_url='https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch'):
# Sample URL:
# http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/elasticsearch-rpm/2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT/elasticsearch-rpm-2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT.rpm
def download_and_verify(release, files, plugins=None, base_url='https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution'):
print('Downloading and verifying release %s from %s' % (release, base_url))
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
downloaded_files = []
for file in files:
name = os.path.basename(file)
url = '%s/%s' % (base_url, name)
if name.endswith('tar.gz'):
url = '%s/tar/elasticsearch/%s/%s' % (base_url, release, name)
elif name.endswith('zip'):
url = '%s/zip/elasticsearch/%s/%s' % (base_url, release, name)
elif name.endswith('rpm'):
url = '%s/rpm/elasticsearch/%s/%s' % (base_url, release, name)
elif name.endswith('deb'):
url = '%s/deb/elasticsearch/%s/%s' % (base_url, release, name)
abs_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, name)
print(' Downloading %s' % (url))
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, abs_file_path)
url = ''.join([url, '.sha1.txt'])
checksum_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, ''.join([abs_file_path, '.sha1.txt']))
url = ''.join([url, '.sha1'])
checksum_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, ''.join([abs_file_path, '.sha1']))
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, checksum_file)
print(' Verifying checksum %s' % (checksum_file))
run('cd %s && sha1sum -c %s' % (tmp_dir, os.path.basename(checksum_file)))
@ -444,10 +418,7 @@ def smoke_test_release(release, files, expected_hash, plugins):
run('%s; %s install %s' % (java_exe(), es_plugin_path, plugin))
plugin_names[name] = True
if release.startswith("0.90."):
background = '' # 0.90.x starts in background automatically
background = '-d'
background = '-d'
print(' Starting elasticsearch deamon from [%s]' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % release))
run('%s; %s -Des.node.name=smoke_tester -Des.cluster.name=prepare_release -Des.discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled=false -Des.script.inline=on -Des.script.indexed=on %s'
% (java_exe(), es_run_path, background))
@ -505,21 +476,11 @@ def merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run):
print(' dryrun [True] -- skipping push to remote %s' % remote)
def publish_artifacts(artifacts, base='elasticsearch/elasticsearch', dry_run=True):
location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
for artifact in artifacts:
if dry_run:
print('Skip Uploading %s to Amazon S3' % artifact)
print('Uploading %s to Amazon S3' % artifact)
# requires boto to be installed but it is not available on python3k yet so we use a dedicated tool
run('python %s/upload-s3.py --file %s ' % (location, os.path.abspath(artifact)))
def publish_repositories(version, dry_run=True):
if dry_run:
print('Skipping package repository update')
print('Triggering repository update - calling dev-tools/build_repositories.sh %s' % version)
print('Triggering repository update for version %s - calling dev-tools/build_repositories.sh %s' % (version, src_branch))
# src_branch is a version like 1.5/1.6/2.0/etc.. so we can use this
run('dev-tools/build_repositories.sh %s' % src_branch)
@ -756,22 +717,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Building Release candidate')
input('Press Enter to continue...')
if not dry_run:
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to Sonatype - run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to Sonatype and S3 - run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
print(' Running maven builds now run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
build_release(release_version, run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus, bwc_version=find_bwc_version(release_version, bwc_path))
artifacts = get_artifacts(release_version)
print('Checking if all artifacts contain the same jars')
artifacts_and_checksum = generate_checksums(artifacts)
smoke_test_release(release_version, artifacts, get_head_hash(), PLUGINS)
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Finish Release -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' merge release branch, tag and push to %s %s -- dry_run: %s' % (remote, src_branch, dry_run))
merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run)
print(' publish artifacts to S3 -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
publish_artifacts(artifacts_and_checksum, dry_run=dry_run)
print(' Updating package repositories -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
publish_repositories(src_branch, dry_run=dry_run)
cherry_pick_command = '.'
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ mkdir -p $centosdir
echo "RPM: Syncing repository for version $version into $centosdir"
$s3cmd sync s3://$S3_BUCKET_SYNC_FROM/elasticsearch/$version/centos/ $centosdir
echo "RPM: Copying $rpm into $centosdor"
echo "RPM: Copying signed $rpm into $centosdir"
cp $rpm $centosdir
echo "RPM: Running createrepo in $centosdir"
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ $s3cmd sync -P $centosdir/ s3://$S3_BUCKET_SYNC_TO/elasticsearch/$version/centos
## DEB
echo "DEB: Creating repository directory structure"
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
@ -301,7 +306,7 @@
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